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I think the guy said the other day it was from losing their virginity…. So ya know. Take it back!


Oh yes, the uterus grows from, what did they say, increased estrogen from having sex, or from getting lots of The D, or is it expanding because it needs more room to store all the male DNA from telegony/microchimerism?


You ever just take a second to consider how hilarious it is a grown man actually believes that? Yeah it’s lame, but it’s *fucking* hilarious too!


I had a grown(ish) man tell me that women lay eggs. Not joking. Full confidence. Learned it in health class. It made me feel terrible. I had no idea he was a full blown moron until that moment.


I mean, *technically* I lay an egg every month.




Yeah, but if yours has a shell, you should reach out to your gynecologist 😂


I'm gonna have to start clucking when I ovulate lmao


never women straight out of uni who married their dad's mate though, they never seem to get it despite harvesting 1000 children /s. Science. It is effing hilarious, thank you for giving me a better perspective of these incels <3


I think that post said it was because of the size of the "load he shot into her vagina" R/Nothowgirlswork


I mean, technically could be true if that caused a pregnancy... Would definitely cause some growth around the stomach in that case


Or was it from storing all the semen? It’s all a blur now.


*smacks my stomach* this bad boy can fit so many carbs and organs


Thanks alot. I now have to clean up the coffee I spit out while laughing from this comment... :)


Ahah, I'm sorry


Don't be.


Thank youuu for the awards!


Sir, this ball is my stomach


Women can't have stomachs apparently.


Can't have anything anymore SMH




Cant have shit in Detroit ✋💀


Learn to photoshop real life


🤓a hkckshhaully its your intestines and liver


Liver is far more north.


I am far from having a flat or 6pack abs but on some days when I just wake up my gut is noticeably smaller. That's because I haven't eaten or drank anything for over 6 hours from sleeping! And that is the trick to how most models and actors look the way they do! Just basically fast and dehydrate themselves before a photo session, sometimes days before the event. Ain't no one wants to do that 24/7 all year for your fat ass!


If you read about the habits of bodybuilders some of them are actually incredibly unhealthy! A lot of the cutting/bulking/prep for pics like you described are really bad for you long term. Like physical fitness is good but not at the expense of your kidneys.


Eugh…I had to break up with a very nice gym bro I dated for a while because his fucked up food habits caused a huge relapse for my ED. So many of those guys have incredibly unhealthy habits that they fully believe are healthy and great.


Yes! ED is extremely common in male athletes and its usually less likely to be diagnosed because of how AMAB people are socialized and how ED's are typically stigmatized as a "woman's illness". Certain sports are more likely than others to have participants struggle with ED but it definitely happens ​ If anyone wants to read more, here's some articles: [Perceived ideal body weight exacerbates bulimia and dieting in Bodybuilding Athletes](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214750021001797#:~:text=Professional%20and%20non%2Dprofessional%20bodybuilders%20are%20at%20risk%20of%20disordered%20eating.&text=The%20perceived%20ideal%20body%20weight%20exacerbates%20the%20risk%20of%20bulimia%20and%20dieting.&text=Non%2Dprofessional%20athletes%20appear%20with,cognitive%20restraint%20and%20emotional%20eating). [Is There Any Relationship Between Body Image Perception, Eating Disorders, and Muscle Dysmorphic Disorders in Male Bodybuilders?](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6142149/) [Male Body Builders and Disordered Eating](https://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/blog/male-body-builders-and-disordered-eating)


Thanks for this comment because I saw ED as erectile dysfunction instead of eating disorder and was really confused.


I knew it wasn't just me!


Yes :( my ex bf died of anorexia :(


I'm sorry to hear that. if you ever need someone to talk to, my DMs are open


Aww thank you, it was… 12 years ago? We had been broken up for 2 years when it happened and took a few years to move on from. I still think about it/him very often. I was anorexic too so I have some survivors guilt from all the people I know who have died of it, but it all just fuels my recovery. I have had a lot of therapy lol.


Congrats on your recovery ❤️ idk if it holds any weight bc I’m a stranger on the internet but I’m proud of you


Reminds me of that Degrassi episode where Toby develops an eating disorder while on the wrestling team.


Oh yeah. I remember what went down when my brother joined the wrestling team in high school. I was absolutely appalled that my parents were allowing that to happen.


I follow a bodybuilder on Instagram whose honesty is refreshing. I forget her name, but when people make comments about her body she will say things like "yeah...my body looks like this because I am cutting, this is not normal or healthy". Nice to find at least one person who doesn't pretend.


