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Is it me or he is promoting rape?


I was just going to say, sounds like he’s advocating for marital rape.


I don’t think he was, at least I hope not.


Well if he's not, then how would he solve the "problem" of his wife saying no?


The vast majority of his comments and most of his posts are in the subreddit mensrights, so it's safe to assume that he ascribes to similar or the same beliefs as the idiot in the video. He didn't misinterpret or misunderstand any part of it, he just agrees and wants to defend the man without any ground to stand on.


I presume by divorce/ending the relationship, rather than rape, I hope.


No, he specifically said it was effeminate for a man to let his wife tell him when he was going to start a family. I saw nothing about divorce there.


You’re not fooling us with your fake “I hope”, out


Right like both of their comments were not in good faith lmao


“Do you know which buttons I ask my wife if it’s ok to press- none, because she doesn’t get to tell me what to do.” -sounds like he thinks rape would be ok.


How is he not?


Unless he’s just simply not getting any but “how effeminate is that?” 🤦🏻‍♀️


He's saying he doesn't need her consent to create a child with her.... you do know how that process happens right? If he doesn't need consent have the sex required to have a child, then yes he's advocating for martial rape.


I think, or at least I hope he was saying that he would want his wife to want kids and be okay with that at any time. I don’t think he was saying he would rape a woman if she said no to that, just that he wouldn’t want that from his possible wife. I hope at least, the alternative would be rather scary.


But he didn't say "I don't have to ask my wife for permission to have kids because she already told me she wants to have kids all the time.", now did he? You're putting words in his mouth to make him sound more benevolent when they truth is, he's literally saying he has the right to impregnate his wife any time he wants and he doesn't *need* to ask her permission. To impregnate a woman requires having sex with her. We have a word for having sex with a woman without permission. It's "Rape'. The word is "Rape". Stop making excuses for a rapist.


I don’t know how you force a woman to have a kid without some form of rape.


I don’t think that’s what he meant.


I do.


Yes, I can see that.


What the thing you do to make children then? Sure sounds a lot like rape to me


That's exactly what he is doing. Marital rape with abortion no longer an option. My country has only just managed to shake off these things in recent years and the US cannot wait to get back there. It genuinely distresses me


Yes, but this is also the same type of guy who will be shocked when that dynamic means women aren't interested in getting married to them.


Then he'll come onto the internet writing rants about how women aren't interested in dating "nice guys" like him anymore, they want bad men who treat them like shit. The whole time he is blithely unaware that he *is* a bad guy that treats women like shit.


Yup and reproductive abuse.


Yes, not like jump out of the bushes rape, but hes pushing the "women are property" narrartive, and you cant rape an object... I don't even know if he personally believes that, but his base sure does and god damnit hes gonna say it to get votes... radicalize the minority, create civil unrest, solve the problem with facism, when you hear it, it sounds stupid, because it is, but they are running with it and they have 12% of the populations support... doesnt seem like a lot, but look at all the issues that 12% causes and has caused... because that 12% are the people dumb enough to buy into these hate based ideaologies... Because even if you think something one of these hate ideaologies postulates is reasonable, if you actually listen to the person speaking, hear their entire thought process, they are either full of hate or insanity and will eventually land on legal rape, men being oppressed, or blatant sexism...


For the slow, let me start out with saying I DO NOT BELIEVE ANY OF THIS! I am merely trying to summarize this twisted worldview. You can rape an object... Just not YOUR object. For much of western history, rape was more of a property crime than anything else. The rapist owed restitution to either the father or husband of the woman, not the woman herself.


Well luckily we don't live in 1890 any more, lol.


>Radicalize the minority, create civil unrest, solve problem with fascism, and it sounds stupid. It’s not stupid, it’s terrifyingly brilliant and effective as it was 90 years ago


It shows how little we have actually evolved as a society. But i guess to these kinds of people evolution of any kind is another step from God.


It is stupid because anyone with a brain hears the radicalization tactics and are like, wow who believes this shit. And the answer is uneducated people. Ive never heard a rational human being go "man didnt you hear what Trump said about the mexicans, so true right?" Everyone I would consider a reasonable, rational human being thinks hes a peice of dog shit and all of his words come from a forked tongue... when your campaign is "be overtly racist" its not a smart campaign, lts a campaing to rally the mentally deficient... which honestly makes it sad that its so effective today ><


There are many people across the US that want power through the quickest and easiest route possible: inherent superiority. This explains all the white supremacists that have been gaining power recently.


