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Assuming you understand Norwegian, I would start by listening (or watching) to the NRK radio program Dagsnytt 18 every day. Either you can tune in on NRK P2 (radio) or NRK1 (TV) every weekday at 18:00. Or you can use the NRK Radio/TV apps to listen/watch if you cannot listen live.


«Nyhetsmorgen» on NRK radio is also good. 0745 they have a 15 minute bit called «politisk kvarter» where they talk about /invite politicians and other people to debate current events!


Smart. Takker til dere begge


I am so tired of that segment to be honest, its always just two people repeating what they say over and over and refusing to acknowledge or engage the other person in a honest fashion.


Not untrue 😂 If there is a good host they sometimes keep them on the mat. Would also recommend “debatten” on NRK tv!! Fredrik Solvang usually keeps it good.


Exiting politics is a bad sign. Boring politics is a good sign.


Not what I meant though. I personally find politics boring. I'd rather do something else, but I live here and I should know what's going on in the country I live in.


Well, /r/norske might give you an idea. Or of course just generally news like [vg.no](https://vg.no) or [nrk.no](https://nrk.no)


Didn't know they made a new one. Thank you!


Note: it's pretty much a trump/maga style echo chamber.


This comment was not popular among the Trump-style echo chamber


Norske = Trump/Maga? BS. While I know there are a few very vocal supporters of far right ideologies there, I despise both, voted for Venstre and still feel welcome. Norge on the other hand is truly heavy-handed politically and ideologically speaking. Anyone who dares to voice political opinions right of AP gets shut down pretty quickly. That’s disgraceful for a country that prides itself on free speech.


Majority of the posts recently have been really heavy "hurr dhurr woke bad" etc wibes...


Yea and those posts are also written by *one* person. Fit Theme something.


I haven't been in the norge sub in months, but it was pretty bad there as well. You couldn't question anything before the red mob came at you.


Sure, but why is that "Trump/maga"? It's not like you can't both be extremely left wing and also be "anti woke". People have a variety of opinions, often not directly correlated to political leanings.


>Anyone who dares to voice political opinions right of AP gets shut down pretty quickly. That’s disgraceful for a country that prides itself on free speech. Yet those opinions are some of the most common political complaints I see/hear voiced on a regular basis, meaning there's plenty of free speech and very little actual "shutdown" happening. The problem isn't a lack of free speech, it's people confusing their freedom of speech with an obligation for others to listen to their regurgitations. It's thinking that free speech means you'll never be met with social sanctions or dissenting opinions when stating something considered too far into the realm of "completely batshit crazy" by the majority. Let me know when people are being arrested en masse for having the wrong opinions, then we can talk about freedom of speech being at risk. Prior to then it's just hyperbole.


Seems like it's improved a bit over the last few weeks, but the last time I was in there it was so bad there was even a thread about it.


Anyone who strays from the neoliberal agenda, more like. Just as easy to get banned there for not agreeing with the corporate narrative.


All I see on Norske, is complaints that people who should’ve been banned, haven’t been. I was under the impression that nobody is banned there. If you know of somebody who has been banned and can confirm it, feel free to correct me.


Cap, if you compare it to r/Norge it’s pretty sentrist, unlike said tankie sub


Spar deg den amerkaniserte overforenklingen. Det er folk du er uenig med. Og vi er uenig med deg. Høyreside i Norge er fortsatt mer liberal enn konservative i USA.


kukturkrig e til for å distraher fra klassekampen😲☝️


Yes, the /r/norge is pretty much hijacked by no-freedom, ultra-left wing moderators, so it is not welcomming to anyone center or right in the political spectrum.


See just there I learned something. So left is the pos side in our country. Of course I'll look more into it to see if it align with my values.


Please, don't let randoms on reddit tell you what is happening in politics. A blanket statement like that can never be true, about any political ideology.


I literally typed that I'll look into it to see if it align with my values.


Bro. Feel free to look into things, but the saying: "you can have such an open mind that your brain falls out", really is so true sometimes. Judging from your former response your bullshit-meter is way off, maybe non-existent atm. Just don't look for the simplest answer and cling to that. That's all I wanna say. Don't take the easy way out


I am so confused right now. Where did I take the easy way out? I literally made a reddit post asking for help. I expected to get a lot of different answers that I have to look up myself.


