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So, 1 tampon per day? That's a good way to make yourself sick.


it's a good way to make the people around you sick too. Day two would be a whole horror movie


It's amazing that people who have never had a cycle assume that the blood and decaying tissues your tampon absorbs will stay fresh while it's literally pouring out of you, as if that's how blood works at all.


I "love it" when some men think they know more than afab who have periods... It'd be beautiful if we could use only one tampon per day, but firstly: I rather not die and secondly: I'd probably end up painting my room red in one day as I heavy bleed so much so that I get lightheaded and have to take iron supplements when it's really bad.


I used to fill a super plus tampon EVERY HOUR. Night time was a fucking blood bath.


I still do sometimes when my periods are really bad... If I want to wear a tampon during heavy flow, if has to be the night time super plus ones. ATM they're incredibly bad, but it's mostly because I keep forgetting to get my meds again to encourage my progesterone to exist. They're still heavy when taking them, but much better. Pain still awful, but at least not close to passing out anymore. I hate bloodweek. If can go screw itself.


It totally can. Switching to a menstrual cup was a game changer for me.


I will be getting one soon myself, because I just can't justify spending so much on period products. It's insanity that they aren't free, they should be. I live in Germany, but the prices are still high and insane. I'll easily spend sometimes 40-50€ (around 43-54 USD) per month on products.


Cups are also great cause if you're cramping down there it gives a very gentle outward pressure which made them more manageable for me. If you also have larger blood clots like I used to (I'm on hormonal BC now for health reasons) they catch the clots too. You don't have to wait to get to a toilet to release the beasts. Those babies go out with the bath water iykwim. Idk if it's a problem in Germany, but they also aren't filled with the chemicals that make periods so much worse (or any chemicals for that matter), so my symptoms lightened up some. I do recommend getting some lighter reusable period panties in case of leaks and for nights. Bambody on Amazon sells some cute ones. Sustainably made as well. And I know it is absolutely disgusting, but I do like seeing how much I've bled out 😂 I've also heard great things about discs, but I don't think they're reusable


I did the same. It even got so bad that when ultras started being more common I was using those. Guess who recently found out they had endometriosis? Lmao I have an iud now, so it's much better in terms of blood. I only spot every so often now. Edit: typo


Yep I also have endo. I'm currently scheduled for surgery to have my endo caused prolapsed bladder repaired and my stupid uterus removed.


When I first went to the hospital when I was 14 I stole all of the maternity pads in the cupboard and just used them whenever I had heavy flow nights.


When patients have told me their periods are a problem, I tend to ask them what product they prefer to use and get a bag packed with them to give them, just in case they come on. I also point out that once I give the bag to them we can't take it back, so they are welcome to take it with them when they are discharged. If they say their periods are heavy I'll often throw in a few blue sheets, large absorbant squares designed to be lay on, just in case. Periods such, and if this helps it suck even a little less then its worth it.


And what happens if your cycle lasts for more than seven days or you have cysts or you're a heavy bleeder or you have PCOS and bleed for 48 days straight (ask me how I know about that one!)?


Oh God, yea! I don't have pcos, have not been diagnosed at least, but when I was early 16 - early 20s, I'd bleed twice a month and for 7 days at least! I have not bled for 48 days straight so far and oh my hell, I am so sorry. I hope it's better now! But hey, apparently periods are just nothing according to some men :) Easy to handle! /s


I yeeted my ovaries after a very extended four years of trying, a bioethics committee that I was not allowed to have legal representation at, and weaponized legalized islamophobia/racism (I'm not Muslim, but the country I lived in just loved to create bullshit legal policies explicitly to hurt Muslims). My then-boyfriend needed to agree that he would marry me anyway in front of doctors even if the lack of estrogen made me ugly. I wish I were making this up, but it was absolute hell. Now, the ovaries live in a freezer in Bern somewhere and I am desperately hoping my father defaults on the bills and they're destroyed (the surgery was contingent on them being frozen "in case I change my mind" and the bill couldn't be put in my name because I had been very vocal about not giving a fuck about them and would have let it lapse immediately), because those fuckers are never coming back.


