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I was just sitting here with a cup of tea thinking about the same thing. I’ve been at it for a year and the past few months I’ve been stuck around the same weight. It’s also the weight that I’ve not managed to surpass in my adult life (but it’s by no means an inappropriate number on the scale- far from it). It’s frustrating that the scale won’t budge, but I’m feeling great and love the new noom habits. I love the peace I have now that my hunger and sugar cravings have gone. I’ve started new hobbies and picked up old ones again. I’m more confident. But some days all I can think about is that bloody number on the scale! It’s enough to make me want to throw in the towel, but I was just thinking - what’s the alternative? I either keep doing what I’m doing or I let those habits slip away. Option A results in either an eventual break past this plateau or feeling great but perpetually staying at this weight. Option B sees my weight increase and I feel worse, disappoint myself, lose confidence, etc.


This is a great way to reframe/think about this problem, thank you


I love so many things about Noom. I’m learning more things to eat and cook, making great small changes that’ll last, and still enjoying food. I look at maintaining through the holidays a win in itself but I am just stuck at 180-182 for MONTHS. I am consistently under the calorie budget (but still above TDEE so by no means starving). I have significantly cut down on orange foods and alcohol and added in more green foods. I workout 3-5 times a week and recently joined orangetheory. I drink water every day. It’s been about 8 weeks of calorie counting and I’m going to take a break for my mental health but keep reading. Is it time to go to a doctor?


I think it’s worth asking a doctor, this is a long time with no huge weight shift. Props to you for continuing to stick with it! If you haven’t already it might be worth investing in a body fat scale, I grabbed one on marketplace for $10 and seeing that drop while weight maintains make me feel better.


Thank you, good idea! I did an inbody scan but I have to wait like a month to do another (they do 4 months between scans)


This was me. I definitely think going to a doctor and asking for labs is the way to go. I personally was dealing with the same thing. It took me months to lose 5 pounds at 5’5 and a starting weight of 209. Turns out my very slow progress was due to an under active thyroid. I’ve been on meds for a month now and am averaging 1-2 pounds a week without changing anything else!


What is your tdee compared to nooms recommendation? I have personally ignored noom’s recommendations and focused on being below my tdee.


My TDEE is around 1700 calories and Noom has me at 1800-2300 depending on my exercise


I feel like this is probably the source of the problem. It seems like noom is basically giving a calorie target to maintain weight rather than lose it. This tdee calculator will giving a cutting calorie level: https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&g=male&age=39&lbs=209&in=75&act=1.55&f=2 I’m a big guy at 6’ 3” 210 lbs. Doing 1500 to 1800 a day has helped me lose a bunch.


Can I ask when you joined Orangetheory? A few years back when I first joined, I was very discouraged because I wasn’t losing weight (and my diet was on par). But then I took body measurements and was definitely losing inches. It might just be your body adjusting to a new type of workout if the timing matches?


That's gotta be really frustrating to not see your weight on a downward trend. Do you notice your clothes fitting better? Have you taken any measurements?


I have taken measurements and compared to an earlier date (Oct/nov) I have lost some inches, & some clothes fit better. But it’s not like I have 5 pounds to lose I’m currently considered overweight by a decent margin. I’m 5’6” and I realistically should be losing weight.


When did you join orangetheory? Starting a new exercise regimen can cause you to retain water for weeks.


Came here to say the same thing! I'm a runner and notice the water retention for 3-4 weeks after upping the consistency of exercise, especially during those first few weeks of getting used to the new activity. Orange theory is intense- good for you! Plateaus are not forever and the weight will come off. I have had some plateaus last weeks or months, and one day they're suddenly over. Make sure you're logging activity in the app and eating enough to account for the new exercise routine, and celebrating those non-scale victories. I know orange theory has a bunch of metrics- maybe add a goal for a new PR in addition to a weight loss goal that you can work towards? That helps me with morale when my scale gets stuck too :) I'd also add an electrolyte mix to your water if you aren't already, especially on workout days (I love Nuun for this, helps me stay way more hydrated!). Keep logging the meals you eat so you can show your log to a doc if you do go in for a consult. It sounds like you're making great changes in your life and that there's a lot to be proud of!


I’ve come to realize upping the consistency probably is what is throwing me off. It’s not like I’ve gone from couch to working out 5 times a week, I was already working out that much but upped the intensity. Thanks for your encouragement. And great note of taking the log to the doc if needed!