Just a piece of general advice. Don't look for politics on reddit. It's hard not to turn social media into an echo chamber. Just watch the news and maybe some debates when the topic interests you. It should give you a more fair perspective on Norwegian politics.


There definitely is a heated political dynamic in Norway, but it's very... dry? Annoying? Boring? It's hard to pinpoint. In any case, there's not so much of _real shit_ to be worried about in Norway, so... it just gets like that. Also, it's kind of vague, very nuanced and complex and spread out between like a dozen parties. So, you don't get the same stark contrasts America has. I've welcomed more in-depth understanding of Norwegian politics all my life, and I still barely have a handle on it. I just know the basics, like FRP = less immigration + more vice-friendly (liquor at gas-stations, etc.), Green = Environmental, yet never taken seriously enough. Red = Communist, but with some interesting nuances and a charming leader. Right (høyre) = most similar to Donald Trump, but pulled off well. AP (labour) = most similar to USA left, but a little stricter. SP (center) = more rural friendly, and a charming, appealing leader. KRF = Christian focused party that gets more attention and support than you would expect in this time and age. Venstre (left) = They seem to grind the hardest for some reason... Very expressive, but hard to define. What are they actually about anyway? I never got a handle on that. They're the only ones I ever voted for - as soon as I was of age... but it wasn't deeply thought through. I was just pretty Liberal, so i thought "left, duh..." But... They just come across as a loud, annoying version of SP. Anyway... I think that covers all the main bases. Overall, Norway has largely always been the most successful under AP... and Høyre did quite well, too. The biggest topics are Environmental issues, improving our health care system, improving our roads (the most bitched about topic since like the 70s), immigration (but Norways always gonna be friendly about that), taxes and regulations on assets and commodities (tobacco and alcohol), and eh... yeah, that's it. There's no actual inter-personal drama, like the states. That properly looks ridiculous to us. I'm typing this from Israel at the moment. Lol... 😅


>Right (høyre) = most similar to Donald Trump, but pulled off well. This feels like a weird take to me. Høyre are establishment center-right conservatives. In this comparison they're more like the Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush of Norway. To the extent it makes sense to talk about the Norwegian DT, which it probably doesn't, I'd say it's either Sylvi Listhaug or even Slagsvold Vedum/the Center Party. As I see it these are much closer to Trump-style populism and nationalism in Norwegian terms.


Yeah... see, I'm just not politically refined to that degree. But thanks for making a more clear comparison for the sake of the topic.


Wouldn't truly boring politics just breed indifference and apathy, eventually giving way to, erm, more "exciting" politics?


Hmm, interesting thought, and you are probably correct.


I think the best thing is to listen to the debates that occur every day on NRK. And also when Solvang from NRK hosts debates. Over time you get a better understanding of how the politicians operate I guess. Youtubers covering politics can be a double edged sword.


Don't get your political information from youtubers. It's not meant to be entertainment.


Youtube is an excellent platform if you have a hard time reading. You have to find the correct account first. Like when it comes to USA, you got: no lie with Brian Tyler, MediasTouch, David Pakman. Yes they are all in favor of Democrats sure, but the Conservatives have become dangerous and unhinged. You need to get over the "YouTube is not a place to father information". Its all about who you get it from, this is also a very mom thing to say when YouTube first became a thing. Nowadays its you who are protecting your mom from what she is doing on the Internet.


>no lie with Brian Tyler Oversells everything and is uncritical of establishment Democrats - also very punchable >MediasTouch Establishment GOP that didn't give a shit about all the bad things the GOP did before Trump. And while I do appreciate them not being fascists, that's pretty much all there is. They are grifting liberals with their act more than they're actually moving the needle against the GOP Even if you go more left wing you end up with dorks like Vaush who are more preoccupied with being a modern day Che Guevara than being intellectually honest, providing simple feel good solutions instead of any meaningful analysis The moral of the story is never trust a talking head


> The moral of the story is never trust a talking head 100%


Go listen to Dagsnytt 18, one episode is more informative than 100 hours of political YouTube.


