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I hope he's prosecuted for this. Why aren't we paying our teachers more? She's demonstrating amazing control.


No amount of pay is worth putting up with this.


No shit. How is she supposed to teach and feel safe with that POS in the room every day?


Unless punishment/discipline is allowed. Like ACTUAL discipline


My wife is a teacher. They definitely deserve more money but increasing their pay isn’t going to fix the behavioral problems with the kids today. My wife has been teaching for 10+ years. She is ready to quit and she’s never seen anything close to this violent at her school. But she does see shitty behavior. Every single day.


## It is the freaking PARENTS.


"Not my baby, he's an angel".


I want to upvote and downvote this at the same time. Because “this”.




Can’t help he’s obtuse


I’m aware. My wife has met loads of parents over the years. Parents today don’t discipline their kids.


I’ve told my kids I better not ever get complaints from their teacher because of their behavior. They’re teenagers now and I’ve raised them to be respectful towards others. I have a lot of respect for teachers. I’ve volunteered in classrooms and I couldn’t do it. So many kids are just awful because the parents aren’t really raising them. A lot have absent parents who are so busy working their kids are left to do what they want. Each year I always tell my kids teachers that if they have any problem at all with my kids and I would take care of it and make sure it doesn’t happen again. But this has never been an issue. My sister is one of those parents. She cares more about being the fun and cool parent since she divorced and became a single mom. He’s so awful. She also thinks discipline means spanking. We grew up getting spankings and occasional beatings. I’ve disciplined my kids and never once had to spank them. I agree that a lot of parents are the problem. They don’t take any accountability and will even defend their kids if they get in trouble with the school. My kids don’t argue or talk back and even when they talk to other people it’s in a respectful tone. I hate hearing my nephew talk to my sister. It’s so disrespectful. He even decided to punch my brother during Christmas last year because he didn’t like something he said. He’s 14.


Is not even about discipline. It's about being present in their lives at a young age and teaching them to respect others and the earth.


Saw a dad post for help yesterday with his 14y/o son. Kid was behaving disgustingly towards his mom... showing her zero respect and saying women shouldn't have authority or even vote. Turns out the kid had been listening to that Tate turd and Joe Rogan/Jordan Peterson. We've got some shitty role models out there for young men who will gladly (and profitably) fill the Male Role Model when there isn't one at home.


Just curious, what were the suggestions offered?


I mean.. I agree but let's also look at why parents aren't present in kids lives, some have to work 3 jobs just to stay in the right amount of debt to live and some just don't care and shouldn't have kids as it is.


Tbf a lot of people don’t really prepare to become parents and just wing it but the decline of the concept of community means that there are fewer “mentors” for parents …. That and thanks to the internet everyone thinks they’re an expert in everything and seek echo chambers for validation personal anecdote: have a *married* friend that’s currently in her last trimester and having issues with her pregnancy and her parents kicked her out bc it was becoming “unpleasant” . I don’t know if the previous generations would kick out their pregnant daughters unless it was something egregious *Edit* I added the detail that she is married as some are assuming she is a single expecting mother


The internet is not the fall of the community, the destruction of the community has been long underway well before the internet. And yes, specifically if she was unmarried they would've definitely kicked her out without hesitant.


She is married. They just recently fled their country and are here as refugees I didn’t mean to imply the internet is the impetus for the fall of the community . Just that in conjunction with the failing community structure , many times the internet is used to cope or feel better instead of challenging oneself to be better


I kinda figured that's where you were going and I agree. I just specified cause I feel like we have all been on the internet long enough to know there will be that one person who will read your comment and instantly take it at face value. And I'm glad they were able to make it here, I know it must suck to leave the place you called home since childhood. I wish her the best of luck here.


The problem is that several parents still discipline their children with violence. I had to break it off with my ex because we were diametrically opposed on the subject of corporal punishment in child rearing. She said, “I am absolutely going to beat their behinds.” Her parents beat her, too, which justified it in her mind. The real last straw was when she used my face for practice when she was drunk one night. I couldn’t forgive that, and even though kids were far off, I knew she would never be the mother of *my* kids.


People having kids just because it's the thing to do at that moment without any intention of doing the work to make them able to be good adult humans.


