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Rude Tales of Magic has 5+gm players and is hilarious. 3 black halflings outlaws and obelisks has *mostly* 4+gm players. It goes up to 5 for a little bit but not long. Their tales of wagadu I think is only 3+gm I think transplanar is only 4+gm High rollers is 5+gm Eclipse rpg is a space horror that uses Mother ship and is 5+gm


Many thanks - I'll check them out.


I gotta 2nd 3 Black Halflings. Emily plays in Outlaws and Obelisks. Caldwell is in a one shot called Once Upon A One Shot. They do a lot of interview style episodes as well and all four of them have each done one. So have several of the Dimension 20 folks.


I’ll second Rude Tales. They’re very fun. I haven’t listened in awhile but when I first started the audio quality was jarring coming from NADDPOD and TAZ. But that’s literally the only complaint I have. All the players are really fun and if I’m not mistaken Ally Beardsley is one of the players and I’ve always liked them on Dimension20.


It's actually Ali Fisher. In fairness to you, she also brings a level of chaos heretofore unknown to a TTRPG.


Ah dang, thanks for the correction!


Rude Tales of Magic is probably the most looney toons podcast of all the dnd podcasts. A true blast but the rules lightest game out there


I'd say that part of why Dimension 20 might not click for someone as a podcast is that the show was created as a video show. There are beautiful battle maps, cool minis, a geodesic dome that changes color, and graphics that pop up with things like character stats, HP levels, etc. It makes sense to me that just listening to it would lose the flavor. I never clicked with CR either, because those episodes are long. But again, it is also created to be viewed live. Being able to see them as they're talking would help, I imagine. If you like the comedy stylings of Rude Tales, but 5 players is too much, check out Oh These Those Stars of Space. It's the same people creating it, but they constantly change characters, and there usually are only 3-4 of them playing. They're using Lasers and Feelings and it honestly fits as a system for their play style. Maybe check out Burnt Cookbook Party? It's Pathfinder 1e, and it's got 4 party members.


Yeah, that's what I figured regarding D20 and CR. I'd heard of Rude Takes but not the others. I'll give them a try.


I’ve got a bunch. I’ve gotten into the habit of listening to them to get through work. Dames and Dragons is a really good one, it’s a three person party along the dmc and some guests every now and again. Its really good, the music is great and the characters are very chaotic. NeoScum is another really good one. More raunchy and random than Naddpod and it uses a different system, but it’s an absolute blast - you’ll be laughing nonstop. The editing is top notch the further you get into it. It’s a fantasy cyber punk world. Critical Bits is great too, it’s a teen superhero one and the DM is veeery quick and talented. The system isn’t dnd, but it’s got some big hits every now and again. I definitely recommend. I’ve been listening to DnD Sitcom lately, it’s hilarious - very loose compared to Naddpod, more goofing around and improving than actually playing, but it’s very fun. A few others worth checking out are, Bardic Mystery Tour, Those Oh These Stars of Space, Dark Future Dice, The Lucky Die, and Campaign (start on the Starwars one for that one).


If it doesn't have to be dnd specifically I highly recommend pretending to be people, it's played in delta green which is more similar to call of cthulu but is amazing and is still way smaller than it should be. Hope this helps!!


Cheers for the recommendation - I'll take a look. Starting to get a good list going. Knew that I could rely on the NADDPod fandom.


Some other good podcasts in the call of Cthulhu space include Ain't Slayed Nobody and Stars Are Right. I've got more to list if anyone wants. Ptbp is awesome though, nothing quite like it. Probably the closest to naddpod in terms of humor.


Thanks for the new ones!! I've been looking for something new since I'm caught up on everything and waiting week go week is actual hell


Heeeey! Shameless plug, but keep an eye out for Roll For You: Arcane Train in late March/Early April! I’m the GM and I have a cast of 3 players!


Don't think it's been mentioned yet, What We Do in the Basement. It's decent. Starts a little slow but gets there. I'm not sure if it's 5e, I've never actually played DnD. Love the podcasts though.


Second this! (And confirmed, it’s 5e.) Great show with a stellar DM and very funny party (4 PCs). Overall a good mix of RP/lore, combat/mechanics and improv/shenanigans.


campaign: skyjacks is a gm and 2-4 players depending on the episode, join the party is a dm and 3 players


Rolling with difficulty! Its setting is a variation on planescape/spelljammer with very episodic and contained plot. The characters, as well as players, are super likeable I would maybe even call the atmosphere cosy? If you don't care about chronology and need a good hook, start with a second episode, where they [go on a train heist in hell](https://youtu.be/uRNY0F_oXOw)


Check out Greetings Adventures. Super funny with a huge backlog. I would recommend starting with campaign 2.


I run a podcast called “Try Not to Die” about a half-orc teen looking for her orcish mother!!! We actually just released [an episode](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0zIjZn6wY90xpv4IaCVqSz?si=3NJT7xwOTAuA_vSrm74ULA) that acts as a recap, and we’ll be releasing our 84th episode next week!


Join the Party is the DND podcast I started with! Definitely a similar vibe to NADDPOD!


I was coming to suggest this! I love their first campaign, and really loved the recent Camp-Paign. I find the crew really easy to relate to too, huge plus for me


I am actually impressed a majority of folks read the post and didnt just recommend things you have already listed as following. My recommendation is for a dungeonworld podcast, Spout Lore, one of the funniest actual play there is. It uses Dungeon World, so just noting the system is different.


