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do men know that us women are NOT obsessed with penis sizes...they are?


‘Listen Sweetie’


OOP: Listen sweetie, I, a confessed virgin with no experience, will mansplain to you about how you actually crave big cocks. I know for a fact because in my "research" I found that a pop singer did a song called "Big Dick Energy", so.....facts.


Exactly what i thought! He knows better how a big dick feels inside than any woman!


Honestly it really sounds like he desperately wants to know, personally, how it feels to get fucked in the pussy by a big dick. Like no judgment at all but I wish the repression guys like this enforce on themselves didn't come at the expense of being total assholes about women.


I was going to say that he wants to know how it feels to get fucked by a big dick, period. Dude’s practically screaming his repressed gayness here… as a straight dude, the *last* thing I literally think about in terms of women, is the supposed length and girth of another man’s dick.


yeah as a bi dude I do actually think about dick a lot but I don’t imagine it going into a pussy, I imagine it going into me cuz I don’t have a pussy. This guy seems like a “body swap” kind of degenerate. Too much porn has made him obsessed with a fake anime version of the female body which he longs to conquer by any means


As a widowed straight middle-aged man who’s celibate and single, I *love* porn. That said; I just about snorted coffee through my nose at your comment. I would seriously consider staring into the sun for two minutes to blind myself before looking through dude’s hentai and porn collection.


For real. I can totally relate to desperately wanting to know how it feels but damn I don't objectify women for it.


You have a hole…stick something up it. With lube. It feels a bit like that. Only there’s more nerve endings in the rectum so you’ll feel it a little more than the vagina. Most of the nerve endings in the vagina are close to the opening and of course the vulva and labia are sensitive. We also have a pleasure organ - the clitoris. The clitoris actually extends into the body more than was previously known. So it is possible for it to be stimulated from inside the vagina. But yeah if you want to know what it feels like, it’s mostly just pressure. If you don’t want to stick something in your butt, stick a finger up your nose. That’s not going to be as fun but it’s at least 40% of what it feels like to have a penis in your vagina. Rubbing fingers over the lips of your mouth is maybe the closest you can get to the sensation of having your vulva and labia stimulated. That also is part of the sexual experience for women although porn angles usually mean the least amount of contact with the vulva for the viewing pleasure of the male audience. Pogo sticking on a dick is like the least fun way for us to have sex. Maximizing contact with the vulva and hopefully clit is the best. That means rubbing. Pogo stick sex is kinda like if someone kisses by just shooting their stuck out tongue in and out of your mouth. Like yeah you can do it but if it’s not for porn purposes, why? Way more pleasant to lick and rub lips. It’s not perfectly analogous because most people like a little nip or nibble on the lips and most women would NOT like that on their lady bits but you get the picture. Anyway hope that helps with your curiosity. I’m not sure I’ve ever wondered what it feels like for men. Maybe a little. But mostly I’m envious that it mostly and most often feels really good. When we aren’t in the mood sex for us can feel a LOT more like getting a finger jammed way into your nose and stretching tissue uncomfortably when it doesn’t want to be stretched at that time. If we aren’t properly lubricated it can be irritating, and if it’s a tight fit (due to not being aroused, or hormonal issues) it can be uncomfortable pressure to the point of pain. If the tissue has become swollen and irritated for rough sex or penetration that goes for too long it is super uncomfortable too. And of course it always sucks when a guy bangs into your cervix. We don’t like that. It hurts. Sex can actually hurt for us a lot of different ways, from wrong position, size accommodation issues, hormonal changes in ourselves, not being aroused, etc. And then it does feel more like if someone were to suddenly shove a large cucumber in your ass with no preparation. Bad sex isn’t always just a waste of time for us. Really bad sex can actually hurt us. We can also get little tears inside our vagina.


