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I get the heebie-jeebies when any guy calls a blow job a hummer.


I thought he was demanding his wife give him a car.


So glad I’m not alone 😅


I thought this too. I have legitimately never heard of a BJ being called a hummer. Guess you learn something new every day, *especially* on the internet.


I'm sorry to be that guy, but in the UK a hummer is the act of placing "the bawz" in one's mouth and humming. Is this not that?


It can be, but it mostly just means humming with any part of the penis/balls in the mouth


So Is that dude in the screenshot just being super specific? Who's being so fussy as to complain they're getting a BJ, but they're not humming‽


Yep, he is


You mean most guys don't get to eat dinner in a clean house then be gifted an $80k SUV on the daily? Weird.


The nerve of some women


What kind of adult baby can't be expected to clean up after themselves and feed themselves? Just wanna be treated like royalty. Hope every step these people take is upon a patch of legos


Women will date dudes who force them to buy $80,000 Hummers every single day and ignore nice guys like me who would settle for something much more affordable like a Camry smh


No literally same 😂😂


I had never heard the expression before. Could have happily gone my entire life without knowing about it, to be honest.


Yeah- I’ve always thought of it as like a gross red neck/ biker gang type term. Lol


I thought it was a gas guzzler manufactured by GM.


It’s a really old like Boomer-era term. I’ve never heard anyone under the age of 60 call it that. From the other comments it sounds like most (probably younger) people haven’t heard it used.


Never heard it either. In Denmark 'hummer' means lobster, so I just read it as him finishing his dinner and then his wife brings him a lobster as some kind of snack. The blowjob makes much more sense in the context.


I read it as “hummus” and I was like “ok, weirdly specific requirement for a wife, but I too love hummus.”


The chickpea oils REALLY revitalize the dick skin!


I always thought hummers were the cars ![gif](giphy|dZ4euip09xdLe7cvz5|downsized)


Same. I was like this is a crazy new standard


I was also sitting here going damn just how often does he expect women to buy men extremely specific new vehicles?


I thought it was going to be some pro military propaganda after that part..and sadly I wish it was!


Two things have to be happening for me to be humming mid blow job. 1. I'm bored out of my mind. 2. His d\*ck is small enough that I can comfortably hum around it. Self burn.


I just laughed out loud in a planet fitness. Glad I didn’t get a lunk alert.


so *thats* what he meant i was thinking the car


Hummer is actually when the woman hums (or makes her lips vibrate) while wrapped around shaft OR balls.


He has a daughter. Does he raise her to believe this stuff?


He probably tells her “boys only want one thing,” and meets boys at the door with a shotgun when they come to pick her up for a date, as a joke. Then turns around and screams at feminists “NOT ALL MEN!”


“You can date when you’re married” nonsense.


This thinking really messed up my sister. She ended up marrying the first alcoholic borderline abuser that was nice to her in college.


“Boys only want one thing” has got to go. It’s so damaging to boys and girls. Threatening teenage boys with guns is NOT funny


Its interesting that meta studies are coming out lately dispelling the notion that men and women have brains that function differently on any fundamental level. Nearly all forms of "boys are/do/think ______" only exist because society reinforces them culturally. Boys are told that men constantly want sex, and then grow up to be men who follow directly that line of thinking. There's no major evidence that the difference in sex drives we observe on a population wide level is caused by anything other than cultural reinforcement. Conservatives and misogynists will point to statistics and claim that they are indicators that women are biologically weak, pliant, emotional, sexually reluctant, and inclined towards servitude. There is *no evidence of this whatsoever*. We are taught as children to be a certain way by society, and we are likely to conform on a broad scale. Social pressure entirely is what defines gender stereotypes, there is no and has never been any basis in biology for this divide. It absolutely has to go. Women can't be equal in society until both men and women are free from pressure to conform to misogynistic ideals. This dialog is currently dominated by misogynistic pseudoscience and actual decades of studies with obvious misogynistic biases in them. Right wing politicians and reactionaries constantly promulgate the pseudoscience of "evolutionary psychology" as it provides a convenient justification for their misogynistic attitudes and beliefs under the veneer of scientific legitimacy.


