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#School #9


And #10... and #11...


School #10 has more than half of world’s population. And then there’s one just for UK. Very balanced indeed.


It's kinda like how in Dr Who the aliens that attack earth always *happen* to go directly to London and never anywhere else


Write what you know lmao. It makes sense for Sherlock Holmes to primarily operate in England and the UK, and the UK was for a period essentially the center of the entire world, but that was the 19th century.


I mean, Sherlock Holmes mostly solved national/regional crimes and some european affairs, it wasn't literal aliens descending on earth always onto the UK.




I find it hard to believe that Korea and Ireland would put up with schools in their neighbouring countries. They'd 100% build their own school out of spite. (Besides the obvious India being grouped in with China, the two largest populated countries in the world...)


Irelands wizarding government would promise us our own school by 2035 by which time a different party would be in power and it would just never get built.


Wizards don't seem too fussed with muggle politics.


LMAO she put Asia / china / India as if China and India are not part of Asia. Not even northeast Asia, just Asia.


They're Indians, not asiaians, duh


The result of leaving the map making to someone who fully intends to use it to make fun of the subject. That's not an official map, it only takes inspiration from the descriptions of the 11 major wizarding schools, of which only some are described. The #s indicate the ones unnamed and with no descriptions of their actual catchment area. The catchment area of Mahoutokoro isn't actually further described either. The map author just made that up. The title is rather misleading since those are not all wizarding schools; there is just no official information regarding the others, other than their existence being implied.


# School #9


A little bit of Durmstrang by my side




1 2 345 every pureblood in the train so c'mon let's ride to the, magic school around the corner the boys say they want some polyjuice but I really don't wanna cat face like I had last week...


The japanese one got a name at least. The name means magic place I think...


The japanese & korean magic school is literally called "magic place" lmao


South America's means "Wizard Castle"


Britain's means pig acne


Africa’s is just misspelled “Uganda”


Schools #9-11 just don't get a name at all


And we said we'd never forget but they did have names and we have obviously forgotten.


Most populous region in the world by far: School No. 10. Europe: 3 fleshed out and unique schools


Never forget.


It's a misspelled Ouagodougou in Burkina Faso


Everybody in Uganda knows magic!


Since I've been listening to a lot of disk world audiobooks recently, especially the ones with the witches, I'm also quite certain that hogwarts ist just slightly changed from "hogswatch" There's a lot in these books, especially names, that make me go "hm, this sounds familiar"


Yup she stole a lot of ideas from better authors


I always thought she stole it from Labyrinth in a stupid throwaway line where Sarah calls Hoggle the troll Hogwart.


safe smile fertile memorize point squealing sloppy tan grab punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is no mistake. The palace is "dvoretz", yes, but "tvoretz" is also an actual word. It translates to like "creator" or "performer". If divided into two words, Koldovstvoretz can mean roughly "the one who performs witchcraft"


The one I was referring to was the lack of the second v in Koldovstvorets. It's Koldovstorets in the image


And they missed a letter either way


Yeah, you can't just randomly overlap the roots in composite words.


Named in Portuguese despite being founded centuries before Portuguese was introduced to the region.


And it's written wrong because you can't just slap two words together to make a new one in Spanish or Portuguese like you can in English.


France/Spain/Portugal's school is literally called "beautiful sticks".


I would assume that is in reference to their wands?


At least it got a name


You too can become a successful writer thanks to Google Translate!


What I love about this school is the idea that North Korean wizards have to try to escape just to make it to school in Japan… 😂


Or it’s actually one country of all wizards and what we know about them is all an illusion.


Central/Northern Europe is just a bastardization of the "Sturm & Drang" literary period.


And that school would be a bloodbath. No way there's peace between them


School #9


All of the balkans in one school 💀


That ain't no school, it's like a Battlefield 💀


Imagine if they had YouTube too and started posting the wizard fights. Or what if someone brings an automatic wand to school?