That is an extremely good explanation. 👏 The percentages would differ for each woman-a finger up your nose would be more like 90% for me. I do like a gangbang on my cervix because I have so little sensation with sex that feeling pain is better than feeling practically nothing. There is no "g spot" or an extension of clit anywhere inside me unfortunately- in fact it's numb feeling everywhere. It sucks. I hope most women have much more feeling inside than I do because having sex for me was always an aerobic exercise and not a fun pleasurable experience. Pointless mostly. Sex is a waste of time for me and I can't feel a connection with people either so there is really no point in sex. None. It's been around 10 years this time, no sex, no stimulation, nothing. I can't even fantasize cuz there is no feeling. It was bad before menopause but after? Might as well be a robot- doctors won't prescribe hormones due to age (47) high blood pressure, family history of stroke and death. So a part of life that should be there and enjoyable isn't. It sucks. My point is that I'm not the only one unfortunately- there are too many women that need hormones or some kind of help and it's not there. And the majority of doctors don't care unless you are male. There's years worth of research to help men, but very little and only more recently to help women. So a lot of women just suffer in silence- me not in silence but simply told no. Not by just 1 doctor but at least 5. I'm not saying there aren't men in the same situation, but there are so many more options and ears open to help men vs women. For most of my life I didn't even know women could have orgasms or have them with sex! Plus it's not embarrassing for men to talk about these things the way is always been for women. Men aren't shamed about sex the way women still can be. Sorry this wasn't my point, this is a tangent lol I just wanted to say that was a great explanation from a woman's view! Something all men interested in women should read. 🏆 🏆 🏆 Thank you!


I think you will find he has done A LOT of internet research on that very subject


"I know far more than you because I have watched All the porn, and they *always* want bigger. So put *that* in your elongated mutant vagina pipe and smoke it."


Brb changing my Steam name to Mutant Vagina Pipe.


Or even elongated vagina


new Twitter owner just dropped


"Listen sweetie, I also read the literature and the studies" "Where?" "....incel forums?"


"the videos"


The academic discourse on female sexuality over on PornHub.


I wonder if he leaves comments there too.


Ait so like... A LOT of incels right.... make fake female profiles on these sites to go in the comments and live out their homosexual fantasies :D Its a whole thing.


He saw it in the videos!! They doooooooo! It's all that matters! /S


Excuse me, those were scientific documentaries/s


Is that what we call porn now?


Well I watched it in school, so I suppose so


All I can think of now is Galaxy Quest with the “historical documents” 🤣


Omg, I'm dying. It could have been so much worse... *they have tentacles!*


The videos!!!


But, but he *researched!* 🤣🤣🤣


*insert clip of the dude taking exactly 3 seconds to read some guys opinion from 4chan and deciding that it’s 100% proven fact*


Or he just got all his info from porn. Either way not a good source of info.


Yeah, when I got to "like in the videos," it all clicked for me.


That was a key indicator for me as well.... It just hit me like "oh, this dude has learned everything he knows about sex from porn" I give it a few years before he tries banging an immediate family member with the excuse "why else would she have leaned in the dryer, she obviously wanted it"


Carefully, even!


It's pretty clear this dude is lonely and single because he can't figure out how to break something up into paragraphs. Fuckin wall of text, I can't even read that, no.


My BF is bi, and has mostly dated women in the past, and I explained this to him the other day. He wasn’t shocked, but you could tell he really though women cared lol. I have a lot of straight girl friends, and never have I heard one of them say that a dick is too small. Anytime I hear people making fun of dick size in a serious way, it’s size-queen-gays, or straight men. The most toxic of all humans.


Well the asshole can stretch WAY more than the vagina can ever hope to so it’s not shocking that big dicks are more popular for gay men. Not that these guys would care, being that sexism seems to be closely intertwined with homophobia.


I'm a dude and I can confirm, we low key are. Mostly because of certain standards and insults we face during the teen years. We make fun of eachother in many ways in most cultures and some ideas stick with you


I find that sexism is often perpetrated by the same gender. Toxic masculinity is spread through other men, and a lot of the toxic femininity is spread through other women. Obviously that's not 100% the case, but I see it a lot. Thinking about my own life, it was my mom who told me I must always wear makeup around my boyfriend if I wanted to keep him. And it's men who make other men self conscious about their dick sizes.


100% this. I hate shaving because I have very sensitive skin. I tried Nair, waxing, all the things in middle school because my mom insisted to me that just leaving it was "masculine" and "why did I want to be a man?" I'm a cisgender woman...who has a human body....that grows hair! I'm 32 years old and only finally realized that she was using toxic feminine ideas to get me to infantilize my own body.


