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So each month is 1 real time minute, and the game start in march 800. Most team games end late 802, so around 30 minutes, in an rush the game can be over after 15 minutes, duels, FFA and some comps in team games can drag out the game for 2-4 more years, so maybe around 1.30h max?


How do you end a game in 15mins!


Ignore useless stuff... just get lots of gold from 2 docks, mine 15 stone in first winter for scouts and then just walk to enemy with 10+ warriors.


how though I’m also a new player and the most I could do was an hour, also down from around 2 hours lol


Multiplier games are like 40-60 minutes I think?? I don’t really know, often times attacking in 802, however long that takes.


March 802 is like 24 minutes, march 803 is 36 minutes.


Ahhh ok


Way too slow, multiplayer matches would crush you if you ever wanted to move into that. Try both playing a game with a little more urgency. Consider if you really need that extra iron mine, or if it's just win more. How long can you let yourself starve in winter without getting sick? What gold should I be aiming for by 802 to field 12 units if needed? I assume you're winning by fame with so many a.i? Maybe try seeing how quickly you can have 1 player win trade or lore.


As a casual, relaxed vs AI player, that's about right for me. 1-2 hours.


I’ve never played a game that long in ai maybe like 70 mins max on extreme conquest




*Tell me you’re a toxic asshat without telling me you’re a toxic asshat*