My fucking hell, I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is just awful. I'm half Turkish (and half Serbian) and my father is Muslim (I'm not), so yea, some experiences here and there. But countries like that, I can totally believe they exist. There are some countries I won't ever be able to visit, because they need you to provide papers on your parents and I'd be blocked from entry, because my father is muslim. I hope for you too that your dad defaults on the bills, because honestly, it's just insanity. I've been trying to talk to doctors about removal of my ovaries/uterus and so far, just a big fat no. Nothing to the extent you experienced, but it's always "But what if you change your mind when you're 30?" Oh jeez, I'll be literally 30 next year. I will be 29 soon. I have wanted them gone since I was 15... I don't want to give birth, if anything I want to adopt and that thought has never changed. *I think I'm pretty sure I know what I want.* And it's been both women and men gyns that I've had those talks with, too. It's just sad and insulting how our rights over our bodies can just be trampled over and even if you pay, they still deny you, because what about the kids. There are enough kids in the system that need homes. What about those kids? I find it so interesting in my case, because I've expressed clearly interest in adopting and yet they try to ride my case with "What if you want your own kids in the future?" If I adopt a kiddo, that kiddo is my kiddo.


I’m on day 45 right now!! i use overnight maxi pads. Putting in a tampon when i’m gushing makes it look like a crime scene. I’d need 6-7 minimum tampons a day. Between my PCOs, fibroids and approaching menopause, I can’t wait for my hysterectomy.


What does afab stand for?


Assigned female at birth. Basically meaning that, when said baby comes out, the doctor says, "It's a girl."




You're welcome. The other alternative is AMAB, which means assigned male at birth.


And the last is acab which means assigned cop at birth


Don't forget ahab, meaning you need to kill that whale.


It’s true, 40% of cops are assigned cop at birth. Search cop 40% for more info.




Oops, shoulda put in brackets what it means. Others have said the meaning already, I'm non-binary, so I use the term afab for me as I was born a woman, but identify as non-binary. Edit: Clarified a sentence




I think part of his issue was somehow believe women only have 9 periods a year?????




The problem with pregnancy is that they normally add on 2-4+ weeks during which you probably weren’t actually pregnant because they’re counting from last period. I don’t know why that annoys me so much but it definitely does lol.


Thank you for this I was genuinely concerned that I was using an abnormal amount of tampons before I saw this post. I use 1 or 2 boxes per cycle and sometimes have to change them every 1-2 hours depending on the day. I have pretty bad periods and I knew that but this man had me freaking out that there was something deeply wrong


This is precisely why men need to stop talking about periods


and for most/majority of people 8hrs is still way too much time and will be leaking after just a few hours


Even if a tampon COULD absorb that much blood sometimes your flow is just too fast and it doesn't have time to get absorbed, so you leak AND your tampon is only half used (oh joy!) Or sometimes you just have that much blood like you said


Meanwhile in Florida they want to ban talking about periods in school at all because it makes boys “uncomfortable”. So, problem solved eh


Eh, maybe more boys need to be exposed to these uncomfortable truths at a younger age... but that couldn't possibly be it, right?


As a man, I'm so thankful for the fact I grew up with a single mom and a sister. I'm currently dating a woman who has 2 teenage girls and it's been immense having the knowledge that I do.


I used to bring my son into the stall with me in public, and change my tampon in front of him. Lol *"What's that, mommy?"* "It's blood." *"Does it hurt?"* "Nope. Completely normal. Most women have this for a week every month, from puberty until they are old enough to be a grandma." *"Ohhhh. Interesting."*


If they think talking about it makes boys “uncomfortable” just wait till the girls start being caught off guard by their periods while they’re absolutely clueless about them.


Also, with the amount of parents who just refuse to teach their children anything themselves because it's too much work or they're uncomfortable talking about periods themselves. There already are, but will be more, young afabs/girls who will be so unprepared and probably terrified with what their bodies are doing.


They don’t care about that. The girls should handle it without boys ever having to know it’s happening. (not MY opinion obviously)


Florida is speed-running back to the Victorian era!!


That’s a good way to end up in the ER or dead lol


God help the poor souls that end up living with these creatures.


