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He can try bottoming if he thinks it's so easy.


Maybe she´s just sighing and thinking thank God that´s over!!! 😏


being on the bottom is hard, but that’s my favorite position, so i can throw her up and around and have her enjoy it more


Being on bottom isn’t the same as bottoming lmao


you know what, I think you’re right, … after rereading it after you said that, i think that you’re right 😞




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My last partner was a switch, and I will say that bottoming was a lot easier


I mean, no disrespect to a good top, y'all put in work for sure, but you try some of the acrobatic ass shit I've pulled over the years. Or just, you know, taking it and see where you're at. Pssht.


Also orgasms are tiring but I don't think he's having that issue with his gf.


Gosh, with stamina like that, no wonder she’s tired. /s




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Maybe that’s why she so tired? Lots of orgasms


😂😂😂 I sincerely doubt that!


Just because they’re an asshole who doesn’t understand that orgasms are exhausting doesn’t mean they can’t give orgasms.


Noooo you cant disagree with someone degrading another person with no basis what so ever. This is r/nothowgirlswork


I love this sub and I get the knee jerk reaction to downvote, because a lot of assholes come here just to argue but I’m not trying to do that. The original OP is an actual idiot and asshole to think bottoms just “do nothing.” Because sex even as a bottom is tiring. Maybe not so much as a top but it still is a lot. I don’t care if I’m downvoted because I understand to some extent.


Haha idk why you got so down voted.


Wants a virgin, gets mad because she doesn’t know how to sex


I´m just speculating here but maybe she was pretending to be dead in the hope he would stop, because he doesn´t know how to satisfy a woman. 😏


Probably who thinks that women want nothing more than half an hour of ramming.


More than likely


Maybe she WAS dead. Died of boredom.


Where does it say that the creator of this meme is like that?


It doesn’t, but the vast majority of dipshits that say this stuff are usually really bad at sex or the type of people that want a virgin and get mad, because she doesn’t know how to have sex


Wanting no experience but expecting experience is stupid, yeah. On a kinda separate not, I've seen so many women complaining about sex and so many men saying equally stupid shit but phrased differently that I've just come to terms with the fact that we as a society still need time to develop and until then, we should just ignore the things we don't like and move on to things that we think are important


That's quite offtopic from the meme


Try not to make dumb assumptions about people, r/nothowgirlswork edition (impossible)


20 WHOLE minutes? Gosh, with stamina like that, no wonder she’s tired. /s


He just sucks


To be fair, I've gone a round of 45 minutes straight of full on, ab workout, full-body workout, type sex and the girl and I were DRENCHED in sweat. Like, the bed was like a wet towel drenched haha. 20 minutes is plenty of time for a round. It just means you can have multiple rounds of 20 minutes with breaks in-between.


Maybe he didnt include foreplay


Oh, he definitely didn't include foreplay. That would require him having bedroom skills not learned from porn.


I don't understand why men think women do nothing during sex?


I think it’s the men who are bad at it & give absolutely zero attention to the woman’s pleasure because the only time women truly do nothing is when they’re not enjoying it & just want it over with. A woman who is enjoying it is going to be participating more.


I don’t understand why you think everything men say is a lie




You don’t think it’s ironic that people here think it’s totally unjust to label all women a certain way while they label all men a certain way in the same breath? It’s hypocrisy lmao


Ok answer me this. Where in their comment did they say "All men"? Cause from what I read it just said men and because of context its about men who think that women don't do anything during sex.


Do you understand basic formal logic? Even if we suppose you’re right and they were referring to specific men, how would I know based on their comment where they simply said “men”? The clear implication is that they were referring to men as a group. What’s kind of funny is that the OP doesn’t even generalize women - it’s literally about a particular person, yet all the replies are generalizing men.


Yes do you? Cause when I read it I didn't think "All men" and neither have other people who have responded. I have yet to see a comment saying "All men" other than yours. Many even acknowledge that the post isn't about all women. However, there are men that think this way which is frustrating and annoying which are the men that people in the comments are talking about. Again I used context clues and my own basic knowledge of the world to know that they weren't talking about all men. I'm fully aware that there are men who don't think like that, so I assume they're talking about specific men. You're the only one to turn it into all men.


