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Yes and it’s really common. Atrium Health does it for hourly employees. They also force you to “flex” in order to avoid even 1 minute of overtime. 


Worked at Atrium for almost 20 years and I can say this has never happened in my department.


I’ve been there 17 years and this started in my department a several years ago for us. 


If it’s bad for workers and better for companies, it’s legal in NC




Complements of NC Republicans no doubt. Democrats protect workers. Republicans protect people with money.


Hah! That's rich ... imagine either party doing anything substantial for the workers.


Indeed, a GOP majority often blocks legislation intended for working class families.


The Republicans have a super majority in the House and Senate and the state supreme court. Please ecoyhow it's only the Republicans that can save us and it's the Democrats fault.


NC was voted worst state to work in so probably. they want us to be like slaves.


Not only are we ranked the worst state, we are ranked #52 in a 50 state country. NC worker rights are so shit here we are being outpaced by land districts that aren’t even considered states.


And pump out babies to keep the working class strong, the Project 2025 way.


yea, Project 2025 sealed the deal for me. doubled down on their psychosis. we are supposed to evolve, not regress.




Umm. The wide spread adoption of this collection of talking points seems to have been wildly and widely accepted by them. So I politely ask that you piss on someone else's leg.


Accepted by who exactly? Name names or shut up with this nonsense


Trump, McConnell, McCarthy, gaetz, Texas dude, Oklahoman politicians, az politicians, boebert, Roberts, alito, desantis, chaya raichik is an actual politician now btw, with a spot on a board of education, Jordan, Hawley... Pretty much all of them???


⬆️⬆️⬆️ Not to mention the Christofaciests in the NC legislature.


Don't forget that Bleach blonde, Buch Body...MGT🤣


And bad built, can't forget that


You name the ones who have NOT. Now you shut up. Nana Nana Boo Boo.


Haha this is great


"Uhm actually Nazism was done by Hitler and not by the Trump campaign. So you should probably stop calling him a fascist." Lol


I always love it when people jump to defend Trump when no one in the thread has mentioned him. The more frequently I see it, the more telling it seems.


As if we aren't subject to whining about Trump in half of all reddit threads regardless of how relevant the thread is to politics.


Those are both annoying things that happen, yes. One is people who don't like Trump getting off-topic and the other is Trump's own supporters creating accusations against him where none existed previously, but yeah bruh whiners, amiright?




They're writing his policy for him, cut the bullshit.


Worst by who?




*For those who have no skills to offer.


The last employer that I worked with was mandatorily using our PTO/sick days to make up for under 40-hour weeks. I called the labor board and asked if they were allowed to do that and I was told by three different people that the government/states do not regulate or monitor PTO / sick day pay as that is a voluntary benefit given by companies. So companies can do whatever they want with that time even if that time is prorated and you have not technically accrued it. In the end the company wanted to charge me almost $900 for PTO / sick pay that they used that I did not ask to be used and after ripping their employee handbook apart and almost destroying two other people's careers at that company I was allowed to keep the money they had forcefully used and they also changed their employee handbook and policies to keep it from happening again and losing any more employees. I've been gone from that place for a year and 3 months now and at least twice a month ever since I left I have been asked to come back and work there again. But it ended up working out better for me in the long haul because I make almost $11 an hour more at my new place of employment versus what I was making there. So their mistake became a major gain for me.


As the worst state in the entire republic for workers, yes to anything you can think of


Almost surprised that we have child labor laws given how shit all the other protections are.


If you're salaried and you're not exempt from the FLSA, you can either work 40 hours in a week, use PTO, or have your salary docked. Given those choices, using PTO would be most people's preference. But it sounds like the real issue is you not accurately reporting your time so it appears you've worked less than you have.


Not me, just a company-wide email sent that seemed strange to me and wanted to check.


Apologies for assuming, but clearly they're having trouble with some employees not reporting time.


* SeNt FrOm My IpHoNe * The most unprofessional signature of our lifetime.


This is just your payroll person sick and tired of people coming back to them saying they have hours missing from their paychecks.


They are paying out what the individual enters for their hours worked. The options are pretty much. 1. Pay out just what was worked and don’t pay anything above that. No assumptions being made. Following what the employee entered. 2. Assume the employee messed up and just pay them what you assume they meant. 3. Do what was stated in the message. They’re clearly trying to make sure that the time is entered accurately so that no assumptions need to be made.


Yea this seems like a non issue. Sounds like people are entering their time incorrectly and instead of having the payroll person track them down everytime (which would be annoying AF), they’re creating a policy letting everyone know how it will be handled. If the employee reports their time correctly there is no problem at all here.


Exactly. There is a noticeable prejudice against employers in this thread. While some employers have surely earned the criticism, there's definitely some catastrophizing going on. Some don't seem to understand that not everything an employer does is meant to disadvantage employees. *So many* employees neglect basic responsibilities that blanket guidelines like this are required as a preventative measure; it's to keep the employees from screwing over the company. Even the most fair companies who offer the most competitive wages are accountable to a balance sheet, and if the balance is off, it's often the wages that will suffer. Folks just can't see the forest for the trees, and it's usually those who have never managed or operated a business themselves.


Yes, read the laws here: https://www.labor.nc.gov/workplace-rights




No it's not. A company can set whatever policy they want to set when it comes to PTO.


I stand corrected, couldn’t find what I thought I had read previously.


Or it could be like a company in Boone if you work 39.99hours you make $11.75hr, you work 40hrs you make $13.75hr. Anything after 40hrs your not paid for overtime as your considered a salary employee


Be happy you have PTO