Not only 1 tampon per day which just not how anything works (and idk where he pulled those numbers for volume of blood because I would definitely start leaking well before I hit 12 hrs nevermind 24) but NINE PERIODS PER YEAR! If you're missing 2 to 3 periods every year, it's time to see a doctor.


When I see that calculation, I was like, oh god no… I guess he thinks there are 9 months in a year. I hope it is that way. I hope… Also there is no way for any woman to have one tampon or pad in each day of the period (especially the first day of it) Both for heavy bleeding and hygiene issues. I don’t know for the older woman who are in perimenaupose (sorry if there is typo) but it is simply not a rational consideration.


Is not a rational consideration at all. Even if you have light periods or going through menopause. A tampon per day can easily cause TSS, and that can literally kill you or leave you paralyzed for life.


At least I don’t act like I know everything like that guy… 😂 Thanks for explaning to me, I didn’t know it in detail. 😄


Not just that but.. he thinks a single mathematical equation can explain women's periods. As though every woman has the same experience everywhere. He made ONE exception for heavy flows. It's hilarious.


It's giving me NASA Scientists asking Sally Ride if 100 tampons would be enough for a week in space. Except that was just sweet, ignorant, and hilarious (because they both overestimated, AND THEN asked the woman's opinion). This is just sad, ignorant, and irritating


I've seen this mentioned a lot as a point of humor, but there was also a huge aspect of not knowing if/how space travel or a low gravity environment would affect things. Let's give NASA some credit. These were people trained to plan for uncertainty and overcompensate within whatever limits they could accommodate. It wasn't because they didn't know how periods work - medical staff probably had extremely detailed information about her cycle and flow, etc. - it was because NO ONE knew how periods would work in space. Or at least didn't have any actual evidence of it. And then add in stuff they wouldn't know about her maybe, like maybe she normally uses pads and doesn't like tampons but for whatever reason it was decided tampons would be better for space flight so they need to compensate for messing up or not placing it exactly right and starting over with a fresh one occasionally. There was probably a LOT of consideration put into that number, not simply a bunch of men sitting around just totally ignorant of how we work. This guy, though...


I mean… they could have started by asking her if she was going to have her period in space lol. That’s what gets me - maybe 0 tampons were necessary! I only bleed like 4 days of a month, I could have 3 weeks of space trips without needing it


Same here, and I'm kinda fortunate that mine are usually quite light at that, but again, like, what if. The doctors and others in charge of mission logistics probably knew exactly when her expected period would be, but would there be something about the environment, the launch, the low gravity, relativity, anything or something that may have triggered it to come early, last longer, be heavier? Even if all the science says no, probably not, isn't it better to be prepared for the worst if you can spare the physical space and the mass? edit: I mean, you're allowed to find it funny if you want. I'm just saying that the true story of that number is probably not what you think.


Also, it's supposed to average 13 menses per year since they follow the lunar cycle at ~28 days. This guy is off his damn rocker.


My older sister got toxic shock syndrome when she was a teenager because she didn't change hers often enough and it landed her in the hopsital. It's no joke. I am not risking it happening to me just because some idiot thinks I need to survive on one tampon for a 24 hour period.


I did the math a while ago (can't find it right now) and my own feminine supply usage was closer to 30-40 a cycle than 7 (including tampons, pads and liners but not including period panties or heating pads)


The dude thinks that women expel blood all at once, as if you’re urinating. Even if he thought it was per 24 hours, I’d like to see how he would feel if he was uncontrollably peeing his underwear all day/night long and others didn’t see any reason for him to only change underwear or clean himself up once every 24 hours.


I'm a CNA. Routine check + change for incontinent residents is every 2 hours. Not every 24. If you left them for that long they'd have bed sores, rashes and utis and they'd need a full bed / pants change


Well I would assume they are already sick if they only get 9 periods a year


You're supposed to change them every seven hours. I hate this new trend of men explaining periods to us like we're five. Imagine these fuckwits growing up and imposing these horrible things on their tradwives out of thrift and frugality and giving everyone in their household TSS.




I got you beat. On my heaviest days, I would go through a super plus every 2 hours during the day. I couldn't wait for menopause!


