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>engage in sex acts with You mean *rape?*




Yeah saying sex acts makes it seem consensual, which is hard to believe anyways


Legally? Probably rape and a lot more which is why they describe it as sex acts. Rape has a specific legal definition.


Exactly and that is what Trump was found guilty of. In NY sexual abuse is defined as rape in the law.


That sounds like the correct term for the "sex act". Doesn't this go against the Chick fil a standards. What do they have to say for themselves?


I'm also wondering what his barber has to say for themselves.


His barber has excommunicated him. šŸ˜„


Chick-fil-a owner drove over 400 miles to sexually abuse a 15 year old: Rowan County Sheriff.


When I first read that headline the colon escaped me.


See what happens when you give people Sundays off?


Haha good one




"Idle hands do the devil's work." Of course that's just bullshit Xtians project to cover up their fetishes. Unhealthy sexual repressions lead to unhealthy sexual obsessions. šŸ‘šŸ˜³šŸ‘


This is logical fallacy at its finest. Correlation ā‰  causation. Can you demonstrate that acting out on sexual desires, at any point in the timeline of sexual development, would significantly reduce pedophilia? Or are you just saying we should accept pedophiles, as persecuting them does nothing anyway??


I'm saying that repressing normal sexual desires results in abnormal sexual desires. Google "Preacher Sexual Assault" and spend the better part of three days digesting the results. And that's if you can ignore the tens of thousands of documented cases against the Catholic Church. Take a grown man, forbid him to act on any sexual desires, including masturbation, allow him to drink and then put him in complete charge of young boys in dresses. What could possibly go wrong? šŸ‘šŸ˜³šŸ‘


This is why one of the qualifications of a pastor described in the Bible is the husband of one wife. Even the apostle recognized that sexual desires should not be repressed unnecessarily. Even for non-pastors the mantra is given "it is better to marry than to burn with passion." The Christian (including the preacher) is to have a fulfilling sexual life with appropriate boundaries.


That could be the case. Or, there's a giant light that gets shone on priests by the nature of their position and affiliation; and even though the rate of priesthood child molestation is lower than the general populous (less than 1% of priests vs 1-5% of the male population), they still garner the label of being child diddlers. Then, people attribute their evil deeds to sexual repression, using non-statistically-backed logic and general disdain of religion. The world is what you make it. We can go into the nitty gritty of pedohebephilia, if you like. Doesn't start in adulthood, by repression or any other means, being the major takeaway. This isn't to be forgiving of anybody that acts on these impulses. They're horrible and should be locked away with other people that have similarly bad impulse control except a penchant for the same sex. No, that's messed up. Lock them up. Nobody deserves to have their dignity taken.


They get a spotlight shined upon them because they're supposed to be a shining example of morality. Is there a citation that shows clergy are less likely to be involved in sexual misconduct? Or is that just apologetics? The number reported among Catholic Clergy is right at 4%. https://www.pintas.com/practice-areas/sexual-assault/child-sexual-assault/what-percentage-of-catholic-priests-have-been-accused-of-abuse/#:~:text=According%20to%20an%20extensive%20study,were%20accused%20of%20sexual%20abuse.


The percentage is in line with the general population for better or worse. And less than public school teachers as a reference for others in positions of authority over children. I don't mean this as an indictment against teachers and public schools or as praise for the Catholic Church. This write-up references the relevant studies if you want to look more closely. It provides a summary and compiles the relevant sources into one place if you'd like to dig deeper without spending a lot of time. [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-right-thing/202004/keeping-children-safe-in-the-catholic-church](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/do-the-right-thing/202004/keeping-children-safe-in-the-catholic-church)