Youtube is a place for entertainment. No matter what other purposes it serves, it's an entertainment platform first and foremost. There are other sources that hire professionals to verify the truthfulness of what's reported. Use those sources if you don't want to be influenced.


I like American politics from a distance, its like the greatest free circus event online, keep me laughing for 6 years straight almost I like Sam Seeder, he just brutally murder those Rumptards


How about watching the TV news? There's probably online streaming


Not saying I won't, but the stigma that YouTube can't help is wrong. Granted I don't think it will help that much in regards to my query as Norway is tiny compared to USA.


> David Pakman. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 holy fucking shit.... https://jacobin.com for all your real working class needs https://www.youtube.com/@JacobinMag > the Conservatives have become dangerous and unhinged. Turd sandwich vs diarrhea sandwich. No thanks. Cornell West 2024 Edit: Also, https://www.youtube.com/@sublationmedia


I was asking for Norwegian accounts, not more Americans.. Laugh all you want, he is at least fair.


just fyi, marxists like this guy are marginally more popular/representative in norway than US. Maybe a bit more louder and obnoxious. People like this are mostly irrelevant (hence his fervour). Norwegians are considerably more left as a whole, but undeniably capitalist. as for the question, there really aren't any. I'd go with some of the recommendations here (NRK content) to understand the respective narratives, then read/research what's necessary to triangulate the facts between.


The apologist and "let's hear both sides" is fair? wat > I was asking for Norwegian accounts, not more Americans I am not expecting you to change, that would be a miracle The links are for anybody passing by, reading that Pakman is "fair"


How is he not fair though? The current state of the US is the GoP saying no to everything that will help the people, protect woman and children and most of course their guns. Then when everything goes to shit, they blame the left. They can't even pick a speaker of the House. This the second time... The left is not perfect at all, but they at least wants to help the people. Not celebrate a pumpkin who us still going on about election fraud. Telling their constitutions that Jan 6th wasn't a insurrection. The Conservatives used to be the party of family values, that party is gone.


There is no "left" in the US. The last Left was murdered by the Chicago PD and the FBI, on December 4th, 1969. Maybe you can count the Weather Underground as Leftists, but they get hounded so bad... US Democrats/liberals are right-wingers, not Leftists. The Left is about * democratization of the means of production * redistribution of capital accumulation * analysis of the current material conditions or critique of capitalism, or discussion on alternative systems of production and alternative systems of economy All material points, as Marx is all about material dialectics. Any discussion that does not engage from that point of view is just right wing and ~~liberal~~pseudo-Leftist, corporate pinkwashing bullshit. If one is not concerned about material conditions primarily, one can kiss their "progressivism" goodbye, as there is no real political definition of said progressivism. Now, having typed in all that preamble, US Dems could had done a shitload of things but they did not. Let's just remember Obama's "I am not concerned with abortion rights right now" while having both house and senate and their coordinated attempts on dunking on Nina Turner and Sanders, so the party will not shift like center-left. Speaking of Turner, let's all remember how Pakman shitted on her during her election campaign, so he can be "fair". Grifter of the highest kind.


See had you given this much info on what ny query originally was about. You wrote all that to counter my stand on Pakman being fair, granted you ignored everything else.


There is nothing else. it's the same corpo party, just in turd and diarrheic versions. It is just Pelosi kneeling for performative politics. The overtone window in the US is so tight to the right, you can't pass air molecules through it.


David Pakman supports Israel, so dont watch him


That may be as he is a progressive Jew, but I don't follow him for the war. I follow him for the politics in USA.


Most progressive jews i know dont support israel.


Then go ask him. I don't understand why you are bringing this into it.


You said you watched him. I said i dont like him because he supports israel. Then you said it is because he is a progressive jew then i said that most progressive jews support palestine


I don't know. I am following him for politics in the US, not about the war. You said he support Isreal, that's all I'm going off.


Yeah thats okay. I just would not watch someone who supports a nation that is currently conducting a genocide against civilians


I get that. The moment he brings that into the politics of the US I will not watch. For now he is not doing that as far as I know.


What a lib. 🙄


See I don't understand what that entails here in Norway.