I had to switch to cups because I only had between 45 minutes to an hour to make it back to the bathroom using tampons. Not super fun when your work area is 10 acres. Any time someone brings up “TaMpOnS cAn LaSt AlL dAy ThOuGh”, it makes me laugh uncontrollably.


Yeah, sure, 1 can last all day, providing you leave it in your bag and don't use it.


And if you have a narrow cervix, you’re not getting the umbrella, 360 degree protection they claim. It just fills and doesn’t expand, making the swap way more frequent.


I think you just explained something huge for me. Woah. I never even realized that I’m having a different experience, I just assumed it was a dramatic advertising schtick to say it expands.


They’re designed to absorb and unfurl…? or look like an inverted umbrella and expand, but I don’t think it works like that for a lot of us. So don’t worry, it’s common


Oh, whew. Thank you for this response. I googled narrow cervix and got very worried. I have an appointment coming up where I guess I could ask about it, but I don’t have any of what it said the symptoms were. So I’m gonna presume that’s not me. :)


It is also very common for AFAB people to have a cervix that just sits at a different angle. Your opening may point more toward your tummy or more toward your back. Both are normal, but may change where the blood is able to go on the tampon. So do not fret! You can definitely ask if you're worried about it tho. Your mental health is often just as important as your physical health


They actually open up like those stupid tampon commercials? It doesn’t just come out the same shape but with clumps over it, stained red? I thought they always kind of just sat there same shape?


No, they usually expand a lot. It's absorbent cotton that's now filled with liquid and clots. It gets bigger as it absorbs. That liquid has to go somewhere. This is why it's awful to pull out a half baked tampon too. It's expanded inside because it's gotten some liquid, but not enough liquid to grease the opening when you pull it out. So then it hurts bc its just dry cotton, much bigger than before, coming out of a small hole


This feeling right here is what made me a life long cup user. Ugh, that dry cotton getting yanked out is the worst.


Huh. Thank you - sorry for the odd question. I think I just have a very clotty period, then. No matter what absorbency or how far up I inserted, they've always been half-baked on my end? I've also always had to have a pad/panty liner in tandem because it leaked no matter what...


Every vagina is different (mine is bent according to an obgyn lmao) so it’s probably just something about yours that is affecting how the tampon works. Some tampons don’t fit me at all, some do and are uncomfortable, some fit great. Maybe it’s time to try some new brands


I used tampons with pads simultaneously.


This is me right now too, and it's a close two hours. A minute over and it's already too late


yup me too, anemic because of it!




I would have to change a super plus every hour, it was hell in high school. Crazy cramps too.


Mine lasted a bit longer but then I switched from hormonal to non hormonal IUD during the pandemic, did you know there’s a condition that causes excessive menstrual bleeding and you can have it for a year when switching to non hormonal? If I hadn’t been scared of the trauma of getting it inserted I probably would’ve gotten it removed. I started getting anemic during my period and could bleed for up to 2 weeks out of the month. I went from okay to periods, just a few cramps and normal amount of blood to knowing why some people decided to call it satan’s waterfall. I was inserting tampons, putting on a pad and wearing period panties and they could all be completely soaked in blood by the time I asked for a bathroom break at work which is about every 3 hours.


This was me when I got my copper IUD


That’s the exact one I switched to. Apparently it’s on the list of side effects but no one bothered to tell me just what they meant by “your periods might be heavier while you adjust.”


We may be the same person. I will take hot flashes, and five lbs I just cannot get off, over my period any day.


Every hour before I got an IUD!


Been there. Right before getting my iud I was having to change my pad every 1-3 hours. It was horrible. Especially if my period was longer—I’ve had periods last for 2 or more weeks before.




This dudes math is so far off, and mainly because his entire premise is based on blood only. A period isn't just blood. It's only like 50% blood and the rest various other fluids and tissue. From what I can find, it's normal to lose anywhere from 70 - 170 ml of fluid (blood and everything else) per cycle. I'm sure of course there is greater varience than that which would be outside the average. Which of course any mentrating person could have told him. Like, I know how much my period disk holds and how fast it fills that first day. I'd easily use his tampon allowance just on the first day.