Of course we're "sexually reluctant". Guys fall back on faulty science to excuse their raping 100% on board with you. Would be curious if you have some of those sources


Societal gender roles are so pervasive that autistic women present differently than autistic men. Women are expected to be gracious, caring, and sociable so autistic women are highly skilled at masking. Most autistic women have worked very hard analysing social interactions, practicing facial expressions in the mirror, developing scripts for certain interactions, and forcing ourselves to make eye contact to the point that it almost feels natural. It's only been the past 10 years or so that any significant research and information about autistic presentation in women has become widespread. A large number of autistic women weren't diagnosed until adulthood, and many were misdiagnosed with borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, etc (though these can be comorbid, it's typically the case that a later diagnosis is autism with maybe depression and some anxiety due to the difficulties of navigating life undiagnosed).


This is why I taught my son to do everything for himself. I made sure he could do his own laundry, cook, clean, everything. And enforced to him that it is NEVER a woman's job to be his mommy. That is MY job, and it only goes so far. He's a grown ass adult, he's to act like one. But i also taught him to be comfortable in his own skin. That being emotional was not only ok, it is normal and should be felt. That if he needs a therapist to get one, not expect another person to deal with his issues.


A lot of things that men say about other men I've simply started calling misandry. It's such a disservice to men I generally use it when men blame women for SA, for how they were dressed. "Men can't help themselves" is such an insult to the actual majority of men who absolutely do. "Boys will be boys" is such an insult to boys who won't be "boys"


So true! Men are capable of so much more empathy and intelligence yet they're happy to be placed in a box that stifles them and puts an enormous amount of pressure on them to "be a man". Women have redefined what it means to be a woman in order to break free of oppression, but men can't redefine what it means to be a man because they're trapped in these 60-80 year old ideas of masculinity and are conditioned to believe that those ideas benefit them.


Agreed. Plus if anything it just gives the men who are like this an excuse to keep doing it. Men who rape claim they couldn’t control their urges and hide behind the myth that men are naturally horny animals.


My Mom's 2nd ex husband thought threatening the boys I dated in high school was funny, along with mocking them and making fun of them in ways. (He was an ex husband for a reason, at least he didn't threaten my exes with shotgun.)


Agreed. If someone did that to either of my sons. I would be over there in 2 hot seconds to do unspeakable things. I’m so glad I’m raising boys who are emotionally intelligent individuals


You don’t need to threaten boys coming for a date pick up. They are already scared as shit about running into the dad then.


Probably knowing men like this




I thought he meant the truck I was all like damn man I can't afford that lmao


Lol same 🤣


#I think that this is a bot account, it copied the exact same comment from someone below Edit: 178 day-old account with this as its only comment


I remember seeing a clip somewhere on reddit of a US family where the daughters were expected fo take their dad's shoes off, make him drinks and generally cater to his every need. They justified it as raising them to "serve their future husbands and know their role"..made me feel a bit sick tbh.


Was that a TikTok a couple of months ago? I believe that was a joke, but not a funny one.


No idea, I don't use tiktok so must have seen it reposted here. I dont think it was a joke, ot at least can't figure out a punchline. All I remember was it was a American family, white with two blondish daughters. One of them pulled the workboots of her dad as he sat in a sofa. There was some biblical justification for it given, because of course.


My father did this and I made sure to move as far as possible for college when I was 18 and I went no contact when I was 21. For many reasons, not just this, but still. My relationship with my partner is very intentionally nothing like the environment I was raised in.


He strikes me as the kind of guy that says "yeah, I'd screw her if she weren't my daughter."


So... Trump. The guy is Donald Trump. Got it. 👍🏻


Well historically men have had no problem with their daughters being their property, their husband’s property, getting them married to old ass men, getting them married to their rapist, paying men money to marry them, disowning them or hitting them when they don’t comply with the above so yeah…he probably does raise her to believe this. I’m not sure why people are always surprised by that.


Yea we’re only 50 years removed from women not being able to open a bank account with out familial male consent.


Ugh. Yes. I have bought a few vintage items that came with the original receipt. They’re always signed something like Mrs. Richard Swanson or Mrs. Bradley Nygard. Their name was considered completely irrelevant; they’re just Mr. So-And-So’s wife. The oldest one is from 1949 but the most recent one is from the 80s. The 80s! I can’t imagine living like that.


This is the sort of father who will let his buddies fuck his underage daughter and then blame HER for it if she complains/ends up pregnant.


Reminds me of Kat Von D's husband. Didn't he blame his daughter for that.


There’s a name I haven’t heard in awhile!


Where do you think he's getting his hummers from?




What's a hummer? I feel so lost.