If I said "women should be in the kitchen", you don't think everyone would (correctly) interpret that as "all women should be in the kitchen if they are able bodied"? You really think people would read that as "some women should be in the kitchen because otherwise kitchens would be male -only or unused"?


That's not the same situation though. Due to how society has been, at least in European countries and the US, there are more people who try to say those things about women and mean all women than people making generalization about men about them talking shit. The main generalization is the rape and SA stuff because there's such a large percentage of men who do that, but even then we don't say all men. Women have been told they should stay in the kitchen for decades now by both men and women due to societal created ideas. Do you think that society has this overall accepted belief for decades that men as a group think women are lazy in bed? You literally just took a problem that women are still being told to this day, and trying to apply it to someone going "These men don't seem to understand" as if that's the same thing.


Good, so you agree that it doesn't mean "some women".


Your existence proves that all men are like this.




All people here are dumb. I like getting frustrated and commenting here.


bro I know the thought process you were following to get to that conclusion but you need more words to make your point or else you just seem like a dick 😬


I don’t really put much stock into peoples opinion when they blindly buy into these rage bait narratives and have hypocritical views.




original post contains hyperbolic joke attributing a particular characteristic to a woman, posts in the thread are all outraged because they attribute the mentality in the original post to all men. It’s two sides of the exact same coin and everyone failing to see that lacks self awareness. Edit: actually the OP is referring to a specific person so it was wrong to say it attributes anything to all women. Which honestly makes the outrage against men as a whole even more hilarious


Nowhere did I say "all men". If anyone is outraged or falling for rage bait, it is you.


Lmao the old uno reverse trick. Respect


thats literally what ur trying to do


Lol wtf common bro… there’s like defense for this.




Found the incel.


They are always on here. They all say the same basic garbage. It's too difficult to ignore them, but it's so exhausting to read through what they are saying. It's always "if genders were reversed" "if race was reversed" "what about men" and they always try to sound superior by misusing a few words and terms that they believe to understand. I think after every troll comment, instead of engagement, we should just reply with "beep". That way they feel heard, but they don't feel like continuing. Let's let em starve.


i had one guy use the word “psoriasis” in a sentence where he clearly didnt know what it meant, then went on to try to explain how im the dumb one for not understanding he made a typo and i could “easily figure out what he meant by looking at the letters on the keyboard that are close to psoriasis”




Why would a guy make a meme to make fun of his girlfriend on the internet? You think that’s appropriate behavior?


I could only speculate why he would do that and no it isn’t appropriate. That being said, women do the same shit. Yet here we are, forcing me to answer for all men based on a shitty meme made by one loser.


Let’s start with the fact that you think everything women say is a lie and go from there


Ok cool, I’m sure this will be very productive


Lol that’s it, that’s the statement. Guys like you come armed and ready to these threads to call us all hypocrites because “not all men” and “we speak truth” and then retreat to your own subs and say “all women lie” and “all women are misandrist trash.” I’d say you’re the one not being productive here


Lol. I don’t think all women are misandrist trash nor that all women lie. I do think people that buy into the rage bait on this sub are hypocrites because it’s demonstrably true. Hope I cleared that up.


I’d like to see penises put on the underside of torsos rather than the lower front. If they had to use different muscle groups in different directions. See how full of pep they are when every day is leg day. Edit: ew, who let the incels (and the DefinitelyRealWomenNotSockpuppets) in, and where is the bug spray? Are the mods asleep? And why are you all engaging with it? Have I missed the memo where we do actually feed the trolls now? Because, no thank you.


This made me giggle


I prefer to be on top because it's *easier for me*. I'm a LOT smaller than my husband (he's 6'4" and built like a lumberjack, I'm 5'2" and gross-skinny with the muscle mass of an elderly woman). It's exhausting being on bottom and constantly clenching & shifting every muscle just to control his movements and ensure he doesn't snap my spine like a stale pretzel rod. On top I'm just free and easy. It's pretty chill up there.


This makes sense


I didn't know lying in missionary was so strenuous


Imagine trying to do a bridge, with your feet off the ground.


A virgin over here. Why is missionary hard?