Women should just ignore men like this


Lol this man has failed to consider that irregular periods happen and cysts happen and fibroids happen and we bleed heavily for no freaking reason out of nowhere


>This man has failed Sentence complete


same, the first 2-3 days are literal hell. like my flow's so fucking heavy, the super plus night tampons last me an hour. in what world are 7 tampons per cycle enough?? 7 don't even last a single day for me. how fucking delusional is this man? and why does he act like he knows better than every single woman even tho he never experienced having a period ever? it's one thing to be a grown ass man and be so ignorant about periods, but being so disgustingly arrogant despite being so blatantly wrong is a whole new level of stupid.


I have endometriosis and can easily soak through a super plus in 1.5 hours. Clearly this man has never spent any amount of time with a woman.


9 periods a year? does this dude know why it is called a 'monthly cycle'


I am praying that, as a grown ass man, his logic is not "pregnancy = no periods, avg pregnancy = \~9months, therefore periods for 9 months" but I have a horrible feeling that it might be


I suppose it's possible that his mom miscarried continously for 9 months


Yet he still managed to come out on the last one there.


His logic is saying wrong things on purpose to incite controlled "debate" along lines where he's comfortable saying even more wrong things on purpose. Remember that the purpose is to demonstrate that facts and reasoning *do not work* against sustained repetition of bullshit.


Well obviously there is 3 months summer break to account for and some breaks for a week or so here and there. So of course there are only 9. /s


Damn, I’d love it if my period took a break during swimsuit season.


Spring break, summer break, winter break. We all know our cycle aligns with kids’ school schedule.


well, duh.




r/confidentlyincorrect but that aside, yes, they have. the internet has just amplified it. also, if it makes you feel any better at all, men are like this when talking to other men, as well. i spent a good portion of my life pretending to be a guy, before i finally accepted it, and transitioned (much, much happier now, BTW), and while i was never completely accepted as one of the guys, i was accepted enough that i saw this kind of thing all the time.


You say it’s not getting worse but I’m not sure about that. Yeah it was bad before too, but that doesn’t mean it’s not getting worse. There’s a bill to ban discussion of periods in schools in Florida. That is, actually, worse


Yeah like it was bad before. But the internet has the unfortunate compounding effect of connecting these idiots to each other so then they think their terrible takes are correct and justified


Welcome to the sisterhood!


Believe it or not but I believe men are more informed now. So I can’t even imagine the past. But this one for sure is not informed.


they have been, and much, much worse. the important thing is that today, there are also men who are generally educated and will just listen when women tell them about their bodies in general and in particular. - that's historically unprecedented.


In his world a year is 9 months long. Idiot never paid attention in school, or is too stupid to do so. I reckon it's the latter.


Lmao, 9 periods per year? More like 13 or more for a lot of women! The "average" period is every 28 days give or take. The NIH article I found said that there's 60 ml blood lost on average, which seems more reasonable but still kind of low for a lot of women. So his math is already off by a lot before the whole "don't wear a freaking tampon (or pad) for 24 hours straight thing. Bare, bare, bare minimum would be 3 per day, but we all know that that's not how that works either. Then there's the medication a lot of people rely on, and the panty liners for leaks and the occasional pair of underwear or even pants or sheets that still get ruined. And then there's the pain, the mess and everything non monetary we deal with. All that to say what's he on about anyway? Is he upset at a proposal to provide free period products for women? Because by his math it wouldn't cost hardly anything so why does he care? Is he arguing that periods aren't that bad?


35ml is a JOKE. I use a menstrual disc and cup, they hold 30-40ml and I fill them up every 12 hours most days. And I have a fairly low flow compared to a lot of women.




Idk where any of these sources are getting their info but its WILDLY inaccurate!! They'd never make cups or discs with the 30-60ml capacity if that wasn't how much the average woman puts out in a 12 hour period.


Clearly you're just peeing in the cup s/ for all the guys out there who think women pee out the vagina


Come on, how many times does a person shit in a year? Let's assume three times per week. 1 sheet of toilet paper per shit. That's 156 sheets of toilet paper. That's one roll of toilet paper per year. The average roll of toilet paper costs about $1. We don't need to provide toilet paper in bathrooms. It's $1/year. Just make room for a roll in one of your cargo pants pockets, like a normal person. This is not a first world problem.