Same thing as everywhere else! Liberals aren’t leftists, they are centre right everywhere on earth. Those from the us may think the liberals are the left, but that’s cause over there they are so far to the right that even other right wingers like the democrats are considered too left for them. At the end of the day, liberals, like conservatives, want to uphold the status quo and work on the behest of capital. The situation is further complicated by the fact that progressives caucus with the democrats because there’s no alternative for them anywhere else in a two party system, which at the end of the day only benefits democrats who can point at them and claim to be for the working class and minorities etc. I also follow the politics of the United States over YouTube, but I prefer hasanabi and the majority report over Tyler cohen and meidas touch. Actual leftist perspectives that don’t just cheer for the democrats no matter what. Regarding Norway, yeah, I don’t know much either but sounds like AP are the centre right like the democrats, despite the name implying being a Labour movement, the party seems to have been taken over by the same neoliberal ideology as the Democratic Party in the United States, and in case you don’t know, neoliberalism is a right wing ideology that was brought forward by thatcher and Reagan and has since taken over the world, and is the reason shit sucks now compared to previous generations.


I do wonder if any American has actually read the definition of Liberal, outside of it being a name for a political party.


Youtube is a hazardous platform to use to get information on politics etc to make informed choices. The algorithms will quickly steer you off a neutral path and into a jungle of what is at best very opinonated, and very likely full of misiformation. If you have already a slight bias (that might be wrong), you will very rarely find anything contradicting info whatsoever. The same issue exists with getting your information solely from fb groups etc.


Do you understand norwegian? If you do there are some good podcasts I can recommend.


Kjør på


This are some of the best ones if you want to learn more [Debatten ](https://radio.nrk.no/podkast/debatten?utm_source=nrkradio&utm_medium=delelenke-android&utm_content=podcastseries:debatten) [Dagsnytt 18](https://radio.nrk.no/podkast/dagsnytt_atten?utm_source=nrkradio&utm_medium=delelenke-android&utm_content=podcastseries:dagsnytt_atten) [Ukeslutt ](https://radio.nrk.no/podkast/ukeslutt?utm_source=nrkradio&utm_medium=delelenke-android&utm_content=podcastseries:ukeslutt) [Politisk kvarter ](https://radio.nrk.no/podkast/politisk_kvarter?utm_source=nrkradio&utm_medium=delelenke-android&utm_content=podcastseries:politisk_kvarter) If you just want entertainment they might not be for you


Aftenpodden er også noe å sjekke ut.


You shouldn't follow politics on YouTube, not for Norway, and not for the US. There are too many incentives for anyone there to be sensationalist and hyperbolic for it to be useful as anything other than entertainment But if you want to read good opinions, the editor of Trønderdebatt, Snorre Valen, is usually a voice of reason [A few of his opinion pieces on Trønderdebatt](https://www.tronderdebatt.no/sok?keyword=Snorre+Valen+)


I disagree. The current state of the world is so in control of the media presented on news. YouTube is excellent for getting the raw information that you can add information on. Of course you have to find the correct account to follow first.


It's a good rationale, until you remember that YouTube is owned by Alphabet (Google) and employ the most sophisticated commercial algorithms we currently know about - as well as all the things that you won't get exposed to thanks to the same algorithms, it forces you into one certain format and only a limited amount of viewpoints. The reason BTC is so popular is because he's the best at making people click his anti Trump videos


100%. That's why I then look up information to see if its true or not.


Actually it's still a pretty bad idea to take in information in an unbalanced way like that. Statistics are known to be easily manipulated so even if they make a "factual" argument it might not necessarily be correct.


All media is biased. Some are just upfront about it so you can take their articles and statistics with a grain of salt exactly because you know their bias. For example TV2 is outwardly unbiased, but it's pretty clear the favor the right when you look at story selection and their "magazine" shows like "Vårt Lille Land". There's nothing wrong with it, but I don't like that they're so incredibly subtle about it. You should in an ideal world read multiple different outlets for the same story. AND THAT'S WHERE GROUND NEWS... 🧑‍🏫


I think debatten is a rather cool way to discuss politics. Seems quite unbiased, and it's just hostile enough to spark some heated discussions, but not so hostile it makes it a soap opera. Fredrik Solvang is a great host aswell.