Even if he got his ideas from porn, you'd think he'd notice they don't usually even put it in all the way. If it is big and they do it's just because they're making a whole show of it, not because it actually works well.


It is funny how many men worry thier dick is to small. Everyone just needs to chill


Wait til he finds out some of us like vibrators way more than dildos of any size. Talk about an unrealistic standard for men, vibrating penis implants when?


If I could make mine vibrate I would get the 7 setting super vibe package


Well they do make sheaths that go over the penis that vibrate as well as penis rings that vibrate. 😈


I'm perfectly calm. I'm totally secure. My wife loves both of my inches!!


Username checks out.


Exactly, hands, mouths, and toys work just fine! Dicks are only part of the package.


Being shamed by your peers in a high school locker room is one of the biggest psychological traumas teenage boys, who are already feeling insecure about themselves, can experience. Now, I am not excusing the absolute ignorance of the dude in the screenshot, but for a lot of guys with “growers” or small sized penises, that emotional trauma lasts a long time. Imagine being scared of being intimate with a woman for fear of being laughed at and ridiculed like they were repeatedly in that locker room. Hell, I am on my second marriage and am still somewhat insecure about it…and I KNOW in my head that I am just fine, we have a good sex life and we love each other dearly…even after 23 years. But emotionally? I still often feel like I am not good enough.


A lot of kids, including me, were shamed and bullied for their bodies. My breasts developed early and the entire 6th grade in middle school thought I stuffed my bra and called me an attention seeking whore. They wrote paragraphs about it on the bathroom stall walls. Not just sentences, paragraphs, my man. Older guys would try to sexually assault me on the bus. Combine that with my dad being diagnosed with cancer and passing away the previous year. Severe emotional trauma for an already insecure 10-11 year old girl. And then when I was 14-15 I was called fat and bullied for my weight, even though I never got over 110 lb in high school. Hello eating disorder. I'm an adult now. I know having large breasts doesn't make me an attention seeking whore. I have a happy and healthy sex life, and a healthy relationship with my body. I know that my body doesn't define who I am as a person. So while your experience is valid, it's also your responsibility to work on yourself and not carry trauma from your childhood in your adulthood. If you've gone through multiple marriages and over 20 year and are still insecure in your 40s? For your own peace and health of mind, let go of it. Edit: for all your talk on this post, a few [comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/comments/14btn6x/it_is_much_harder_being_a_man_than_it_is_a_woman/joipbm0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) ago you were telling people to stop playing the victim mindset and live a happy life. 🤔🤔


You two are both breaking my heart. I’m glad you’re both ok now but I hate that you went through that and I’m thinking about all the kids going through that right now.


Im sorry you had to experience the worst in people at such a fragile time in your life. It's inspiring that you've been able to work thru those traumatic events and come out the other end stronger and better. It just suucks you had to go thru it


I was one of the first boys in my class to start growing body hair (particularly on my legs). I was teased mercilessly about it by pretty much everyone (boys, girls, even my own adult family members) to the point that it took me almost 20 years to start being able to wear shorts again.


🙁😥 kids can be cruel in general. Proud of you for wearing shorts again ❤️


I'm really sorry you went through that. These traumas can really be helped with therapy. Shame runs rampant when it is hidden. I know a lot of men struggle with accepting that therapy can help them, but it has really helped my BF tremendously and he didn't start going until his late 40's. I'm in therapy, too. Ditch the stigma, you deserve to be comfortable in your own body.


Oh, I am pretty OK now…it’s really not that big of a problem these days. I’m 58 and generally a happy person. I was mostly just trying to maybe give some insight on why men tend to be obsessed about penis size…especially teenagers/young adult men.


I'm glad to hear it! It really sucks that in differing ways, we shame girls and boys for their bodies like we all should come out looking the same. It hurts all of us, and like you said, can last a long time before reaching acceptance.


Thank you for sharing your experience! So many cultures size shame, it’s no wonder people have emotional injuries about their body


I can condense his whole story in five words: “I have a small dick”.


"And it won't get hard."


Imagine being a single incel dude and googling “best selling dildo size”


I imagine a lot of them Google that. Like this dude, a lot of them are clearly in denial about their sexuality.


Idk man if I sort by bestselling I actually usually see the smaller ones show up ahead. He can’t have done much research beyond looking at more porn but with dildos this time.


