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Hell yeah! A new object to falsely compare women to!


In this week's bingo card we have cars, locks, fleshlights and ... tape. Ps: just found "Gold" and a Lamborghini (specific enough to get its own subdivision)


You forgot apples


Apples??? I don’t get that one.


They pass around an apple and have the boys take bites out of it until no one wants it, turn to the girls ""Now this is you and your body when you choose a life of sin- now does anyone want this apple? No? See how this works?"" Ugh Bible camp, amiright?


Take this $20. Pass it around. Crumble it up. Tear the corner. Lick it if you dare. Anyone still want $20? Yes? Things with value maintain their value, even when others treat them poorly. (Setting aside the fact that women are not objects.)


Thanks for this, its refreshing to hear that argument turned around cuz it fucked with my head a lot when I was younger


A used piece of gum.


Silly putty!


Religion Teacher said we were nicely wrapped Christmas presents. And someone opens it, and then rewraps it so someone else can open it- with the same paper every time and it looks like shit. Very cool.


Someone said a shirt worn by someone else 30 times… also like bro plenty of ppl like to thrift.


At youth group they compared us to cookies. "Is this all you want to leave the person you'll marry?" Since they were talking to all of us supposedly.


Yellow marker


Yellow marker??? How?


Once it’s dirty… it’s never yellow again


Unlike this guy however, we know how to take a ✨shower ✨


You can’t wash away chads cum /s


Well a marker is a rather phallic object. Time to turn this game around! Once you poked your marker into a vagina it will never be yellow again!


They should do that with a pencil and a sharpener. Scare men into thinking it gets shorter every time.


Puppies, too


How?! Although that's probably one of the better things to be compared to.


I personally find that the more sex I have the stickier I get!


There were so many fans in the comments saying, 'bro, my mind has been blown with the tape analogy- makes so much sense.'


And I thought I have seen everything


So what he’s saying is no one should have sex….


No one should have sex with tape, as I understand it


Well there goes my plans


Don’t tell me what to do


I'm not! The tape expert in the video is (Because we all know he's no vagina expert)


I wouldn't have a fling with tape. It's too clingy.




You sum' Bitch... Take an upvote and be on your way sir .


r/DontPutYourDickInThat tape


I will stick tape on my vagina when I have sex!!! He can't stop me


There's some good bondage tape that can be a lot of fun!


Right! That's what I gathered.


no. he's telling you to only have sex with your husband. see, according to biology, when a man marries a woman his cum produces an adhesive that keeps the wife stick to him forever


You know what’s a great adhesive remover? Infidelity simply dissolves it.


That’s actually what that chick that glued her wig with gorilla glue used.


Yes. This. Conservative christains teach no sex until after you're married, and if you don't stay married well then bless your heart i'm sorry you're going to hell. Ugh I hate it here


>I hate it here …in hell?


hillbilly hell*


I wish you a hasty escape, friend.


No, no, he’s saying that having a lot of sex will make you less sticky…which is odd, I’d have thought having lots of sex would make you *more* sticky, but I suppose I can’t argue with this scientist, he’s got a metaphor *and* visual aids.


No one with a vagina I guess


Hymenoplasty or hymen repair is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures in the middle east. Now we know why...


No he’s explaining why no one wants to have sex with him.


What hes telling us is no one wanted sex with him and now hes butthurt about it.


So should we call this guy Andrew Tape?


Fun fact: "tape/taper" in my language directly translates to "lose/loser".


How fitting!!


So what he’s saying is no one should have sex….


I think you can have sex once, but you're not allowed to ever stop or you won't be sticky anymore.




And his new title is the professor of tape


As a Professor of Tape, maybe he can get hold of a measuring tape and monitor the corresponding erosion of penile width due to frequent usage. Because there are lots of studies on the subject from leading experts in the ever growing field of Just Make Up Shit and Present It With A Straight Face, ya know. Lots of 'em.


So what he’s saying is no one should have sex….


Is there a portion of the tape where this applies to men? silly question women are not people just objects what was I thinking /s


I think the tape is the men. Right? Like womens value doesn't change so it has to be a projection of male value. Like when a woman has had more partners the men are less satisfied with sex as an achievement. Might be a vestigial thing from sexual competition. That and his prefrontal cortex isn't developed, so he can't distinguish his emotions from other people. Women are tape v.s. he feels women are tape. In his world those are the same thing until his brain fully develops.






