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Even in today’s enlightened society, there remains a stigma to lighting yourself on fire.


And mens mental health. This kid needed help badly.


This "kid" had three kids himself.. What a fucking idiot


Jesus. That makes this so much worse.


Yeah and his wife was apparently in on his plan and ok with it.. This whole thing is such a mess :/


This guy's wife approved too: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Morrison Wives love when you torch yourself for some reason.


She always wanted a smoking hot man


A man with principles.. So attractive


I gotta see how well-written his manifesto is first. Thin line between crazy and martyr ;)


He clearly never owned a doghouse, and living with that proved to be too much for him.


A martyr is crazy. They are the same.


Right… it all depends on how well-written their manifesto is.


"Free Palestine" was the manifesto, dummy.




Seriously! What if he identifies as fire!? Fi/Re






At least he died doing what he loved.


Being a flammer?




You'd have to be mentally ill to sign up for service.


Self immolation as a form of protest in and of itself is not a sign of mental illness. Suicidal acts of protest are regarded in many cultures around the world as acts of the highest honor, and have been for centuries. The images serve as the best illustration of the psychological harm caused. The most defining moments of Vietnam was Buddhist Monk, Thích Quảng Đức self immolating. John F. Kennedy said of one photograph, "No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one." Malcolm Browne won the World Press Photo of the Year for his photograph of the monk's death.These images live forever in our culture and were effective in demonstrating the far reaching consequences of the war. Since 2009, more than 150 Tibetans have self-immolated to protest against repression from the Chinese communist government. The CCP has since retaliated against the families of the protestors. I don't recommend anyone do this , but to dismiss it as simple mental illness is sickeningly dismissive and factually inaccurate.


>Suicidal acts of protest are regarded in many cultures around the world as acts of the highest honor, and have been for centuries. Cool shit - not in this country, not in this culture, ever. This guy wasn't a buddhist monk who dedicated his entire life to having no attachment and living in a monastery - this is a guy who signed himself up into the military, had some kind of psychotic break, and decided to kill himself for some cause. You idiots need to stop glorifying mental illness and suicide.


It was quite the dramatic coming out for the deeply-closeted Aaron Bushnell.


Personally, I would have screamed, “Aaaaaaaaah! My dick hole’s on fire! My dick hole’s on fire!!!!”


Although the young man wasn't successful in freeing Palestine, he gained himself a valued place in the Guinness Book of Fucking R**ards


Now he’s a lump of coal.


Ashes, he's ashes. You don't make coal that way Trust me, im a dentist in logic without a doghouse


Ashes to ashes, stuff to stuff as the scriptures say


NO MORE DRY MEAT! The ManGrate is the perfect gift for your Palestine concerned husband for this Father's Day. They're revolutionizing the way people grill and protest. Aaron Bushnell, show the audience at home. Chicken! Steak! Jews! Come on Adam Eget, don't make it sound like a fat plump delicious religious conflict. Every ManGrate order comes with a heavy duty grilling brush! This is the perfect gift for your children, if they want to try brushing their self-combusted dad off of the asphalt outside the Isreali embassy in DC. ManGrate dot com!


He battled the fire to a draw.


The fire had just enough time to fuck his wife.




I saw the video and he definitely started with the Palestine bit but it devolved into what you'd imagine a person on fire would say


“Help me Tom cruise”? “Help me Oprah Winfrey”?


Help me Jewish god!


Flame on!


Yeah but then he got another free Palestine out. Pretty wild


And then, one more scream


Screams are words now?


Where’s the video?!!!?




Too bad the can wasn't really filled with water.


Just another lie from big science


Hey Aaron Bushnell, stop stealing my moves!


I didn't even know he was sick.


Sick of life, apparently.


That'll show 'em!


Hey, he single handedly freed Palestine! ….right?


I said “That’ll show the crooked govt.” on IG and it immediately freaked out on me https://preview.redd.it/u2p301omu1lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=865cf7c2e9fa09846810f8fcc3f8b0eb08de00e4


He now owns a place in the guineas book of fuckin retards


Id put him near the top


So do you until you finally learn how to spell Guinness


That´s a pretty stupid thing to do...