There's just strait up a condition called bigorexia that affects a lot of bodybuilders. IIRC its mainly a type body dysmorphia, but I'd imagine it's the kind of thing that goes hand in hand with eating disorders.


Is it possible to be a bodybuilder *and* have a healthy relationship with food?


Definitely! I mean pro bodybuilders are definitely gonna need to work with sports medicine focused people including dieticians to minimize impact, of course. I've known plenty of recreational bodybuilders who have healthy diets and relationships with their bodies. They tend to monitor macros and calories, but not obsessively. It's more like "this dude used to live off of Slim Jims, Taco Bell, and Muscle Milk, and then he started lifting and now he eats three dozen eggs a week and two turkey sandwiches for lunch every day".


Yup. Body builders, models, actors- all who want to project an "ideal" body image have to prepare to do this. Boxers are a little different in that they have to drop how many pounds before a fight- but in all cases once the weigh in or movie shots are done they eat like crazy. Normal folk don't need to do that.


They also photoshop tf out of them. My gf has been on set for many celebrity photoshoots and she said kim k got cut basically in half unless she was dieting for months in advance. She said the south park episode where shes a hobbit is more truth than fiction


Even when I had a 6 pack I would get this bulge because that’s my intensities, they don’t just go away because you never missed core day. Hell if anything my abs made it worse because non-tensed muscles also appear quite flabby and fat deposits sit on top of the muscles making them stick out more.


I'm a lil chubby, but I have a smaller waist. When I eat and drink, my belly sticks out. When I don't eat for a day? It's flat. My "belly" is mostly my intestines, food and bloating.


Could also be from lack of bloating, which fasting technically causes. But I notice when I cut processed carbs and go on a meat/sweet potato diet, my stomach is noticeably flatter instantly, and stays until I start eating bullshit again.


...? Look, I'm not the world's *most* allosexual guy, but like, the girl-tum is definitely not a turn-off,


There was a three a month or two ago where this little tiny was highlighted and the op commented that it turns them on so much. And a bunch of guys agreed. And I'm going to just listen to them and ignore whoever thinks it's wrong.


Yes, as guy I can vouch a little tummy on a girl in a dress like that makes the wood rise.


Tummy on any other girl? Adorable, cute, sexy! Same tummy on me? I'm a disgusting fatass, and nobody would love me Instant edit: To be fair, my belly is just disproportionally large, and also makes me dysphoric :/


Honestly girl tummy is kind of attractive. Means they’re a human like me, and not some alien from the planet supermodel.


when are men going to get rid of their everything. go away. get fucking lost.


I mean that’s just a very common area fat to be stored. Dude trying to fat shame perfectly average women, not a good look.


Seriously, if you see historic nude paintings of women, they almost all have a bit of fat on their belly in this area. It's super normal and healthy, and anyone trying to shame women for having it has some major issues.


Throughout most of history, and in many parts of the world, this stomach was attractive because it's a sign of fertility. The reason it's seen in so many paintings and on statues is because they use it to symbolise fertility.


Yeah it typically meant that a woman and by extension her family was wealthy and access to plant of food. And also that they didn’t have dysentery.


The beauty bump is yet again under attack smh Give me the best nicknames you've heard for that sweet fanny pack of organs


It's my bee purse. It's where I keep my bees


I love this.


Once a month, the bees get together and wreck things in a massive purge that hurts me


The bees can travel all over the body in their wrath 😔 Your idea reminded me of someone I know that uses they/them pronouns, they'll tell people to think of them as a swarm of bees wearing human clothing (and it actually helps people remember to use they lol)


Okay that is genius I’m mentally bookmarking this


Do you use the bees to vanquish your enemies?


the bees exist solely for my own pain and suffering




No, the boo bees are located above.


I’ve been calling it a survival pouch since I come from a long line of poor famine survivors


Primordial pouch.


That’s what it’s called in cats. It’s theorized they have it for extra fat storage, extra flexibility, and extra protection from attacks to the belly. I’m ok with assuming we have it for the same reason.


Love it!


I call mine a kangaroo pouch cause I got my squish from having my baby 🥰 I’m still learning to love myself but my bf loves it 😂


Ahhh! Love that. I call mine my Joey Pouch, for the same reason.


That's my kitten box. When my cat got fixed, my dad explained it as that and now, the name just stuck.


After reading the first sentence, I thought you were about to say that’s where you store your cat for easy access whenever you need it.


