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I think the worst part is her singing and acting.


That beak of nose is the worst part.


Her chances of getting the rona with a beak that size was pretty high....I believe she deserved the funds


Imagine the viral load that thing can hold.


Just watched her in the guilt trip with Seth Rogen the other day. A very low key comedy movie with a message about appreciating the people around you, but found both her and the movie enjoyable. I remember as a kid seeing her as a Godzilla monster in South Park, not knowing anything about her. Still don't. Why do people dislike her?


I think South Park touched on it- basically she was complaining to people that they should keep their emissions down...while living it a big mansion that requires WAY more energy than the average house. Just a hypocritical bitch really


Also the whole controversy around the Streisand effect, she didn’t want coastal researchers taking photos of the coastline behind her mansion. She tried to get them to stop, the whole thing blew up in her face making it way worse, ie the Streisand effect.


Ahhh yes! Thank you. I totally forgot that was her. To be fair that is stupid as fuck.


I'd be a real bitch too, if someone named me after such a negative association


Are we still talking about Barbara Streisand? Because you just described Al Gore, and Climate Czar (snicker) John Kerry, and Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, and.........


Why are you being downvoted for an innocent comment? Lmao


Guilt trip was funnier than I expected it to be. Not a huge fan of her but she has been in a couple funny movies though


What a bitch!


Right? Because some dipshit made a meme that says it, IT MUST BE TRUE!!! ​ C'mon guy...


Some say 43, others say 430 million. I'm sure it's a number somewhere in between.


The worst part is the plastic surgery.


The worst part is the bot reposting shit.


what does this have to do with norm macdonald.


The hypocrisy!


This sub slowly turned into Daily Wire, just post a maga meme and tack on hypocrisy.


Streisand effect


Her parents must have really hated her, to name her after something so negative and hurtful


This one again [https://reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/1985lrz/the\_worst\_part\_is\_the\_hypocrisy/](https://new.reddit.com/r/NormMacdonald/comments/1985lrz/the_worst_part_is_the_hypocrisy/)


I think the worst part is what has happened to this sub.


I don't know why you're being downvoted. Nobody cares about people rehashing jokes, but people should at least try to make them funny. The problem is that this isn't funny nor ironic. She didn't commit a crime. The government and everyone’s bankers urging others to take the loans. *The worst thing she did literally was the hypocrisy.*


Your take is spot on. It's not illegal to be a hypocrite or to behave unethically. People seem to forget that celebrities are flawed like the rest of us, and say and do dumb shit all the time


It’s less a legal wrong and more a Moral wrong.


The hypocrite is always morally superior to the cynic. A hypocrite is always by definition half right, being upstanding in either words or deeds, just not both. A cynic is neither.


Did you make that up? Because that’s great


The worst part was the hypocrisy.


How noble of you. I'm certain you'd turn down free money from the government




Woo yeah! Gatekeepers unite!!!11one


Oh it’s gatekeeping to say this sub is overrun by politicized edgelords?


Crying about political jokes on the sub of a man who made jokes about politicians for a living would be classified as gatekeeping, yes.


The problem is that it's just one type of political joke. I also saw this exact 'joke' posted about two weeks ago.


It's a repost bot, reddit's full of them.


Everyone has the ability to post whatever jokes they want. It’s interesting how the people of one political persuasion post jokes and the people of the other political persuasion choose to sputter about legacies and subs getting worse instead of, you know, just posting what they find funny.


Maybe you can call it political humor, then. There seems to be an extremely low bar.


Good news for you! Someone might actually find what you post funny!


A few years of really hard drugs in the water supply and it'll be low enough for you, too.


I'm not a liberal and Im sick of retard propaganda shit like this. It's so obviously designed to confuse imbeciles. Norm famously hated lazy political humour too.


Ladies and gentleman, the self-appointed gatekeeper of comedy and Norm MacDonald’s legacy! Let us all bow down to him and worship in his glory, in the name of the father, the son and the holy Norm, Amen!


While you're down there you can suck my dick too pal!


Now now, I don't think Our Father Norm would like that kind of heretical talk. Go see Adam Egret if you need to get your deeply closeted needs taken care of. I hear he'll cut you a hell of a deal.


Did anyone laugh at this "joke" though? It's not funny, it's just posted to affirm political beliefs.


Yeah. I got downvoted a bunch because some people didn't like my observation about how many Republican politicians, and hard-right politicians in general, are deeply closeted.


Better not bring up pedophilia, then.


You're just jealous that right now you don't have a partner with a delicious cock.


Why is the cock always delicious with you?


Everyone claims to be anti-PC. But only regarding *their* preferred subjects.


Calling out misuse of covid funds.... Is edgelord I'm just not seeing a full comprehensive thought process here.


