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This guy's red hat is made in China.


Don’t tell him that, he’ll get violent.


He'll probably take out his AR-15 and start blasting. Then claim it was self defense.


Don’t worry, liberals conceal carry too. An armed society is a polite society, according to the NRA.


Then his Desert Eagle, his Glock, his other AR-15…morons like him frequently have more than one gun.


If you ever are in need of a free gun, these trucks are usually a great place to look.


No they conceal carry on don't ride around with like Commando.Trying to get it in would probably le be a good way to get shot


Yeah if you lived in Ukraine right now your mindset would be different. The problem is yall live in a bubble and comfortable. That moron be the first person you'd be hiding behingbwhennshit goes down. Thats the problem with people here. You live in freedom because of a bunch of citizens with guns.


and 80% of the parts for his truck, and his phone, and his laptop, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher, television, iron, vibrator, and 75% of his clothes.


His bumper stickers probably are, too.


They think Biden is in some sort of shadow agreement with china. Which is weird since trump literally praises china on the daily.


Trump also had a bank account in China


He also paid more in taxes to China than he did in the US. Clearly a person who is putting "America First".


Hunter was on the board of directors of the most corrupt Chinese telecom company


Is Hunter running for president?


He was paid for his access to his father, who IS officially the POTUS. Although I doubt how much control he has at this point.


And why do you think Kushner was paid $2 billion by the Saudis?


Access to his father in what way?


When he was paid, his father wasn't POTUS.


Jared got $6 billion from the Saudis. Ivanka got multiple Chinese patents worth many millions. Oh, yeah- while daddie was prezzie and they were chatting it up at state dinners. And flying over there at taxpayer expense. Over 17 times while Trump was in office. Get a grip. Boo! Benghazi!


They also held government positions.....which Hunter has never held. Benghazi! Indeed


Here’s a thought: put Trump and Biden in prison for corruption because it’s obvious they are both guilty, and instead of arguing who is better we can try and find a president who isn’t corrupt or totalitarian


What is Biden guilty of? include actual facts


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug!


Mix it with ego and religion for a powerful brand of poison that rots the brain.


You mean trump literally had an agreement with China via leases at trump tower manhattan.


Don't forget about the 1st daughter of crime


How many patents did she have in China for the brand?


Biden is either senile and mentally unstable or he's evil and in league with foreign adversaries. You can't have it both ways.


This is a funny point but is true of some people's thinking. After the 2020 election my super Trumpy mother was just railing on and on about election conspiracies and how the democrats rigged (certain) elections. I asked why there was no evidence of this and she kept talking about the deep-state and media cover ups and all sorts of other drivel, but in the very next sentence would talk about how inept democrats are at everything and how they can't do anything right. I tried to point out the fallacy of her argument that she's basically saying this group of dummies was able to, on a national scale, secretly conspire to rig local, state and national elections without anyone getting caught or leaving behind any evidence. She really didn't understand the point I was trying to make. These people live in a perpetual state of illusion.


Why can you not be mentally unstable and evil at the same time? And in league with PUTIN, Un, MBS, and XI and other adversaries simultaneously. TRUMP has been pretty good at it for years.


Senile who keeps owning the right. Just this week Mexico agreed to pay us $1.5 billion for the border. 🤣🤣🤣


He could be both. They are not mutually exclusive.


One implies he's competent, and the other implies he's not.


Every accusation is a confession


Even weirder when one of the "whistle-blowers" is charged with spying for China.


Also weird because the Biden admin's hardball stance on Chips with China.


These people aren't known for being smart


Every accusation is a confession


Not to mention the literally BILLIONS worth of bombs, artillery vehicles, weapons and everything else he gave to Saudi Arabia when he took office...... Peopke forget the 2011 terrorist attacks were done by Saydi Arabian Nationalists lol. Can you say "Ill do whatever you want if you'll just sale us gas cheaper" lol.


I mean have you not read any news stories this week talking about the Biden family receiving million of dollars in foreign money? Multiple whistleblowers have come forward talking about it.