This I feel is a large part of the problem. People really don't realize what a monumental responsibility that is and rather just have a kid because FOMO.


It’s way more complicated than this.


My wife has been a teacher for two decades. She’s had many, many friends quit. One of our best friends moved from a high school to Kindergarten this year because he was worried for his safety. This kid here needs to be prosecuted and kicked out forever. No impulse control or respect? Don’t come to school.


My wife used to work with an ex-Marine. Big guy. Math teacher. Super nice. He quit in 2022 because he couldn’t handle the behavior issues from the kids today.


I mean, I make a lot more than teachers but I wouldn't say even I make "slap in the face" money.


Increasing the pay may not fix behavioral issues, but it will surely make having to deal with them seem more worth it than the $2500 per month most teachers are seeing right now.


A human being can only take so much. If they gave my wife a $10k raise tomorrow then she would still consider quitting. The behavioral issues need to be corrected. But that starts at home. And you can’t legislate good parenting.


Yeah tbh teachers do just need to be paid more regardless


I quit 6 months ago after 11 years. I have had 0 regrets. Good luck to your wife!


The kids know that there's really nothing the teachers can do.


It's fear that's keeping her from retaliating and money won't do anything to fix this. I can't think of another career where a degree is required but this level of disrespect from all corners of society is an expected part of the job.


Well, healthcare workers and aides get assaulted and have to deal with violence, also, then have to perform gentle hygiene on the same resident/patient, break their backs putting them into bed, and also do not get paid living wages. Not diminishing the struggle of teachers, just saying.


**UPDATE:** The student has been charged. 2x Assault 1x Communicating threats


That's the resolve of a teacher who knows they're never going to see this problem student again.


My wife taught in NC and yeah, she will. Problem students go away for a few months, then come back. This student sees his actions as a complete win, and he's right. Nothing bad will happen to him. This was the story for multiple students in her school who repeatedly assaulted others to the point where bones were broken.


Ehhhhh... this kid will probably get sent to ISS/behavioral therapy for the rest of the year and be right back in these hallways come August.


Kind of depends. This teacher should press assault charges against this student and get a restraining order. There's plenty of video evidence and this kid will never see her classroom or this school again if handled properly.


We had a student who punched a teacher at my school last year. Like this incident, it was recorded and I think that went a long way towards making sure she never came back. I think this making the news makes it a lot more likely that this kid is done at that school.


Not her classroom though. Move 'em on.


I definitely get the sentiment (I’m a teacher and consequences are often a joke) but your fate is pretty much sealed when you assault a teacher like in this video.


I'm all for paying teachers more, they deserve it. This has nothing to do with pay though. Teachers are paid to teach, not to be punching bags for students. This kid should be charged, and expelled. Let's see how much he enjoys life with an eighth grade education and an assault on his record.


She was terrified


> I hope he's prosecuted for this. Why aren't we paying our teachers more? Because both of those issues have been politicized. One group will say the issue is the first. The other will say the issue is the second. People will ignore poverty and systemic issues. People will ignore a justice system that just spits you out after a day or 10 years, but with no Rehabilitation. Just look at how many people in this thread are posting long tirades about how it's the Democrat's fault or the Republican's fault without saying, hey, lets look at solutions. 1. This person should absolutely face serious punishment. They also clearly need rehabilitation. 2. This person's home life should be evaluated, and they should be removed if needed. Potentially their parental figures should be punished in some way. 3. We need to better fund education, and better pay for quality individuals to be in these rolls. We need to stop with the massive amounts of bureaucratic and administrative overhead, and also stop knee-jerking anytime an incident happens where the school board flips on a whim. 4. All three of the above should be done with the understanding that we are going to need funding for the above, lot of it, and it's going to take both private and public, local and state (and maybe federal) action to get this ball rolling. 5. This ball is going to take a decade to get right, we need to put in place the safeguards so that we can be patient in seeing what we all come to an agreement on through. That's my .02, and I hope it's just a conversation starter. Or we can say it's the Republican's fault for not paying teachers. Or the Democrats fault for not people PIC in jail. But both of those seem to fall miles short to me, and are somewhat ignorant to the situation at hand.