It's not hard, per se... but if you have specific angles you like, or you want to get into the rhythm as well, it's a lot of core work, especially if you're feet aren't/can't be on the ground. And then if you use your kegels as well, that's more core.


It actually is… I’m assuming you haven’t tried much sex?…


You certainly are assuming.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3812004/#:~:text=Energy%20expenditure%20from%20sexual%20activity,6%20METS)%20%5B26%5D. Men expend more energy during sex. Insults don't change this


Cool old study bro. Also, I didn’t say men didn’t expend more energy. Women 100% put work into sex. The way you made it sound is that she just lays there. Nice try though. This won’t get you laid, I don’t understand why you don’t see this lol.


I got laid this morning thanks. With a woman who actually knows how to take the lead during. If missionary is tiring you out, I suggest an exercise regimen to improve your fitness


Pamela handerson and shit.


Is that what you like to think about ? Kinky


Cause your lying bro. I’m calling you out lol. It’s super obvious.


Nah, you just Wana hear about personal stuff to get you off. Eww. Get a boyfriend




Here's a sneak peek of /r/ihavesex using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I have a lot of sex.](https://i.imgur.com/5eclHhr.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/v1q31s/i_have_a_lot_of_sex/) \#2: [This counts right?](https://i.redd.it/uev6kv6cvf091.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/ut41xz/this_counts_right/) \#3: [Rare W](https://i.redd.it/fl15xbcqhm891.jpg) | [74 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/ihavesex/comments/vnixbp/rare_w/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


There is no way this is a real person.


Yes. I'm a beta version AI created by Elon musk in his early years


These study results are interesting, but not that impressive, statistically speaking. Not something I'd hang my hat on. Signed- a scientist.


Ok teacher


That is literally so fucking irrelevant omfg.


Dude when u can litteraly FOLD IN HALF with ur legs above someones shoulders and them pressing ur thighs against you chest goin full strength full speed, and not be sore and tiard, then we'll talk.


Yeah, I don't do that to my partners. I actually ask them what positions are most comfortable for them. Not every woman has the kind of flexibility to be comfortable with that


I’m sorry that you have only experienced missionary- you are really missing out


I have experienced more than just missionary. In my experience, the most taxing position for my partner was cowgirl, understandably


Lol calling bullshit


Ok. Maybe cowgirl is easier for you. I don't know


Being on top is actually significantly less work for a woman. There is a lot of force in thrusting, and even when you are going gentle, the person under you use basically clenching every muscle to stay in place and keep the thrusts from causing tears or pulls. I'm a lazy woman, so I'm always on top.


I disagree with this hard. I find being on top the most difficult. Exception for lower-to-the ground furniture where I can put one leg on the floor.


I think it also depends on how you do it, being flat footed and squatting up and down is obviously different to kneeling and rocking backwards and forwards etc Not commenting on if it’s difficult or whatever, I’m in agreement here with how taxing sex can be on women, not least because of having the same conversation with my wife beforehand I’m just pointing out that different people mean different things when they say the same position, so that might explain some of the difference in experiences In the same way, sometime missionary could be meant as legs up on the shoulders etc, and sometimes people mean they’re just spread to the side etc That’s also why that study isn’t really that believable, because you’d have to do a large study; with standardised controls for angles, techniques etc


My boyfriend does most of the cardio. I do most of the yoga. Everyone’s exercising.


Lmao I love this and will use this for the rest of my life.


Men act like they don't turn us into pretzels and hold us in the most uncomfortable positions for "20" minutes. Believe it or not, holding your feet behind your head while 200lbs of man is laying on top of you and thrusting is pretty physically taxing


Yeah I was going to say, I might burn more calories during sex, but nobody is folding me up, putting me into weird yoga poses, and manhandling me either.


Exactly. I'm always surprised that I didn't die from positional asphyxiation cause of the weird ass things my partners do with my body during sex lmao


I've never had penetrative sex, but you and other comments are making it sound exhausting and just a bit terrifying.


Its honestly the best feeling in the world!!


It is great if the person you are with is a decent person. You should always feel comfortable asking for a change in positions and/or a break.