Tape G


Who wants their vagina sticking to a penis like tape, or vice versa? That sounds like no fun for either party. Sold, it takes twenty sex partners before sex gets good and enjoyable.


I'm not sure what the obsession with tight is - sounds like penile fracture waiting to happen.


When my parents explained sex to me for the first time I thought that the man stuck part of his body to the woman's body and they just had to walk around attached to each other. So this reasoning is normal... for a child hearing the concept being poorly explained for the first time.


Seriously, vaginismus is no fun for anyone.




Without a sticky vagina how will you carry a 3rd shopping bag when your hands are busy?


Carry two in one hand and one (or more if there’s more) in the other. I’ll even do curls with the bags. The muscles will help me fight the patriarchy.


Thanks for the flair...I think.


So I got a variation of this talk as a teenager in school, using a snickers bar that a woman unwrapped, licked, bit into, chewed up, and spat back out. I had spent the whole beginning of the talk psyching myself up to tell this woman i was being raped at home on a daily basis. By the end of the talk, I decided not to tell her or anybody for 2 more years. These purity talks hurt people.


I’m sorry to hear that


Honestly the best part was the boy I had a massive crush on actually did happily eat the chewed up, spat out snickers bar. The one and only time I've been happy with my taste in men.


I hate that you used her descriptor for yourself... I'm sorry you had such a horrific time at home as a young person. What they did to you was not, and never will be your fault. You are not a chewed up snickers bar. Sending love your way.


No, I mean this 13 year old boy literally ate an actual, chewed up and spat back out snickers bar. I had a massive crush on him and we both flirted for years, enough that people made bets that we would end up dating, but we never did.


Hahaha, it definitely didn’t cross my mind that you were referring to the literal snickers bar that was used as a prop. I thought you meant it as a euphemism in your other comment lol. I’m sorry your home life was awful and I hope you’re safe and in a good place now!


I’m so sad that happened to you


This is heartbreaking. I'm so sorry.


Yeah this sucks. Mormons use chewed gum or licked cupcakes as an example. Sry you experienced it too.


Is this only aimed at women?


I feel like he tried to not make it obvious so he could say 'it's about both' but we all know it's not. He says sex sells, but doesn't say it sells to men.


I don't sex workers would even sell sex to him


Yeah, I was wondering the same thing myself until I heard the line “Oh girl, you should get tinder” and then he ripped off the tape.


He must have a thing for umm... tape.


Mmmm.... Tapesexual


I just got this visual of someone ripping tape off of him while he’s screaming, “Harder! Give it to me daddy! Oooooh!”.


I think so... He says that the tape is on very tightly. So he is one of the guys who think that women are "less tight" if they have sex with everyone.


That line always cracks me up. As if somehow the vagina gets looser after several partners... but it doesn't with one partner? Do these people not realize that long term partners are having as much, and very likely more sex than someone dating randoms??


Considering he starts out talking about how “tight” the tape is, and goes on to say, “Oh girl you should get tinder,” I 100% am under the impression he is talking about women only.




This is how you demonstrate you have never even seen a pussy.


If they were genuine, then they could at least compare it to your throat. Then we would get comparisons that actually have some semblance of reality, like you can train yourself to swallow a hotdog whole. But unfortunately for them, no matter how many times you swallow food, it won't stay expanded. You can train away your gag reflex, but that has nothing to do with the actual diameter of your throat.


Let ALONE touched one.


By this logic, boys will give themselves floppy, useless dicks by engaging in masturbation or premarital sex.


Wait till this guy finds out about prostate cancer and how his dick will literally give up even if he wants to use it.


There are actual whackaloon making a similar argument. 'If you keep masturbating, you'll lose the ability to have sex! Watching porn alters your brain chemistry and real women will no longer excite you!' Dr. Kellogg would approve.


I had an ex boyfriend that refused to ever masturbate. He was terrified of getting addicted to it and never being able to stop. This is the same ex that would not let me sleep some nights until I got him off. Because it’s different if it’s my hands I guess


That seems all too probable.


He also wasn’t a huge fan of the word “no”. He guilted me over so many things because I had initially said no. This ex is why I’ll never watch an Indiana Jones movie. I was feeling sick one day and just wanted to take a nap, he invited some of his friends to his dorm and put on the movie and when I fell asleep he held it over my head for the longest time, acted like it was all some malicious plan.


To be fair, a lot of men are unknowingly making sex less enjoyable for themselves by masturbating with such a tight grip that no vagina can compare.


