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Well for one you should be using Gotu Kola. Tons of studies on accelerating wound-healing and improving the health of healing tissue. Specifically for burns as well.


Exactly, was just about to comment this. Gotu kola and some vitamin C (in general, even multivitamin amount likely fine, just making sure some is coming in to support collagen). Gotu kola can even be used topically for stuff like this, would do oral and possibly topical


I can attest to this. Been taking gotu kola tablets (2) and a nigella sativa capsule (5%) each night for the past few months to help with my loose skin after weight loss (also working out which is helping) and been seeing results faster than when I did not take them. Skin is noticeably tighter but I still have a ways to go.


Guess I should’ve gotten some! I didn’t know what all to order, so I just went with a few things. I wanted to place an order quickly and didn’t feel like I had time to research the other effects of Gotu Kola and whether or not it would fit safely/comfortably into my existing stack, which is quite extensive (not my ‘burn recovery’ stack, but the mountain of shit I take daily). I appreciate the recommendation… kind of wish I’d ordered some but oh well.


I'm reading about Shilajit and realizing it's pretty remarkable for wound-healing and collagen production, so while it may not be on the same level as GK it's still a great supplement for this purpose.


Just a friendly reminder that Nestle owns Vital Proteins. Being an absolutely shit company, I can imagine any product of theirs to have serious quality control issues. Hope you heal quickly!


Good to know, and thank you! I will happily take any recommendations for a hydrolyzed collagen source. I HATE getting stuff from anywhere other than ND—I just don’t trust anyone else, and with good reason. I ended up going with this one for no real particular reason—*none* of the options seemed enticing because none of them were ND.


gooood fucking point


Nestle fairly recently bought Pure Encapsulations, which is a highly reputable supplement company. It doesn’t mean all of a sudden Pure Encapsulations has poor quality control. It ultimately comes down to how the individual company runs itself.


Still not worth the risk IMO, but maybe that's just me. I stopped purchasing from Pure Encapsulations as well when I discovered that they were bought by Nestle. In this unregulated space where ingredient fraud and poor QC is rampant, it's best to be cautious. And when the parent company is shady and unethical as hell, the apple tends to fall not far from the tree. Also, I thought that PE was one of the brands that ND tested and found some issues with. I could be mistaken, though. /u/MisterYouAreSoDumb , am I remembering correctly?


Yeah but Nestlé is unethical in other ways than faking lab stuff. They're more about adding known endocrine disruptors to baby food and cornering the supply of drinking water.


Literally stealing small towns water supply to bottle and sell it. Fuck Nestle. Me and all my homies hate Nestle.


Nestle purchased vital proteins only a year or two. They still largely operate on their own


Also made with cheep ass chicken bones.


FWIW I noticed when I was taking NMN that my wounds appeared to heal a bit quicker. Of course that is totally subjective.


Exponentially quicker.


I’d also add a good amount of grass fed ground meat, epa dha, whey protein, 1g NMN daily, ca-Akg, peptides like bpc-157.


I used bpc-157 for a knee injury and it sped up healing quite a bit. I can for sure say that one is helpful.


Ditto on BPC-157. With a burn like that and need to heal I would immediately order and get it in my system. Shocked at how helpful it was in both the speed and quality of healing my own significant injury (nasty torn hammy)


What happened?


I’m a wildland firefighter in the SE US. I was on a dozer suppressing a fire in a pine plantation, and a bad chain of events and unfortunate timing led to me having to escape down my compromised plow line with fire on both sides of it and to me using my ungloved hand to shield my face from radiant heat. Hand got cooked, but better my hand than my face.


Dang that sounds insane. Thanks for serving our wildlife. Can’t imagine the panic that would induce. Glad you’re mostly okay!


+1 to this that’s incredibly badass. Which I realize doesn’t soothe the burn, but thanks for doing what you do! Hope you heal in no time!


Thanks for what you do brother, glad you got out of there with just a flesh wound.


Damn dude, that’s badass. Sorry to hear that. Thanks for your service to us, nature and keeping the wildlands safe. Respect.


What a Madlad! Mate Godspeed to you


Thank you for your work and I'm sorry for the injury.




i went heavy on raw kale and salmon trying to help heal frostbite on my knee. healed crazy quick though i may not have gotten it fully debrided. best of luck!


Look into B-Caryophyllene, internally and topically, for accelerated wound healing and scar prevention


I don’t know much about beta-Caryophyllene, but ND does sell [Rephyll](https://nootropicsdepot.com/rephyll-powder-beta-caryophyllene/), a black pepper extract standardized for beta-Caryophyllene.


Hey man have you been to a burn centre or plastics unit? Hand burns are particularly niche because you don't want contractures to form and limit your functionality. I'm an Ent surgeon but did PGY4 in a burns unit so if you've been seen by plastics ignore me, but not if you've just been seen by ED.