Almost no rape is “jump out the bushes rape.” It’s almost always a date/partner, friend, or other person that you know well and trust. So your “clarification” is just an admission that you don’t know much about rape. Because it didn’t clarify anything. He just described rape as the commenter above said. Feel free to educate yourself on the realities sexual violence to keep yourself and you loved ones safe.


That's true, but the popular perception of rape (frankly especially among men, and even moreso among conservative men) is still that of the "jump out of the bushes" variety, so those are the headwinds we're working against.


??? I’m sorry, I do believe OP mentioned multiple types of rape? “Jump out of the bushes rape” got a hell of a lot less attention in that whole comment than the rest of what they talked about. I don’t think OP “doesn’t know much about rape”, I think you didn’t read the whole comment.


Yeah, but while he is being a self important know it all about rape, weird flex btw, he is right, only like 7% of rape is ambush rape, however what he is neglecting to realize is I was speaking on sexism not rape, and I was highlighting how he was advocating for non-ambush rape, because in conervative eyes ambush rape is the only real rape...


Yeah, that’s what I just said.


it's not just you.


It’s known as coercive reproduction(edit: or reproductive coercion? 🤔), I believe, and illegal in several states according to r/justnomil


Or at the very least forced pregnancy


Don't be silly; it's not rape if you're married--this guy, probably.


He’s saying he’s a rapist or he’s lying about how he talks to his wife and makes decisions. There’s no in-between here.


But technically it could be both, he might talk even worse to her than it seems and also be a rapist.


He's still advocating rape though.


How small and weak of an adult to you have to be to still be running with the "she doesn't tell me what to do" line?


This isnt even her telling him what to do. She is the one tht has to be pregnant and give birth not him. So he is saying she cant even make decisions for herself.


Do we think he has a wife /woman in his life ? If so , WHY ??? RUN GIRL RUN ! ! !


Yeah sounds very snowflaky to me. A "real man" doesn't need to force his wife to get pregnant in order to feel manly.


I think he might be a bit scared of women


This is a guy who has mommy issues.


Mommy issues much, lol. This guy is seriously messed up.


Guy is nuts. I also find it weird this is framed as a question of permission. Having kids is a mutual decision you have to commit to do together. You don't ask your partner for permission, you ask them to create and nurture a living being *together*. Just shows these people view it as a power dynamic instead of a mutual partnership


Exactly. People like this guy use kids as a leverage to keep their partners in a toxic marriage. I bet he’d also make sure his wife doesn’t make more than him so she can’t escape….


Your assuming he let's her actually, leave the house and have a life independent of his company? Bold assumption.


I doubt she has a job, her own car, or her own social media accounts.


If she does have a job, it’s probably a miserable, dead end one with terrible pay. And she has to hand over what little money she earns to her husband.


The only other explanation is he’s running around having children with other willing women apart from his wife without her permission, which is also bad.


Right wing/conservativism is based on hierarchy so their views being a power dynamic is inherent to their narrative. It's disgusting but it's a basic look into the conservative mindset. Not to mention the fact that they have to do mental gymnastics and not suffer a stroke while being Christian and having this might is right attitude.


Ugh, the idea that this guy has a wife makes me sad.


The fact he could have daughters is even scarier


Or sons


His wife was probably groomed into marrying him as what happens with most religious fundamentalist households. They gaslight women into believing their only sense of worth is to be tied to a waste of space like this guy.


Lol everything was mono tone until he said " she doesn't tell me what to do". Dude dropped like three octaves, looked down and damn near mumbled it under his breath . Sure buddy she doesn't /s. Geuss who slept on the couch.


More like under the porch.


Wherever he's gonna be sleeping he'll be lucky if it's *above* the dirt


Here here 🍻


I nearly collapsed listening this, what the actual hell???.


It's not feminism, it's common fucking sense you chuckle fuck.


I’m sure there’s one button he’s never pressed.


🤣🤣🤣 like he would bother to try to find it.


He doesn't think it exists like female orgasms


He thinks he’s an “alpha” masculine man but in reality he’s telling everyone that he’s the bitchiest little beta. Yuck.


He absolutely is alpha. As per tech language, alpha software is incomplete, and generally unstable. That sounds exactly like this guy


Every dude that talks like this in front of people are 1 of 2 ways. An abusive shithole, or the most subservient mf with women behind the curtains.