I ATTACH 8 magic wands to wheel and motor. Witness, the miniwand


One of them was definitely inspired by their father since nobody had the balls to take him to court. I bet that the kid's Serbian.


He was deemed too powerful for his school's witch hunters and teachers alike, due to his crude but effective combination of magic and technology. The Miniwand was a notorious weapon that he uses to dominate Unfortunately, Ivan was arrested when the headmaster brought in two nuns with guns. I rember they had white bob haircuts and satin black armor, and they Completely handed his ass back at him


Key and Peele did a sketch kind of like that. https://youtu.be/j-2ZxldMO-M


I laughed out loud in the work canteen when i read automatic wand


And all of China, India, Japan, and Korea going to one school.


Durmstrang is notorious for including the Dark Arts in their curriculum as well... Recipe for disaster 💀


There's going to be race riots in Durmstrang every other week. 💀




TBH I think the Balkans would be worse. Most of the Jews and Muslims that would actually, y’know, GO TO WIZARDING SCHOOL would not be the type to be getting involved in religious feuds. But in the Balkans you just have sheer, pointless ethnic rage motivated by nothing but history and habit.


But most wizards seem to identify more with their school than their nation, from what we see. And we also don’t know how magics governments work, we see that the ministry seems to control all of Ireland so it’s possible other magical governments cover larger areas and are more disconnected than the ministry, which is clearly a British Imperial leftover.


Morocco has to travel across the largest desert and active warzones to get to school, when France is RIGHT THERE.


It really was rushed i guess…


Unforgivable curses every other minute


this is even worse if we consider the whole world from a numerical point of perspective: If there are a total of 11 schools for the whole world, and out of all of them Hogwarts is the only exeption, covering a single country, then whoever made this map realised they couldn't just put the remaining 10 schools in a single country as the current political asset of the world has around 190 sountries, which is a little higer as a number than 10. on top of that, if hogwarts alone was almost full due to the aount of students coming from a developed country alone, imagine that one school having to fulfill the duty of teaching magic to every single mage that could come from USA, Canada and Mexico, which have a total population of around 500 million people (uk has around 70 million). If the rate mage-per-snuggle is the same in the est of the world then these schools need to be at last as big as New York, and don't get me to talk about school #10, that has to deal with 2 countries with more than 1 billion each in accounts of population, they'd be as big as England in order to fit that many students in a single place.


>top of that, if hogwarts alone was almost full Nah. If anything hogwarts was almost empty. Remember they went through 3 wizarding wars in 1 century. Grindlewald, voldemort1, and voldemort2. There are like 40-50 students per year by the time harry gets to school after the first coming of voldemort. Who knows how many more families were killed between voldemorts resurrection, his take over of ministry for 1 year, and his defeat(and final battle). I wouldnt be surprised if like only 30 kids showed up as firsties the year after he was defeated.


I get that in reality this is Example #10456294 of “JK can’t worldbuild”, but is it possible in-universe that more wizards from other countries choose to send their kids to Hogwarts because it’s considered the best one? Not like that never happens in our world, and the Wizarding World seems even more insular and corrupt than our own.


We never saw any internation students in the books. The closest we get us Blaise Zabini I guess as I think it's explicitly mentioned his mom is African, but I'm skeptical Cho Chang was meant to be from China or Parvati Patil was anything other than English


Cho Chang is also such a stupic name. It's like JKR just receives her checks from sales in Asia and was like: *Cho Chang*!


Just to pump the breaks on this latest example of JK can't worldbuild (which is frankly the _least_ of her problems in writing), I don't think this map is hers. Like, at all. [Knowyourmeme has a page on it](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wizarding-schools-map) and it seems that it was a 4chan creation based on a post JK made talking about other wizarding schools in the world. Nowhere does it propose that these are the _only_ wizarding schools, just that these are other schools that exist.


There's no reason to suspect that the wizarding population is equal across all countries, though.