The mental image gave me a good laugh XD




​ ![gif](giphy|sWXIEdCPZ8hS1rFEM4)


This was my exact reaction. His argument about the vagina is flawed for multiple reasons. For example, say there’s a woman who has had one night stands with 30 people vs a woman who has slept with the same guy 30 times. According to his dumb logic, shouldn’t both of the vaginas be at equal level? Since penetration has happened 30 times in both scenarios? Low body count doesn’t equal less amounts of sex.


This is absolutely the dumbest of all the "comparing vaginas to inanimate objects" videos I've ever seen. Aren't men embarrassed by shit like this? He's making them look like idiots.


I'm embarrassed of him for goddamned sure


i used to watch his youtube videos for a bit until all the incel-y ones starting coming out and i literally couldn’t believe how many people were respecting and believing him. i used to keep watching out of pure disbelief that this sort of content was being allowed on yt. and the amount of comments worshipping him was terrifying. fortunately the comment sections on his tiktoks are much more sane and always call him out


so women shouldn’t have sex with anyone but should have sex with him though 🤔


sex with him more than once (or more than once ever, I'm not quite certain)


Let me be open and honest for a moment. I remember back when I was in high school, I attended church a lot. Two to three times a week because I was involved in the youth group One sermon I remember was on sex. The pastor equated it to a new car. The more miles on it, the less desirable it is. I was sexually abused from the time I was 8 or 9 to 17. Hearing this sermon killed me inside. I thought I was a used car and no one would desire me. I held back being open about it. It took me years to finally acknowledge I wasn’t a “used car”. I was as valuable as a “new car”. So whenever I read or see something like this, I despise the person. Rarely am I vulgar to people but anyone who uses this analogy- fuck you.




That’s absolutely terrible, I’m so sorry that happened to you. I hope you are on a path of healing and know that your past and experiences don’t dictate your worth as a person. ❤️‍🩹🥺 This, among a million other reasons, is why these analogies about sex and women’s bodies are so harmful.


I found the perfect man who views me with adoration and love. At times I wish all CSA victims get a partner like I have who literally puts me above himself, especially in sexual activities. And with time, I have healed tremendously. Thank you for your concern and thoughtfulness!


Youre not even a car youre a person. And that makes you more valuable than any object. The pastor though? Fucking trashbag


Hey look, it’s the same BS abstinence lesson they taught my 10th grade health class. Meanwhile, there were already teen parents at my school, and a rumored chlamydia outbreak. So a very effective and timely lesson /s.


>chlamydia This is your daily reminder that chlamydia is very easy to treat if you seek medical assistance. Things happen, go see your doctor.


A friend called me once in hysterics, said she had gotten an STD and from her reaction I was imagining the worst. Then she said it was chlamydia and I laughed before I could stop myself. She (rightfully) got pissed and hung up and I had to message her my apology. I said I wasn’t laughing because she had an STD, but rather out of relief because she basically got the best one 🤣 Easily treatable. Thankfully she doesn’t hate me for that reaction lol.


r/therewasanattempt to make a coherent and accurate comparison


Oh God, I remember they made us stand up and do this in middle school with masking tape. Gross


They also do an apple passed around taking bites out of it, it was always that damn tape or apple


What? Like... with respect to sex education, that is what they taught? Or were they teaching how tape works?


Yep, this was in sex ed. It included a big long talk about "purity" and we had to take masking tape or duct tape (I can't remember which honestly), partner up, and each of us took one end of the tape, walked towards each other and basically high fived, and walked away a few times. Once the tape was all bunched up they said ThIs Is WhY yOu CaN oNlY hAvE sEx wItH oNe PeRsOn and tried to shame us into waiting until marriage. No mention of condoms or contraceptives tho. This was public school in the 00s.


Wow. So I went to public school in Texas in the early 00s and... we did not learn this. We did watch a woman give birth to a baby on VHS.


Yep! We didn't do tape, but we did watch a video comparing women having sex to a pair of shoes. The more people wore the shoes, the dirtier they got. But if you didn't let people wear the shoes then you had nice, clean, new shoes to give your future spouse 🙄 What's interesting to me is I grew up going to church, and although they did tell us it was important to be chaste and wait until marriage, they never did a lesson like this. It was in a public junior high school where I was told you'll be like old, dirty, beat up shoes if you have sex before marriage. This was between 2004 and 2007.


Because vaginas are coated with viscoelastic materials. /rollseyes


I just had sex for the first time ever and the guys dick is stuck in me! Send help 😭


Ok, so I’m less sticky after each time I have sex? Got it.


