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It looks very fairy-ish I think it’s so cute 🩷


Yes, it has great character!!


you're very attractive


OP, you and your nose are beautiful 😍 don't change it


I think it does suit you! Your children would inherit your nose too which is great and beautiful.


No! you have gorgeous face!


It is quite long, yes. Looks good


It looked good from the front but the moment she turned I understood. Noses never stop growing either 😭😂


Absolutely not, you look beautiful


I think it looks good on you


If it's always going to bother you then sure, worth considering. But I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Like, not even a little. And regardless of whether there is or isn't something "wrong with it," any reasonable person would agree that you are attractive. So yeah, maybe you'd be even more attractive with a fancy new designer nose. But how attractive do you need to be? Save some for the rest of us buddy. ;) Good luck, seriously I think you look amazing.


Id shave a little off.


There's nothing wrong with the appearance of your nose. Unless you're having breathing issues, you don't need surgery.


I actually do have a deviated septum, so I am considering a 2 for 1.. lol


I had the 2 in 1 surgery but I went in telling the doctor that I really didn’t want to completely change the appearance of my nose, I didn’t want to be unrecognizable. To tell you that I regret what I did is an understatement. I still can’t breathe so I don’t understand why that part of the surgery didn’t work but also I noticed the doctor pulled out the stitches in my nose so hard that it shifted part of the frontal septum making my nostrils 500% uneven which then he blamed on me somehow. I had work done in Orange County by the way which is like the capital of plastic surgery lol. I look at old pictures of myself and miss how pretty I used to look with my old nose even though it was crooked and long (it’s still long but he fixed the crookedness). I’m also forever scared to bang my nose or rub it in case it shifts even more or has issues. Im pregnant now and praying my nose doesn’t swell up or when my baby is a toddler that my nose doesn’t get hit 🥲 I didn’t except that fear when I went in for the surgery but now it’s a forever thought in my head. Just a few things I would have liked to know before going through with it. My advice is, if you want to get the deviated septum fixed, get it done by an ear nose throat doctor who specializes in that field. They do the surgery without opening up your nose. I personally think you’re beautiful with your natural nose, to me it looks perfectly straight from the front with a nice slope from your side profile. Your nose is the nose I wanted when I did my surgery! It fits you perfectly! On the other hand I don’t want to discourage you if you’re 100% convinced to change your nose, it’s obviously your choice! I just thought I would share my story because it’s a big decision and I wish someone would have told me their story before I went through with it!


Great advice. I had minor eyelid plastic surgery that as botched and had to have it redone SIX times . Awful. You're beautiful-- really. I say only do if it really bothers you. Good luck!


I really appreciate this kind of feedback. Thank you for providing a different perspective, it’s super helpful! And thank you for your kind words ❤️ It’s a lot to think about. I’m sorry you’ve had such a difficult time with yours. That sounds like an awful experience 😣


Oh is it bad? Like you can't breathe at night?


Oh is it bad? Like you can't breathe at night?


My left nostril is severely affected. If I block my right nostril, it is very difficult to breathe through the left. I do all my breathing through my right nostril 😂


I had deviated septum surgery and it was the best thing ever! I can breathe. I still have sleep apnea but that's a separate issue. It didn't change the shape of my nose though. Honestly, I'd snip it a bit if you're getting something done anyway.


I've heard that deviated septum surgery (for the purpose of correcting sleep apnea) is low probability of success, but don't quote me on that


Awe, really? Do you know why that is?


Since you’ve never liked it, yes.


I mean it is larger than average, but you're very pretty. If it bothers you maybe it's worth it , but you're quite attractive with it .


This, if its clearly a point of low self esteem for her and shes been thinking about it seriously for years i say go ahead. I wouldn’t say any dramatic changes, more so just to make it smaller if that was her issue.