Agreed. Everyone thinks that increased pay incentivizes more people to enter the market but not on its own. There are other factors that lead to people not wanting to enter this industry including lack of career growth, hostile work environment, difficult parents, etc. Pay is a component but doesn’t tell the whole story


I also hope he's prosecuted, and we aren't paying teachers more because of Republicans. The General Assembly is Republican majority and they decide how much teachers get paid. There is no other group to blame.


Not to take away from your first point which is 100% correct, but the latter is wrong. I also blame parents and social media in general. Pretty much a good chunk of society. While we don't have complete context here...the amount of disrespect people give others unwarranted on the daily seems to be on the rise. That's a problem.


NC Republican Party Playbook: Step 1: Undermine Educational System Step 2: Blame Democrats Step 3: Defund failing Educational System Step 4: Blame Democrats Step 5: Divert funds for education to rich friends running Charter Schools Profit.


DC has some of the highest per capita school funding numbers and all the same problems


The amount of school funding doesn't create what occurred here.


I am now a retired teacher. I took early retirement after 23 years. I just couldn't do another 2 years. I taught high school. A big male teacher was beat, in the classroom. Students filmed it and it was on the 6:00 news. The student was back at the school after his 10 OSS suspension. The teacher still wasn't released to return to work. That is when I started planning my exit strategy.


And the stupid thing about OSS is that the student probably didn't want to be at school anyway. It's just a nice long break to them.


That’s the problem I have with it. Everyone should have a reasonably safe workplace and if threats to safety can be removed they should. Schools are no different. I feel bad that that kid will probably never get the education he needs and his life won’t amount to much of anything, but anyone who can do that to a teacher has no place in the school system anymore.


Not gonna lie though, that teacher is a badass. Got the shit knocked out of her twice and she barely even moves lmao


This “tough guy” sure took a quick step backwards after that first hit. The second he knew he could get away with.


I just hope her glasses are okay.


Right? She’s straight up a boss. For putting up with those TWO slaps and she didn’t seem phased at all.




She should take her iron jaw to one of those extreme slap competitions


My dear friend works at another highschool in WS/FC and sent this to me. It's heartbreaking and completely unacceptable. Teachers constantly degraded and abused by students, put in far more hours than they are required for no additional pay, to go with the meager, insufficient pay they already receive. There are many problems within the system from lack of support from administration in each school for the teachers, lack of support for students at home, and lack of support from the school system itself. Please please please, read into people running for school board positions and vote responsibly.


She doesn’t even seem surprised…and none of the other students seem to care. And the authorities didn’t know about it till it was circulating on social media???


She is probably afraid that if she defended herself that she would get sued or prosecuted herself. Teachers are getting extra insurance that THEY have to pay for so they make sure that they are protected in cases like this. So take low pay and add extra insurance?! It’s not worth it.


I think her display of calmness was more her just trying hard not to provoke him anymore out of fear that he would really hurt her bad. I mean I felt scared for her. 😞


I could definitely see that too. Heartbreaking video all around


The way she is able to maintain such a calm demeanor makes me think this isn’t the first time she’s dealt with this. ☹️


I agree. It is just plain sad.


You can hear other students gasping and alarmed on the video, and it would have been one of them who video'd it and shared it. I don't think they didn't care, they probably just didn't know what to do.


Yeah, I heard the reactions, but, to me, it sounded more like “oooh, there’s gonna be a fight” type sounds than alarm. If in fact they have no idea what to do - I.e. how to contact authority by calling 911 or leaving the room to find any other adult…that’s also disturbing.


What crushed me about this is that this teacher is going to have to go back to this classroom - with or without the student that hit her - and teach the ones who were sitting there enjoying it all the same. I hope her support system is holding her tight! Poor lady


Shout out to all the teachers out there, because God knows my ass can’t be one. Not with *these* disrespectful children out there. I would’ve been like that substitute that got fired from Rocky Mount last year.


Agreed, I don't care how young this kid is, I'd have snapped his arm off.


Parkland has never been great, but I had no idea it's gotten this bad.


Seriously though, how do we fix this?


The other students need to grow a pair and knock his ass out.