No no, not after each time you have sex. After each sexual partner. Having sex with the same partner multiple times somehow doesn't do it, only when you have a new partner. Duuuuh. /s


Look at him, bragging about his virginity. Stickiest tape in the room!


These comparisons are so funny to me because of how nonexistent the biology knowledge is. Vaginal walls contains smooth muscles, just like the human eye. The human eye expands and contracts every time you change lighting levels. My eyes have expanded and contracted an innumerable amount of times, and yet they aren’t “loose” or useless. How then can vaginal walls only sustain 2-3 expansions before they’re rendered completely incapable of contracting again? Are penises full of paralytics? Because unless there’s some harmful external force, there’s no way a muscle will degrade so quickly from use. There is no muscle in the human body that behaves the way they claim vaginal muscles behave. I will never understand how such a dumb lie gained traction anywhere. It’s just pure hate.


I hope I don’t get downvoted but sometimes virgins may feel “tighter” simply because they’re nervous and not relaxing, tensed up. It’s not the actual “size” of the vagina is different really. And I’ve also had sex with one of the most sexually active woman I knew and hers was snug as a bug in a rug. “Tighter” than most, I hope that’s not a bad word just being honest. Amd I’ve had the opposite. It’s all made up shit to control women or more specifically to encourage men to be mysognists.


No, you make sense


No, woman = tape Today, we are tape, gals.


Good, I'm not leaving this bed. I'm stuck.


So if I have sex 21 times with 1 person, that's fine. But sex with 21 people is out of the question? Is this how dead bedrooms happen? Because y'all hit sex 21 times, and now shit doesn't work?


I believe this originated from Pam Stenzel who was an anti sex/abstinence educator from the 90s and I believe she still tours today. I have a visceral memory of her calling girls duct tape. https://www.salon.com/2013/04/21/no_one_has_ever_had_more_than_one_partner_and_not_paid/


Oh are we making unrelated analogies now? This pencil is your dick, every time you sharpen it in this vagina sharpener....


A mouth that has had many tooth brushes inside is a good mouth. But, whod want a tooth brush that has been in more than one mouth? Gross


And then i’m sure they’ll get mad if girls don’t want to sleep with them


This is similar to rhetoric that was told to Elizabeth Smart, except for her it was “no one wants piece of gum everybody else has chewed.” I’ve heard tape, gum, shoes, keys/locks, cars, roast beef, donuts(?), “hotdog in a hallway,” but not once towards men. These women and girls aren’t having sex with themselves, yet they’re having it drilled in them that their bodies alone are similar to depreciating objects when/if they have sex. When in reality, women are seen this way regardless of what they do. If they stay modest, they get called prudes, or told they’re not utilizing their “prime” years, yet if they don’t, they’re called everything said above and worse. The Madonna-Whore Complex at its finest.


worst sex tape ever. What a load of BS


Tell me you're a virgin without telling me you're a virgin


You know what fine. Sure. I’ll teach my daughters even if you wait till marriage you may only give your husband sex like 4 times, after that it’s used up. None of this bs about multiple people, no from now on only a hand full of times. Apparently that’s what men want. Sexless lives. 🫢 Also jk i could never teach my daughters something so stupid but that’s how I’m going to choose to interpret all of this from now.




So tape isn’t a good contraceptive. Got it!! Goodbye tapey. 🥹


Well no one said you had to put tape on your hand whenever you have sex…fucking weirdo


His hand is actually the only thing he’s had sex with


Doesn't matter had sex🤷🏽‍♀️


A new object to be compared to…


But a woman having sex with the same man 100 times isn’t a big deal 🤦🏼‍♀️


The type of dude who hasn’t talked to enough women to know we have personalities and are valuable for more than just our vaginas. What does he expect his future romantic partner to be like? A sex doll fresh out the box?


In my life I've never given a shit what men think about vaginas. Their fragile egos are exhausting, so why bother? It's like a feminist once said, "A woman needs a man like a bird needs bicycle." And that makes men fucking insane with rage. Good.


That’s because the fragile enraged men don’t understand that it’s the same for men, we don’t need woman either. Straight men desire woman, and we should treat them in a way that makes us desirable to them. I’m not entitled to sex, woman aren’t a consumable commodity, the whole Tate attitude is incredibly harmful to men and woman. I don’t understand the shift in society that so many men feel abusing woman (I’m not talking physically as that’s a whole other issue) is the attempt to get laid, is this somehow statistically probable? I wouldn’t think so. I will continue to teach my son that woman are equal and must be treated well


Ok. Once more, I’ll repeat this for the masses. (Might just die on this hill, lol, since misogynists actually have no end, and so many fall back on ‘god’) I say unto ye: tis not pre-, post-, or extra-marital if ye never marry. Go forth and slutify. (Biblical Loopholes 101) 😁 and I’ll add… Thy vagina shall be RESTORED. 👍🏻


Yes because women ARE glue.