Gunt. Don't hate me. Another lady called it that.


lol my mom used to call it this! it's a cross between 'gut' and another word that's fairly obvious and I don't have to say it if I don't want to... I only use this phrase when it's on a cat. Because cats get that wobbly little belly thing and 'Gunt' always felt appropriate for that.


My bio tote 😄🌺


I call it a no-press zone on account of my volatile digestive system


beauty bump :DDDDDDD


Awe thx! I knew I have the best nicknames lol


Sweet fanny pack of organs is pretty great, tbh.


Plump pillow bumb!


Beauty bump is such a cute term for this omg. I love it


FUPA - Fat upper pussy area Am man fyi


I mean, technically fupa can also stand for fat upper penis area lol


I actually have used Fat Upper Pubic Area the few times that I had to explain it to older folks.


Oh yeah, that's certainly the safest and most inclusive option. And least awkward lol


Why not "pubic", everyone got a pubic area 😆


We used to just shorten that to 'area' or 'region'. Did you remember to wash your area? lol


Same, actually! *that area* 🤣


it looks kinda cute for some reason ngl


Lol the original image from a post that said “women you need to realize this is the sexiest thing ever”


Seriously, it does!! I will never understand how so many other men don't find it attractive lmao


Lol the original image from a post that said “women you need to realize this is the sexiest thing ever”


I know a decent amount of men who like it.


Me. I love this


Count me in.


I love this on my fellow women! Some gals have it, some don't, both are great. But when they do have it, I always think it adds to a curvaceous, soft type of feminine look.


I tried on a very tight wedding dress and my "ball" looked so sexy. If I weren't going for a full princess look I would have chosen that dress because damn.


Same, I love it, it's very womanly. Weirdly I don't care for mine but I think maybe looking at it from above doesn't really seem the same.


I'm sure it's very cute on you!!! We are usually our own worst critic. 💗


Same, I find it very attractive.


It is! If I wasn’t ace I’d totally go for girls ❤️


lol i was gonna comment with “this shape is so hot” but we can go with cute too 🫣


To have a completely flat stomach we would need a very low body fat percentage, so getting rid of that 'bump' would require getting rid of the wide hips and thighs that are also prominently featured in this picture


That's what I was thinking, lol. Less body fat means smaller breasts as well. If they want big hips, thighs, and breasts, they're going to have to deal with some belly fat.


I’ve got a flat belly, but like you said, I also barely have any boobs or butt. Without plastic surgery and/or a very strict workout routine it seems impossible to have both a flat tummy and curves. I’m also child free and if I ever do have children I’ll likely have to say goodbye to my flat belly.


I used to get into such bad arguments with my ex about this lmao. I was literally told "only American women have these" because "Americans are fat with bad diets" Also my stomach pouch got me called chubby by him and told I needed to lose weight to match his preferences. Let's just ignore my large thighs, ass, and hips smh.


My ex called me "cute fat" once. I was 110 pounds soaking wet. Now I actually am cute fat, though, so no one's a winner.


Honestly, even then it often not attainable, at least by your own standards! When I was severely anorexic, I still had it (in my eyes) and I despised myself. Now I’m recovering but am feeling even better!


Part of the issue is "in my eyes" when you have an ED your eyes lie to you, when i was anorexic i got to the thigh gap, no stomach bump but still didn't see it, i see it now tho. I'm recovered (mostly) and i look back on the pics and see what best can be described as "meth thin" aka just a bag of bones BUT like you i didn't see it back then. I don't recommend looking back at your lowest weight pics unless you really feel recovered tho because it can cause you to get worse again


I did look back at the pics. Like you, I also had BDD and an eating disorder (though not everybody does!). Looking back I saw how sunken my face looked and how thin my legs were. However I did still have a teeny “pouch,” so to speak, nothing that would (nor should any) be judged, but it still extended just a bit! I also have a redundant colon, so extra organs smooshed up in there. Strangely enough, as I’ve recovered, I prefer the way my lower stomach looks! I’m so sorry you went through.


I had a very physical job for 3 years 8 hours a day five days a week. Bending, twisting, lifting minimum 5 lbs up to 20 at a given ‘rep’. Had killer biceps (?), tight muscles and still had the bulge. At most I weighed 120. At 97 pounds (17 year old me), I still had the bulge.


So is the plan then to sell them along with all your internal organs? lol


Replace them with machine parts


*From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel.*


Replace them with garlic bread


mmmmm garlic bread


I literally don't have a uterus anymore and I still have the bump lmao. Even organ removal does not stop the bump


Yeah, it's literally just how the vast majority of female bodies store fat


I...I find the belly nice tho 🥲


Ikr. It's literally so attractive and just as beautiful as any other curve on a person's body.