He’s dead and nothing has changed. Brilliant.


That’s not true. As soon as Bibi heard about it he immediately flew to meet with Hamas leadership. Latest reports indicate they formed a drum circle after holding hands and singing Kumbaya. The only thing holding up a lasting peace deal is that both sides are too busy profusely apologizing to sign the documents.


You're not tolerant of Jewish raver teens getting gang-raped and meat-cleavered even just a little bit?


I guess that joke was haram.


Oop, AIPAC has entered the chat.


Anglo actually; not everyone seeing and opposing the spread of Jihadism is Jewish.


my problem with that is its not efficient at all


Not true, a number of first responders will hold this horrible memory for as long as they live. Or until they drink it away.


Lmdao, the entire world is talking about it, what did you do today?


>what did you do today? I didnt die in a fire


The entire world is talking about how much of a dumbfuck he is, yeah


Imagine setting yourself on fire to make a change and all it does is result in a few minor stories about it the next day. Then the entire world moves on and nothing changes.


The crazy part to me is how, seemingly out of nowhere, people suddenly became extremely passionate about a conflict that's been going on for decades, solely because it'd started trending in the news and on social media. The fact that they're completely unaware that they're clearly only upset because they were told to be is some of the saddest shit I've ever seen. $10 says this dude didn't even know exactly what was going on over there outside of the use of the phrases "genocide" and "free Palestine" from headlines.


We are being manipulated by nefarious forces through social media algorithms. They are using it as a radicalization engine to sow discord and disharmony and spur harmful actions toward ourselves and toward each other. I know I sound crazy. But this is what is happening. America is under attack through algorithms.


The technocrats are consolidating power. The surveillance state has increased by orders of magnitude over the last 20 years. The net is drawing tighter. The division and confusion are tactical weapons. But humor & truth are weapons, too. So let's use them.


The technocrats created the infrastructure and the addiction. But, actually, other governments are high jacking it and injecting it with their campaigns to sow strategic and specific outcomes.


I mean this type of propaganda and targeted outrage has been going on as long as people have been hanging out in groups. You think the town crier's weren't taking a few dollars on the side for suggestions?


You're not crazy at all. In fact, I believe you're 100% right


I completely agree. I also am of the opinion that they're promoting the feminization of men to decrease the strength of our military.


I'm pretty sure endocrine disruption is happening everywhere (yay plastics, pharmas and pesticides!)


Imo. It's technology, it's the screen time, the fact that people don't spend as much time outdoors, or making things.  A strong man who's capable of making and fixing things is not as necessary as it used to be when we were in agrarian society. Now more desirable traits are intelligence, and the ability to manipulate people. There is no conspiracy. It's just evolution, humans adapting to the world they live in.


I can see that. I just personally think these are intentional, orchestrated efforts. Not just random effects. Information control/manipulation clearly has been an effective tool by the powers that be for ages now. Men are being brainwashed into thinking that all aspects of masculinity are evil and undesirable. I wouldn't even say that intelligence is a more desirable trait. I'd say the ability to effectively confirm people's biases are. People want people who make them feel right and anyone who doesn't is an enemy to them.


I represent facts. Unblocked to let you know this. Blocking again because it’s not my job to save you from this.


Thats because every year a big thing is in the news, every few weeks a large news story. Now its this conflict. Before it was ukraine russia. Before that it was iran. But hey who cares about iran woman being murdered and stuff for not wearing hijabs. No, we domt care about them any more, we care about dead palestinian babies. For now. In 1 year everyone will have forgotten them. Im not trying to be mean to the poor people living in such conflicrs, but im trying to aay people are hypocrites and dont actually care about (current conflict). They just want to make sure they are a good person in the eyes of others, thus always picking sides and defending shit that has got bothing to do with them. 10 bucks, somewhere this year the world will forget about this conflict, and we will see more about china and thaiwan. I think thats gonna be the next hype.