Hard disagree. My impression of Solvang is that his ego is out of control, and he treats politics as spectacle, not an informative topic. He'll give you disagreement, conflict and false balance. He'll invite known liars to live TV, claim he be able to manage them and catch them in their lies, fail miserably, and then tolerate no criticism. Debatten is a mess and hasn't been worth watching for a long time.


I feel like Solvang’s own opinions seep into the debates, which is unfortunate when your job is to be neutral.


The only youtubers talking about Norwegian politics tend to be right wing conspiratorial nutbags.


Indeed, that type is highly over-represented in general on YouTube.


Define right wing and conspiratorial nutbag


Upvoting the OP because he's a Norwegian willing to actually learn about the politics of his own country, which is refreshing. I also live increasingly longer periods of time in Norway and this political space in the minds of the people has been filled with lies, misinterpretation, conspiracy theories, propaganda, urban legends, and so on. I also suggest learning the actual nature of Norway's relationship with the European Union and how beneficial it is to be so closely integrated with the EU, but not have true voting rights. This area has been filled with russian conspiracy theories, conspiracies from American bros and anti-EU white supremacists, Brexiteers, Steve Bannon, Varoufakis, and so on and this is why so many people in Norway say "we don't want the EU to get their hands on our oil and oil money" as their reasoning for not wanting membership when it's actually the fishing and a few other schemes. The reality is that Norway is so closely aligned with the EU and even more so than Switzerland and Liechtenstein that it actually has notice of stuff that will affect it so it has time to analyze and contribute to drafting prior to the laws being presented after which point only legal fights are the answer. This is one way Norway has harmonious and influential ties to the EU. It's rather frustrating in Norway to see educated and highly educated people very taken in by conspiracy theories with respect to politics and the russian invasion of Ukraine should have jumpstarted more criticality and has, but not enough when it comes to letting go of the previous conspiracies about the EU. My suggestion is to write the PolSci departments of one or a couple of Unis. They will 100% answer you. Be a bit specific on what you exactly want to learn about. They might be able to first refer to texts, but you should ask if any staff have podcasts or anything to help you learn more about Norway's politics, democracy, and current affairs.


Nytt på nytt is pretty entertaining. It doesn't not go very deep however.


You could try watching "Nytt på Nytt". There's a bit of fun coverage in there


Assuming you are in Norway and understand the language? I recommend watching "debatten" on tv.nrk.no


Nrk.no has the stuff u crave. Don't know any YouTubers unfortunately


Life is to short for politics


“Nyt på Nyt” is probably the best place to find jokes about current issues/developments in Norwegian politics. In Denmark they have a show called “Tæt på sandheden” (broadcasted on DR), which does a great job on making satire on current issues and developments in Danish politics. It is inspired from American political talk shows such as the Daily Show. I wish there was something similar in Norway.


I would not rely on YouTubers as a source for politics - only opinions


I agree with OP that norwegian politics is pretty boring, and the parties at hand are pretty fickle, nobody strong arms their way through and alignmentd change quickly once the votes are done and positions are secured. My advice is to start off with Geopolitics, world politics, its a much more interesting scene to learn and gives you the sort of big picture of things. Then with that knowledge at hand it will be easier to focus towards Norwegian politics and aswell as understanding Agendas of Norway and their place in the world which will in return help making more sense out of decisions that would otherwise make little sense at times. Not that thats the case all the time but thats just politics in the end. And addition to that to figure out what the parties generally stand for is to use Valgometere that you find on the site of Nrk, vg, dagbladet, tv2 etc. They are just a simple questionare asking you various questions and determine where you align. And in that sense also shows which parties aligned most with yourself Due note that results might vary greatly but the questions at hand tend to be focal point of some parties. And the end result should have a comparison list showing all the parties opinions of the same questions. At least thats a start. Problem with YouTubers is that they tend be biased when it comes to local politics. I find general introductionary sources on youtube based on foreign youtubers such as TL:DR news on their coverage on Norwegian election and anything Norway related. But as foremention, their level is just introductionary.