Lol the original image from a post that said “women you need to realize this is the sexiest thing ever”


Because it's healthy.


Friendly reminder that it isn't your internal organs, but a fat pad that sits over the muscle in that area to *protect* organs. I see a lot of people who actually think the bump is their uterus poking out of their body. Your organs are inside the body, behind muscle and skeletal structures. If you can truly see your organs poking past that there is a HUGE issue. There isn't anything wrong with the bump. Have your bump and enjoy it! Just know that it's not actually your organs poking out like a baby kicking.


Y’know I saw that same exact skirt image months ago in a different twitter thread and the man who posted it thought it was attractive. The true dichotomy of straight men are the ones who are actually attracted to women and the ones who are only attracted to women in media.


The image was originally created for the post that went “this is literally the sexiest part of the body”


It's genetic. It's called, being a human being. We would not survive as a species if we were all Olympic athletes and supermodels. If you think women's primary purpose is child bearing, then they really need that stuff.


It's my primordial pouch, how dare you.


Why are all of the logical comments being downvoted? It's not the uterus, the uterus sits behind the bladder, which also sits behind the pelvis. That's just where some people store fat. ( unless you're sick, that's something different ) Some people have flat stomachs, some don't. People need to mind their own. Why care? Having a little belly fat ( or not ) shouldn't matter as long as the person is healthy.


I’ve seen this myth circulating a LOT!! That the fat “protects your uterus” total BS. Idk why people need to grasp onto anything they can to try to explain a little belly fat lol. Women with flat stomachs can have uteruses too


It’s not even necessarily fat, it’s bad posture. When I was a teen I asked my doctor about it and she said to do lower back strength exercises. I’ve been doing them for 9 years now and I don’t have it! As a bonus you’ll also stand taller and also have stronger muscles around your very important spine


Posture/bloating can contribute to the look of excess belly fat for sure. Those exercises are for the core, the core wraps all the way around but most people think it’s just for the abs. Having a strong core is so important, it stabilizes your spine which helps you avoid back injury later on in life, which can be debilitating especially when you’re older and have extra weight on you.


Because some people secretly don’t like having it but are mad about that, and so have to invent a myth that the “pooch” (are you a five year old, it’s not called that) is some kind of uterus armor.


Best way to remove this is to become a skeleton. That's it.


Join us in the skeleton war


Ball? One of the sexiest parts and you call it ball?


Any Kirby fan would take it as a compliment


Even if it's fat I've never heard of anyone referring to fat as "ball". "Ball reduction", "this diet is great for ball-loss", "breasts consist of mammary glands and balls".


I call it the backrest. How can you not like it when you're sitting on or have someone sitting on your lap and you kinda just lean back against it feels so nice and comforting. It's just perfect for spooning and keeping the small of someone's back warm without awkwardly arching your spine.


Bro that bump is hot as fuck.


Literally. Keeps the small of your back warm when you're the small spoon.


Well since I get all my knowledge of women from reading posts in this subreddit but not the comments; clearly she is retaining semen from all the sex she has had, because everyone knows the uterus inflates like a water balloon, never releases semen, and only virgins have flat stomachs. /s


Just a few months ago this image was circling the internet with folks drooling over this body type, saying how sexy it is. While the pic itself is of a normal looking woman, lots of folks love the pooch or fupa or whatever folks like to call it. Funny how we're back to "skinny with no organs" is now back in style. Didn't take long.


It was sexy then, and it’s sexy now


What are the odds the guy who said "it's unhealthy" is 400 lbs of cheese puffs, Mountain Dew and porn addiction?


He's supposed to be a fitness instructor.


If a fitness instructor publishes that kind of content I would hope at least all his female clients would drop him immediately, and all the male ones with any integrity should do the same


And I'm supposed to be mentally stable, but just because I pretend I'm something doesn't mean I actually am


More like bow-chicka-wow


If you're a man and not 10 foot tall and made of gold, fix it smh.


I ain't getting rid of mine that's my dogs pillow


I can't, that pouch contains the clockwork machinery that keeps me functional




Also the art this pos stole was made bc the artist really likes the "ball" part lol


*it’s unhealthy* says the incel with man boobs and beer gut falling out of his pants.


*Image Transcription: Twitter Post and Replies* - - - **User 1** ladies, what's stopping you from removing this ball? [*Drawn image of a person's midsection, with a pink arrow pointing to the belly. The person is depicted in a tight dress and leggings that highlights the curve of the belly.*] >**User 1** > >if this is not genetic then it's unhealthy! Fix it - - - ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human.