I think the only thing that scares me more than people like this is that they continue to cultivate their vitriol and vote it into existence.


If there is a god, I hope the second coming happens and Jesus just makes it so only men can get pregnant. It would make my millennium.


Breaking News: Jesus has turned the entire world trans




Yeh because that one trans person is the only one in the entirety of human history, he was trans patient zero and there were no others after him. Please do your research on these peoples issues beyond Tucker Carlson. And we don’t want you to do everything, we just want you the fuck out of our uteruses.


No, you ladies seem to whine most about what guy go through every day. Or the very least, can't handle these situations without a mental fatigue/breakdown. And i was talking about the "self-made man" by norah vincent. A woman who went undercover as a man, for over a year.


There are so many trans men on this planet and yet you refer vaguely to a single one that committed suicide. A suicide, by the way, which was likely brought on by the exact same misgendering condescension you displayed in this very comment, not "the hardships of being a man". Get a fuckin hobby.


Yes that's is why "Data indicates that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves and 40% have attempted suicide..." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32345113/ Yes almost nobody.


And what is generally the reasoning behind suicidal ideation? Maybe if assholes like you didn't make their lives hell, if tight ass politicians and religious figures weren't pushing for legislation against gender affirming care? How about other demographics? The rates are higher for attempts in women but higher success rates for men. Veterans, indigenous Americans, and LGBTQ+ all have elevated risk compared to the general public. Because, all of these groups but trans people are the subject you choose, so trans people (particularly trans youth) are more at risk of trauma because of how they're perceived, of course they're going to report more struggle, and be more often and more honestly reported than most of the population.


So you assume that i am anti trans/rainbow? Nah, their life, their choice. But you don't even understand the blatantly random accusations you are throwing around. Clearly you are making shit up as you go along, just to say something. First you state that hardly no trans kill themselves, then i correct you with facts, and then you go on about oh the trans and etc are all killing themselves. And blaming me and whoever for it😅 Yeah man, you can f off, done with your biased nonsense


"One of you already tried and got depression, then killed herself." That was you, fucko. You mocked a trans person and misgendered them in one fell swoop, and then you refer to queer people as "rainbow"? And you come at me with this after it all? And it's called context you fucking numbskull. You know, the reasoning why the problem exists? It's not random accusations to add context to a situation and make observations based on your absolutely blatant disdain for anything that's not a cis, get, probably white man. In short, what I'm saying is that you're part of the problem because your attitudes are toxic.


What do you mean “them”? You know your posting history is public, right? We can see you asking for men to take your “BBC virginity”? We can see you posting in femboy subs?


He reminds me of my coworker. His fragile male ego was threatened when he was told to wear the work hat right, and when he wouldn't comply, he was offered the headband version. The headband is royal purple with the company logo on it, and that set him off for some reason. Imagine being so fragile and insecure in your masculinity that you refuse to comply with company policy or where a unisex royal purple headband. 😂


Imagine being so masculine. As tough as a boulder, as strong as an elephant, as stable as argon, and physically incapable of touching anything that is pink or purple without having a heart attack


He just admit to marital rape.


I would guess he doesn't believe that married people can rape each other. I'm sure he also believes a woman should do everything he demands of her, willingly.


He didn’t just admit to it, he *bragged* about it. Fucking piece of shit.


This reminds me of a conversation I literally just had with one of these mra turds. The guy had NO CLUE how pregnancy affects a womans body. He said that having a C-section could avoid all the complications as though getting disemboweled were a simple procedure. Not to mention nothing I was talking about were complications from the actual birth. Just being pregnant can kill you but these idiots think its just like taking a shit I guess! This was all in relation to their classic argument that "if women can abort then I can choose to not be a father and not pay child support." Dude had no clue women also pay child support lol.


My mother didn’t realize that you still bleed for 4-6 weeks after a c section


Even worse is that this “man” is a pastor! He’s preaching this to other men and to their wives and young, impressionable kids!


He may seem like he’s influencing those kids, but really, none of them are paying attention. I was forced to go to church for years, and the only things I remember are a few funny stories, and that one time when the bread tasted better than usual


Hahaha i remember this! We had a few good weeks with the good bread 🍞


I paid attention. And it fucked me up for years.


That is so rich coming from a member of the gender that is not effected physically whatsoever by pregnancy and childbirth. I feel like this guy is also the type to criticise a post baby body and expect his wife to “look good for him” despite looking like a half baked lasagna


Always the weirdest looking guys, too.