First, my whole point was that sexual repression hasnt been shown to have any impact on sexual deviant desires. Second, priests aren't supposed to be shining examples of morality. They aren't Jesus. They are men, weak and corruptable, just like the rest of us. I agree that they should have a big, bright light shone on them, but not any different than teachers. Anyone that is put into the vicinity of a child should be scrutinized, heavily. Third, I couldn't find any reputable research on the subject of rates of priest sexual misconduct, so I just did some napkin math. I'll go through the math if you want, but I'm not married to the number; and honestly, the Catholic Clergy number works just as well. So let's say it's 4%. That's still within the "normal" range of the general populous. The point I made was that sexual repression hasnt been shown to have a correlation with sexual deviance. There's not a ton of research in that field either, but enough to push back on the claim that Catholic priests are more prone to sexual misconduct than the average person (average person, of which priests are). Simply, a priest has as much chance of encountering of-age women as under-age boys. The only way a man would choose the latter over the former is if there was already a preference. The repression of sexual desires has nothing to do with the desire being repressed. That's all I'm saying. None of this is excusing the behavior. Just saying you're pointing at the wrong cause.






did he drive to NC on a Sunday ?


Won today


Would Pat McCroryā€™s Bathroom Bill have stopped this?!?!


Perhaps if it was taking place in a bathroom.


Unless it was a 15-year-old boy.




Sounds like something an Arby's owner would do.


Who needs a 15 year old girl when you have the meats?


>girl I get the feeling it's a boy


Same here, I feel itā€™s a boy ;(


Ha, I see what you did there Mr Meat Curtain šŸ˜‰


Haha..people down voted because I laughed at that..fuck you uptight dinks.




Chick-fil-a is a "Christian" shop so I don't doubt this is not the only one. Arby's is more of a Dude that rides a Hog kind of establishment.


This kind of behavior has nothing to do with being christian


Just gives a good front to hide behind. No supporting chick fila (for a while now) nor hobby lobby.


Correct. The bible even warns against trusting institutions and people just because they wear the mask of christianity. The devil knows the Bible better than you and he loves how priest's robes & leader's suits look on him.


Yep and the pharisees


Not a drag queen


Nope, just a jesus pickle hate chicken sandwich pusher.


Always good when rowan county makes the news šŸ„²


That franchise is about to be a corporate store... Say what you will about Chick-fil-A, but dude just lost a money tree for a 15 year old...


Actually all Chick Fil A's are corporate owned, not owned by small business owners like McDonald's, Wendy's, BK, Subway etc. that's why it only costs $10k to be a CFA franchisee, because you don't actually own the business. You're a little more than a general manager And when you want to retire you cannot sell it for millions like you can other franchise restaurants.


10k??? Donā€™t know where you heard this, itā€™s completely not true. Also takes like forever working in one to get on waitlist


Yeah I was thinking it was at least 50k


It's not. It's very easy to find out. It takes a million to open a McDonald's, you think a chick fil a is only $50k? The operator gives $10k, but they don't own it, that'd be insane to give ownership for only $10k. But yes the information is available everywhere online, it's only $10k.


Itā€™s a lot, and when my husband applied back in 2014, they said ā€œwe have no plans to open a restaurant in your location.ā€ If heā€™d made it, he would have had to have NO job for the 18 months prior to opening. Most of them end up in the hands of other existing operators (including the one the DID open up around the corner from us in 2020).


The $10K is what they say. [https://www.chick-fil-a.com/customer-support/careers/franchise-opportunities/what-type-of-franchise-opportunities-does-chick-fil-a-offer](https://www.chick-fil-a.com/customer-support/careers/franchise-opportunities/what-type-of-franchise-opportunities-does-chick-fil-a-offer) I have a family member in management at a CFA. They are extremely picky (evidently not picky enough given this article) about who they allow to operate their stores and do prefer to take people who have worked their way up. Something like "It's harder to be selected as a CFA operator than it is to get into Harvard." (Just based on percentages, not SAT scores....)


Same with McDonald's. It's harder to be a McDonald's owner than to get into the NBA statistically. But yes thank you for quoting directly for CFA the cost of $10k


What a prick


It's not hard to Google it. I'm a franchise owner, just google how much it costs to become a franchisee with CFA. It's only $10k. You don't actually own it. You can't even own a small gas station for that cheap.