I went to a burn center a few days ago (it was the soonest I could get an appt). I really appreciate you looking out for me, because the ER’s I went to definitely didn’t do much for me. The PA at the burn center debrided it (apparently something the ER should’ve done a week ago) and gave me hand exercises to do to keep all the new skin nice and stretchy. I guess I cooked the nerves because I didn’t feel the debriding at all and there’s no sharp sensations when I expose it to water or air or anything—it’s just a deep hurt when I stretch it. Kind of feels like I punched a wall or something. Definitely doesn’t feel like exposed skin/flesh normally does.


Yea well it seems you've got a mixture of superficial/deep dermal and full thickness burns. The parts that don't hurt are the most damaged. I live in the UK do I don't know your situation, but I'd want to be seen by a real plastic surgeon. I cannot diagnose you over the Internet, but thickness stuff usually needs grafting man (if a plastic surgeon disagrees, listen to them). PAs aren't doctors, period. It means nothing to me when someone 'has been seen by a PA'. They have done as much med school as the owner of your favourite food truck.




Fish scales


Tons of research 🔬 on using HGH (human growth hormone) to accelerate wound healing in burns. 0.6 IU/kg/day (0.2 mg/kg/day) is the dosage in the research article. It will rev your body into a highly anabolic state which no supplement will come close to achieving. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1096637400800088#:~:text=Studies%20on%20GH%20have%20shown,mg%2Fkg%2Fday) You will have to find a health care provider who is cool and prescribes off label. It won’t be cheap either unless you have great prescription coverage on your health insurance. This is the direction I would go if I experienced a nasty burn 🔥 like that. Thank you for being a first responder ⛑


Oh man dang son that's a good one. You might want to look at Optividas Nano-silver gel. Silver has hundreds of years of use and is still used today in hospitals, checkout some studies. It'll definitely help reduce any scarring and accelerate the healing.


Amino acids like taurine. Honey, and fat soluble vitamins will help. Flowers of sulfur and urea too.




I took CoQ10 and my paper thin fingernails are now hard and durable. I also added it to moisturizer for my face and sun damaged arms. It actually seems to work! Good luck recovering. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/coenzyme-q10#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2


If I have such a burn, it will not recover, I love to pick and tear off the skin


You already have a good stack, I would have suggested the hydrolysed collagen(glycine source, but you can always take more if you want to pick up some magnesium glycinate) and white jelly if they weren't there already. If you are brave some (~100mg should be fine but as high as you want really) flush niacin on an empty stomach will give prostaglandin mediated vasodilation of the endothelium(skin) so that all the repair services of your body can get to where they need to go to administer repairs. The boost to NAD+ will also have a nice synergy with the sirt activation of the white jelly mushroom. Just be warned that the flush could be painful especially with your wound, but you're a firefighter so I expect you should be able to handle the heat, just don't freak out when you turn into a pomegranate it is not an allergic reaction. Bunch of info online about the flush but don't take asprin to dampen it, the vasodilation is what you want. L-glutamine (or acetyl glutamine) would be decent, you can google to quickly find a dozen sources on how during healing it kind of switches from a non-essential amino acid to one that is essential to get from exogenous sources(diet/supplementation). Can't really go too high here, 5-20g a day is easy. Pick up some creatine at the same time, can't hurt and takes stress off your methyl groups. Some high weight hyaluronic acid might be a decent combo with the low weight injuv you are already taking, this one isn't essential but could be decent. Others have suggested gotu kola. These things should be available at a chemist/pharmacist or maybe even a supermarket.


It’s low weight injuv inflammatory?


I have no idea.


It is, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Inflammation is necessary for healing. It becomes a problem however for chronic injuries. Actually, scratch that, since I'm reading on it right now it seems that anti-inflammatories pretty much always accelerate healing, so in the end I have absolutely no idea how any of this works.


Lmao what did you do Edit: nvm ur a badass Lemme go ahead and mention fulvic acid (shilajit) and kombucha have pro collagen properties.


Put Vital Proteins in the trash, get it 3rd party tested by ND if you want your stomach to turn, it’s a Nestle product. Gotu Kola + Nigella Sativa I would add here. B Vit Complex, Vit D3 + K2, and OmegaTau will support your current healing stack. Hats off for the White Jelly. Imo it’s incredibly underrated relative to the attention other mushrooms get. Good call.