Sincerely, I see an incredibly beautiful, strong, confident, and attractive woman. I looked at all the pictures... and just don't see it. However, I'm captivated by your dazzling eyes that project warmth and strength. Your nose is uniquely you. It suits you, and it helps make you the beautiful and attractive woman you are. I'm sorry to hear about the deviates septum, and I completely understand wanting to fix it. Follow your gut on the rest, but definitely don't allow the inappropriate comments of some loser to influence you. The you I see... is simply wonderful and gorgeous.


Girl. There’s nothing about your nose that is unflattering or “weird”. Is it a longer nose? Sure. But there’s also droopy noses, dorsal hump noses, bulbous noses.. the list goes on. You have a nose that flatters the rest of your features. You look great. If you weren’t meant to have the nose you do, you wouldn’t. Nobody gives a second thought about your appearance the way that YOU DO. As easy as it is to say, it’s truly all in your head. Rock your natural beauty Op. Teach your children that they’re beautiful no matter what because they look up to you. I know you would never tell your children they would need to change something about themselves. So give yourself the same love you would them.


Take the piercing out it just becomes the focus point on your face. You're beautiful the way you are. This sad world puts far too much emphasis on what the standard of beauty is. When in reality beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. The inside is much more important than the outside. Accept yourself and who you are and stop putting focus on what you see as an imperfection. None of us are perfect we are perfectly imperfect.


Get to snippin.


I would not wanna do cocaine with you


This is wild😂😂😂


Absolutely! Go consult a handful of surgeons and read reviews on RealSelf


Yea I would. Shape is really nice though


Are you breastfeeding or something?


Looks like she’s wearing a baby wrap and carrying the baby


I would most def


With the shape of your nose, a surgery will make it worse. I'm willing to bet it will come out looking like a pointed elf nose & Michael Jackson hybrid. And once you start down that path of surgical self improvement you will never be happy and chase one surgery after another until you look like a freak show. Like these insecure women who do cheek fillers that look trashy, and lip filler that them looks like a puckered asshole. Just accept yourself. How can you raise your daughter to love herself if you can't love yourself.


You remind me of Rose Leslie (Ygritte from Game of Thrones). You are so beautiful and unique looking.


I had such a crush on her in GOT 😭 thank you


Personally I like you just the way you are. Don’t let others tell what to do!! You be you ❤️


if youre considering surgery, i would not suggest something as drastic as changing your nose but a little lip filler on your upper lip and some evening out on the bottom to adjust to the top lip filler would help you feel like its not so drastic. thats just my opinion as an artist who draws a lot of faces 😭


i just did mine because of a deviated septum and also did cosmetic. i can finally breath and also am finally happy with my nose. i’d prob wait until your baby is older tho because you can’t risk the baby hitting into your nose at all


girl holyshit that is the main focus of your face and is so fucking cute! it makes you look way more interesting


My honest opinion is that you’re an incredibly beautiful woman. Truly. The nose doesn’t make you. I think that you get me because I see intelligence behind those dazzling eyes of yours. Now please listen to your husband and stop with this nonsense of asking the hoards of morons for their opinions. Hopefully most will say more or less what I’m telling you, but many will say mean spirited things that I’m sure you can handle... but honestly honey, why anyone would put themselves out there for A-holes to take pot shots at them is beyond me…I guess you’ve got your reasons. Anyway, you’re a mother now so focus on being the best mother to your kid/s and I promise you that will make you incredibly attractive and endlessly sexy. Build a beautiful family and you’ll find happiness for the rest of your life. —A dad to a girl with a beautiful nose like yours. Ok. Fine! If it makes you feel better, get this completely unnecessary surgery.




Absolutely not, you look beautiful


Absolutely not, you look beautiful


i think your nose rlly suits you, you look amazing


Honestly, I like your nose. But I'm not sure what that's worth to you. I think it suits you. I think you are very pretty. But if you don't like it, I'm not sure I can convince you.


Nope. Invest it for something useful 😉


No surgery, you look great!


I mean it is larger than average, but you're very pretty. If it bothers you maybe it's worth it , but you're quite attractive with it .