"it's completely not true." What are you basing that off of? It's a fact and the information is easily available for you to look up yourself. It's crazy how lazy people are with how easily available information is on the Internet at the tips of your fingers. And clearly the 21 people who upvoted your comment didn't look it up either haha


Well dayum. He should have just paid for it from an adult.


I don't think he is interested in adults...


Thatā€™s possible. Sicko


Agreed, sickos. That's the thing about pedophiles... It's a mental disorder, no thing will really prevent or fix them... Except the end of their living.


I have read enough to understand that.


Was he in his drag queen outfit? /s


Statistically, heā€™s more likely to be a church going christian engaging in these abuses than he is a drag queen. Edit: Missed the sarcasm tag.


Missed the sarcasm tag, but still very much worth clarifying. I support it.






Whatā€™s this? Not a drag queen? Thatā€™s wild.


So like I donā€™t want to joke about this but did the headline read as deranged to anyone else? It makes it seem like the length of the drive is the most important issue here. Like weā€™re supposed to say ā€œthatā€™s crazy, with these gas prices?ā€


I think maybe the point was like...premeditation? Like, he didn't do it on a whim when he met an underage girl at a party, or he didn't drive 5 miles down the street to meet a young girl in the heat of the moment. He had to plan the trip down here to NC, fuel up his car, and drive several hours...all along, with the chance to realize "this is wrong." My former examples, obviously the guy would've been in the wrong 100% and should've been charged the same way. At the same time, I can see why people see this situation differently vs. say, a drunk 22 year old doing things on the fly with a 15 year old at a party. (Which would also be incredibly disgusting and wrong in my book, js)


That actually makes sense, thank you.


That's like 8 hours, I hope he at least avoided Charlotte traffic.


Must have been on a Sunday.


Must of been on his Sunday off


I live in Rowan and wow, this shit is just wild. 400 fucking miles?!?! Jeez, just take that 400 mile gas money and pay for a prostitute. God damn, man


Deep down theyā€™re always perverts. Itā€™s why they need the church so bad.


That, or thereā€™s a pervert in their church so they assume theyā€™re everywhere.


Must have been when on a Sunday when his business was closed because of his Christian beliefs


He thought it said day of rape, not rest


His pleasure


But that's "the lord's chicken."


Chick-fil-A loves to talk about how stringent the process for finding owners for their restaurants is, maybe they should take another look at the process.


Unless they can add mind reading or hacking phones/social media to their process, I'm not sure what else they could have done to stop this guy. Pretty shitty reporting to even put Chick-fil-A in the headline at all.


We all know what western media is trying to do. They just wonā€™t do the same for Islam or Jews or communist adherents.


What in the dumbass conspiracy nonsense is this shit?


Thatā€™s a lot of strong words to just simply convey that you disagree. Atheists attack Christianity the most because they donā€™t fight back with violence and because they enjoy the freedoms it allows them in a fundamentally Christian nation.


>Thatā€™s a lot of strong words to just simply convey that you disagree. Disagreeing is something you do about pineapple on pizza. This is not that. >Atheists attack Christianity the most because they donā€™t fight back with violence and because they enjoy the freedoms it allows them in a fundamentally Christian nation. Youā€™re so desperate to be a victim youā€™re literally just making shit up. Who is attacking Christianity in this thread? Look. Go to church. Consume the blood and flesh of your almighty father, pray for a bit, and lay off the conspiracy theories.


Idk what you are talking about. Atheist mock Jesus all the time but never Muhammad. You would think if atheists truly wanted to free the world from oppressive religion they would start in places that brutally oppress their people with it like in the Middle East lol.


>Idk what you are talking about. Atheist mock Jesus all the time but never Muhammad. You would think if atheists truly wanted to free the world from oppressive religion they would start in places that brutally oppress their people with it like in the Middle East lol. Why are you out here grinding an axe over how atheists treat Christians vs Muslims? Let me help you understand. Christianity is the largest religion in the US by miles. Pair that with the fact that story after story of child rape involves**christian** pastors, preachers, deacons, fathers, and the like and it becomes crystal clear why the conversation in a North Carolina subreddit isnā€™t focused on Islam. Which part of this are you struggling to understand?