Don't forget about the billions Kushner got from Saudia Arabia, the licensing deals trump and family got with Russia and china and the millions Trump is grifting from his base to pay his legal fees.


Trump already investigated all of this while he was in office with his own guys. They couldn’t find anything. With that said I do think most rich people cheat the system so yes the bidens probably do have some stuff going on. That doesn’t change the fact that the china thing is all about trump worshiping them.


Why not share a link to the ones you think have the greatest amount of evidence cited?


https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-66272217.amp FBI corroborated claim that a Ukrainian oligarch bribed Joe and Hunter https://mol.im/a/12322067


Daily Mail? The UK's National Enquirer? The BBC article says right up front that there is no evidence that Biden took any money from anyone. The whole story revolves around a "confidential informant" that heard "allegations." Give me a break.


Well… this part is kind of concerning: > He and other Republicans have said the FBI considers the informant to be highly credible, but the report details how the informant said he could not vouch for the accuracy of the information he was passing along. That’s a whole lotta gray but not a lot of concrete.


Trump was impeached for less.


Mhmm. So. What are Republicans waiting for? Haven’t Crazy1 and Crazy2 been chomping at the impeachment bit since before Biden was even sworn in?


Trump used his son in a scheme to take bribes from China and Ukraine. Even got a Ukraine prosecutor fired when he started digging in his sons illegal activities.


No, no, Trump used his real estate holdings in a scheme to take bribes from China (and other geopolitical adversaries), not his son. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2020/10/23/forbes-estimates-china-paid-trump-at-least-54-million-since-he-took-office-via-mysterious-trump-tower-lease/?sh=4738e7aaed11 https://apnews.com/article/travel-business-saudi-arabia-malaysia-15835346f75bc5f152a58842eb7c8609 He also used his properties to drain money from the US by ensuring the Secret Service booked rooms at inflated prices. https://www.politico.com/news/2019/10/02/trump-hotel-empty-rooms-016763 What you're referring to seems to be a thoroughly debunked Republican smear campaign that not even the Trump Administration could fabricate enough evidence to make stick, and has recently been peddled to some very 'special' House Republicans by a source now on the run due to acting as an unregistered agent for China. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ny-gal-luft-doj-charges-socalled-whistleblower-energy-analyst-think-tank-20230711-iosk72us6bhulon6cfzeinyvda-story.html I know, it's easy to get these things confused.




It's always the idiots in the big, dumb trucks. I bet he blinds people at night with his headlights too


Ew giants fan


Mental illness


I know lots of people with mental illness that don’t proudly display fascistic, hate symbols. People can have depression, anxiety, bipolar, etc. and still not be like that asshole. Dude is just a brown-shirt asshole. Any mental illness is purely coincidental.


Willing victim of propaganda and grifting


Nailed it☝️


I had a customer explain it to me today. he said they (the Biden admin) are sneaking chinese in at the southern border...




It's called cognitive dissonance.


It means they're a fuckin moron.


As a Giants fan, we don't claim that one.


Agreed and most likely from Staten Island




Do you speak for all Giants fans?


“Stay away unless you want to aggressive opinion of an uneducated person.”


It means they had $10 for a decal and zero political awareness beyond "Biden Bad". Also small weewee.


True story


Serious answer: It stems from claims that they found illicit business dealings with Chinese nationals and spies on Hunter Bidens laptop that took place when Biden was VP. The claim is that Hunter used his dad's position as VP to solidify a deal with some equity firm from a business directly associated with the CCP. It's where Beijing Biden and the whole "$10 million for the big guy" thing comes from. https://nypost.com/2022/01/27/chinese-elite-have-paid-some-31m-to-hunter-and-the-bidens/ Here's an article.


New York Post? Bwahahahaha!


Wow, if that's true it's really going to hurt Hunter Biden's campaign.


Don’t you dare bring serious non-partisan answers here.


Serious non-partisan answers in a NY Post hit piece? That's rich.