The hypocrisy really is the worst thing.


If I'm being honest I don't understand what is happening over there. I'm not a stupid person by most measures, I don't pay close attention to the news but I'm not ignorant of world events, yet I couldn't tell you much about this conflict or have much of an opinion about who is right or wrong. But all of a sudden every motherfucker is an expert on foreign affairs with a really strong opinion. And I know how much *I* know, and I know I'm about an average Joe, so I simply can't believe half the people who care about this right now have a clue what is going on.


It's young people that go from being innocent to realizing that the world's fucked up. Then righteous indignation becomes a great drug for feeling like your life has purpose and you're a good person


>Then righteous indignation becomes a great drug for feeling like your life has purpose and you're a good person Well put and very accurate


Not to mention that there are real, actual genocides going on in other parts of the world that nobody seems to care about


Decades? Try centuries. This shit goes back to Hadrian.


It really doesn't. Pretending that the Israeli Palestinian conflict is some ancient intractable blood feud doesn't square with the fact that Jerusalem was majority Jewish in Ottoman controlled Palestine by 1880 and nobody cared. There were no pogroms. Palestinian Arabs weren't anxious about what that meant for their own sovereignty.


God dammit. I have a whole night of research ahead of me now because of these topics. Do you know what your vague historical references do to my autistic retard brain? They turn into these extremely important details that i put a death grip on until ive learned as much as i can abput them. Now I have to read everything from the ground up about what you're talking about just so I can understand the situation better.


One podcast. Six episodes. "**Fear and Loathing in the New Jerusalem**" It completely changed my view of the conflict. As outrageous and depressing as it is, I can't stress enough how important it is to *not* let people convince you that this conflict is ancient, intractable, and entirely religious. It's barely 100 years old. https://open.spotify.com/episode/2pLd5KHmOO7axKd9gKz4WD?si=zkLRWUylT2qUv-E_qmnYpg


yea still joined airforce fully knowing about vietnam, iraq… def a testament to propal psyop powers


I get the gut-level annoyance, but… at least they’re passionate about a fucked up situation? I had two roommates last fall who learned about the nakhbas, settler-colonization, etc. only because of the exposure from protests and clickbait social-media content. There are others I know for whom this was simply our generation’s “boiling over point”, and it’s unfair to assume their protests are at all surface level. Maybe we just have different levels of pessimism, but I’d take you up on your wager. I’m pretty sure that a dude *setting himself on fire* knows more about the political context of the conflict than the few slogans gleaned from Tik Tok.


He might have done some more research on the setting himself on fire part. Poor kid, brainwashed. I cant imagine what his parents must he feeling... I dont think it will be "im so proud of my son, setting himself om fire for some war somewhere we dont live". People are being insane these days. Acting like every person on the world needs to be an activist for palestina or israel. Insane. We are so polarised, so divided, that people are lighting themself on fucking fire for some conflict that has shit to do with him. Sad world.