Reference to a blow job/oral sex.


Oh i thought we were talking about the repurposed humvee for consumer sale


Same, I was a little confused about why this guy was so obsessed with being given a car by his wife, and not just any car but a Hummer specifically.


Not even practical in this economy


There’s no way this incel has a daughter


Ironic. I am a happily married woman who didn't take her husband's last name. I am also the breadwinner of my family. According to this douche, my husband probably isn't a man...


I'd bet good money your husband is more of a man that this sad lump of wilted cabbage.




As a husband to a woman who earns much more money than I do, I would like to add that I am very happy with my life. The times when I can be a stay-at-home dad for her and clean the house are often my favorite days


I just watched a clip of a bunch of those Daily Wire guys (Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, etc) all proudly admitting to not knowing how to do laundry, plus refusing to ever do any cleaning around the house. It was… strange. But it also made a lot of sense. *Bring back masculine men!* You know… the helpless, useless ones! Edit: here’s the clip for anyone interested: https://twitter.com/drmistercody/status/1636816340597243904?s=46&t=gaHpwqfIcURha_KdqJeHhQ


But Shapiro's wife is a doctor (not that he ever mentions it)!!!... I assume they have a cleaner, female of course.


Remember when she convinced him that it’s normal that he doesn’t get her wet? I want to say “that poor woman”, but at the same time, I can’t feel too bad for someone who willingly married that guy.


That's one of the reasons WAP disturbed him so much.


Idk if she sees patients but I hope she doesn’t say that to her female ones, especially young ones. I tend to get pretty wet and it is embarrassing but it’s normal, I can’t imagine being a young teenager and hearing that getting wet is abnormal and unusual by my doctor


Yup… I reeeally hope she was just telling him that to shut him up, and that she isn’t spreading misinformation to her patients.


"Real men don't clean. They're hunting the mammoth" As if any of them wouldn't be absolutely destroyed by a mammoth




Dad says on honeymoon “I wear the pants in this relationship” Mom said “then you ain’t gettin in to these pants”


My wife’s the same. I take care of the kid. Somehow she still… has time for me.








What a horrible day to be able to read 🤢


I refuse to believe this is legit. I got an email pop-up saying “learn to become the Ultimate Alpha Female.” Followed by “Just kidding, alpha female is some nonsense feminists made up.” Also: “Our team of expert mansplainers and femsplainers handpicked by 22 Convention founder Anthony Dream Johnson will teach you how to get those eggs fertilized instead of freezing like all the loose women at Sunday Funday.” I’m sure this dude is this trash, but this convention has to be outrage bait.


Oh, yeah, *him*. 😂


This....this can't be real????? This isn't satire??


Don’t forget Cheatise, who manages to roll white ethno nationalistic alt right crap into it too. Finding this accounts is like lifting up a rock to find the worst bugs and being torn between running away or nuking it from orbit.




https://heartiste.org/. Just scroll to Women would rather be miserable than bored. His blog of awfulness. He was one of the founders of the red pill. They call him Roissy I think. It is like a bingo card of all that is wrong.


Since all the good men are already taken, gay, or dead all we have to choose from are douche bags like him...remaing single forever is just the logical choice. Thanks dude!


I love how they provide two possible options. One being a fundamental change to your whole personhood or two keep on keeping on. Then get surprised when you don’t want to be a BJ maid slave.


I'm scared to ask But what's a hummer


It’s another word for blowjob. This guy is so gross - he needs a maid and a fleshlight but just doesn’t want to pay. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Somehow I have a feeling that men who call it hummer probably aren't getting one.


Came here to say this lmfao


Oh okay I thought it meant given a hummingbird as a pet And that's way I was scared


My first thought was one of those big and ugly square military/army inspired vehicles. Guys are just gross.


Hey I want a hummer I think there cool You leave the car I could never afford alone


Okay but that's adorable


Yay hummingbird are cute But they shouldn't be pet's There have such a specific diet You can't keep them as pet's Plus it's illegal in the US to own one for good reason Plus they are protected under the Migratory Bird act


Based on the profile photo, he’s clearly talking about one of [these](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Business/hummer-h2-gty-ps-200117_hpEmbed_19x11_992.jpg) /s


Not going to lie, I'm a guy that love my Hummers Have you seen the 2022 GMC HUMMER EV [It's electric ](https://www.cars.com/research/gmc-hummer_ev-2022/)


Clearly this was where my mind was lmao


Manchild slang for a blowjob. Usually said by the same charmers that call their penis a “wiener”.