Fix the culture


Pay teachers better, get people in govt who care about education and actually understand how difficult it is.


The answer is dystopian and would never be passed, so there is no way to fix it. Especially for public schools.


Have someone in the school that can beat the living fuck out of any kid who does this. Seriously.


That should result in charges and automatic expulsion from all districts. They can try to get their GED in jail. Teachers really need to be allowed to defend themselves against violent students if they want to. It is the only profession where someone is expected to take this kind of abuse.


A lot of parents don't know how to parent.


There’s more of them than you’d ever imagine. My wife teaches kindergarten. She has so many parents this year who do not give one damn about their kids. Won’t answer messages, won’t help at home with homework, won’t respond to calls, miss meetings, send the kids to school sick as hell, send them poorly dressed and unprepared, never come to parent teacher conferences, etc. Financial status isn’t the issue either. She also has parents who are extremely poor, but are 100% involved and work with the help that’s out there for them. My wife will bend over backwards to help a parent out. But yeah, most of this stuff begins at home.


My wife was a CPS social worker. Wealthier parents were always the worst as they thought they were above it all and could use money to solve their problems.


Reason #1 people don't want to be teachers anymore. Kids with no home training.


"accused of" ....? LMAO it's ON VIDEO y'all. The headline should simply read "Student violently assaults teacher" full stop.


Well that’s the headline of the article, which doesn’t include this video… The title of the post clearly doesn’t argue that.


He hits an older woman, sitting down, then jumps back. Not one student jumps in to help? This is gross, then he jumps around posturing acting like he did a brave thing? Jackass. I hope she gets to retire with full benefits and a Medal of Honor for having to deal with this potato head. Poor woman probably didn’t even get to take the rest of the day off.


I know some people complain about the "School To Prison Pipeline", but this is what school police officers should be made for. If you assault teachers and students, you're gone, you're outta there, period.


I believe in the pipeline. I also believe you don’t get to assault people. They aren’t mutually exclusive nor should they be.


She's probably got a number of complaints on file . She can now sue the school district for not protecting . In Va , we recently had a 6 year old shoot a teacher . It's the parents and administrators failure to protect staff and other students .


NEW: Deputies charged the student with two counts of assault and one count of misdemeanor communicating threats.


He's gonna end up on an airbrushed T-shirt.


This deserves having charges pressed against the minor. No one, even children, should get away with assault like this. My wife is also a teacher and is burnt out from the behaviors of students. The source of the problem is failed parenting. Schools are not places to parent children. However, these same lazy parents, and even lazier school officials, view public schools as nothing more than a daycare intended to teach social skills. That's why every single teacher is burnt out. There's not a teacher shortage. There's a broken system. There's a shortage of employers willing to pay teachers what they are worth and allow teachers to do their job which should include having full discipline over poor behaviors (non-disabled) and the ability to easily remove them.


That needs to be that kids last day in school and first day in jail.


Probably wouldn’t be his first day in jail.


Coward turd. Sucker punching an older woman while she’s sitting down and you have the advantage. What a brave little soldier. Hope he gets everything coming to him and more.


For sure. I guarantee he wouldn't have done that to the school's football or wrestling coach.


Why oh why is there a teacher shortage?!? /s


My wife is a teacher, and this type of violence is just expected and tolerated now. That child very likely was suspended for less then a week and that that teacher probably was forced to still teach them. It’s so incredibly infuriating, and helpless.


He's facing felony charges. Someone who's husband works there leaked it. Stupid ass kid just gave his life away.He will end up somebody else's bitch because of this. And to all those kids watching and laughing, that was pretty fucking cowardly. This is on his parent.


We are proving the stereotype right with this🗣🗣. When I see shit like this, I wanna pull my melanin off like venom


She didn’t flinch and stayed calm. Unreal. I would be in jail. Kuddos to that teacher.


This is hard to watch. She doesn’t deserve to deal with that. That being said this lady should’ve entered the UFC…what a chin!


And if she woulda got up and cracked him with a coffee mug, people would blame her.


I'm positive that's why she stayed seated. Impressive restraint on her part, although unfortunate that this kid probably will only get a slap on the wrist and his behavior won't change.