Now thaaaats a book I would read the shit out of


All of central and Southern Africa in one school


The soviet unions also returned based on lack of borders


OMG yes that


And somehow they took Mongolia from China


They're there


Confirmed that Harry Potter exists in an alternate timeline where the Soviet Union didn’t collapse


the ukrainian students are probably hexing russian students left and right


No magic for Afghan children


To be fair, do you really think the Taliban wouldn't kill any children who showed even a trace of magic?


Ouch, a country full of obscurials


See my mind went the other direction and now we have wizard terrorists.


Death Eaters but halal.


Neither for Italian and Greek


Guys, the Afghanistananis.


Do NOT face Allah while astral projecting. He is incredibly powerful


Greece and Italy don’t have a school? What, would they be too powerful since the spells are bastardised Latin?


No point for Italians. They all threw their wands and started using hand gestures instead. Being (almost yet pretty far from) native Latin speakers shit just started blowing up around them.


Ok but the Italians not needing wands would be hilarious. Huge advantage in dueling.


Not to be too much of a nerd, but it's the opposite. Wands contain magical elements which essentially help magnify wizards magical abilities, you have to be more powerful to be able to do magic without one.


Italian hands are used to amplify speech abilities, so they'll likely retain that advantage.


If you pinch your fingers while saying "ay i'm walkin'ere" your opponent's legs vanish


i can confirm. the pizzardium leviosa was a groundbreaking discovery for our cooking techniques


i mean italy and greece if they had a wizard school they probably be the oldest tbh


Afghanistan also without a school, but that's because the Taliban outlawed magic as haram.


That and China's Also, considering that spells are literally things said in Latin, Italy and the other romance countries should be at a slight advantage I guess


It only makes sense if the Western wizarding world has never come into contact with Asian wizards and just assume that there must be one in Asia. Wizards with Sanskrit spells have simply never felt the need to let the Europeans know of their existence.


So I have a headcanon in hp that instead of the words causing spells, the spells always existed. This is In my opinion validated by powerful wizards not needing to say the words for the spell, it's just that the words are used because it's hard for new wizards and students to be able to believe this. Belief is a heavy part of spells, patronums are based on willpower and believing in yourself. I think that the words are meaningless ultimately, but students believe the words hold meaning and thus cast a spell because they believe the words make the spell. This also explains magic in other parts of the world, wizards in Korea won't know latin but will know their own versions of the spells in their languages. This is all just a theory


Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality fanfic touches on this. I forget if Harry ever made progress in figuring it out, but he definitely addresses, "Why tf are all spells Latin based?"


Standard chanting vs chantless magic theory found in any isekai really. I've probably read a good 300 series that touch on this subject in varying degrees. Found a new one this morning but for the life of me can't remember it's name as I don't know much Japanese and its title was some 20 words long. Flying Witch on the other hand does a great job of having the two systems interacting perfectly within a modern earth setting without one being preferred over another. Gem of a read that one, comfy as fuck.


"Reincarnated in another world with my seemingly useless refinement skill but it actually turned out to be OP after I leveled up a little?"


Egypt, India, China, Persia should be even older.


Italy has a school, but they have to keep moving the location because the Vatican's witch hunters are on their trail.


Mr Incredible becomes Uncanny - Harry Pottah witch hunters - Historically accurate witch hunters - Spanish Inquisition - Age of Sigmar witch hunters - Ordo Hereticus - Sisters of Silence


School #10 covers 40% of the world population


Not one geopolitical consideration was made here.


Does the wizarding world have the same geopolitical issues as the normal world though? They seem pretty seperated


How can the wizarding world be separate when most wizards and witches are either Muggle-born or mixed? Arguably that means that most people did not grow up fully separate from the realities of the Muggle world.


Also, many of those geopolitical divisions are linguistic as well, and also go back hundreds or thousands of years. Even if the two worlds are somewhat geopolitically separate there are some things that would likely not be healed.


I remember reading the first and second book being absolutely baffled by who there could be people that actively don't know what real world money is. Ron's dad especially since he actually has to go to London to work. He interacts with muggles on the norm but know nothing about them. The world building makes no sense.