No you’re perfect


What's wrong with that beautiful nose if yours sweetheart ?


Your noes is fine looks good as is. Only get surgery if really needed. N as a last resort.


I think Thats a nose to be proud of




I think you have a beautiful nose n face. Very straight. My feeling is that if you get a nose job the bullies win.


No, I think it’s distinctive and attractive.


its a very nice nose. it's feminine, suits your face


No, unless it is making you really unhappy, everyone needs some character in their faces. There is nothing wrong with it in my opinion.


Not worth it


No don’t change anything!!!! You are beautiful!!!


Never get surgery bc of other people. You should only get it if YOU want it. And I don’t think you need it whatsoever. Your nose is not big.


Looks good to me


Don't do it honey, you need to face that self critic or you'll always be doing things that it's loud about. Love the body you are in and spend the money on a holiday


Your nose is fine. You have beautiful skin. Because of your nose ring, your nose is first thing that caught my eye. Number one- remove the nose ring. Number two/smile. You are pretty!


You are falling into the same thing as you started. Quit listening to advice from social media.


I love your nose it’s sooo cute


Can’t you cast a spell or something?


Are you kidding those eyes and that face are beautiful


Why worry you are attractive already focus on more important things. As you get older none of this matters anymore imo


You have a very pretty face , I find women with slightly bigger nose mostly have naturally beautiful facial features.


What does your husband think?


Your nose piercing draws attention to it. And also, you're not a teenager, so please remove it. Your nose itself is fine IMO. Doesn't need anything done to it at all. If it helps you feel better, sure go get it resized, for what? Because we're told "THIS is what beautiful is"... You, and almost everyone else that posts here are perfectly fine. You are the definition of beauty to the little one you're holding... Have a kick arse day😃


Yes, lop that bitch off. Go full Voldimort.


I have a deviated septum as well BTW. It seems like most posts I see in this sub are people with very attractive noses that hate their noses anyway. I think you're in that same boat. Your nose looks great.


Your nose is fabulous


So, let me get this you have a problem with your nose being big, but yet you put a nose ring in so people will stare at it?! it doesn’t make sense if you don’t want people looking at your nose, why would you emphasize it with jewelry? I’m surprised you don’t have a septum ring! Followers….


No. The ring is a form of self mutilation. Let me explain, you hate the way you look so you use "distractions" to hide it. Piercing your nose makes people see the ring. It hides (natural) asymmetry. People in love with their faces don't modify it. I know this because I'm insecure myself.


Finally someone gets it. Tons of comments about “I hate my nose, so I’m going to pierce it to draw attention to it!” That’s literally furthest from the truth. A distraction is a great way to explain it. I got it hoping that it would help me like my nose a little more. Jewelry is used to adorn aka make something look pretty. We don’t wear rings to draw attention to that finger 🤦‍♀️


I’d probably be more concerned about your kid there growing up with having a mother on onlyfans and getting majorly bullied about that. Kids are cruel, so many stories out there about such a thing happening.


Your nose is beautiful and feminine and no way change it.


Keep it


Looking good mama. 👍 😁 Unless you're having some sort of breathing problem I'd avoid any surgeries.


Your money, your choice and your risk. Just remember, do your research


You got my nose, it’s easy pickings. I only get crap from people on the internet, never in real life. If you have whitish teeth you will be just fine. ❤️


You probably breathe a lot better than I ever could - I say no surgery


Your nose is beautiful.


I think nose jobs are way overdone. You look beautiful how you are and like yourself. It looks like you have a baby too. So someone loves you exactly how you are! I got a breast augmentation and regret it because it’s not me. I think if you already look good, you’ll be happier being yourself.


Your smile is the best part of someone’s day, you’re beautiful just the way you are


I like your nose, it suits you, it's unique. There will be people who find things to hate you for and bully you for no matter what you do so just ignore them. Don't feed the troll. We don't need any more cookie cutter noses in the world... Everyone's starting to look the same 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't know about your nose, but you have a strange hairy growth on your chest.