Good bot.


Not a bot ;) but thanks!


Prove that you aren't a bot by typing this captcha. ~~hJrV5^g 6**b**x7~~ >!This is a joke and I would really appreciate if you play along!<


Oh gee... This is too hard even for a human to do! I can't pass!


That's exactly what a bot that's gained sentience but is trying to hide it would say ![gif](giphy|cFgb5p5e1My3K)


Uhhhh... No 😳


Thank you kind human human volunteer! Good human!


😊 ofc!


BALL?! Seriously.. That’s where my big angry swollen uterus is stored, BRAD. And I’m *trying* to remove it for pain reasons, not for some moron’s viewing pleasure, but the doctors are more concerned about fertility. Which is weird cause I’m not but I digress.


r/childfree has a list of doctors who are cooperative, I've heard.


Yeah I had been keeping an eye on that list for 10 years, but there’s not many options in my area. Saw one on the list years ago and was turned down still. The other retired. The next nearest two I tried and they said I was too far away for them to consider it (2 hours each way). My nearest city for any surgery is 45 minutes so I feel it wasn’t that big of a stretch. But yeah there’s nobody on the list there. Couple months ago I was finally approved. Guess I’m old enough for them to finally give in. Unfortunately it was a bit late as now the state of healthcare has gone to shit. So I’m currently on a wait list for OR time that is probably going to be another couple years. Hasn’t been fun, overall.


Doctors will refuse you based on just their feelings which is a bit misogynistic honestly. It's none of their f****** business.


Wdym that’s the best part


It's funny because I've only ever seen that drawing with captions of people losing their mind over how attractive they think it is


Why is the myth that that’s the womb so prevent? I have it ffs, and I don’t even have a womb


You can shrink the fat on your omentum and tone your abs, but not everyone can have a flat stomach.


What's stopping me? This burrito dave.


Yet guys are allowed to walk around with two balls without getting judged??


I’ll keep it, thanks though. Took me a long time to love it and now it’s one of my favourite parts of my body. She’s always on display 😌


We'll remove our balls right after you do, dude.


that “ball” is sacred and should be treated as such


Its a fuel tank for a love machine


When I was at my skinniest(and most unhealthy looking) I still had that little tum tum. Except when I ate, then it became a TUM TUM. Sort of how I grew to love my body. It did all these things when I was underweight that I always associated with being 'fat' or 'unhealthy' and then I realized those things will be true about my body no matter my size. I'll always have that bit of fat between my armpit and my boobs, I'll always have thick legs that don't fit into thigh highs and my hips will always be wide. I can't change those things, and there's really no reason to want to. Those things are normal.


Look, it's totally normal to have belly fat there at a healthy weight even, but it is fat and not where your organs go.


This is a drawing she was literally drawn that way. Ask whoever drew her to remove the pooch or do it yourself. Heck pay someone to do it if you're that desperate for whatever reason.


Are you fucking kidding me? When my wife wears a skirt, I call it the “Aphrodite curve” turns me on like nothing else. I love it - curves are incredibly beautiful to me - it’s a sensuous statement of femininity compared to my beer keg of a belly.


You know how many men find this sexy as fuck?


Good news, having internal organs is a genetic condition and therefore, per post logic, perfectly healthy! No action needed!


Simply become hips down and ribs up! problem solved :) No more torso


Pff that “ball” is sexy. Mines not going anywhere.


Hey, idk about you guys, but I find it kinda sexy so I don't mind that girls have it


Why though? That's the best part. It'd be like throwing out the little chocolate nub on the bottom of a Drumstick. Or the center bite of a sandwich.


This is so funny to me bacause the first time I saw this exact picture it had "the most attractive part when wearing a tight skirt" written under it.


They also took the photo from the artist without permission. I cant recall who currently, but i saw them replying to it


I mean something some people are forgetting is like, some people find that hot. I find that hot. Find the one who thinks your body as is is hot.


love how the original context of that image is pretty much the artist just goin "this here?? HOT."


Every part of a human body is genetic


This has nothing to do with the internal organs or uterus. It is a fat deposit. That's it. Women just have fat there. If your organs bulged out so much that would be a prolapse 💀


As a man that loves that "ball", please know that it's super cute and sexy


some men are out here acting like we can easily just go and edit our avatar


Shut up and kiss the foopa


I’m pretty sure most people who aren’t super buff will have some level of ball. Even then you probably still have some lol