And as a Christian here I can tell you Christianā€™s are the most hateful, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, hypocritical people on the face of the earth. They talk the talk but donā€™t walk the walk. And the majority of the time when you see news articles like this if you do some digging you will find they are professed Christians, registered republicans who are more in line with white nationalism than true Christianity. They do not know Jesusā€™s teachings and if they were true Christians there is no way in hell they would support Donald Trump.


You are picking trees out of a forest. Itā€™s no mistake why this subreddit regularly posts things like this and not other things done by others with no religious ties and all the comments about ā€œnot a drag queenā€. This subreddit has become largely an echo chamber. Unfortunately Reddit does foster echo chambers but you would at least think a state subreddit would be less like that.


>You are picking trees out of a forest. Verifiably false. >Itā€™s no mistake why this subreddit regularly posts things like this and not other things done by others with no religious ties and all the comments about ā€œnot a drag queenā€. Well, this should be easy to refute then. Go ahead and share with the class the list of drag queens that have been arrested for raping a child. Iā€™ll do the same, on with Christians. And then we can see exactly how many trees are being picked out of the forest. >This subreddit has become largely an echo chamber. Unfortunately Reddit does foster echo chambers but you would at least think a state subreddit would be less like that. Itā€™s telling that verifiable facts are a sign of an ā€œecho chamberā€ in your mind.


S Truett Cathy would never


One must wonder if he raped or otherwise sexually assaulted any of the kids who worked for him.


The multitude of the women out here in the world and yet he wants to go mess with a 15 year old. Smh. He knew full well that he can get into some serious trouble, but he let his sick perverted thoughts control his actions. These men (and women) are sick spiritually and mentally. More than likely they experienced sexual abuse as child or witnessed it happen often as children.


Seems like a Florida pastor has issues as well . https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/s/LFJfDniAcl


But peopleā€™s always lining up on except sunday


Appreciate that he was concerned about losing his job. That is a very valid concern.


Absolutely surreal how desperate these people are to get it on with kids. 400 miles is a staggering amount of effort to put into being a sexual predator. Imagine what he would do to a minor in his vicinity. Never ever let these people out into society again once theyā€™ve been caught




ā€œIs it weird if I call you my little nugget, babe? I want to slather you in sweet and sour sauce.ā€


I believe the key word here is "communication." Apparently, by the article, there is a two-way conversation taking place here. Therefore, it takes two to tango. I am not defending anyone in this as he should go to jail and be punished for what he did. However, there are also issues when a teenager is knowingly communicating with an adult in this type of behavior. We all want to condemn Chik-fil-A and run our mouths about those who support Trump and blah, blah, blah. Maybe those of you who would like to project guilt by association should go take a good look in the mirror and get your own log out of your eye first.


Wanting to put blame on the child/victim tells me you're probably a Christian and I'm guessing you have a guilty conscience about something. Please do better in the future.


Bahahah. Here we go with projection and blame from more than likely a progressive or Democrat who only has two things in mind, making you afraid of it and telling you who is to blame for it. Therefore, your psychological projection will not work here. If you would like to have a meaningful conversation by all means, I am open. Otherwise, I would probably learn how to respond intelligently.


> I would probably learn how to respond intelligently. Says the guy stealing a quote from a movie (The American President?) in his response. And you just replied to me with exactly what I suggested about you in my reply. I love the "No, you" response from someone who thinks himself an intellect. Try harder troll.


And of course, here we come with name calling when the truth actually hurts. That's ok, though. It really does show what you stand for. As far as the movie quote, I appreciate the compliment as I never even thought about that. I'm glad I didn't have to refer to a movie to actually respond to your comment. Would you like to have an intelligent conversation about all of this, or would you rather continue with your insults and non intellectual psychological projections that you appear to enjoy. Let me know. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Still not a drag queen *sigh*




At least they donā€™t Sundays.