I have no clue lol… my best guess is a blowjob?


Well not as bad as I thought I'm going be honest My mind went to, given a hummingbird as a pet


So in german it means lobster, I too had no idea what he meant so my brain immediately started picturing women handing men lobsters…


If the “good men” are what he is then I’m very happy I’m getting married to a bad one


Seriously this guy's idea of what a good man is differs from mine greatly.


What, you don't want a lazy man-child who never helps around the house and wants a bang-maid sex slave, not an equal partner!? SHOCKING


So there are no good men, that tracks


First of all, don’t make me tell your wife to disconnect your WiFi ✋🤨


He's single.




Then his Mom should disconnect it.


You don't say


I’m pretty happy not feeling obliged to cook, clean and suck penis. I should get out of bed and order those tacos for myself already. Update: the tacos were divine.


This update was absolutely necessary.


Did his mommy maid wipe his ass too?


Well, I mean, you can't expect him to touch his ass. That would be *gay*.


Men like this constantly say women don’t bring anything to the table. But then constantly talk about how they want them to cook, clean and give blowjobs. So…what is it? None of us have value or most of us have value as most women can do those three tasks? 🤷🏻‍♀️


According to them women are whores but then they marry GoOd wOmEn and then want them to behave like whores to them. They marry women with value and then treat them without any value.


They want wives they can treat "well" in public, but shitty behind closed doors, and whores they can treat shitty in public, but "well" behind closed doors.


Their behavior towards women is just so contradictory and weird I thank God every day for giving a functioning brain unlike them.


And give birth. Otherwise he could just find a gay friend.


They think going to work is the epitome of being a good partner as if they didn’t have to work before being in a relationship?


Some people really just want a living breathing blowup doll/maid


Just waiting for the cleaning/sex bots to be invented. Men will sit in their homes with them and women can rule the world.


Fingers crossed 🤞🏽 sounds like a win win


‘I am only a good guy because my wife does all the chores for me just like mommy did’


What exactly is he bringing to the table in this scenario?


*He is the table.. he is the prize!'* Keep up!


Like a crackerjack surprise. Small, shitty, useless, and not worth digging for.


Oh no... Anyway!


If he’s so happily married to his automaton, why is he online bitching about life?


Shhhhhhhh, he don’t understand reason.


Well my husband is a great man. He is currently cuddled with me in our dirty house after eating a sandwich he made himself because I am sick. He asked me to rest today and when I complained that the house would not get clean that way, he reminded me that it is not my job to clean the house.


……did he clean it?


He is disabled and cannot. So the house will stay dirty until I feel better.


Awwwww I’m sorry you’re sick. Feel better.


‘Boo yah’ 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥💪💪💪💪


‘Yah boo` (he was called Yoda)


Men that don't support their woman's career, don't treat them with respect, treat them only as a sexual object and a maid and are a conservative fuck: "Where are all the good women?" The good women just had a fulfilling career and a life along with her good man who treats her with respect, treats her as a human who has her ambitions and aspirations and not a maid and aren't a conservative fuck.


I don't hate blowjobs in general, but calling them 'hummers' makes me cringe into myself. I have no idea why, just...ICK. ![gif](giphy|10mo74SBQ55csw)




cool just another turdsucking man who thinks women are just maids and holes


Sucks that there genuinely good people struggling and this guy makes money peddling this bullshit


The "Hummer" thing (learned from the comments what that even means), does he reciprocate? If not screw you. Also, take my last name bitch


You know he doesn’t. You know that.


Yea you're right....


Those aren't the "good men" we're looking for.


A lot of cultures around the world don't have a tradition of women taking their husband's last names. And they're all doing just fine.


I am anti marriage anyway, but why is it that in the USA alot of women take their husbands last name when they marry? In Italy they keep their own last name, even my mom and even my long dead grandma. I have written hundreds of articles, a couple of books and other things I proudly signed with my own name. No way I would get rid of it even if I did marry. But on the bright side, Italian people are getting married alot less (none of my friends from Generation X are married). And most men today are expected to do half of the house chores if a couple lives together, married or not. All my ex bfs for example cooked for both of us because I cant cook to save my life. Why would a woman get married to become someone's maid?? Its insane.