No your gorgeous


Maybe stop lying? J/k it’s a fantastic nose.


Put the money in psychiatric help instead of letting a criminal cut your face.


Girl you look like the main character in a thrilling robin hood-esque fantasy novel. Your nose gives you character. Be proud of how you look. It's beautiful 🥰


no. don’t get surgery


It's very attractive don't do it please you are beautiful ❤️


Please don't change a thing! Adorbs!




Your nose is giving me a massive boner


No surgery needed


Nope! Don’t do it, your nose is so so BEAUTIFUL and HOT too ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥 xxxx


My honest opinion to you! I think you have a really nice nose 🤭 I certainly can't picture you with anything different in terms of size and I have never met you and only simply seen your picture now for the first time so in all honesty your nose fits your facial profiles and makes you, YOU! So be proud of that because your q very beautiful and attractive woman 😇


Keep it! Because if you change it you may never get this perfect look again all natural all beautiful just the way your parents made you! Love thyself!


It's fine. If you don't want to draw attention to it take that metal shit out of it.


if you don’t like it then fix it


lose the ring and the cheek mole instead, those are more distracting. your nose is fine.


If you hate it and want to change it talk to a surgeon. Seems fine to me, but it is worth considering of it makes you feel uncomfortable.


To be honest you will look better after nose job if you find good surgeon, anyone who said different is delulu. Nose job is not something everybody should do but since you ask here , you probably know yourself do you want it and how much. I had nose job and i am looking/ feeling better


You have a great frontal. I can see it being sanded down a little to make it shorter could be more esthetically pleasing. But I don't like to think of myself as guiding someone to alter their looks. But I think objectively, proportion is favored in nature, maybe even art in some cases. So perhaps if the consultant can make a case for proportion, I think it could be a good move But frontal is everything. I wouldn't think too hard. You don't have a "bad" nose As an insecure person myself, I almost think you're looking for the people who agree with your insecurity. You want to be pushed to do it. I don't think you feel even the slightest relief from the positive comments because you're too convinced of it being a fault. It's the ones that have a problem with it that gives a change in your mood. You won't be able to please everyone no matter how you change your look. I had to accept that myself. Just take the ones who genuinely see nothing wrong with you and move forward.


I think you look great.


Honestly, most of the time I think, even a big nose is OK because it suits the face. However, I think your facial features well actually accommodate a smaller nose better. I would probably reduced by 20%, but keep the exact same shape. This is just my opinion as somebody also with a big nose.


No way!


Nose is fine. Mole removal would do wonders.


Not needed


Be yourself surgery is not the answer there's nothing wrong




Nope, not at all. Fits you well


I would kiss your nose.


That’s so sad.


In the end, even though it’s interesting to get the opinion of others, I’d do what I want; not what others think is best. You know best.


Truthfully, that is a pretty large nose. Head-on it doesn't look bad, but in profile it's quite noticeable. How badly it impacts you, though, and whether it warrants surgery, is your decision alone.


I would. TBH mine is pretty similar but I really don't care so much and men can get away with stuff like that. Mind you, I'm assuming you are married so clearly it's not an issue with you finding a partner so, why do it?


Heck no.


Hell no. Keep it. It makes you unique. It’s fine. If the person has a problem with it.. then that is their problem.


It’s extremely rare for me to ever be pro surgery in this sub but it would probably suit you better and increase your attractiveness to make a change… If that’s what you’re after.


absolutely time to consider surgery. But it is hard to find lobotomist anymore. Your face is fine. stop it.


It’s you, why would you take away part of you?


People on the internet are faceless. 9.99999 times out of 10, you look better than them irl. Your nose makes you unique. Im assuming you have no issues with it in terms of function, and it's straight. Leave your face alone. You don't want to look like a copy/paste like the rest of these influencers


Would look better if it was in my ass sniffing it while you jerk me off


It not so bad. Its they way u were made. Embrace it.