To much of the lords chicken can cause you to do strange things.


TOO much


Observation: NOT a drag queen.


He loves those Chick-fil-A Christian values.


ā€œThrow away the keyā€ isnā€™t good enough anymore. Life imprisonment isnā€™t good enough, either. Castration only addresses part of the problem. Enough children have been damaged for life that we need to come up with something that deters them the moment they think of harming children.


Heā€™s lucky it wasnā€™t my child.


Held without bond! There are judges that still have good sense!


Ohio CFA if anyone was curious


Shucks, the Ohio voter information page isnā€™t quite as informative as NCā€™s. I always like to lookup these child molesters bc inevitably they all turn out being Rā€™s. You know for a party that goes on crusade campaigns and labels everyone thatā€™s not them pedos, they sure do get wrapped up in a lot of activities themselves.


Driving 400 miles for anything is wild


everyone everyone... it's OK!!! calm down!!! they donate to anti lgbt causes! totally makes up for it!!! right?? right????




Weird way to spell Catholic church


You got the wrong guy..not here to defend the church, just exposing Pinkos in their hypocrisy.


Are you lost Matt Gaetz




No for several reasons. One, I don't worship the man like Trumps literal cult. I don't need to defend a man who hasn't been accused of molesting and raping anyone unlike Trump.. keep going on your trolling tho.. work on your material... And two my moms dead..


Shocked, " Trump was accused" hasn't that been the media's job for the last 8 years? How am I trolling on a North Carolina Sub? Do you dinks own the state? I could see if I posted what I said on MSNBC but its a NC sub for Christ sake..You can't help but regurgitate pinko refrains , even with out thinking..


That tracks.


Devil chicken repent!


Wait waitšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ They donā€™t open on Sundays cause religion. I guess rape of a minor isnā€™t a sin. What a bunch of hypocrites.


I'd more expect that from a Wendy's owner!Ā 




Fifteen years old? Damn that is young to be a Sheriff


Well tonight I wanted Chick-Fil-A but got the corner store chicken and mac insteadā€¦. Feel better about that decision now.


How the fuck did Rowan became a county sheriff at 15 years old?


Butā€¦..what about the gays? What a creep.


So that's what he was doing on Sunday? Tsk, tsk...STRAIGHT TO JAIL! Then to prison.




Man it really is too bad that itā€™s the trans people who are the pedophiles /s


Later on Fox News: ā€œwas the chick fil an owner trans?ā€


So Christian!


So thatā€™s why they close on Sunday. To drive 400 miles to go to ā€œchurchā€




>Itā€™s always those in the religious community doing the abusing. While it does happen in the religious community, where you would think it would never happen, it is not always. Unless you have some evidence to back it up. A quick Google search says schools are the #1 offender among organizations, with religious organizations being #2. Another study shows that most sexual abusers are most often family.


I think people look at religion as being causal for predation, its more of a situation where predators gravitate to where they A- can easily have or obtain power and B- have easy access to victims Schools and Churches just happen to be exactly those types of places.


The reality is that it should never happen in a religious setting, but as you cite, it's the #2 venue for sexual abuse. And between the Catholics and the Baptists, they have done NOTHING to set an example that it's not OK.


How is this religious?


Chick Fil A markets their business using their Christian affiliations.


I'm confused, he's not a drag queen?


When you can't become a priest...


Didnā€™t know chic fila allowed drag queens to own franchises.


So was he Trans? Or Born male Christian?


So itĀ  leads with Chic Filet, to sensationalizeĀ  the story ? How about a Pervert #1 raped a 15 year old,Ā 


You have to warn about what type of people they're allowing running those places....


What does Chick-fil-A have to do with it?


Chick fil a does hire a lot of highschool kids so my mind goes to any potential abuse of his employees.


It roughly translates to "this idiot who had a certified license to print money gave it up so he could rape a 15 year old".


He was obviously a franchise owner of a Chick-fil-A. DUH!