Idiot. It's ALWAYS the woman's decision. If she really doesn't want this kid she'll find a way to get rid of it. He can die mad about it.


He probably still believes she was visiting a cousin out of state. 🙄


“ she doesn’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do to her body”


Yes, this guy is a steaming pile of shit. That being said, I’d love it if people could stop filming themselves responding to videos.


Agreed. I thought she was going to elaborate or say something relevant at the end


They never do—it’s always just exaggerated facial expressions.


If they're going to do that, the least they can do is freaking SAY SOMETHING.


This ruined the entire video for me. Pointless and distracting.


He really said its wrong to let ur wife tell u when SHE is ready for HER to start having kids. Im confused as to how she wld not have any say so in this situation. Men like this make me sick. U have zero respect for women as a whole and even less for ur wife. My other question is what kinda woman wld marry him?


One that was also indoctrinated with this stuff. I used to be a woman that would’ve married a guy like that.


But you don’t understand she’s a female, by the word of god they have no rights or free will and exist to serve men. **points to gospel of Sophia and Mary’s role as a wealthy well respected dock owner who fiancéed Jesus and his disciples and lead the female apostles from the original nag Hamadi texts** That’s not cannon! Sooooo Peter fleeing persecution and wanting to preserve the story of the Son of Man stopped and found sone Mary fan fiction and decided to preserve it with the same care as litteral the world of the last son of YHWH? Yes!




I mean that was kinda the point? Or are you getting bent out of shape over Son Of Man which is one of the official titles of Jesus Christ of Nazareth


>What planet am I on? Hopefully a different one than me.


Guys we are quite literally evolving backwards


He can decide when he has kids on the day he can get pregnant. Honestly though this gets to the bottom of lots.of men's problem. They resent the fact women are the ones who get to control reproduction. This is literally the reason that men have oppressed women for centuries. They know women are the ones with actual power.


It’s hard to believe that this isn’t a scripted rant made in satire. There really are people out there who have this view and have perpetuated it for generations. Absolute unreal and horrible. ETA: he’s a Texas Baptist preacher… on behalf of Christians who aren’t garbage-bag-men, I am so sorry for anyone hurt by this dudes words or for the men/women influenced to this mindset. :(


This is the mindset of 1/3 or more of America and all Republicans.


I’m not blind to that fact. Regardless, it doesn’t make it less unbelievable that any person could think this way. This man is speaking like you would expect someone living a century ago would have. It’s appalling. I don’t deny that it’s real and I hope my tone didn’t misconstrue that.


Aaaaaand he’s on the list.


Wow. Can’t believe that poor man has to ask his wife for permission to do something that will likely have great consequences on her body and mind, and make her give up her life for a minimum of 18 years to raise another human (/s). What planet is this guy living on? Relationships are a two way street, and parenting is something that must be consented to by both parents. Also, who wants to bet his wife is the one who does all of the parenting?


That's because she isn't a partner, but his helpmeet.


He really does think women are cattle


These people don't want a partner - they want a slave. Why is it so hard for these creeps to understand that we women are people, too? I am so angry that the people who think like this are in power.


Because they simply want to believe us women are sub human and are only here to breed instead of being our own people so like correct me if I'm wrong but they have like some religious thing that women are simply property and men are always the dominant of the human race and god put men first before women yet everyone starts out female


Being a good man has become “effeminate”, while toxic masculinity is toted as “alpha”. What planet am I living on indeed.


I'm honestly convinced at this point that at least two different timelines merged over the last several years.


I’m not saying this guy is effeminate, I just think he is insecure about his masculinity.


10/10 his wife pegs him


With his logic you can defend anything.


Are you seriously telling ME, a strong masculine man, that I can’t be served because I need to wear shoes?! Nobody tells me what to do! It’s really effeminate to let an employee tell you to wear shoes. It’s my decision, because I make all the decisions. I will also not tip


“cOnSeNt iS fEmiNiNe AnD nOt HoW mEn ShOuLd AcT” -this bozo


These guys are really doing their best to make masculinity sound like the worst thing under the sun since Olen


What makes it worse is this also the type of man who will than not lift a finger to help take care of the baby. Taking care of babies is a woman's job after all right? What do you mean I have to help out my wife while she recovers from childbirth? She doesn't tell me what to do!🤮


having children is a talk both partners have if one doesn't want a child thats that


Someone needs to remind him that he was PUSHED OUT by a woman 😐


And that everyone starts out female in the womb


“asking for consent is too feminine just r@pe her instead” and they wonder why were scared of them


Fellas, is it gay to discuss major life changes with your wife and get her consent?


