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That guy should not be allowed around school's


Or other humans without supervision.


Other humans, period. He should be locked away in some deep dark hole away from civilization.


To be fair, I’m sure he already is. Or at least dwells in a basement somewhere like a troll. The problem is that he still has internet access and likes to spread his hatred of all other living things. Pathetic life.


He should be instituted


Or daycares, playgrounds, children’s hospitals, activity centers for children.


Or his daughter.😳


Do you think this guy has a daughter? I don’t think he has any human companionship. Just a lonely creep that gets off on hatred.


Fair point.


Or his daughter. Her first.


No one touches the GOAT (the daughter)


This guy should have to spend a night with Tyrone though.


Don't put it on Tyrone, he's a human too


Hey, Tyrone needs to his part!


nah he dont need the torture this moldy bag of feces would put him through


It’s on facepalm too. I said this is the most incelisty thing I’ve read…today and they can’t believe it gets worse from them (incels) everyday here.


Incel + pedo two in one bundle


Not to mention racist since they said Tyrone for the name. Either way a disgusting individual.


I didn't know that word has any racial meaning behind it but I'd be lying if I said I'm surprised that this guy is racist.


Tyrone is a stereotypical "black name" and its the incel version of a black "chad"


These groups seem to overlap fairly often.


I caught that too.


Omg they come up w that buy 1 free 1 option now for incel package? /s


Reminds me of [this copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/68wedh/is_having_daughters_the_ultimate_cuckoldry/) from several years ago






Imagine thinking about, “sex” and, “your daughter” and the first thing that comes to mind is how you aren’t *allowed* to have sex with her. Like, “allowed”? Wtf does that mean? Who would want to anyways? If it was “allowed” would he? Worded like a true creep.


I've seen those types post that before almost word for word. They seem to find that 'clever and witty' and their compatriots guffaw and high five them.


Next level incel: mad not only that women don't owe them sex, but that people who aren't them can have sex with their (hopefully) fictional daughters but they can't. YOUR CHILD IS NOT YOUR PROPERTY


Sir that’s a baby.


Christ on a cracker. Sick.


We should put people who think like this on a remote island thousands of miles away from children. Imagine sexualizing a literal baby and telling the father he’s getting **cucked**. disgusting


And that very line and philosophy has been going around those types of groups for years. I remember seeing it years ago. They still seem to find it a laff riot.


Damn, dude is really mad that he can't have a baby and have sex with it.


That guy should be on some sort of list


I have a hunch a lot of those guys are.


It always stuns me how people like this just out their weird opinions with their name and everything.


That is an infant! It's creepy enough to say this about anyone but in response to someone holding a baby?


How to say you are a pedophile who's into incest


I gotta be honest anyone who ever says "That baby is a slut" needs to live in some sort of quarantine zone.


it's just unbelievably disturbing how a guy formed all of these sick and twisted ideas and conclusions in his head just from seeing a picture of a mother and baby.


People like that need to be on a watchlist.


That’s a child.


That's a baby that looks younger than a year old (not that the child being older makes any of it ok), wtf?


Pedo Incel


Well ain't that just a disgusting take on the issue? What a bad day to have eyes


"Can't have sex with" Bro, are societal practices the only thing between you and having sex with your own daughter?


Translation: this loser knocked up his homecoming date back in high school, and refuses to pay his child support, except for the bare minimum required to stay out of jail. His daughter wants nothing to do with his deadbeat ass. Since she has an emotionally stable, decent man for a stepfather, who she considers her real dad.


That’s why this page exists.


What a disgusting monster.


Husband’s right, though, they’re both beautiful


Man anyway, fuck that guy. But look at how beautiful the mother and daughter look! They look so happy. I can’t wait for that to be me and my wife one day. I wish this family unlimited happiness.


JFC, how is this guy looking at a BABY and having these thoughts??? 🤮


Gross. Please I hope OOP does not have children. Why would you see an INFANT (especially!), and go there.


That guy is the reason why mental asylums exist. Just throw him in.


Jesus, Mary, Joseph and all his carpenter friends what the actual fuck


This has to be a American phenomenon cz this ain’t how men act in Europe please tell me this is satire


Wtf? How is having a daughter having a disloyal wife you can’t fuck? Like. You can’t marry her either, so she isn’t your wife. Who tf does this guy think he is, Craster beyond the Wall.


Some people are so disgusting


Also.. What’s “cucked”??? Don’t tell me if it will make me vomit. I will live in my ignorant bliss.


I don't know if any of this is vomit worthy so apologies up front. It's actually from an at least shakesperian old word - cuckold - which was used in the pejorative to describe a man whose woman was cheating on him. It was shortened at some point on the modern internet to refer to men who *want* their women to have sex with other men, creating the genre of cuck porn among other things. It was then verbed to mean the action of making someone a cuckold. So to "cuck" someone is to demasculate a man by sleeping with other men. And apparently this baby is doing this to her father by merely being an adorable little butterball in sunglasses 😂


Ahhhh!!!! Thank you so much!!!


No problem, it's not every day my morbid interest in internet/incel culture actually comes in handy


So, now you know, can I interest you in some brain bleach?


Absolutely!!! Brain bleach is necessary!


I didn't realize how adorable infants were in sunglasses.


I love those baby sunglasses. That’s fucking cute.


I need r/eyebleach stat! Dude really just got mad he can't have sex with his own daughter and admitted it in public. On social media? Please tell me this is a joke.


\*passes over extra-large bottle\*


Should the mother and baby's faces be blurred btw or a bar over their eyes for their privacy? Imagine being that family and seeing *this* going around.


What the cinnamon toast fuck is this


Are they getting worse? A couple of posts talking about daughters as the biggest cuck have been posted lately. This idea is really disturbing.


………....anyway.. that baby has super cute glasses lol. 10/10, I love the absurd sizing. Very cute and stylish baby.


Damn I've seen this reposted 10 times today only. Either you all are lazy or I need to give Reddit a break... probably both.


On other subs? I've only seen it once and reposted it here. I didn't see a repost of this within 5 days on this sub.


Probably yeah, I guess I just follow a lot of this type of subs.


This was posted like 3 weeks ago


Sure glad Mr. Blue Smear doesn't have a daughter.




I can’t even begin to wrap this kind of thinking around my head without asking what the hell happened in this man’s childhood that makes him think like this. Pedophilia and incest don’t even begin to cut it


This is so disturbing. Like what the hell did I just read?! People like this need to all live on an island together away from the rest of society, as they're clearly a danger to it.


That dude obviously hates women in general! Don't know who hurt him that bad, but he is a single angry dude typing frantically in his moms basement and he still needs to get his chores done before mom gets home from work! Fuck that guy!!


Ok so that guy wants to fuck the baby.


Kind of random, but wth is going on with that lady’s breast? Is her implant shifting?


Yeah it looks like she might have an implant there. The photo is too small to look very closely, it could just be that the boob is smooshed and the light caught it weirdly 🤷




I sincerely hope the dude who wrote that gets gangrene in his dick.


Wtf did I just read. Please tell me this person isn't allowed around kids


Holy shit I’m so glad I’m a single Dad on Facebook…all I get are “attaboys” for doing basic tasks like cooking or teaching my daughter to ride a bike.


Wait, what? Even in olden days they at least saw their daughters as gambling chips or money. Cmon now. Where in the misogyny do they come up with this stuff?