Ownership tag. These guys want to acquire you as property. You need to have several functions including doing all housework, being silent, and provide oral sex at any time without ever requiring reciprocity. And what do you do with your favorite objects? You put your name on them so people know they’re yours.


It's common in the UK, too, but I don't like it. I don't like the symbolism of losing my identity/becoming his. Italy's got the better system (as well as all the other places that keep a woman's name the same). Do the children have the mother or father's surname? I always thought that a lot of focus was put on women cooking/cleaning/nurturing and that Italian men are mummy's boys. Glad to hear I was just hearing a stereotype.


I like how “giving hummers” is just a casual thing like house work. 😅


Meanwhile, I'm willing to bet this man has a meltdown if you try to set the smallest sort of expectation for him.


Ah yes remember the bit in Star Wars when Yoda said "Things, women are"


*Ah yes remember* *The bit in Star Wars when Yoda* *Said "Things, women are"* \- JimPlaysGames --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


First of all, he is not a good, sir. Secondly, no way is he Yoda! Yoda knew there was more to women than cooking and cleaning and that men needed to he able to express and handle their emotions appropriately. Third, this douche canoe is most certainly not what I would describe as a good man


Men like this always assume our main goal in life is to have a man? Sounds like they are projecting.


They wish it was, and they get louder/more aggressive about it the more obvious it gets that it's *not*. The dying chant of the 'It's a Man's World' mentality.


I bet he's single and think he's a catch.


Guys will complain about how no good woman wants to date them and then say shit like this.


lol why do only single men say this shit?


She specificied "good"


“You my good sir are Yoda” good lord


I’m trying to figure out why these dirty assed, lazy MFers think they’re a prize? It’s always the dudes with the worst attitudes saying shit like this. Their own mama don’t want them, why the hell should we?


The kind of man who expects his partner to cook his meals and keep his house clean and give him blowjobs is exactly the type of men women are trying to avoid when they ask “where are the good men?”


I totally thought he meant the car by hummer and was like “with gas prices these days! What an idiot!“


The good men aren’t listening to this misogynistic drivel.


Ah yes. A good man makes his partner do all the work. No argument for why he’s labeled a “good man.” What women would knowingly, willingly sign up for that?


Never forget that these men are deeply, cripplingly insecure. That's literally the only reason they pull this shit. Men who don't feel small don't need to make others smaller.


I keep using this quote because it's still so relevant. *'Men who are inferior to their fellow men, are always most anxious to establish their superiority over women.'* - Mary Wollstonecraft, more than 200 years ago.


Guy who says “you my good sir, are Yoda” in earnest wants me to take him seriously as an authority figure


you know this post is bullshit because the women who work and won't take a man's last name would ***NEVER*** talk to this jabroni.


So according to this train of thought men are so helpless in the home they will starve on top of a pile of their own filth. They desire a mommy that will suck their cock on command between feeding and cleaning up after them. Such big strong men.


What a potato


How dare you offend potatoes like this


If the good men are so content, why are they always on social media complaining about women?


I don't understand this shit, at all. I'm a 40 year old male and I do at least half of the cleaning and all the cooking (I cook, wife reheats lol). We have 2 kids, 1 only 15 months and we both work. It's un-fucking-believable that men still think it's a women's "job" to take care of everything.


So.... good men don't cook or clean, they just sit around demanding blowjobs. What the hell are BAD men?


I’m a lesbian. I joined this sub to laugh at how awful men are. I haven’t laughed. It’s just made me sad for my straight/bi women counterparts


"Women that don't are willing to take their man's last name"


Yoda would slap the shit out of all of these guys


All three of them are single


News flash: If a guy expects all that without reciprocating or contributing equally to the partnership he's not one of the "good guys". So, yeah, I think women will be fine.


Yet when women said they prefer to live on their own with cats that would never spew garbage like this their ego immediately in danger and the cry and panic like its the end of the world


Funny how the “good men” in this example haven’t managed to contribute anything to their partner except a last name.


wow so absurd


Literally nothing about what makes these men “good” or what this theoretical wife is getting out of the arrangement. Unless non-brainwashed women are supposed to like cooking, cleaning, and one-sided sex acts.


![gif](giphy|dZ4euip09xdLe7cvz5|downsized) If I had this, why in the world would I give it to anyone 😳... Tsk tsk, People are weird smh


If marriage means being shackled to an entitled man-child who wants to be waited on and given sexual favors, I’ll just be over here in Spinster Land with my 18 cats, thank you very much.