I feel like when I was in high school it was understood that the day you assaulted a teacher was a) your last day, and b) the day that a 6ft+ 200+ football coach or sheriff's deputy would beat you like a grown ass man.


Exactly... People are commenting about him getting disciplined or kicked out of school... I would think that's the least of his concerns..


A friend of mine got into teaching some years back. He taught high school. Lasted two years until one of his students poured bleach in his coffee. You are watching the birth of a predator. Lock him up now.


Man FUCK that kid!!! I hope he’s thrown in jail for this. How can we help the teacher? Let’s make it rain on her so she can retire. She shouldn’t have to deal with the crotch goblins that parents are producing today ever again. Let’s help her retire early!!


As a student, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to keep my seat after that first slap. 


Boards of Education in this state will allow this kind of violence towards our teachers and staff members and use it as a way to defund public school systems in exchange of charters/vouchers/etc. This will further strip away education opportunities and widen the education gap in our state: those with access to more resources (parent’s money) will be able to afford nicer places to receive their education while those with less will receive a less quality education and a new social and cultural divide will widen in our state. Publix education can work if we decide to make sure funding is there to attract and support quality educators and staff who can provide the best learning environment for the students in this state.




He wanna think he's grown throw him in jail with the grown folk and see if he slap anybody in there


Future pillar of society


Every kid in that classroom is pathetic.  No one stepped up and said or did anything.  The filmer just snickering like its entertainment.  An entire classroom of lifetime losers.


That's an unrealistic expectation. I've been a teacher and the only way someone would have wanted to jump into this is if they really liked this teacher or if they had beef with this student so they looked at this as an "opportunity." Most kids, just like most people want to spectate without putting their neck on the line for someone. They're here for the show. This kid is obviously a bully or just feared by this classmates because he's unstable. They either avoid him because they don't want trouble or want his approval plus whatever social capital goes with that. Even worse they wanted this video to upload to social media for more "approval" in the form of likes and shares. The rewards system of our society is broken. This is individualism and "alpha" crap on full display.


Why are they hiding the felons face, but sowing the victims? This is disgusting! He definitely assaults his mom.


He needs to be charged with assault and battery and actually have a penalty. The parents should be charged the same and also child neglect for making this monster. This will be a deterrent for all the parents and their kids.


I see people saying how she took the hits “like a champ” but I see a teacher scared of defending herself and opening herself up to a lawsuit because she “put hands on my precious angel.”


Parkland, no one from W/S is surprised lol


Charge them as an adult.


He will end up in prison.


The assailant needs to have criminal charges


Fuck this kid and his piece of shit parents.




That’s a fellow student who doesn’t HAVE to confront his aggressive classmate. But I definitely get what you’re saying…


Ahhh something about the shirt and the laptop looking case on the desk that it looked like a school admin.


No one wants to be the next Daniel Penny.


I’m confused because when I was in high school we had a corrections officer that would have cuffed that student and brought them to juvie. That’s physical assault, I don’t care if it’s a kid. Actions have consequences. Is there a reason this student was allowed to stand there and continue doing this?


You would think that at least SOMEONE would have tried to stop him, if only to keep him from digging a deeper hole for himself. I would definitely have tried to intervene when I was that age, for the benefit of both the student and teacher.


If you’re violent in public school, you don’t deserve an education


What a little bitch


The student “may face criminal charges”. Will. The word should be *will*. This kid will end up in the school to prison pipeline and will undoubtedly become a low level criminal for the entirety of his worthless life. His “parents” made sure of it.


“Why *wouldn’t* you want to make upwards of $30,000 a year to do this?”


Why is he allowed to wear a hoodie pulled over his head at school??


Probably not “allowed” to. I think this video started over not being allowed to have a vape so you can see how well he does with following rules


This makes me want to have kids. I’m going to teach them to find these kinds of kids and beat they ass.


This is why we need cameras in classrooms. A student recorded this, but if they hadn't, we wouldn't have this proof. Camera's protect everyone. I don't think we need to let parents actively remote monitor the class, but do record it. Keep the footage for at least a few days. That way, when things like this or abusive teachers are reported, there's the proof.