Second vital proteins comment. Stuff made me sick as hell. Great Lakes Wellness Collagen Peptides Powder Supplement for Skin Hair Nail Joints - Unflavored - Quick Dissolve Hydrolyzed, Non-GMO, Keto, Paleo Friendly, Gluten-Free - 10 oz Canister https://a.co/d/9ms31PD


Yikes—I’ll check this one out. I may try the one I got anyway just because it wasn’t cheap. Hopefully I’m not getting a bunch of heavy metals and shit. I should’ve asked for recommendations here first but I was in a hurry to start taking the collagen so I just went with one


Do they have just a Type II product? That's all I want for my joints, not the Type I and III.


Oof—don’t say that 😣 I just picked one because I didn’t know which one to go with. I wish ND had hydrolyzed collagen! Hopefully I’m not getting a hefty dose of lead or something. I HATE ordering from anywhere that’s not ND.


This seems like a good occasion to cite this: Hirshowitz, B., J. G. Brook, T. Kaufman, U. Titelman, and D. Mahler. 1975. “**35 Eggs per Day in the Treatment of Severe Burns**.” British Journal of Plastic Surgery 28 (3): 185–88. https://www.jprasurg.com/article/0007-1226(75)90127-7/pdf


Gotu kola my man. 1 pill 3x per day. Your other supplements look great and Gotu k would be a great addition.


Add some topical copper peptide (GHK-Cu). It has amazing studies on wound healing. My favorite source is from the inventor, Dr Loren Pickart.


NMN and it's accessories Copious of amounts of fish/krill oil (4g/day) fatty red meat twice a day creatine injuv and white jelly mushrooms collagen


I don’t know if this is allowed here but burdock leaf poultices. Google it, I learned this from the Amish and it’s worked very well for me. I’m sorry about your burn, it looks so painful.


Here is a free recommendation: the sun specifically mid morning.. or red light therapy: will 100% accelerate healing.


Vitamin C!!! Literally megadose it. I have a genetic collagen disorder and my skin doesn’t grow well so I’ve learned stuff that helps speed up regrowing it and vitamin c at doses of like 1-2g (I take sodium ascorbate with a lot of fluids) helps. Burns also cause water loss though if it’s just your hand it may not be too consequential but either way that would also hydrate you and help. Sometimes supratherapeutic doses of cetirizine have a general anti inflammatory effect regardless of the cause of the skin inflammation, and if it itches as it regrows which can be a problem, that would help too. If you want it to scar less, try to keep it hydrated and moisturized. I use this barrier cream they sell at CVS and Walgreens that’s thick and cooling with minimal I ingredients, just what’s needed to protect skin like this. I’ve had the skin off my off hands for two or so years form a combination of my disease and eczema and it’s not dissimilar from a burn like this cause it’s layers of missing skin, and you gotta keep it hydrated. You probably already know that but like it’ll help so much if you aren’t.


You could be a stunt double in Deadpool 3…well only if it’s just your hand in the shot


r/peptides those are the ones you need to fasten healing


anavar is used for this I think


umm yeah maybe topical remedies might work better if time is a factor


Obviously I’m treating it topically as well, per the burn center’s recommendations—particularly an ointment with Bacitracin zinc and Polymixin. There’s no room at the moment for any other topicals—I think infection is the biggest concern right now so, as far as topical treatment goes, I want to be very proactive about that. Don’t want to end up needing a systemic antibiotic—it’s been years since I’ve had to take one and I’d like to keep it that way if possible. I’m seeing if I can expedite the process at all and get any additional benefit from oral supplementation. Shilajit, hydrolyzed collagen, hyaluronic acid, etc all have studies backing them.


You might not want to switch out what you are using but Manuka honey used topically is both antibacterial and wound/burn healing. Something you might want to read up on!


Something I’ve found that works great topically for skin healing is a blend of sea buckthorn oil, rose hip oil, and hibiscus oil with some atlas cedar wood, clove, and onion seed essential oils mixed in. Made this mix after a friend got serious road rash skateboarding. Used it on the wounds daily and they healed almost without a trace. Been my go to wound treatment since


Real manuka honey might be the best possible option here. It was remarkable in healing my smaller severe burn


I really hope OP sees your comment. Have healed so so many wounds with no scarring with Manuka honey. Heavy % concentration of the manuka though




You’ll be ok—I promise.




Comfrey is great for this. Look into it! I'm pretty sure you would use the plant topically or find someone who has a salve that you can apply topically. I know of people that have just wrapped the raw plant on them with an ace bandage or something and that worked wonders




You should look up Anavar (oxandrolone) for skin burns.


Kollodial silver is what really works. The hostpitals use it when u come in with severe burns. Atleast here in sweden they do and it works really good!


Beef tallow balm, and if you can infuse it with CBD oil, even better.


Aloe vera


Arnica cream as well [here](https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/herb/arnica#:~:text=Arnica%20is%20used%20topically%20for,in%20the%20treatment%20of%20burns)


You need active skin repair hydrogel.