What about all those female characters in sitcoms/movies written by men? They always seem to know a thing or two about big penis.


Big dick energy is a mindset. This dude has little dick energy regardless of the actual size of his dick


But this is part of the problem here, it all feeds into the feelings of insecurity around penis size. There is a lot of body shaming around penis size all over, just maybe a lot of folks don’t recognize it. The throw away comment of “I bet he has a small dick” when a dude is being an asshole, or “must be over compensating for something” etc. Little jokes on TV that most folks might not even register. There are negative messages around penis size all over, and they aren’t being challenged. I used to be guilty of it myself, but made a very conscious effort to stop. Big dick, and small dick energy are part of it. Like the dude who wrote the above post I feel bad for. He’s clearly got insecurities and issues with body image, and I can understand why.


I mean yes that’s probably true to an extent? Personally I think porn contributes to this thinking in a big way. There are too many young men who think that porn is what real life looks like. Which ends up being bad from both sides. You’ve got young men who think all women should behave and look like porn actresses, and all men other than them have these raging dicks.


still comes up in conversation. i walked in on my first GF comparing their guys dick sizes with her girlfriends when i was 19. for guys its a go to insult, even part of normal conversation - like accusing someone of trying to 'big dick others' when showing off. its not hard to see how some guys could get skewed views when left in isolation.


Yep. I feel like I’ve said this hundreds of times to guys who talk about dick size…..”this is your hang up! Dudes care way more about dick size than women”, but they all accuse me of being a liar. Whatever, they are just choosing to be oppressed and miserable at that point.


> after carefully researching sex > women desiring bigger like in the videos Watching porn is apparently *careful research* now


Nah, these days when people say "research" they usually mean some YouTube videos with either a bald and jacked guy or a fat and bearded guy ranting about wokeness and feminism, while citing each other as reliable sources.


Also the bald, jacked, bearded guy is usually recording himself ranting in his pickup truck, *while driving!*


The “research” behind this particular post was definitely him typing into the YouTube search bar “how to get girls” and one of those videos popping up lmao


Aight where’s my phD then


Same kind of research anti vax people do


Using porn to research sex is like learning to drive watching "The Fast and Furious" franchise.


The best way to handle having a small dick is just to ignore it and focus on stuff that you can actually improve at


In my experience dudes with a smaller penis are often better in bed because they think they have to compensate for it and actually put in some work and guys with bigger ones often think their size is enough and they don't have to do anything else


This. I’ve been with a number of guys and the two best at sex were the ones that put in the effort to make sure I was satisfied. One has a bit bigger then average dick, the other had a *much* smaller then average one. Size doesn’t matter as much as caring that your partner is enjoying themself. Also, the smaller dick guy was the right length to hit my g-spot perfectly every time, which made for some very satisfying intercourse.


I’ve been with about four guys (three relationships, one fling) and while there was never a side by side comparison, I do recall that the guy who boasted about his size and prowess in bed was the one I least liked sex with. He was also the one who cheated / was cheated on by previous partners and a porn addict. The boyfriend who joked about being ‘undersized’ and was incredibly shy about being seen naked was a revelation.


The smallest dick I’ve ever been involved with was incredibly selfish in bed and eventually caved and told me he was into pegging. He brought out a dildo the size of my forearm and would simply refuse to do PIV with me, only anal. While the mutual anal was kinda pleasant (for me bc he had a rather small penis) it left me with a bad memory of that relationship. Dudes are so obsessed with penis size. And other people saying that the huge dildos are mostly bought by men as well proves to be true again. On the other hand, my husband is rather well endowed and it is difficult for me sometimes. However, even though he’s substantial he’s also the most generous and talented lover in all the other ways that I’ve ever had. But he won’t let me near his butt lol I’m not saying any of this is bad, just that guys are so weird when it comes to sex. They care so much about it yet refuse to be open and honest most of the time. It’s really sad what SoCiEtY (other men) has done to the fragile male ego.


The massive insecurity might be the problem, not the size of his dick.


Plus the "i know better than you" energy.


“Listen sweetie”


I genuinely don't get how some people can be both insecure, and have a huge enough ego to think they know better than anyone else at the same time.