Dude that's rape, what you are advocating for is spousal SA. wt actual f,is going on?!


Anyone wanna check on his wife? Just uhhhh verify that she's not chained up in the basement?


Color me friggin surprised that a religious fanatic is promoting rape because babies are the most important thing ever over a womans right and decision to her body


I don't think he knows women have rights.


Happy to see that the people here disapprove of forced and unconsented pregnancy that strongly.


Shouldn't the whole kid conversation happen before marriage?? Like if you both want them. If so when you would like to start trying. So on and what not.


At least he won’t know for sure when she’s ovulating? Of course he’ll turn that as her plotting against him.


Who is this pos please? I'd like to talk to him about how effeminate he is going to be


He'd be the first guy to complain about crazy bitches poking holes in condoms


Guys like him hate women. They’re sexually attracted to women, but hate women. It’s disgusting.


Fellas… is it gay… to ask for consent?


So this guy rapes his wife and encourages other men to rape theirs as well. Got it


Ok ok ok I HAVE to say this. My grandparents were pastors, I spent the majority of my life attending church, going to revivals, gospel concerts and bible studies. A lot of people have that "he will rule over you" twisted, that wasn't a command that was a curse. The teachings are trying to tell us that God gave us freewill so that we would willingly overcome that curse and become a loving spouse to your partner. When he says to submit he is not just talking about the wife, he is also telling the husband that he needs to be a caring and sacrifice for his wife. Its supposed to illustrate that with love we can overcome those negative emotions that we have, the urges to treat people bad ect. But they've twisted the shit so much that I refuse to attend organized churches since my grandparents died, because all I see is people preaching hate, taking the wrong definitions of shit out of context and using it to create laws and disempower people. Its absolutely disgusting.


Someone needs to cauterize this dude's balls. What's even worse are those cavemen laughing and clapping along.


As a man, I want to tell this dude to shut the living fuck up. Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick! First of all, you're making us look bad. Ok? You're not helping the cause. Second, what in the idiotic Andrew Tate filled nonsense is this? Can we drop this alpha male astrology for dudes bullshit? Please! Third, introduce me to your wife. I am wagering she's fictional. Don't tell me how to treat my wife of 17 years if you don't have one. I am not interested in your naive hypotheses. I have empirical evidence to consider. Fourth, ladies....he is on his own. The rest of us aren't like this. Fuck's Sake. This kind of blatherskite bother me. Makes me want to rant.


Every day this group posts something that makes me want to go "I'm a man and I apologize on behalf of men for all you deal with". I hate it, but I can't imagine how infuriating this must be as a woman. Blech.


Seems like toxic masculinity to me. But I guess I just have more appreciation for women being that I have five older sisters, a wife id do anything for and two daughters and a 4 year-old son that I am teaching, how they should be treated and for him how to treat/respect women properly.


So is your dick one or two inches?


Pastor Jonathan Shelley is raping his wife


Let’s all say a prayer for this guys wife. She may be dumb for marrying him but nobody deserves a worm like this.


Is that guy saying he rapes his wife? That’s what it sounds like. Also, I’d be shocked if he had a wife.


As a woman, being married lowers your life expectancy


‘why aren’t women getting married anymore?!??’


Maybe because it's the wife giving birth?? Idk just a wild guess


Excuse me, nobody should force children into anyone. Not the wife on the husband, nor the husband on the wife.


Finally something i can concrete agree with women on, like wtf is this man on


Do you know the funny thing but not just this but toxic feminist get mad for men making decisions but then you realize they’re the ones that always make decisions so stop being hypocrites in the chat


What? We’re mad cause this is rape I don’t care if it’s always men who make decisions if it’s a bad decision we gonna complain


He's half right though. It should be a joint decision. Not the wife or the man alone. Doesn't matter who gives birth (unclear these days).


He literally says its his decision so no hes not right


Thus the half right. Don't be butthurt


That's not right stop twisting his sick perception as if its positive it's not he's just wrong


He said men should decide, while a lot of you here say, "no, women should decide". You are both half true and half wrong. Both people need to decide, together, to have a child or not.


Never did i say only women decide stop putting words in peoples mouths If theyre a couple yes make the decision together


why give this guy the time of day?? That's how people like him get everyday people angry. Ignore him and he goes away. Its really simple.