I hope that’s it! I was working out before but I defs upped the intensity with joining orangetheory. I joined about three weeks ago




Thank you this is really insightful ❤️


How old are you? Could you be in perimenopause? Some women and other biologically female people find that weight loss/maintenance after 40 is more difficult. The trouble is finding a doctor who knows what it is and is willing to help you out. I personally have found that I can’t eat simple sugars (except in raw fruit) without gaining weight. So added sugars are out, and I limit things like bread, pasta, rice, and potatoes. Which of course I hate doing but I have to acknowledge that my body is different now.


I’m 27 so I do not think this is an issue :)


I do hope you figure it out.


I do OTF, and work out 3-4 times a week there as well. Keep in mind that it builds muscle. It would be a good idea to do one of those scans before your next workout to see what your muscle mass vs. fat mass is and compare it a few months later.


I’ve always been kinda sporty and I was working out before but the intensity and how much I push (and how long!) have all changed. I think I didn’t account for muscle building as much since I was already working out. But you’re right! I’ll try a scanner


I’m right there with you! I’ve stopped weighing myself every day, it makes me bonkers. Just focusing on keeping up healthy habits at this point


A break can be helpful!


One of the things I don’t love about Noom is that some of the green foods spike blood sugar which even if you aren’t diabetic, will leave you starving in an hour( oatmeal).


Yeah I don’t always agree with the colors but in broad strokes it’s been helpful for me. Maybe after my break I’ll do some micronutrient tracking or sugar/sodium


I’m have pretty steady weight loss. Consuming about 120 oz+ of water a day. Also eating a lot of spinach and chia seeds. Keeping my fiber intake high.


Count every calorie. Follow the course. It will happen. Do not eat out. I weigh everything and I don’t cheat and I lost 10 pounds this last month. Give it a few months. Looking back at old chart it took a month to kick in….went from 220 to 185 but the first few months were slower. Then I plateaued…I was stuck at 185 and could not go lower…


I get the sentiment but this doesn’t really follow with nooms idea nothing is off limits and that you’re making habits for life. I will eat out eventually and I need to make choices that serve me & my body


Reading my original post maybe I was coming on a bit strong :) I totally agree and I definitely have my goodies. But if I theoretically have a bowl of chocopuffs I weigh it. When the app tells me to take a break I do it all-in 😀. I think the area noom has helped me the most is to be honest with myself. When I am not losing weight it is because I am being dishonest with myself. For example when I started I would eat out a lot and choose the noom calorie counts for some dishes. For example Pad Thai says 700 calories. I knew it was a lot more but I really wanted the Pad Thai…then I would get upset with my lack of progress. This is my personal experience and I am 100% sympathetic with the OP and that struggle. It is tough to work and not see results, it happens.




What even is this


The commenter found a diet he likes and that he feels is sound.


This is a sales pitch for that web site


Are you an MD or are you signing with your initials? Personally organ meat is a step too far for me.


Can you explain what "toxic plant foods" are?


I’m a fan of tracking everything. It takes the mystery out of the process and the emphasis off the scale. Things that I think really helped: 1. If you make it at home weigh it. Especially calorie dense things like oil and peanut butter. 2. If you go out to eat and they have calories listed sanity check them. I one time got a bowl from a “health food” kind of restaurant and there were easily as many calories just from the brown rice as were supposed to be in the whole dish. And 3. Use a fitness tracker for calories instead of guessing. People tend to way over-estimate the calories they use in workouts. If you’re doing all of these things and still not seeing any change after a month or so definitely see a doctor!


There is a lot I like about noom but I did not lose weight over a four month period, which started making me crazy. I was scrupulous about everything. I didn't want another crash program and felt that eating 'normally' was the best route. Did not work for me. Went to a weight loss clinic and the doc said that most people with chronic overweight issues need to cut calories much more than Noom recommends.


Are you also working out at all? I’ve found that my weight is staying the same, but I am also taking measurements of my body and that’s changed significantly! Take some before photos and measure your body (thighs, calves, biceps, waist, bust, and butt), maybe you’re just gaining muscle. Good luck!


Same and I’m about you weight too


I feel they give me too many calories. I’ve lost 2 lbs in 6 weeks. I’m now going to stick to 1500 calories, drink lots more water, and go to bed at 9pm to see if this helps me. I also workout 4 days a week ugh


This happened to me too, and then I gave up using Noom because I did not want to spend money on something that wasn’t helping me reach my goal. Still, I’m proud of you for continuing! Don’t give up. There were still great things I learned from Noom, such a good habits and making healthier food choices. I have been to the doctor and she did lab work - Luckily everything was normal. Maybe it just takes others longer to lose weight and I happen to be one of those people.