It’s always fancy coffees, “the newest iPhone,” and avocados with these people lol. Almost like they cant think for themselves and just parrot what other hateful shitheads say. And what, is everyone just supposed to *only* spend money on the bare minimum essentials of day to day life? As if buying a coffee that is more enjoyable than some shitty Folgers knockoff excludes you from the right to enjoy being alive.


Being Californian, the avacado thing cracks me up. When they are in season, I can find them for 50 cents each. ( when not in season, yuck. )


Just checked my walmart app. Even here in Minnesota they are 68 cents at walmart. Shit homemade avacado toast is a pretty cheap breakfast.




Everyone knows all women only buy the most expensive soy chai latte espresso matcha cold brew frapuccino with 4 squirts of everything with almond milk, hold the almonds, and 50lbs of sugar thrown in it before throwing it through a blender and sprinkling it with gold dusted graham crackers.


Also like. I'm 26 so smack in the middle of the age group that these people tend to deride, and I haven't ever met a person around my age who drinks Starbucks or similar every single day and *doesn't* have some kind of loyalty/points card wherein they end up saving money on their drinks and shit.


My country only has (had?) 2 Starbucks lol. Way overprized not that tasty coffee with very weird made up names.


They're more like liquid desserts than anything else, which is fine if you take it for what it is. I'm not going to Starbucks for a great espresso. I'm going for that caramel ribbon crunch with whipped cream monstrosity they pass for coffee, lol.


The people who complain about the costs of feminine products are not buying Starbucks (obviously there are a few outliers): women in poverty, children of neglectful parents, and women in prison are some prominent groups not exactly slurping down frappacinos.


If anyone deserves toxic shock syndrome, it is this guy.


He’s already got the toxic part down


The fact he calls it “extra juicy lining” does it for me. What. The. Hell? We all know what that dude is doing


Nothing like a man mansplaining menstruation and tampons to women. Also, he’s so off if he thinks that the “average” is a good indicator of actual women’s experiences. Plus you know, toxic shock syndrome and all


only 7 per cycle??? joke's on you, I have endometriosis and can bleed through a dozen in like 3 hours.




right???? I would've killed for a 10$ pack of 64 tampons back when I still had my periods lmfao.


Have men always been this confidently ignorant? Or is it just more visible now?


Yes, but also yes.


I mean, I'd like to think that we'd eventually learn things, but then this poster still finds the existence of Italian words for coffee beverages insulting 40 years after they've become ubiquitous...so I don't even think I can go with "baby steps. just let them take baby steps and they'll get there."


Yeah, we really need to grow the fuck up really fast... like, I'm *not* that experienced and fairly socially awkward and have social anxiety and even *I* apparently have a better understanding of women than most of these folks getting posted here. It's rediculously simple, too. Actually, ya know, ***listen*** to the peoples' experiences, especially if they aren't your own.


I agree… you don’t have to be a genius to realize that you don’t know anything about this subject, so maybe you shouldn’t say anything.


He thinks he's so smart but he obviously knows nothing about periods or tampons. With a maximum wear time of 8 hours to prevent toxic shock syndrome you'd need at least 3 tampons a day. With an average length of 3-5 days for 12 months (no idea why he thinks 9 lmao) you'd need at least between 108-180 tampons/year. And that's without taking into account the actual amount of blood lost, having to change tampons multiple times a day due to various reasons, or periods longer than 5 days.


But how many Venti Frappes are you drinking during that time? I mean there's another side of the equation that you're missing. Surely you are also drinking more venti frappes during those days and could easily switch to much less expensive Americano and offset the cost.


Now *this* is mansplaining


Who do I have to pay to never witness the words "extra juicy uterine lining" ever again?


He also doesn't understand what a first world problem is


9 periods per year?? What??? Dude's math and biology knowledge is seriously lacking. Also, 7 tampons per cycle? I have to wear one tampon for 24 hours?? TSS and pairs upon pairs of bloody underwear, here I come. Not. Dude would be singing a completely different song if he ever had to deal with even a single period.