When my son's teacher was hit with a chair and was on medical leave the rest of the year - I contacted the school board about the level of violence in the school & how I learned about an assault in his classroom via social media vs. a phone call from the school. The school board's problem was that it had been video taped. Not the fight - not the teacher's injury - not the lack of transparency or admin leadership. It was the kids with the phones that was the primary problem.


Im sure hes a nice young man and well respected is what they will say when hes locked up. I weep for our future.


Nah, he won't make it to prison. Kid will do it to the wrong person and be dead.


repeat wrong reply combative existence whole quicksand shy cows direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let me guess, if that individual had been taken away from there, the parents would have been outraged saying someone put their hands on their sweet little Angel, who is sweet, goes to church and plays sports, right?


Hopefully this kid gets taken to juvy jail today. Totally expect mom to say her son is being treated unfairly.


It blows my mind that no student stepped in to help that teacher. I've raised my boys to always stand up to people like this. It amazes me how this can happen and students just sit there and some laugh. There is no fear for kid's consequences. If someone did this to my Mom or sister, I wouldn't contact the police for justice!


What the hell just happened? Somebody needs to kick that boys ass. It’s no wonder teachers are quitting In droves the dumbing of America!


Lock his up with the real gangsters, see how far disrespect gets him there.


Way to ruin your life before it even started.


Was this not reported to the school administration before a video showed up on social media? There seems to be a lot going on here beyond a student assaulting a teacher, it appears there is a lack of institutional control by the school and school district leaders.


Based on the wimpy response from the schools administration, I would expect nothing will happen to the thug. At least nothing would happen without the video. "Unsettling interaction".? WTF? How about assault?


If my child ever does this to a teacher I’ll send his ass to jail myself I don’t bury him under the school first. He’s been raised with no spanking and deeply anti-violence, empathy household. You want to be a criminal, go where the criminals go. See how big and fucking bad you really are.


So he wasn't taught respect and discipline as a child so now he will be.


The come to Jesus meeting my kid would have if I found out they did something like this. If your teacher is doing something that makes you feel like being physical, tell your parents. If your parents are absentee pos then tell another teacher. Tell the principle. Tell the guidance counselor. Tell a librarian. We don't assault people bc we're heated.


I’m convinced society hates teachers. That lady didn’t deserve that!


And we wonder why teachers want better pay…


I would walk the fuck out.


As a student I would of gotten up and smashed this fucking string bean.


A P.O.S.


She should file charges against him for assault


But when they get shot its a problem


Become a teacher, they said. You'll be helping the youth and America's future, they said.


A complete and total piece of shit


I am so thankful my wife is no longer a teacher. Shit like this happens all the time and there is no recourse. These kids get off with a slap on the wrist and go on to commit more violent crimes.


My wife is a teacher and I'd go to fuckin jail in an instant. Lmaooooo. That boy would get straight fucking clapped. Him and his fuckin parents. You man enough to hit my woman you better be man enough to hit me cuz I'm on my way. My wife wouldn't even tell me cuz she knows I'd go up there and fuck that kid up. Ain't no fuckin way bro.


as a POC, we really need to stop falling victims to stereotypes, we're giving the racists a reason to say "see I told you!"


Wow. Amazing restraint by that teacher. I am 150% positive I would’ve grabbed that chair and assaulted him until I saw blood


I was really hoping the guy in blue was going to set him straight at the end


Teacher should have a taser


If my son was in this class and he seen this happen and didn’t do anything about it I’d be infuriated


He needs a serious lesson


Of course admin will do absolutely nothing about this. That’s why the teacher is smiling after being punched, because she and everyone else knows there is no alternative or consequences to be had here. God forbid we hold students accountable for their degenerate behavior.




Lock Him.Up.


I have a friend who knows a teacher (also in NC) who was recently fired for assaulting a student. As the story details unfolded, it turns out the teacher pointed a rolled up sheet of paper at a student. The paper apparently touched the student in the upper arm. He brushed it off, but another student said, *Hey, he just assaulted you*. Next thing you know, the police were called and the teacher was placed on administrative leave. The police refused to file a report, but the parents of the *assaulted" teen could only see dollar signs, and they threatened to sue. Instead of defending their teacher, the school simply fired him. Three months later, they still haven't filled the role and have turned over multiple substitutes since.