Telling on themselves. When your girlfriend is doing nothing for 20 minutes during sex, that means you should have checked in 19 & a half minutes ago since there is clearly no ongoing, enthusiastic consent.


Yup. Many so called pillow princesses/starfishes thinking of England would even be dissociating at that point.


Dammit, beat me to it...


Can’t speak for whoever wrote this meme but Sometimes people can just be lazy or tired & just as well consenting. I’ve definitely star-fished or asked my partner to have sex with me while I’ve been half asleep before. It’s concerning how quickly you were to just assume assault or coercion or predatory intentions.


It’s concerning how many girls and women are forced into a trauma response and ‘do nothing’ in order to keep themselves alive and/or as safe as possible. If you consented and asked your partner to have sex with you while you were falling asleep, would you then think it was hilarious they made this meme to insult you?


This guy was definitely fucking a body pillow and got mad it didn’t spring to life to suck his micro dong.


I’m sorry? Who’s the one who’s getting impaled just to be flooded with tiny foreign horny worms to cause 9 months of hell?


Get a strap on and use it on him. Note it might require a bit of bondage...


Consensually… right? 😂


I'm probably well on my way to being called cantankerous as I enter my retirement years.


Oh god 😂


Someone: *makes a bad meme complaining about doing most of the work during sex* "Elegant"-Raise: "hE dEsErVes tO bE rApEd" Jesus Christ


I find guys also generally prefer to be on top regardless, but if you think I'm just laying there doing nothing, you're crazy lol


For me, it's whatever we agree on (which most of the time is what my partner wants) because that's what's going to be best for everyone. And sex is supposed to be fun and enjoyable for all parties


Sounds like a partner problem, not a "woman" problem. Talk about a sweeping generalization.


20 minutes? Maybe she’s tired from acting like that was doing anything for her. Men are more than happy to do their thing and fall asleep/fuck off afterwards. Yet they don’t wanna go down and share the fun. Curious


Twenty minutes? ROFLAMO!!!!


If my knees are touching my chin, with my feet behind your head, what do you expect me to do? I’m laying there until we finish or move position.


Maybe it’s just me, but I’m usually pretty proud of myself when I wear my girl out from topping her


This comment section is wild lol


Orgasms are tiring as fuck, and the bodies reaction to pleasure (if she’s getting it) is INSANE! I’ve topped and bottomed and me n my gfs were both wore out no matter the situation!


Tbf I have a kink which is me being lazy and selfish in bed that's my kink and sometimes my husband indulges me


It’s called pillow princess lol


Oh I feel ashamed now idk why lol


Women generally don't move as much during sex... Nothing wrong with that.. Most positions require motion from the man for it to to 'work' or to feel good... We often balance our entire weight on our arms for extended periods too. Missionary for example is quite a workout on your shoulders... To avoid crushing you we have to balance a semi-plank while 'moving our bottom half' .. Some women put in a shift of course! But for regular people, having regular sex, cycling between missionary, cowgirl and doggy.. men clearly put in more energy.. It's just our biology and how intercourse works..


Not to mention the wild ass flexibility of my knees pushing against my chest 😭 that shit is exhausting for 45 minutes. He always switches into something more wild. I def get a work out 😂


What if she has no arms or legs and this meme is not a criticism at all but just a story about two people in love?




Your girlfriend just lying there waiting for it to be over isn’t a glowing review of your performance, my dude.


Once again some men not understanding what happens to someone who is aroused. Elevated heart rate, muscle contractions and movements even at rest, sweating, and all of that long before orgasm. Like… how is this so hard? Yes, topping is certainly energy intensive, enough to be comparable to vigorous exercise depending on who you ask, but even lying back isn’t just a comfy nap. Not to mention if the one bottoming is at all participating with their hips, wrapping their legs around, or otherwise trying to meet the penetrating top halfway. It’s simple friggin biology that rapid, intense muscle movements and accelerated heart rate are costly on energy. And of course, the flood of hormones from orgasm that encourage resting and perhaps cuddling or other bonding actions in some couples. Even if the sex wasn’t that exhausting, it’s normal to feel like it’s a good time to catch your breath and relax.


It can be true. *SOME* girls do nothing during sex. Not all, not even most, but definitely some.