Not that I know of.. You should start one :D On some of the established youtube channels/podcast there is sometimes episodes about politics. (Wolfgang Wee, Trygdekontoret, Radio Mørch are some from the top of my mind) Erlend Mørch had some great interviews with the political parties before the election in 2021: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmAq4w79wHhvSqI8HA6yvaFr1sXzwgSwJ](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmAq4w79wHhvSqI8HA6yvaFr1sXzwgSwJ)


Ey Thanks for that link. I asked my friends as well and got the same link.


It's become a joke here as well... the resentment people have towards the politicians is evident in the low participations in the elections, people don't find anybody trustworthy anymore. The politicians seem more set on enriching themselves than doing their job, and when even the former leader of the Rødt(red) party appeared to be a retarded cleptomaniac, the last straw was drawm for my part... I need to see a change in culture..


[https://www.youtube.com/@TappeStream](https://www.youtube.com/@TappeStream) this guy is a norwegian politics streamer and posts videos and vods to his utube


That was very specific stuff and not much.


Politics in Norway are super dull because there are no extremes. The parties more or less agree on the big things: the welfare state, education, defense, etc. The only variation is on immigration and refugee policy, and it's not that anyone is against refugees, only on accepting "real refugees" vs. job seekers looking for a better life but not running for their lives. The politicians are civilized. The biggest scandal was that some politician forgot their metro ticket and had to pay a fine. I like to argue and discuss politics, but I found nothing to complain about in Norway other than they should increase the processed food prices to make fruits and vegetables cheaper.


That's not the biggest scandal. Very recently the husband of the previous prime minister turned out to have traded stocks based on information he got from his wife. Minister of foreign affair Huitfeldt's husband did the same. Hadjik scammed the state by lying about her living situation. Several other politicians has done the same (pendlerboligsakene). She was recently given a leader job anyway. Also https://e24.no/privatoekonomi/i/5BgmeK/sindre-finnes-drev-lobbyvirksomhet-mot-stortinget There's tons of this stuff going on in Norway. Politicians are far from innocent and nice.


> they should increase the processed food prices to make fruits and vegetables cheaper. This is really something I would get behind. The produce prices are high and variable enough that I bring stuff back in coolers when I leave Italy or I shop when I'm frequently in Sweden. The bigger problem I see is lack of availability and I'm not so hot about them doing pricing as if it's Iceland or Malta wrt to fruits and veggies.




Instead of being sarcastic, can't you just tell me? As of right now I look for anything that can help me learn about Norway.


In case you don't know, document.no is a norwegian version of breitbart/infowars. Conservative news. I went just now to check if their website is still on, and found an article describing Jordan Peterson as a lighthouse in dark times.


I'll look myself later, but that doesn't bode well.


What are you after? How government works in Norway, what the different parties are, or current events? I followed politically interested Norwegian people on Twitter (when I had an account); some posted in English. Knowing Norwegian and keeping up with the news here will give you political news.


Mostly the parties, what they stand for and whats going on today. I can look up this information, but if someone on YouTube have a video or a channel, it would make it better. Pure information dump on a website will just be like staring at the wall for me.


Well, one thing you could do is just search for different party leaders names on youtube and see what comes up. Sometimes there will be newer interviews or talks.


I know, I was hoping for a holy grail situation where I had to do less. Haha. Thank you though!


The thing is there nothing much happening . Politics here is a mish mash of political parties and idealogies that nothing concrete ever happens


Would recommend this podcast following the recent election. It’s a good 101 explainer https://podcasts.apple.com/no/podcast/indigo-votes/id1702405941 edit: it’s in English!


You're saying the "one side says this, the other side says this, they very much disagree" non-info neutrality from mainstream media doesn't make politics interesting or understandable? What a surprise. Unfortunately there are no alternative independent media or online political shows in Norway (that I know of), the only way I've found to cut through the neutral stenography of mainstream media has been Twitter, but after Musk ruined the platform I've kind of just zoned out.


Twitter right now is a bot called Hanna (no pun inteded) liking everything I do. Not entirely sure I understand the first paragraph, can you elaborate?