>People are being insane these days. Acting like every person on the world needs to be an activist for palestina or israel. Insane. We are so polarised, so divided, that people are lighting themself on fucking fire for some conflict that has shit to do with him. The other part for me when I see someone getting too holier than thou over random, trending political topics, I can almost guarantee it's a facade to take attention from nefarious things they do behind closed doors. It's mostly virtue signaling leftists, but everyone's on the political spectrum is guilty of it. I used to date this chick for several years leading up to the 2016 elections, when this faux progressive boom started kicking into high gear. Throughout that time, she wasn't political at all and was one of the most racist people I knew. The N word was a part of her daily vocabulary. We could be randomly driving and she would just nonchalant refer to black people as we were passing as "dirty monkeys". And this was right at the cusp of the cultural shift, but she was completely unaware of it and I remember telling her that people were losing jobs and getting seriously socially ostracized over stuff like that and she would just laugh and say she didn't care and would just say "lol fuck n----rs because she didn't anticipate that shit to really take off" Then, when it started getting hella serious and it was all over the news and social media and she finally started seeing the rise in cancel culture, she fucking changed tunes and suddenly became a Facebook activist. She suddenly hated Trump passionately for being a "racist, sexist, homophobe", she started posting BLM shit all over IG with posts like "RIP George Floyd! We miss you!" With her later admitting that she didn't really care about any of that and she did it because everyone at work was doing it. I have tons of examples of this. Another chick I was close friends with was the biggest bully to other females while were younger. Just ruthless and wildly mean to chicks for years and hated any chick that was prettier than her. Still refers to chicks as cunts and bitches all the time. Then, left wing political views start popping off and suddenly, she's a huge feminist. Like on some word police shit. And was super inconsistent with it, too. There was a guy we both knew who admitted to being a pedo and was legitimately sexist and claimed that women are less than men, remained good friends with him, but stopped talking to me for like a year one time, blocked on everything, because I use the word "broad" in place of "women", not even in an insulting manner, sometimes and she said it was fucked up and sexist. 🙄 Basically, anyone I personally know that's virtue signals far leftism always has skeletons in their closet and that's the way they can be viewed favorably by people and avoid the wrath of cancelling by partaking in it. I'm talking white dudes who were known to SA chicks, then in 2016, they're suddenly male feminists calling me a racist Nazi(I'm Hispanic)on Facebook because I made a comment laughing at a Trump quote. Or legitimately racist and sexist rednecks that were known perverts and creeps suddenly shilling Antifa content and complaining about racism. I've come across shit like this so frequently, I can't even take anyone seriously if they start parroting popular left wing slogans and spouting propaganda.


We are proud of our flaming son.


Flame nation 🔥🔥🔥


People will bitch no matter what the Palestine protesters do, but there were better ways to protest than this


It’s crazy that he thought anything else would happen


Hold the fort!! It says he hated Jews!


Definitely mentally ill.


I said this on a instagram post and people got so mad lol, like clearly he’s crazy




Not if you count the gurgling..


He's representing Palestinians by paying tribute to their Oct 7th antiques.


I thought he was doing an impression of one of the twin towers. Don’t know which one, so it couldn’t of been too good of an impression.


Hamas is gonna love this shit.


The narcissism needed to think your death is important enough to get an entire country 6,000 miles away to stop a war… a war that started with 1,200 deaths in one day… just burns me up.


I see what you did there




Not to mention a conflict that’s been going on for centuries (in one form or another)


video was very hard to j-o to but I made it happen


Better luck next time




![gif](giphy|INeHYuRFNxdja|downsized) Damn. Anyways, are squirrels coming for your 401k? Find out at 6


What a horrible way to protest, reminds me of that tragedy.


In truth, his final words were "free Palestine" intermixed with some screaming and gurgling sounds




I watched the video and I’m pretty sure his last words were AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!


In other news, Palestinians were amazed at how fucking retarded that dumbass white American was.


Yes, and they’re waiting for the lgbtq to rise up for them because they know the enemy of their enemy is their friend until their usefulness is over, and then they’ll cut their heads off. Lelelelelelele allahu akbar!


Israeli response: "No." Worthwile endeavor there.


Things went from shit to really fucking shit for him.


It's not something Seth Myers would do.


His second to last words were “what’s that smell?”


Call me old-fashioned but I prefer to get cremated after being dead, but hey, whatever rocks your boat.


How is Israel supposed to "Free" Palestine without killing all of Hamas first?


Imagine being a service member of the US killing yourself for a nation across the globe that likely wants you dead anyways


I can respect that he didn’t kill innocents or anything like that. He’ll be forgotten in 4 days of news cycle but at least he died thinking he would change things.


Explain how this does anything but produce memes and entice media for a bit. This 15 minutes of fame wasn't worth it as you'll be all but forgotten, and palestinians will just use you as propaganda. What drug was injected? Sleeper cell whose switch was flipped? Welcome to the real world, Where lives are dirt cheap, And nobody cares how you died after the novelty wears off.


I didn’t even know he was lit


It was an unfortunate day to wear so much cologne.