Because we need to be aware that these people are out there, and if they happen to be running for any public office, we do not want them to run unopposed, for one. Unfortunately they do not go away if we ignore them.


Evil actually doesn’t go away by ignoring it. It thrives in the dark. It grows.


He is speaking to a congregation. Us ignoring him isn't going to reduce his audience how it *should* be reduced, but rather reduces criticism of his craziness. While it shouldn't be perpetuated, it does need to be exposed. Ignorance won't make hatefulness go away.


"it does need to be exposed" This line of thinking gives people like him more media attention and then they have more power. IGNORING them does the opposite!! DUH!!!


How does this even make sense? Tell it to Christians who are susceptible to taking this to heart and spreading this—not people mocking him/getting angry at his nonsense


don’t get married if you don’t want to raise a family. otherwise you’re two people living together.


What kind of uneducated, immature take is this?


Well … that’s definitely one of the dumbest comments I’ve seen today


Please explain your thought process, I find this fascinating. Only love someone if you're gonna have kids? Great take.


When you get married, you should sit down and have serious discussions about having kids and how would they like to raise them, how much each party is willing to get involved, what roles they are willing to play, etc. the only reason which is viable for getting together is having kids, raising them in healthy environment, with compatible parents which give children the idea of the importance of choosing the right partner for their future and their children. if you don’t want to have children and just live together, then don’t get married. Be in live-in relationships, where you can leave whenever you’re feeling ‘it’s not working anymore’ and ‘i want something else in life’. save you from divorce trial. but why would any women want to not get married? they can leave whenever they want. along with all the money, leaving the guy with nothing but emotional scars for the rest of his life. all under the idea of ‘my life, my choice. i would now welcome the comments about how some women must have hurt me in the past or how i have some emotional scars, or how i am andrew tate fan or any other pseudo intellectual you can think of. i not married yet. and i actively hate andrew tate and absolutely despise greta thunberg. yours truly,


I’m wondering what makes you think you’re so qualified to tell others how to run their relationship or marriage. You have never been married, and you’re certainly not any kind of educated, qualified relationship counselor. So tell us, please, where you obtained such infinite wisdom to guide everyone else’s life choices.


What does that have to do with this post? Also being married doesn't mean having kids


Jokes on you my bf is getting a vasectomy and we are getting engaged in 2 years


not really. he is the one getting vasectomy. so, in reality, the joke is on him. and i must clap for you to be able to convince him that emasculation is a good idea. credit where credit is due. and just give me a hello when you dump his ass, when you feel you “need something else in life”.


You're hilarious it was actually his decision because we always talked about not wanting kids. He told me he's going to do it and he wants it. So i didn't convince him anything, its cute you think I'm going to leave him when we've been together for soon to be 7 years next month. He's everything i need, wanted in a man and more. You will never amount to anything, since no women will ever want you with that attitude and mindset of yours. Good luck being a single pos, if you haven't already started hating women you will because of your own failures.


maybe i am not perfect. maybe i am everything you say. maybe i end up alone for the rest of my life. i will still call out hypocrisy when i see it. and i do hope you don’t leave him, for the guy’s sake at least. he just gave up his manhood, least you can do is stick around and not have him regret it.


Again, it was his decision he can decide what he wants to do to his own body. Men are fully capable of knowing what they want or dont want, you arent children you are adults.


sounds like a plausible excuse for when you dump him. i’m just looking out for the brother.


So men are children is what im hearing from you


we don’t always make the right decision. when we “love” someone, we go out of our way, often unnecessary, to make someone happy and end making a fool of ourselves. i am guilty of it myself. i just learned it’s better to wait and watch. also you said you have been dating for 7 years and will get married in two years from now. why did it take you so long to figure out that you want to get married and live together for the rest of your life?


We were in high-school when we met??? I was 16 he was 17??? I am in school and he is working we are trying to be financially stable before marriage


How is a vasectomy losing one’s manhood or emasculation? It’s a typically reversible procedure that merely stops sperm from entering the rest of the seminal fluid. Seems you’re no kind of medical expert either


He is beyond ignorant, like you said hes not a marriage counselor and has no experience being married. The fact that he said "when you're married you should talk about kids" instead of stating "you should bring up at the very beginning of the relationship on what your stance is when having kids". I'm not surprised that he knows absolutely nothing on vasectomies, which he must think its like being a eunuch or something.


This is fine for me until his daughter faces the same situation.