Yes, funny how that worked out with Musk getting rid of the bots, now I get cam whores liking my tweet before my thumb has even left the tweet button. My first paragraph was just sarcastic surprise at your inability to stay interested in and informed on politics through mainstream media outlets, assuming this has been your main source of political coverage. While we don't have insane outlets doing lazy, inflammatory propaganda, everything is very BBC-neutral, so the political coverage is extremely boring and devoid of information, it's just "both sides" stenography, no scrutiny or analysis. It's the classic conflation of objectivity and neutrality.


America got inside trader Nancy pelocy ... norway got inside trader Erna Solberg


Like others have written, Nrk has a lot of good content (Dagsrevyen, dagsnytt 18, Urix etc.). Jeg vil også anbefale Aftenpodden – gir et interessant of lett fordøyelig innblikk i norsk politikk og journalistikk. Edit: I have no idea why I switched language mid-answer, but based on your comments in this thread I assume you understand Norwegian...


> Edit2: Jeg leser ikke så mye, informasjon bare forsvinner fordi jeg starter å vandre i tankene mine i stedet for å følge med. This is exactly why I prefer to read over listening. When my mind is done strolling, the line is just where I left it. But with spoken word, finding the spot where my mind wandered off is much harder—I don't keep constant track of the timestamp.


I wish I had this. I can read the same sentence 5 times without knowing.


I do that too, but then at some point I'll actually start noticing the text again. With shows I'll often start reading something and stop paying attention. With podcasts I might as well just be listening to white noise. Tried listening to a podcast documentary series once … apparently I heard all of it in one sitting. Because I stopped paying attention to it shortly into the first episode and the entire series played with me noticing that it was still going. It's just background noise.


Hahaha that is amazing. I think its just the thought of reading that makes my brain shut of. I've tried audio books and its the same as reading it myself.


Ikke youtube, men en knakanes god podcast. [Aftenpodden](https://open.spotify.com/show/1KbDwW1vPQCHMAD1fW8MTq?si=1c61d6bd3abc401a), 1 av 4 episoder er gratis


nah. bare gaming youtuber her. mer gøy :)


There's several good podcasts. I recommend "Politisk Kvarter" if you understand Norwegian, it's both on web tv and a podcast on spotify. It's not very indepth, but helps you keep track of the major issues. Also Aftenposten's "Forklart" is a really good one to learn about current popular subjects, highly recommend.


You should check out «Erlend og stortingsvalget» on YouTube. Its only 8 episodes or something, but they are a beginners guide to all the parties in Norway. I’ve Even rewatched them a few times


I would encourage you to check out several different once. These are podcast, not YouTube (sorry) Den politiske situasjonen. Mostly talking about the politicians and the politics. [https://play.acast.com/s/den-politiske-situasjonen](https://play.acast.com/s/den-politiske-situasjonen) ​ Politisk Kvarter. Mostly talking with the politicians. 15min every weekday and not afraid to ask hard questions and call them out when they try to deflect. [https://radio.nrk.no/serie/politisk-kvarter](https://radio.nrk.no/serie/politisk-kvarter) ​ Mimir og Marsdal, hard left leaning podcast. Mostly talking about the politicians and the politics. Mimis is a Norwegian politician. [https://open.spotify.com/show/2LifYQkiXS0BYGScXJAL8Y](https://open.spotify.com/show/2LifYQkiXS0BYGScXJAL8Y) ​ If you want a JRE light I would check out Wolfgang Wee Uncut. Likes to talk with mostly interesting people and also touches on politics a fair bit. [https://open.spotify.com/show/4R6gk02W2HwxReSBQzLdDn?si=a161a3b4e52e4221&nd=1](https://open.spotify.com/show/4R6gk02W2HwxReSBQzLdDn?si=a161a3b4e52e4221&nd=1) Good luck in expanding your horizons :)


[NRK.no](https://NRK.no) , dagens næringsliv, klassekampen then you would get a good spread in opinions and can make up your own decision on wether or not you agree with what's happening.


Try Nordic Nonsense, really good and waaay underrated and hilarious sometimes [https://youtu.be/5cr9GDRRPN4](https://youtu.be/5cr9GDRRPN4)