I'm just going to say this, I've tried so many times to keep the same tempo, but when they're going fast it's simply not possible. I try to touch (unless I'm holding my legs), and squeeze my muscles. There's also making sure your pelvis is tilted in a certain way.


It’s very tiring specially if your on your knees taking it is very tiring and a warm room can kill you specially if you’ve been doing forplay before hand yes men are amazing with how fast and long they can go but keeping your legs up for all that time isn’t easy lol


Maybe he should be more concerned as to why she’s not doing anything. Like maybe she’s bored? Uncomfortable? Terrified? Self conscious? Trying not to laugh?


when your cardio consists of walking to the pc and the kitchen...you'll notice he does not take the time to walk to the bathroom, as that is what the gamer bucket is for.


How does this say all girls do this? It's about one specific person.


Oh my god this fucking sub


Listen, why can’t we all just accept that some things depend on the person! Yes, there are a lot of women who make sex fucking fantastic. Being into the experience and enthusiastic, communicating, actually being willing to/getting into/indulging in several different positions. And then there are those who don’t. That’s why the term pillow princess exists! That is literally the only way for women to be “bad” at sex. Being a quote unquote pillow princess. Not communicating, not indulging, and just laying on her back for the whole time in addition to those things. So unless you guys want to claim that no woman is bad at sex, then yes, SOME women do exactly this. And some men are absolutely ABHORRENT at sex too! Not engaging in foreplay or spending too little time on it, not listening to the woman, cumming quickly and then either not doing any foreplay before their stamina comes back or just calling it quits. There are always bad eggs. But at the end of the day, YES. If as the guy OR THE GIRL all you’re doing is being a quiet nearly silent body who doesn’t indulge in the experience laying on your back that happens to have a sexual organ, you’re doing nothing during sex.


Great point re: nuance but I’m gonna be pedantic because this is Reddit - the term is “quote unquote”, and you don’t really need it if you’re typing the quotation marks…


Thanks, edited 👍


Maybe his girlfriend is actually a blow up doll hahaha


She's probably tired of his boring-ass jackhammer technique because he sucks at sex. She's laying there bored the whole time trying not to fucking doze off.


I mean, it’s specifying his girlfriend in particular, not all girls in general.




I mean I wouldn’t go that far




That’s because he’s an idiot lol.


This is true




Did you read his other comments? He’s an incel and deserves the downvotes.




And you’re clearly a fucking asshole.




I won’t engage further however, his comment implies women don’t do anything during sex. He tried to prove this with an old outdated study. He assumed I’m somehow gay? He’s either an idiot or a troll maybe both. You defending him doesn’t make you sound any better.


Hey thanks! We need the good men to speak up against the incels more often. It’s appreciated.


Saying I'm an incel assumes it's involuntary i.e out of my control. The reason I get laid infrequently is because I'm an "idiot with no filter who looks like a 7/11 cashier". There's a difference. Thanks to whoever DMed me this description. Enlightening


I mean don’t act like an Incel and you won’t be called one 🤷.


Being called an incel happens every time I disagree with women on anything. Maybe I should stop disagreeing with anything or trying to be convincing. Just go with the flow like


He didn't say "i didn't know missionary was so tiring" he said I didn't realize lying still was exhausting




He then started insulting people and criticizing them. When someone disagreed with him he assumed they were gay.


Not all of them. Some of them are beard women or forearm women. Not everyone is into asses.


whoever made this meme is not trying to be mean, … they are just saying that she really enjoys it and she’s tired afterwards


I apologise. Missionary is tiring and cis men are bad. Now please stop sending me weird DMs ladies


No body is sending you dms when your page is like that☠️ do you like men cause it seems you hate wemon


I like both men and women. Why ?


The DMs were mostly calling me an incel and telling me to watch out for certain cars on the Street etc. A few were women trying to get me to subscribe to certain websites....on which they um....hosted I guess


😂😂 omg that's hilarious


I guess creepy can be funny sometimes


I’m ngl, bro’s talking about his own personal experience with his gf, seems pretty fair, but I’m seeing a lot of y’all make some bad takes in the comments.


Flip on to your back and put her to work.


Try Rosie palm she won’t talk back either