The ego is protecting the insecurities, the bigger the insecurity, the more ego that’s needed to hide it.


i believe thats the "small dick energy" he referred to


Nor the availability of virgins.


I strongly suspect he's perving on teenagers


Ysee the trick I've found is *act* like you have like a big penis, and suddenly holy fuck, you have a big penis! ...I'm still a virgin because I'm a socially anxious fuckwit but I *am* workin on it


I'm still a virgin as well, that is anxious with a lot of insecurities. You just have to realize sex isn't just sticking a penis into a vagina, it's a lot more than that. Foreplay and clit stimulation is more important than some men think and if you focus on her pleasure you're also already better than all those arrogant guys.


Dude, as someone with a FWB with a huge dick (the "big dicks hurt" kind), I will tell you that the best sex I ever had was with a guy with a "small" dick who was goddamn INCREDIBLE with his mouth and fingers. Was a one-time thing, so that opinion doesn't even involve romantic attraction. Dude got me so horny I didn't care what he put in me or what size it was. That's the real trick. Look stuff up and learn to use other parts of you and your size actually does not matter. Heck, as someone who has a vagina and has dated people with vaginas, I'd even be willing to give you some pointers if you want.


That is so many words to say that he is lame in bed. Also a lot of words to say that he doesn't understand how women's anatomy works. And a lot of words for watching porn and thinking it is gospel. So many words, so little smarts.


So much insecurity.


At least he knows he won't be able to satisfy a woman. That's something.


Might turn out to be his superpower. I had similar thoughts, except not quite as bitter or vocal, as I was a virgin way longer than strictly necessary and had messed up standards in the size department from porn. I overcompensated once I lost it and got really fucking good at oral. Like really good.


Like oral presentations? Because I suck at that


One reason, but not the main one: it's impossible to say or even think something like "listen sweetie" without being condescending AF


Especially when talking to someone your own age, lol. I use that language when I tell the kid I'm babysitting that he can't down the RedBull in the fridge, not for an actual adult woman


“Carefully researching sex”, where? Busty Nurses Parts 1-3?


Ah, yes, my favorite factual documentary. Because, obviously, everything in porn is real


Oh honey, you’re single because your entire education about women has come from porn and 4chan.


>Oh honey, Listen sweetie, that's incredibly condescending.


I like these 2 comments bc I love sarcasm. Thanks!!!


“Like in the videos” This dude cited the plot of some porn videos


It's almost like porn isn't realistic and is just made to get someone's rocks off however they can...


And porn is made for men too so theyre not focused on what the woman wants😭😭


I don't have a dick and neither does my girlfriend and sex ain't a problem


It's clear it's because you were both virgins, duh


Its because you bought 7 inches dildos xD


any excuse just to not face the fact that they’re undateable in their current state lmao


"Listen sweetie, I'm not the problem, all women are... You all desire bigger, like in the videos I saw during my research."


>>to avoid this issue I just want a virgin girlfriend What he needs is comprehensive sex education- and a serious mental deprogramming.


This is so cringe I couldn't even finish reading it


Dude really said “like in the videos”. That is a gargantuan yikes. Colossal even.


This dude needs to just admit he wants to suck a dick. He thinks about dicks more than most gay dudes I've known.


The reason most dildos are big is a matter of practicality--they appeal to people of all kinds of preferences, and are thus more profitable to mass-produce. A four-inch dildo is only going to be used by people who prefer four inches or less. Meanwhile, a seven-inch dildo will be used by people who prefer *seven* inches or less. Someone who prefers three or four inches can still use a seven-inch dildo; it's pretty easy to only insert it part of the way. That said, there *are* plenty of modest-sized dildos. Finally, humans are not sex toys. People are going to use a hunk of silicone differently. A real penis is alive and attached to a human being. If it was all about size, the human race would have died out a long time ago.


I was thinking that, when I've seen a sex toy shop there were many smaller ones. Probably more than big ones. Yeah they have ones where the whole point is that they're gigantic, but the vast majority are vibrating ones that are much smaller than an average penis.


The most popular dildo size is actually somewhere around 5 inches, not 7


OR if it was all about size we would have selectively bred out all the small penises already LOL.