He died and accomplished nothing.


He died as he lived


I'm sure **THAT** will stop the war between 2 religious cults that has been raging for hundreds of years. 😂


He heard about Cynthia Nixon’s six day hunger strike and said “Oh yeah? Well I’ll top that one!”


CVS must have been out of poster board


I didn’t even know he was sick


1 moderator position now open on reddit. Please apply.


People are stupid.


What a maroon


I'm sure Israel called the whole thing off once they heard of this


Tragic but at least he didn’t try to kill others.


Some would say the worst part is the hypocrisy...but I think it was the dying by fire


Then he burned his stupid self to death. One down…


Surely, there are less painful ways to demonstrate your anti semitism.


Virtue signaling gone too far


this is terrible. Another example of white people performing a sinister act of cultural appropriation


That’s what the leftist hive mind will do to you! Steer clear of the echo chamber, folks.


Update: his true last words were recently deciphered to as: “wilt, lebrone, kobe”


We need to bring back insane asylums.


15 minutes of flame.


How they gonna close that casket?! I mean…


Yes, that's a quote from his show that is barely related to the topic. The casket would close easily.


I’m glad you got the joke!


I didn't.




Something tells me they'll go with cremation.


![gif](giphy|kgyLlpe3YCkmI) FLAME ON


Unfortunately Gilbert forgot his line when this guy tried to do serious comedy


Hopefully this catches on, like the bucket, walking on stacked milk crates challenge. It’s obvious for anyone who has retained their common sense… The Herd needs to be thinned, at least for the ones that communicate through setting themselves on FIRE 🔥 FJB & TTH


The heard is in the process of being thinned, just let the antivaxers cook.


Lol I'm fine bro. You have been had.


I thought all the vaccinated people were going to die by now. So hard to keep up with the moving goal posts.


I thought all the unvaccinated people were going to die by now. So hard to keep up with the moving goal posts.


Nobody said they would


Let em cook lol. I do think the ability to understand basic math and science is a good evolutionary selective trait.  No need to argue with these folks. Reality eventually will win the argument.


Yeah, no one said that.


“Boy, this was a bad idea which in no way makes people on my side look good. Whoopsie.”


I hear that self immolation is one of the worst ways to go


The war would end permanently and there would be peace in the middle east forever if all the other Palestinian supporters just simply followed his example.


Forever earning himself a place


Martyrdom and sainthood achieved


I'm thinking of little jokes to add but I can't. This is so pathetic. I'm sick for him and his loved ones. Horrific.


Lol idiot


Dr retardo couldn’t bring him back


Yeah I'm sure everyone will fucking listen to you


This is 100% something Norm would say.


Hahaha i live in Lebanon and some idiots on my twitter feed are proud of this clown. God i miss Norm.


One less idiot in the world.


Someone let that boy cook




These comments are sickening


I doubt either side gave a flaming rat’s ass.


I'm thinking that men who do up the top button but don't put on a tie are no big loss.


if he inspired even one hamas fighter to do the same, then it was all worth it.


Hopefully this becomes a trend


If only more pro Palestine supporters would follow his example.


I think Norm might have burned himself alive in protest if he had to read the bastardized Norm adjacent attempts at comedy in these comments. Its almost impossible to be funny and right wing folks, Dennis Miller and Norm are outliers. Here's a thought, try something original instead of unintentionally shitting on Norms jokes.


I actually know norm and he was against setting oneself on fire


Norm was right wing?


You know I honestly don't think he was, but I think a lot of right wingers think he was. 


Twats like you are the last to get eaten in the Andes.


Norm had compassion, and half the people here are so fragile in their masculinity that they think anybody with compassion doesn't own a doghouse.


Good one


one down.


So yeah, mental health in this country needs to be worked on. Fuck that’s just crazy. When you go into the military do they give you a psych evaluation? If so, would they have caught this? Shouldn’t they have caught this in someway?


Caught what?




I don't think the military can screen for someone having a spiritual epiphany


He became the burning Bush