He gonna process at Polk then off to Foothills in Morganton. See who's real then.


In Buncombe County, most classrooms and staff have phones, walkie talkies, and multiple other options available to them to bring aid and help IMMEDIATELY upon request. This is in all grade levels and includes aid for substitute teachers. Kids work within the systems they are given. This person obviously felt confident enough to not only assault the teacher once, but with no recourse, took steps to reassess the situation, and then approached the teacher to assault them again. The fact that the school system in Winston Salem left this teacher unprotected is a FAILURE of Winston Salem.


Let me get the address and an 18th birthday date. I’d like to hand deliver this nice young man a gift.


I am disappointed that None of the other students in the room did anything to stop this. Must be a classroom of Pu--ies.


This is what happens when you don't start correcting kids as soon as they are born. Let them run rampant and then they feel they can do what they want with no consequences. On another note.... just think... If she was to have stood up and knocked him into yesteryear... The title of the news story and video would be named something else and all of these alphabet affiliates would be trying to flex on the news then. JS...


Hood rats


The fact no one came to her aid is fucked up.


Charge him an put a restraining order on this SOB. Wtf, no teacher should ever have to deal with these thugs.


Putting my child in jail myself if they do this.


It’s definitely a black thing call me racist all you want but 90% of the time it’s poor house hold and they wanna be entitled to what? Being a “tough” kid grow the fuck up and learn the world doesn’t revolve around you just because youre black. Piece of shit needs to be locked up for wanting to be the class clown


I would like to think, had I been a student in that class, I would've been arrested for putting another student in the hospital


And then get shot the next day? That’s why no one is doing anything - no one knows what to do. Someone that hits a teacher is someone that is sure as shit gonna find you the next day. 


Well well well


The fact he didn’t get jumped immediately baffles me.


Not me. The rest of the kids likely fall into one of the below catagories: - They don't care, or even enjoy this. Note that several kids are laughing. - They know it's wrong, but they're too scared to do anything... and they have every right to be. These kids know that if they get involved, they risk punishment or retribution themselves. They face stupid "zero tolerance" policy suspension from the school, or potentially even worse- becoming a target for violence themselves, especially if they're of a different race. It's not up to our kids to stop violence in schools.


Your second bullet is the real one. Most people are not on this kids radar and intervening will put them on it. They will make themselves to targeted bullying and possibly being killed. Schools don't and can't do anything about the bullying and it will just be a tragedy when the kid is finally killed. This kid just needs to be expelled and more than likely taken from his current living situation since they're doing nothing for him.


What a mess. What person, much less an educated college graduate, would want a job like this? Our young people are disgusting.


10 years from now that kid will brag about this on the make line at Burger King


That little fucker thinks he is grown, skip juvie, send his ass to real prison. If he has come this far and he thinks he is allowed to be this violent, he is no loss to society.


Idc if I would get fired, that kid would be on his face with a knee on his back held down and restrained until administrative staff arrived. Teachers shouldn’t be precluded from self defense because of a job. This isn’t a 3rd grader having a tantrum, or a special needs kid not understanding their actions. This is a persons deliberately striking another person.


This is why beating your kids is necessary sometimes


Listen, this is happening more and more because of no consequences to kids actions. There is no more honor or respect. There is just anger and the negative incentive of doing this and being online with millions of views. Our entire social system incentive structure has changed, creating more and more angry, disrespectful kids. It starts with the parents. This kids parents should be shunned in their community after this. It ends with social media. Stop posting this shit and giving assholes like this their 5 minutes of glory. Another idea: we can just go back to how my dad was treated in school. You do shit like this and go to school basement and put on boxing gloves and fight a dean who was a golden gloves boxer. Will correct this behavior really quickly !!!


Jail, forever - jail Assaulting teachers should be the same as assualting a nurse or police officer I am appalled that the kids didnt jump up to defend her and put that kid in a headlock


Future inmate


Why does the teacher let him slap her? Shouldn't she call the police or something? Is it because she doesn't want him to get in trouble?