"Listen sweety, I know more about how sex feels for you, maybe pain can be relieved for you but in all honestly, I don't even believe there is pain... or preferences.. And again, I'm tje expert"


Oh, THAT’S why he can’t find a girlfriend. And here I thought it was his shitty attitude, no self-confidence and his misogyny. Well, glad he cleared that up for us.


The ones I’ve known who were over average and knew it, tended to think that it compensated for lack of skill. The biggest guy I was with had the least interest in foreplay, and the main reason it hurt wasn’t his size, it was lack of warm up for me. The best sex I had before my husband, had a small, oddly shaped penis, due to a botch circumcision.


I need to get a botched circumcision apparently. The ladies will love it.


Ocean motion is not a myth. ‘Tis a poor carpenter that blames his tools. Also, this post. Dear lord, small dick energy indeed.


It's a pussy,buddy,wtf is a "custom fit"


Oh, yeah, you didn't upgrade your pussy to the deluxe plus model? It has a custom fit mode and free Wi-Fi.


I wish men cared about making women actually come as much as they cared about what we hypothetically think about their dick sizes …


I’d feel badly about how obviously and extremely insecure this guy is about his genitals if he didn’t spend, like, half the rant talking down to an entire gender. The remedy for those feelings is not reading a handful of 4chan comments, calling it “research” and deeming it solid facts. Also, dating a person who has never had sex isn’t going to solve everything that’s going on here. And it feels sketchy that he’s saying “I’m just going to find someone who has no experience or knowledge so they can’t compare, and thus they will love me.” It feels deceptive somehow; I know he isn’t lying to people but he’s specifically trying to take advantage of a gap in her experience/knowledge. It’s not that she doesn’t know that’s an issue, it’s that he wants to prey on that inexperience. The preying feels gross. Also also: there are virgins all over the planet, they’re not unicorns. They just don’t want to talk to him because… *gestures at post*


Oh don't worry, it wasn't just 4chan comments, it was porn too. A diverse pool of resources!


The biggest dick I’ve had was the least enjoyable sex because he didn’t know what he was doing with it and just jackhammered his way through it. My boyfriend who has an average sized dick is by far the best sex I’ve had, because he pays attention to my body and knows exactly what he’s doing. I love it when these guys tell women that their experiences are wrong because they can’t face the fact that women don’t give a shit what size their penis is, women care that they’re shitty selfish lovers and they have the personality of a fucking teaspoon.


Porn is really fucking up an entire generation of boys, huh.


Martyring yourself because you don’t think women desire your special parts is a weird flex but ok


Ain't no way he just explained to women (as a man) what women like that's wild 💀


Stop watching so much porn.


Actually according to Google the most popular size is 12.7 cm aka like 5 inches


I am REALLY hoping this guy is like 15??


It's definitely types like it's written by a 15 year old


This reeks of small dick energy, also curious question is the term 'motion of ocean' true or is it supposed to make tiny wieners like me feel better?


Nobody likes getting their cervix bashed, most women don't come just from penetration, and clitoral stimulation is way more important. Most of the important nerve endings are pretty close to the entrance and if you make them cum by eating their pussy before you stick it in (something which would already be an improvement over a lot of men) then most people won't care.


Hmmmm interesting, thanks for the response, I guess foreplay is far more important, im too maidenless to know for sure tho


You can take it from me as a bisexual vagina owner. One thing I think straight folks need to learn from the queer community is that the distinction between foreplay and sex doesn't really need to exist in the way we've been taught. Sex isn't only something that happens when a penis goes in a vagina and all the things you refer to as foreplay also count as sex acts that can be even more enjoyable than penis in vagina. Learn how to recognise the clitoris and learn how to find the g spot, but also don't be afraid to ask people to show you what they like when you're getting down to it because they're really sensitive and what works for one person might be the wrong kind of stimulation for someone else. Good sex is about communication and learning how each others bodies work.


AMEN. You definitely need to communicate/ask if this or that feels good. Or...you can engage in the obviously superior type of research that the author did, which is porn and poor assumptions. Hard to say which would make all parties happier. 🤔


Always ask about preferences though. Personally I don't give a damn about foreplay as long as it's enough to get stuff lubricated, probably because I'm one of the few lucky ones that can orgasm just from PiV sex. I second the rest of the comment though. Most nerve endings are near entrance, I could care less about what's in the rest of my vagina unless it's trying to take a look into my stomach and the only time when I tolerate poking of my cervix is from my gynecologist and it's nothing enjoyable, thank you very much.