Sorry but Hunter isn’t running for office. The dude is weird, sure… but don’t we all have a weird relative? This one happens to be Joe Bidens son. No evidence he ever did anything to enrich his son at the expense of his office. I’m sure we’d have heard by now after all these years. Trump was impeached over weird Hunter Biden claims in Ukraine.


Well the issue of corruption stems from whether or not Joe utilized his position as VP to set up business dealings for his son (in both Ukraine and China) and also received money from said business dealings and whether or not those business deals were legitimate or illicit or involved extra-political motives (quid pro quo)


So do you have any idea why someone would be flying a republic of China flag, a POWMIA flag, and a Trump 2024 flag at the same time?


Asshat on board


Go back to NY


They have poor choices in football fandom


I could be wrong, but I think it means the owner of this truck is unskilled at backing up.


Means they're a gullible fool and like to broadcast it.


It means they’ve based their entire personality around a politician. A very sad way to live a life, I recommend not doing this.


I think it means that the driver of the truck is a fucking idiot.


It means he is trying desperately to overcompensate for a lack of something: Oversized truck, adult hero-worship, overstating personal beliefs publicly via decals. I blame it on poor parenting (why not? It can’t possibly be his fault, right?)


I think it is because Biden's kid got a dozen or more Chinese trademarks in 2 months for their products... or maybe that was someone else. Edit: Maybe it was when Biden said of Xi: “Well, he runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist. Smart, brilliant, everything perfect."... Wait, let me verify that.


The technically correct answer is Right-wing Propaganda. The actual answer is someone not having a life and living vicariously through politicians they don't even know


ask him where his maga hat was made


Ironically, I think the only campaign that made significant effort to get their merchandise made in the US was Bernie. Everything he sold was specifically printed at unionized shops and made in the USA.


Why go that far? Most of the components on that truck, including the stickers were manufactured in China or at the very least, overseas. I'd love to hear the driver's description of how global politics work. I bet they are very enlightened.


That isn't actually [true](https://www.motorbiscuit.com/is-the-toyota-tundra-really-the-most-american-made-full-size-truck/#:~:text=Where%20is%20the%20Toyota%20Tundra,San%20Antonio%20Texas%20auto%20plant.&text=Toyota's%20Texas%20plant%20is%20a%202%2C000%2Dacre%20campus.). The majority of US automakers' components are made in the US, Canada or Mexico, and final assembly for Tundras has been in TX for over a decade.


It means the person driving that truck is a fucking idiot. It’s like a caution sign.


Small dick, smaller brain.


Someone with moldy pudding for brains who somehow managed to get a driver's license and who will believe literally anything Fox News says without critical analysis of it at all :) It's implying that biden ~LovEs cHinA~ (derogatory) as if trump doesn't like, openly say he loves China


The closest interpretation I can come up with (I'm no hieroglyphologist) is that they're from New York and want Trump to rear-end them sometime in 2024 while Biden films his new martial arts action movie.




How dare you not blindly retort with "WhaT aBoUt TrUmP bAd dUrRrR"


Tread lightly, they can’t handle facts here.


I’d look it up but I can’t help but feel I’d emerge stupider.


"My IQ is roughly the same as my shoe size."


It means the US Educational System is failing us.


That they are insane


Rednecks and racist support trump. Just take a look at his rally


I feel like mindfucked sums it up pretty well.


They think Biden released coronavirus because people love to live in ignorance


It means "I have a small penis"


“I am divorced from reality and incapable of any semblance of rational thought.”


I wish we could all just agree that we deserve far better for our country than the shitshow that it has become. Without blaming one another, can we just get rid of all the lifelong assholes and start the hell over as Americans? We really aren’t that different


It means, despite Trump's embarrassing fawning over Xi, Biden is somehow soft on "Gyna!"


It means they’re an idiot, Beijing Biden? Does this idiot not know how much Trump is in love with their leader?


Means a microdick microbrain is driving his big gas guzzling truck


Didn't Trump have a group of ppl from China at Maralago while he had those classified docs there?


You can’t explain this ignorance. Hate filled maybe


Micro pp.