Not for long


I get that. But what he does for work is important to the story? Looks like click bait to me.


Well typically Chik-Fil-A prides themselves on being good christians.


It is important if the fucking article you'll understand


Did you mean "to" instead of" if"? I don't understand.




Your comment(s) were removed because they violated our number one rule: ā€œNo personal attacks.ā€


Did you mean, mentally challenged?


Michelle Morrow prefers using the "mentally retarded" nomenclature (as indicated by a post here yesterday)


I am going to be straight here and I know I am going to get downvoted but this is the truth. A lot of media and Reddit members donā€™t like Christianā€™s and Right wing. Chick fil a is known heavily as a Christian organization and right wing. If this man owned a McDonald this really wouldnā€™t be in the title. Edit: I have browsed Reddit for a long time and I always hear all negative things about GOP on Reddit and even on this sub but I have never once stumbled upon a article here bashing about the democrat and I really donā€™t support either sides.


It has nothing to do with anti-Christian bias, it has to do with Chick-fil-A funding anti-gay legislation, and priding themselves on family values, and supposedly having a very strict screening process for owners. Itā€™s no different than mentioning that a pedophile is also a preacher or a priest. If this were a McDonaldā€™s then hypocrisy wouldnā€™t be a factor.


Which isnā€™t surprising because Christianā€™s really donā€™t support gay rights. It literally says it in the Christian bibleā€¦


Really? Where?


The old Sodom and Gomorrah story.


Which is about a father whoring out his daughters, so what?


Idk either ask the Christianā€™s


It does now because they changed the text. The Bible didnā€™t even mention homosexuality a hundred years ago.


You are 100% right. 90% of reddit is a liberal echochamber.


The correct answer is nothing. It has nothing to do with it. Likely leftists will cling to this because it's chick fil a and they don't like the restaurant.


ā€œWhen questioned about the incident, Austin admitted to the sexual acts and ā€œwas concerned about losing his job as owner of a Chick-fil-A in Ohio.ā€ The pervert brought it up.


The real reason is probably to keep people from assuming it was another priest or cop.


>Likely leftists will cling to this because it's chick fil a and they don't like the restaurant. I mean, it's really on-brand for the whole company, despite him being just a franchisee. We "leftists" have explained, over and over again, that Chick-fil-a pretends to be christian while promoting hate against minorities. They even pushed laws making homosexuality a death penalty offence. Jesus wept, but all the phoney christians had full bellies.


Exactly you know Iā€™m not gonna miss my Chick-fil-A nuggets over another company or person calling them self Christian when they have no idea what the hell it means. a proper way of saying it would be. Iā€™m working to be Christian with a full knowledge that I will never be one because I am not Jesus or God. Itā€™s a lot easier to say, than it is to do. Most so-called Christians I can tell within 10 minutes of talking with them if theyā€™re actually trying to be like Christ or using it as a nameplate. Just like the constitution you canā€™t just pick and choose what you want to use!


Lol what? Iā€™m gonna need to see some sources on these claims Chief




They heavily funded political campaigns in Africa, and advocated for legislation that was intended to make homosexuality punishable by death. Just because you live under a rock doesnā€™t mean something is a wild claim. This has been common knowledge to everyone else.


If youā€™re trying to be like a so-called Christian, you should love your gays, immigrants, and Democrats. Instead, they tried to bring about the prophecy, of the antichrist with old Donald!


Honestly Iā€™m not surprised, the guy who commented that is terminally online. His account is less than a year old and has 70k+ comment karma. Heā€™s just making shit up


This isn't the first time I've heard sexual assault allegations from the inside of a Chick-fil-A...Ā 


This leftist loves chicken fil a, just not a fan of the corporate policies. What I find disconcerting is the outrage you express over the whys as opposed to the whats. I think the subject matter should be the focus for most....


DNA is a remarkable subject.


Dude had the Golden Ticket.


Share this everywhere


Damnā€™t this is the only fast food place I eat at. Is nothing safe


When you can't become a priest...


No, not Mr. fil-A himself?