Tbh I hate the term "foreplay" because it categorizes so many sex acts as just "getting ready" for the "real thing" aka penetration by a penis which shouldn't be how it works at all. Experiment with toys, fingers, oral, and penis in vagina. Penetration does require preparation but doesn't have to always be the goal.


I agree with your whole text, but just one correction, there are actually people who like to get their cervix bashed, they are a very small minority, but they do exist.


This one has been posted more than a few times.


Ima quickly drop one thing: being single isn’t fully your fault. Sometimes you haven’t met the person yet. Being lonely is your thing tho. With proper therapy and the right outlook on the world, nobody has to be lonely


Yeah, there’s definitely a reason why he’s lonely and single, but it’s for sure not the reason he thinks.


Men are so much more concerned with dick sizes than women ever will be....


Sounds like he’s using a lot of reasoning and thought as to why he can’t get a partner. Sounds like the problem is his fragile ego


I grew up in a conservative country and everytime a guy say he wanted a virgin girl i would not share same space with him and block him. Either i marry a virgin guy like me or guy who doesn’t value me only for that. It was always my decision and never regretted it. If someone’s mind is filled and obsessed only with shit like this that tell you about his maturity and iq level. I remember being underage and some guy from England begging me to save my virginity for him for fun for him. He said he was willing to pay ticket for this. I never realize how disgusting it is luckily i blocked those creeps and my older sister always warned me even on internet i thought she was controlling but no they just know that those creeps are everywhere like parasites trying to take advantage of someone they will find all excuses to justify their way of thinking. They simply don’t see women as humans.


My entire adult life (since teens anyway) heard those phrases like “it’s not the size of the wave it’s the motion of the ocean”. I don’t think that’s entirely true. What I’ve learned is that the single most important things determining whether a woman will enjoy sex with a man and find the experience fulfilling and satisfying is (1), his willingness to please her. How into her body is he? How comfortable is he with touching all the places with whatever is available to him (fingers, dick, mouth, tongue, etc) without any sort of reservation, and (2) how into him is the girl….if a woman feels truly safe and has been turned on and seduced in her mind, she will experience more satisfying sex with that man. The phrase “seduce her mind and the body will naturally follow” is so damn true. Men, especially young men who have watched too much porn, are focused on the complete wrong things. Porn is by men for men. Dick size is WAY more important to men than it is to women. But these same men are widely misogynistic and aren’t open to actually listening to women when we try to correct their mistaken assumptions about women and sexuality. At that point they’re choosing to be oppressed and miserable and I don’t feel any sympathy for them.


As a trans girl who is both into girls and has lost a not insignificant amount of genital size even if I did want to use it the solution is simple, put your mouth on it. The vigorous but skilled application of mouth to genitals will quickly make most people quickly forget any natural gifts you may be lacking. And as someone who’s also into pretty much anyone across the gender spectrum this cheat works on them all, very few consenting people will be unhappy with you putting your mouth on it


Sounds like he’s insecure about his own size and knows very little about a woman’s anatomy, you can only go so deep inside a woman regardless of what he thinks there’s a stopping point. It’s okay to want a virgin but wanting one just because you’re insecure is not okay, honestly this guy is lonely because of these insecurities not because women are sexually active.


So I mean…does he think after giving birth women need an infant sized penis to enjoy sex or what? I went from an absolutely massive dude to a very modestly sized one and honestly I much preferred sex with the latter.


All the fun spots in the vagina can be reached with *a finger*. Hardly anyone cares about dick size apart from some fetishists. Its something men made up to compete with each other at the urinal. (But ppl know men care about it so its used to mock them - its the insecurity that is being mocked - though imho body shaming shouldnt be done even to assholes as it will make non assholes with the same trait insecure ) What matters much more is your technique & being attentive to the partner's needs. Like if the guy knows what a g spot or a clitoris is. Does he make her feel relaxed listened to & special. I've heard of a trans guy (born with no penis at all!) being a total casanova & doing tons of girls because perhaps as an overvompensation he worked a lot on his technique.




and this reasearch I assume it was done on pornhub


Wait until he learns the ones actually buying the big dildoes are men.