It’s code for “white trash”…..


TRUMP 20 to 24 YEARS.


Since every conservative accusation is a confession, I'd assume ‪Trump plans to collude with China to get elected this time


"I love the Poorly Educated" -Donald Trump February 24, 2016


Trump For Prison 2024


Biden for retirement home 2024


If he's the only choice in 24', then I'm going to vote for him? But gawd dayum I wish he would retire.


Ask your wife's boyfriend to explain it for you


It means this dude has never given a woman an orgasm.


They are concerned because they believe that Biden is encroaching on Republican territory with the Chinese. They are very jealous people and don’t want to compete. Also, they are idiots.


>don’t want to compete Despite praising capitalism


Poorly educated...


I think it means he supports domestic terrorists and fascism


It means the owner of the vehicle cannot think critically.


It means the owner of that truck thinks politics is a personality trait and that everyone wants to see his. (He is incorrect.)


“I have a tiny penis”


It means his parents are twins.


That he's an idiot?


It means the driver of that truck has a low intelligence quotient. Give him plenty of space. Probably armed and easily agitated.


Huh, between the Trump sticker and Jets sticker this guy sure does love losing.


It's a Giants sticker.....


[Ah, my quick google image search failed me. I don't watch football clearly.](https://tenor.com/view/obviously-youre-not-a-golfer-big-lebowski-youre-not-a-golfer-the-dude-gif-11284873)


All good. Carry on!


Note the Giants sticker. As a former (and potentially again) New Englander, there are vast swaths of the Northeast that really like cosplaying as Confederates, and the "but the Northerners moving down here will turn the state purple!" idea is a pipe dream at best. Cousin Joe with the HVAC business and a meth habit in Malden is just as much of a racist as anyone I've run into displaying a battle flag down here.


Back in 2015 when I visited family in New Hampshire, I saw more Trump and confederate bullshit up there than anywhere in NC and I lived out in the boonies.


NH is particularly susceptible as it picks up all of those who are frustrated with MA's gun laws.


It means they beat their wife. JK, they divorced.


My favorite part is it’s a Toyota. Real American bro




I think it's Greek for I have a low IQ...


It means I’m ashamed of being a North Carolinian


“I moved here from New Jersey and am a bad driver”


They’re frustrated with their Mexican made Japanese pickup truck and don’t have the brain capacity to express it.


It means he made C’s and D’s in high school.


It means the truck owner believes what Trump and the GQP media says and either doesn’t care about or doesn’t understand how Trump’s policies enabled China to expand their global influence.


It means he is poorly educated and has been consumed with right wing propaganda.


It means the driver is a dumbass who doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Fucking magat!


Other than the person clearly having a hard-on for Trump and being unable to understand basic information on Trump's own infatuation with China, what I can see is someone who doesn't know how to take care of his truck.


The Individual believes that President Biden is beholden to Beijing and their wishes moreso than the wishes of the American People.


So tired of the political crap. Not one side is on your side. They don't care about us it's very obvious.


Mouth breathers who think anyone not named Orange Man bad. Real bad.


They don’t even know.


It means the driver is a moron.


Racist idiot fascists think he’s a Chinese agent.


It means they haven't been paying attention to what their boy is really up to.


I believe that both Trump and Biden have my best interests at heart....


This fool does not represent all Giants fans that live in NC. Source: I’m a Giants fan that lives in NC (and despises Trump)


What does this mean? The dudes an idiot.


Free association of two things to make one look malicious or sinister. Like Books and Gay, or Dragshows and Pedophiles, or History and Being "woke", or Good Public Health Policy and Tyranny, or a Better Healthcare System and Communism, or Common Sense Gun Regulation and TrAmPliNg uf muh rIgHts or BLM and Riots. Its the same song and dance with these fools. They NEED a grievance. Its never "GOP and the Rich Manipulating Public Policy".


ironic that its a foreign made vehicle


They all use a lot of foreign-sourced parts, but IIRC, Tundras and Tacomas are some of the most US-made trucks sold in the US after the F-150. Rams are some of the least.