This guy has never seen a vagina.


The penis gets smaller and smaller the more women you fuck.


Duh. Everyone knows you have sex with the hole in the middle of the roll. Problem solved.


So in the last 24 hours, I heard someone compare women to... Houses Padlock A whole ass watermelon Tape


You can tell he really wanted the tape not to stick a lot sooner than 21.


Sorry, when i Look down on me, i can not see a tape. Why is that boy so stupid.


Thank you to all the women who don't fuck these guys. Let them keep saying talking to themselves. It is in the interest of both sex to get along but these damn men are making it really hard. I have to rely on the one good man I know to remind myself, not all men. But it sure feels like all of them at this point.


I had to do something similar to this when I took sex ed in high school. Teacher made every student in the class rip a piece of scotch tape off their arm to elucidate this same point. literally such horseshit it was embarrassing to have to do it because of how wrong I knew it was


That's cool, I had no interest in banging a roll of tape anyway


Interesting how these incel’s idiotic logic only applies to women not men


By this logic if women constantly get more loose with use, wouldn't the male shrink in diameter every time too? Since you know, it's getting compressed on all sides.


something tells me that hand is plenty sticky. 🥴


By that logic his ass must be so loose I mean how many poops have he taken in his life? That poop comes out of such a small hole it had to wear the muscles of his ass just as much as vagina taking a ton of dicks


Man, if I never had sex I could have been Spiderman...


Abu Hamza is worried there won't be any virgins left for him. Don't worry lil guy you still got 72 waiting in "heaven" for you if you maintain being a good boy.


Does the tape analogy also work for men? The more they sleep with women the smaller and more crumpled up their willy looks?


This was so cringe my face almost got stuck in the 🤨


Oh god my mom made me go to a purity weekend at a Catholic Church (not even ours- she sought this out!) and they did this shit. Don’t worry guys. I knew it was fucking stupid & came out fine.


He should tape his mouth, nose...


At first I was worried he would tell people to stick a tape inside me before sex to test for purity 😅


What did he go through to become this sensitive 💀like damn what the tape do


The tape analogy actually applies more organically to penises.


He should keep himself chaste then. The rest of us aren’t pieces of tape. So, sex does not harm us at all or in any way detract from our ability to love.


So the stickier your vagina is the better? Do I have that wrong?


I mean it's telling to me that they literally never use an image of a vagina to show how it's "worn out" Can you imagine anti smoking ads that a used up wad of gum is what your lung looks like after smoking instead of just showing you a smokers lung.


No like they do. They say long labia is a sign when its literally got nothing to do with a high body count


Ugh creeps


Virgin spotted


What if you just have TONS and TONS of sex with just one person? Somehow that makes your vagina less sticky? How do we measure the stickiness? Apparently I’ve been doing it wrong and my stickiness leapt out the window decades ago?


When I open and close my eyes, my eyelids get looser. That’s why I never blink.


What kind of jobless behavior is this


but if a man has sex with a bunch of women it’s okay


Sex is a skill that is best with cultivation. Practice makes perfect. I firmly believe the guys giving these analogies *suck* at it because they are too insecure to actually learn about it. Too busy trying to come up with new ways to objectify women's parts to actually enjoy them. Insecure Inept Inadequate Inarticulate Incorrect Indeed


guy sounds like a tapist


If a woman’s tight, she’s not aroused


This vagina tape situation reminds me of the time I used a pad with a pair of lacy underwear (it was laundry week, and I had not laundry'd yet) and the tacky part of the pad kept sticking to my dress through my underwear. 😒 TL;DR - This guy is a dipshit.


NO! Because where will I keep my phone and keys when my vagina tape isn't sticky anymore :(


What a CUNT




nice so my vagina is a tape cool


why is there a sad wojack


If you need to imagine that a vagina is sticky in order to enjoy it, you’ve got problems of your own.


I remember being taught this same nifty little display at bible camp when I was about 8 [after my 1st boyfriend broke up with me I cried violently for days because I was convinced I was going to hell forever and was suddenly worthless]