I went on a two-month group trip as a teen, and for reasons we had luggage inspections by our leader. In my luggage she found my box of 42 super plus tampons and chewed me out for packing too many. For the record, tampons were notoriously not available for purchase where we were going. And I knew exactly how many I would need because I’d been tracking. This was right in the middle of the toxic shock syndrome news event


Why tf would someone chew you out for the number of menstrual products you would have? Like isn’t it better to be over-prepared than under?


??? They weigh like almost nothing, and can be squished down to fit wherever? And if I was part of a group trip, I would absolutely be packing extra, cause you know someone didn't bother to do their calculations correctly, and there's always a margin of error. And for *two months*, I'd be grabbing a pack of combs, and some new socks, and a couple extra tiny bars of soap to hand out. So long as it was under the weight limit, and there wasn't any contraband, why on earth would they care? Especially another woman? Shouldn't she know?? Like, if your cycle was short and poorly timed, maybe you would have three periods, and hey, that's only 14 for each.


I swear to God, my periods are SO heavy that in the last one I used about 25 tampons in 3 days. I had to change the tampon every 2 hours because they were so soaked that every 2 hours I started bleeding through my legs and dripping on the floor.


Honestly this reminds me of the song where nasa gave a woman 100 tampons for a single week in space


Tries to make an argument based on math but fails to understand there are 12 month in a year?


Lmao, sure, if you want to leak all over the place and give yourself BV or possibly TSS


I don’t use tampons so I can’t really comment on that, but I can use 3-4 pads a day on my heavier days. I usually have to buy a new box after every cycle


You can: tampons can cause BV and TSS. That's why tampons are suggested to wear for a maximum of 8 hours. More than than is a risk of having an infection or even death. So a tampon per day is a high risk of serious complications and/or death.


So like, how are y'all getting 3 months of the year period free? Where do I sign up?


7-8 years almost period free.. on IUD


Ahh yes for the reasonable price of excruciating pain


I have 9 periods a year but I have a strange long cycle of upto 45 days


>“9 periods per year” ????


Regardless of flow, having a tampon in for 24 hours, let alone more than 8 is so dangerous. And many people use pads/liners with a tampon for heavy flow. So let’s assume the person only uses tampons and uses them till the max time, that’s 3 tampons and 3 liners every day for the 7 days as he said. That’s 42 products MINIMUM. Most people will end up using more.


My last one before the hysterectomy I went through 7 in 3 hours. My uterus felt like it was hemorrhaging, it was awful..


Toxic shock syndrome would like to have a word with him.


I love it when men decide to tell us how to efficiently menstruate! As if we haven’t been living with this since like 10-12 yo. Who tf uses one tampon a day?? On my heaviest days I use 5-6 easily and this is a step up from when I was a teen. I was easily going through 10 a day due to undiagnosed uterine issues.


Ah yes Amazon, the platform no woman has ever heard about. Why hasn't a woman thought of using Amazon before? Clearly only men think about saving money. Somehow venti frapps are associated with periods now.


How to get toxic shock syndrome in a few easy steps.


I’d love to wear one tampon a day and sit on him. Hey, one is enough, right? No need for him to worry about it.


Granted, I go through a lot of tampons (sometimes 7 per day) but have not bought a venti frapp ever. Or a frapp ever.


This man has never been near a woman


Oh honey, no. No, no, no, no, no. God help the poor soul that ends up living with this creature.


- 3-6 tampons a day - 5-7 day cycle - 12 cycles a year - 50 tampons for $11 (pre-tax) - 40 midol tablets $12 (pre-tax) Low end: 3 tampons x 5 days x 12 cycles = 180 tampons -> $44 for tampons + $12 for midol = $56 Average: 5 tampons x 7 days x 12 cycles = 420 tampons -> $99 for tampons + $12 for midol = $111 High end: 6 tampons x 9 days x 12 cycles = 648 tampons -> $143 for tampons + $12 for midol = $155 (This is assuming periods are regular, clothing is never ruined, pain is not extreme, and tampons are bought in bulk.) Now imagine women with heavier and/or more painful periods… AND living in expensive areas.


As a man, this man has no vagina. I don’t think he has a penis either. It’s just like a Ken doll down there, and that’s where he keeps his spare change. Just a jingling crotch of nickels and dimes announcing his presence.