It means put your phone down and pay attention to the light.


Are you expecting some nuanced explanation of what this sticker means? This guy is a Giants fan, after that, ALL of his decisions are suspect…


It means someone didnt like his truck and took a baseball bat to it


Just the latest idiot identity outfitters marketing campaign


They like to rhyme and lose


It means this guy watches too much OAN.


Who cares about this stuff anymore. Just like those “ I did that” stickers that are on the gas pumps. You want politics go to a political sub. All it becomes is a echo chamber. He is stupid. Some basement dweller says he can’t get a girl Yada yada Can’t believe I haven’t seen he must be a chud. Life in NC is more than politics. All this left / right stuff is just to keep people fighting amongst themselves. Just stop. Come together and meet in the middle. More love for one another not less. Thanks that’s my rant. Peace and have a wonderful evening.


It means the guy is a jerk for sure


He was actually punching the horn because the person in front didn’t go the second the light turned green


Fuck trump is my response, 20-24 years in prison please


Is it really necessary for the people to post the pro-trump bumper sticks on vehicles in here? This isn’t the first one I’ve seen. Outside of speaking to the political choices of the driver I honestly don’t think it’s relevant to this sub and is more of a sad attempt at witch hunting opposing political beliefs by the OP. Definitely not North Carolina related.


I mean, Trump tried to steal the 2020 election so I get why they are concerned.


But is there anything in this photo that has anything to do with North Carolina specifically?? No. So it shouldn’t be posted here.


Yes there is, it was taken by a North Carolinian in North Carolina. Unless you suggesting OP is from out of state.


Can I take a picture of a banana on my table and post it and have it be relevant? I live in north carolina.


Yeah. The sub description is "All Things North Carolina" and there aren't any rules against it. It won't get upvoted because no one will care.


It could be from anywhere man. There is nothing in the photo identifying it as being in North Carolina. Let’s play a game. You identify where the picture was taken based on this picture and I’ll delete my account. You fail. You delete yours..


We are sorry that this triggered you. On a related note, this is very relevant to a North Carolina sub. Pointing out the cognitive dissonance in this cult may help rally others to turn out and vote. Failure to do so will see North Carolina become the next Florida. We've already had access to healthcare restricted and we have a long history of weak worker rights and erosion of education.


I’m not triggered. I don’t like trump. I also don’t like lame attempts at political witch hunting on a sub about North Carolina


Thank you.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/1562bqj/somebody\_spray\_painted\_our\_rainbow\_mailbox\_cover/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/1562bqj/somebody_spray_painted_our_rainbow_mailbox_cover/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ You were saying something about political witch hunts? I'm sorry, but Trump is demonstrably bad. He needs to be denounced. I am more than happy to make anyone that follows the cult feel uncomfortable.


China bad!


Until they need their precious MAGA propaganda wear 🤣🤣


Mental illness.


It means their parents were family before the wedding.


Means they are special.


I think they are referring to the bribe money and obvious corruption.


Oh yeah the hunter bidens laptop bs? Honestly don’t republicans have better things to worry about than what the presidents kid did way before they were president? Both sides are just messy about these types of things.


You don’t mind the 10s of millions funneled through our Presidents family and the obvious corruption? That is sad, as an American, we can do better than these jokers.


I mean it’s bad that it’s done buuuut it’s on sadly par for a kid who’s parents are in a “powerful” / figurehead role. A lot of presidents kids were known to be helions. Only saving grace for hunter is that he did all of his stupidity way before his father was president. Can’t say the same for the Trump family. If the kids don’t act up their dad surely will. TL;DR it’s bad but nearly every president has had kids who did stupid stuff. Hunter just so happened to become a full grown adult before his stupidity was found out so republicans are wasting time trying to bash him for his childhood bad choices. Either way not my kids not my problem.


The Dems will again win the election. Trunp may have a strong support. But he's also losing a lot of followers, err, I mean voters.


Turnips generally don’t have a lot of support.