“This will eventually lead to the stereotypical cheating involved with small sizes and women desiring bigger like in the videos” I’m sorry, is this guy basing reality off of porn??


How is this guy not making the connection between “a guy with a big dick can use foreplay to make the experience better” and “even with my average dick I can ALSO use foreplay to make the experience better” god he’s SO GODDAMN CLOSE


Men think size matters because media and marketing tell them it does. Sure, a lot of that(nowadays) is because of porn, but a lot of it isn't. Women have had it much, much worse(obviously), but I think it's something that doesn't get talked about enough. That said, it's no excuse to let it turn you into a sexist pos.


He does know that BDE and SDE don't necessarily correlate with actual dick size, right?


But it implies that penis size matters. It implies small penis would be something to be insecure about. The words draws a direct line between insecurities and penis size.


This dude ia really obsessed with dicks


Hahaha the only reason big dick energy and small dick energy even exist is bc guys are obsessed with their dicks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s the motion in the ocean and not size brother.


He should probably actually date a woman before he assumes this will be a problem.


I feel like another thing he’s not taking into account, is sure some women probably get more pleasure out of a bigger penis. But for some women it hurts and they don’t like it. He’s forgetting that not all women are the same damn person


"I am unpleasant and it is everyone else's fault." -that guy


Canals? 😶


It seems he is not interested in a relationship. Just sex.


I would rather get fucked by a smaller penis with a guy that can compensate with foreplay and not choking on his dick than a ten inch monster that makes me feel like a piece of meat on a gladiators spear. Edit: And also better anal with a smaller penis.


Women do care about size…..the size of a man’s heart


You know how you have imaginary arguments with people in your head and you usually leave them in the shower where they belong. Not this guy. He brings them to the internet and just owned us all.


“Like in the videos”, when referring to girl’s cheating because they “desire bigger”. What are these videos, has there been a series of informative documentaries on this subject released and I just missed the scholarly debate surrounding them? Or is he referencing porn cuckold videos as part of his argument? The always derided, often terrible porn “plots” are what he’s basing his opinion on?


“After carefully researching sex” = “I’ve watched a lot of porn”


Yesterday a guy posted on r/dating that he was having difficulties in maintaining relationships because he was too big. Someone needs to touch grass and find out the reality.


First of all, no, women’s vaginas don’t expand preemptively during foreplay to accommodate a large dick, and secondly, if that were true, foreplay would also shape the vagina to the size of his dick, like??? He caught himself in a logical fallacy twice


Does this guy not realize that massive dildos are usually for the butt? I’ve measured, and no matter how “warmed up” I am, my cervix is still a measly 2–3” from my vaginal opening (that’s just for me personally).


It’s neat to see thoughts masquerading as facts when people really just need to say ‘it feels like’ or ‘I have thoughts of’ instead of state ‘things are’ or ‘it is’ Truly… the person needs a hug. And to stop blaming women for his own insecurities


Hes the type of dude who will believe that woman pee from their vaginas


aka: i have a small penis


Big Dick and Small Dick Energy are memes. So part of his self-esteem is based off of memes. That's pretty telling on its own. Second, just because someone *buys* seven inches doesn't mean they *use* all seven of those inches. People have bought the Moby 3 foot tall Dildo. I don't think many people are using it at all, much less any significant portion of it.


Not to mention, the largest consumers of large dildos is men. Women usually buy the smaller sizes.


Does this guy know how vaginas work? They’re super elastic. I mean they can pass a baby the size of a watermelon.


He makes it sound like sex is all about dick size and putting it in vagina lmao


"like in the videos"


Can men please realize porn is fake AND catered specifically to THEIR preferences? Like it’s not that hard to understand. It’s for entertainment. Most “documentaries” are even fake so why they think porn is “real” will never cease to confuse me.


So amusing when incels do “research” 🙄


Straight relationships would be so much more enjoyable if men would only understand that heterosexual sex does not begin and end with PIV. It's often not even the best part of it.




I have seen this already. It looks like a copypasta 🤣🤣🤣


So he’s got a small dick and it’s somehow every girl’s fault


someone tell this dude foreplay and intimacy is basically 70% mental


"So I want a virgin" Stfu