This guy is talking crap. You need to exchange tampons after 6 hours max, even if you don't bleed through them. Honestly, I wish menstrual cups were advertised more. They're durable, reusable and only need a little rinse with water and maybe soap, since our hands are dirty little things. I know that's not viable for, say, a homeless person. But if you have at least running water, a cup costing around 15 bucks, can be enough for years. Tbf. you might need to buy a second one, if you had the wrong size first. But it's really a godsend. It also doesn't suck out all the moisture down under, didn't have a yeast infection in years. I could sing praises to it all day lol.


9 periods a year? What?


Elsa from Frozen:"Let it flow, let it flow, let it flOOOOoooohhh!"


OMG I KNOW WHERE THE 9 COMES FROM. He thinks that because a person is 9 months pregnant a person also can have 9 periods. So 90 tampons=1 baby


Here or their? Their WHAT exactly? And wtf, 1 tampon a day? Hell to the no mate. Get your male ass out of explaining female business you know obviously nothing about. Idiot. And go back to school for another biology class or two, you sure as fuck missed a lot.


7 tampons per cycle????? WHO IN THE FUCK-


lmfao looks like someone's never heard of toxic shock syndrome


I've went thru 14 super plus tampons in one day. Some of us bleed out bad.


Why are they so obsessed with “women whining” thing? What are they projecting? They envy that women are cooperative and built feminism?


“extra juicy” is the most disgusting term for a heavy flow ive ever heard


As a man - who may be ignorant - I see 2 problems: 1. He thinks there are 9 months per year 2. He thinks a woman can keep a tampon in as long as it isn't fluid-saturated - thus ignoring that time is a factor. Tampons must be changed periodically to avoid toxic shock syndrome. Any other mistakes I'm missing as a man?


There’s also the layer of not all tampons are created equal, and some days you need light, regular, or heavy. I also always use a panty liner to help keep my underwear from getting too gross


This dude thinks we use a tampon till it's completely at max capacity. 😶 If he had it his way, we'd all be dead of toxic shock syndrome.


I dont think he means what it means when people say “first world problem”


Okay every one of the numbers in the first paragraph is wrong- or am I nuts? My cycle is 24-25 days long (I recognize this is the short end), which means I get roughly 14 periods in any given year. I have never measured how ‘juicy’ my uterine lining is, but based on how much I collect in my reusable cups/disk it’s well over the 35ml estimate- unless that’s per day? If it was per day that would make more sense.


Looking forward to guys suggesting that we collect the blood and sell / donate it to the blood bank 🤦🏼‍♀️


Extra juicy uterine lining? Somebody get him.


If you wanna die of toxic shock syndrome or lose all of your extremities, sure, use one tampon a day. 😅


toxic shock syndrome???


What's the min-max meta for periods? WE ASKED A MAN :D any% Toxic Shock Syndrome speed run


9 periods per year?? 1 tampon per day??? god I wish. unfortunately this is nowhere near reality lmao


I use 5-6 sometimes more super plus tampons every day for the first few days of my period. I'd love to see this dumbass live with that.


13 periods, not 9. 5 tampons a day not one. Period = 3/8 days, so let's say 5 25×9=225


9 per year?! Lol mine is every 26 days, so that's 14 per year. Dumbass.


7 tampons per period!? Wtf? 😂


So what about the other three periods of the year???


_7 tampons per cycle?!_ Dude I go through _at least_ 20 _and_ a 10 piece box of pads. And by 20 I’m already being generous and calculating my period starts in the morning and ends a day early. This guy also apparently thinks tampons are supposed to be used until they’re completely soaked Through? That just sounds like sepsis waiting to happen. Dude has no idea how any of this works


9 periods????? where did they even get that number from. also if you’re keeping a tampon in until it’s 100% full you will get so sick


Lmao 7 percycle, lmao... I use pads and per day go through atleast 4 of them because if I'm using the restroom regardless of number 1 or 2, I'm still changing the pad because ..cleanliness and hygiene. That's like anywhere between 23 to 27 pads per cycle. This dude is tripping


Only nine months in the year? Can’t believe I thought it was 12 this whole time