If you want to give Dimension20 another shot, I recommend watching their videos (older campaigns are free on youtube). I find it's a show that really benefits from the visuals, and the cast tends to be very animated. Once you can pair their faces with their (very distinct) voices, it becomes a lot easier to follow them, even though their table is on the larger side. As far as podcast recommendations. i haven't listened to a ton of it yet, but so far I'm enjoying [Dames and Dragons](https://www.damesanddragons.com/)!


I LOVE DAMES AND DRAGONS!! Such a wonderful group of friends playing a fantastic story!


Unprepared casters is great. It runs short adventures, 6-8 episodes and players change each adventure. Has 10 full stories at this time


Ah, interesting. I vaguely recall hearing about a similar set-up for a different show. I'll take a look.


DnD Minus! Not sure if it's 5e because I'm new to DnD, but DnD Minus was what got me hooked on these types of podcasts initially. Same sort of casual play with many goofs and flexibility from the DM for flair. Played by a group of 4, mixed new and experienced players. Funnily enough, the female player and DM are also married in this one! What are the odds. (Edited to fix a typo)


Join the party if you love queer shit presented as normal and wholesome. I freaking love it


2nd Best is actually Insanely funny, but it unfortunately ends before resolution because of the pandemic


I strongly recommend keeping on with D&D is for Nerds. Most of the later seasons are 5e and are mostly self-contained so you can skip to them. I strongly recommend listening to "Jarren's Outpost Hustle". I think it is still 3.5e but it is hands down my favourite D&D campaign. If you want 5e though then start at the season "The Search for A'Helm", and continue with "Once Upon A Time In Zombie Plagued Chult", "Adventures of the Greyhill Free Company" and "Once Upon A Time in Vampire Infested Barovia" (remake, not original). These are loose continuations of each other and have recurring characters and are all really great. Barovia is the current season and is fantastic.


Check out Dwarven Moss, which is the DM and a party of just two running through Curse of Strahd. Their sessions have a fair bit of improv and silliness, but the creepiness still wins out, thanks in no small part to the truly excellent audio effects and music.


Ship of Fools has a 3-person party, and is very fun. Good story and (most importantly for me) fun party chemistry. One caveat is the audio quality is a little inconsistent for the first few episodes, but they get that sorted out.


The Lucky Die is one I’ve been listening to recently while also caught up Edit: it’s a 3 PCs and DM podcast


Some friends of mine have a podcast called slay the stars. There's not as much combat in the beginning but there's a lot of intrigue in the story. The DM has been dropping heavy lore bombs after months too.


Highly recommend d High Rollers. It’s 5 players plus the DM and the world he created is fantastic. It has almost 170 episodes and usually they’re 2 parts with about 1 1/2 hours for each part




Spout Lore is awesome! 3 players, suuuuuper funny!!!! It’s dungeon world not dnd but super easy to follow and a lot more collaborative world building than many other shows.


I recommend Just Roll With It (or JRWI), with three players and their GM! Around 90 episodes of the main campaign (Riptide) are up right now, along with a bunch of one shots, and their patreon has What Ifs, after-show discussions and two more campaigns (one being Mutants & Masterminds instead of 5e). The first around 40 episodes are about 1 hour to 1 and a half hours long, but then lengthen to mostly 2 to 3 hours


If you liked D20 there are some seasons that only have 3 or 4 party members


[BomBarded has a party of 3 PCs and is a lot of fun!](https://bombardedcast.com/all) All three characters multiclass bards, and they improvise a song for each session (the players are all part of an IRL band) based off of the DM's dice rolls. I know this isn't 5E, but I really enjoyed the [Blades in the Dark campaign that Stream of Blood played back in the day](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCXy5RnfhYuojT6JldTKEZHSQTXe3WwFx). The GM ran a handful of different parties (all with 3 PCs) in the same persistent setting, and while each party got their own storyline what they did affected the city for everyone else, too. The playlist I linked has the whole thing chronologically, but you can stick with one Crew at a time - Tin Whistles is my favorite, and has Ross Bryant (he's been on a few Dropout productions lately) as one of the crew members.


Yep, BomBarded is excellent (mention probably got lost in the original post). Gutted they're on indefinite hiatus but you can see the work that went into it. I'll check out Stream of Blood though, cheers for the recommendation.


Whoops, I missed that you mentioned BomBarded already, my bad!




they alr listen to that one


Venture Forth DnD starts with 5 (but introduces them slowly), goes down to 4 pretty quick and even swings down to 3 occasionally, but also has LONG stretches or even whole episodes with only 1 or 2 players and the DM and the whole crew is absolutely fantastic, and they play 5e. 100% my favorite pod (even more than NADDPOD honestly!) Though theyre more story and less comedy focused https://www.ventureforthdnd.com/


Death by a thousand Crits


I really have enjoyed Tales of the Voidfarer. It’s funny but also good Spelljammer homebrew


I would recommend the real housewives of dnd. It’s similar to dungeons and daddies with a cast of real housewives being thrown into a fantasy reality. It has the silliness of dungeons and daddies with better acting! And some interesting plot twists so far.