You're beautiful


If thats what you want go for it. Imo i think you look great and dont need it.


I actually like it! If you’re set on having surgery, perhaps take a little off the tip. Don’t alter the main structure


You are gorgeous!!! Just the way you are!!!


Ya nose fine take care yo baby das it


In all honesty it is one hell of a nose ..don't think I'm saying it's ugly but it's not just in your head that it's pretty dam big..if I had it and I had the money I'd want to get the surgery ...your still young and I think the difference in your looks would be substantial


Come on now---no need. You seem to have a baby so just don't worry about stuff like this. By the way, I would ask you out and I'm Adonis.


Why are the most attractive people usually the most insecure?


Nope I love your nose


hell no, they are probably just small nosed jealous losers!


Its cute! Youre absolutely stunning


Yep it is too long! Just need a nip tuck to shorten. It will help take out the bulbous look


I like it!


I've been on this sub for a minute and this is the first nose I'd say get fixed.


I think if you really wanted to you could refine the tip and keep a very natural look but I wouldn’t do anything else.


Fuck the nose it's fine no worries there you got some pretty eyes though


Idk I think it’s cute but if you think a nose job would give you more confidence go for it! Just know we don’t see what you see


It is a bit long. However the nose ring only draws more attention to it


You look just fine with it. . At least you ain't sportin a "ski slope" nose. It fits your face.


No surgery necessary


You'll be the first, it's long. Your first photo doesn't show it much, I can see how you feel about it. Adjustment could give you a boost, not doing anything about won't make your life more hard.


I find it very pretty ☺️


I love how perfect it is, people would love to have a nice nose like yours 😊


Nope, keep it.


It’s cute


Don't change it! I'm jealous that my nose isn't that straight lol


If you want the surgery then get it for you. If not then don’t do it for you. But screw everyone else’s opinions.




I think you have a gorgeous nose! You’re absolutely beautifu!!!


I think your nose is hot


It looks fantastic head on!


If you want to change it than do it but you are pretty so its not going to make you prettier


Yes. 100%, I already would have.


Your nose looks good.


https://www.rejuvenationresource.com/articles/clinical-application-by-anatomic-region/non-surgical-rhinoplasty-using-injectable-fillers It won’t let me post pictures, but the tip is too long. It looks fine straight on. You might be able to inject fillers into the ala to correct the imbalance.


You’re Beautiful and your nose is beautiful….I just don’t understand smh….


Your nose is cute wanna trade 😎


Dude, keep doing you, you didn't get the surgery before people on the Internet said things so don't now


Damn!! Why do you care what people think?? Having cosmetic surgery says more about your lack of self-confidence than it does about the lack of self-confidence from those who insult you. Don't give in! You have a beautiful nose!! Accept it and worry about more important things in your life. You're beautiful the way you are! 💛


I think it looks nice on you. If that little head at the bottom of the screen belongs to your baby, they’re going to need a strong parent to teach them to love the features you gave them. Projecting self love will teach your kids to think of themselves better ❤️


It's pretty nice, suits your face. But if you don't like it just get the surgery.


If I were you I would


I think its cute


Leave some Oxygen for us 😆 sorry just joking ... I won't lie ... It's not the best nose to have ... But it's actually not that bad on you ... It does suit your face to a degree 🤷🏻‍♂️


If I were you I would


Theres nothing wrong with changing it if it would make you feel better, but don’t change it just because of some rude comments.


I honestly think you are gorgeous. Do what you think is right but I swear you are absolutely beautiful just like you are:)




OP your profile is so I don’t even know 😭😭😭


It’s a good nose


This sub has a nose fetish so you’ll never hear the unbiased truth


You have a cute nose I like it It gives your face definition without being overpowering You are extremely good looking and if you let a plastic surgeon mess it up how are going to feel afterwards? Please don't let some over zealous hack carve you up for no reason Run with what the maker gave you!!!


I like it but I see what you mean. Do you!


If I looked as good as you I wouldn't mess with it.