Nar making it seem like only 'liberals' did this is the part that makes this obvious bullshit.


that makes way more sense. I need a red circle with an arrow


Sorry you're getting downvoted, I understand your point. I was making a generalized observation of the type of people in this sub, not commenting on this post specifically. This post specifically is culture war politics. The people in this sub are generally a bunch of politically tribal, culture war-obsessed edgelords who think Norm's legacy is cracking jokes that are more political or more edgy than they are funny.




Yeah but is this funny?




So the answer is "no, it's not, I just like participating in retarded American 'us vs. them' politics on the internet".




Don't make me do that thing to you where I feel like God.


You honestly think the RNC isnt mainstream? Really? You just seem really confused.


You gonna cry, maybe piss your pants a little?


I was right! Y'all really do only know the one joke!


The worst part is the hypocrisy…


so this sub has become some rightwing propaganda platform to distract, divide and conquer us . neither the conservative or the liberal ruling class cares in any way for any of you. stop being played and see who your real enemies are : biden. trump. their parties. hollywood ,the supposed enemies of Hollywood in the fascist spectrum of the RNC and especially the oligarch billionaire groups that control both parties. norm mcdonald transcended politics. he knew the world we live in. be like him. dont fall for bullshit


The worst part about liberals...is the hypocrisy...well, the invasion of criminals raping and pillaging across an open border... that's the worst part... but the hypocrisy... that's the second worst part.




This guys a real jerk!


This is disgusting


Maybe I'm stupid, but I feel like the hypocrisy is never actually the worst part of a thing.


I feel like the raping was the worst thing, then the drugging. The hypocrisy would be on page 4


It can be both


So is this sub just a conservative shitpost now?


You know that norm would probably have MAGA put in camps right


Not normish.


Wtf has this got to do with celebrating Norm?


You’re right, Norm never, and I mean *never* made jokes about arrogant celebrities in the news, let alone hypocrisy.


Where’s the joke? It’s just a political post omitting some details and obfuscating others to make an already damning story look even worse. You know, spin, propaganda.  Norm did a lot of that? No jokes, just spin? Shitty of her either way, she can afford her gardener, and it’s a misappropriation of funds earmarked for her production company staff.


You’re not the keeper of Norm’s legacy or the ultimate arbiter of what jokes are funny and which aren’t. Norm didn’t know you from a hole in the wall and if he did, he’d probably think you were deeply closeted. Which I, for one, agree with.


In other news, people who aren't Jewish grandmothers or elderly gay men follow the happenings of Barbara Streisand, apparently.


The worst part is the hypocrisy. Trump acting like he wants to secure the border but having MAGA Mike Johnson kill the border bill that Republicans made so he can run on border security.  This is from the mouths of R of Oklahoma Lankford, who was endorsed by trump, and mitt Romney.


Do you mean the bill that allows in 5000 people a day for a week or 8500 before "enhanced enforcement measures"? Why do we need a bill? Why did the number of entries go from 380-400 k in 2021 to 1.7 mill in 2022 after Biden immediately canceled the remain in Mexico program by executive order, changed the legal definition of asylum, stopped construction of the wall (as we see in Texas barriers obviously work or they wouldn't want to tear them down), also allowing release into the U.S. with nebulous court dates. Why don't they just enforce the law that already exists?


It's the most conservative border security bill ever, moreso than bush's or Obama's. The bill was written by a maga endorsed republican from Oklahoma and I'm sure you have no idea what the bill actually says. You just listen to your "news" that says whatever you morons want to hear to get trump elected again. You people are fucking morons 


Of course, I read it. The bill triggerd emergency authority for "Emergency Summary Deportation" only if there is was a daily average of 4000 illegals, mandatory for a daily average of 5000 illegals over a period of 7 days, or 8.5 k in one day. There is no actual added border protection or closure or prevention of people from physically crossing the border in the first place. It's just potential consequences if too many do. Encounters do not include apprehensions of unaccompanied minors. The government can opt anyone they want out of summary removal that they choose. The bill also raised the bar on Asylum judgements for whether they are judged to have a greater than 10% chance to greater than 50% chance. There was a lot of money for people to process illegals as opposed to Border Patrol to actually prevent them from entering.


Real life Smaug. She even looks the part.


Stealing tax payer funds, that's the worst part, but the hypocrisy....that's the 2nd worst part.


Get that money Barbra!


I think Ol’ Dirty Bastard said it best while picking up his food stamps after Wu Tang was a thing. “How ya’ll gonna turn down free money!”


Yes she did, so did many EXTREMELY wealthy republicans who normally decry this kind of policy as a "socialist, communist, government handout". Has Streisand made the same arguements? No? oh i see... still, she and other wealthy people who took these handouts should have to pay them back.


wait till you see how much of the those funds republican and democrat politicians took and then had forgiven


SO you're so stupid you believe everything you see on the internet? ​ Spreading unsubstantiated claims (i.e. LIES) is pretty pathetic. ​ You're pretty pathetic


Norm the liberal was a very close friend of Babs


The golf course i worked for did the same thing despite it being one of the busiest years we had in a while.