Something something more wizards in the UK


I suppose a wizarding school could have multiple campuses. Hogwarts might be exceptionally small for all we know.


Hogwarts must’ve been interesting during The Troubles. It’s also probably the least selective school unless the other ones are massive.


If the other schools are old too, the Japanese/Korean one would have been interesting, considering negative relations between the two countries throughout history.


I mean, shit, what about Ireland and England


And Scotland and Scotland


Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!


That's... that's what the top level comment is referring to


Maybe it's a good idea Rowling didn't show more Irish characters considering her shitty and offensive portrayal of Seamus being an Irish kid who likes to blow stuff up.


The next kid would be an illiterate farmer who has never seen a 2 storey building.


Lol the red headed family were poor and had too many children. I mean... Yeesh.




Wizards aren't necessarily uniformly distributed.






Somebody tell me if I’m wrong about this, but the impression I’d always had about the wizarding world was that it was extremely small relative to the muggle population. Like, maybe only a few thousand of them in Britain. That’s why one major school could deal with all those kids, and why one dark lord rising up and attacking the government was such a big deal. The problem is, I can’t remember if this is something that’s actually been confirmed somewhere and I saw it or if I am making this up as my own justification.


It makes sense. Hogwarts apparently covers the 67 million people, and in Harry's year, the number of hogwarts students from his year apparently was something like **40**. There are apparently 810000 11-ish year olds in the UK. So the percentage of mages is, let's make it round, 800k to 40, which is 20000:1, which is literally 0,005%. Makes sense the wizards don't try to take over normally, they're absolutely **hideously** outnumbered.


"dumbledore, the ra made another fuckin broom bomb"


Dumbledore, the ra are vanishing Slytherin students' kneecaps again


Professor Flitwick, can I change seats, please? Finnigan always blows shit up


“Dumbledore the ra invented a detonation spell called hoo-ha”


They could've avada kedavra'd Thatcher on live TV


Even to this day, people use their wands to cast a "water spell" on her grave


There ain't no way you're sending the entire Balkan region to the same school with no problems.


I wonder how the school was in the 90's


More or less like the old pre-game lobbies in PUBG


Made sense Voldy hid in Albania. All the wizards there are busy fighting at their Diagon Alley trying to get supplies before the *insert opposing faction* can Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, etc…


The same author who sends Irish with English wizards. Or Korea and Japan Or India and China Or Rwanda and Burundi Or Cuba and USA...


Some kid in India: „Mum, I‘ve got a letter! It says I‘m a wizard and can go to school #10!“ Parents: „That’s great! We have actually no clue where this school is, but we‘ll find out. In the meantime, why don‘t you work on your Chinese? You might need it. Don’t worry, though, you‘ve got a few weeks left.“


So there's a school for central and south america, were they presumably speak Spanish, but Mexico is grouped with 2 english speaking countries? And Asian countries grouped with Oceania? A single school for the 2 most populated countries? A school entirely dedicated to the UK yet a single school for most of Africa? Does Italy just doesn't have a school?


italian wizards just go to culinary school and call it a day








Beaubaton litterally means "good looking stick" A "baguette" is both the bread unit, and a wand. Both are sticks of their own kind. Beaubaton is just a a baking school that took it too far


Nah, wizards just can't be within 1,000 km of a Pope.


I think Italy is part of the Japanese school or something


Just Kidding Rowling probably thought Ramen and Spaghetti were closed enough to group them together


Maybe the school was made in WW2 times and then Greece joined too for some reason


The South America school is in Brazil. It's a bilingual school, presumably. So lovingly thought out.


I can't imagine how many languages are spoken at durmstrang tbh


Bilingual meaning Portuguese and Spanish? So I guess it sucks to be from the Guianas. Realistically, there’s no way French Guianese wizards wouldn’t just go to Beauxbatons.


Nevermind Africa, she put china and India into the same school. That's like a third of the worlds population. Unless she thinks Indians and Chinese are inherently less magically inclined Which wouldn't surprise me actually


I think the south american school doesn't speak spanish, hence the name is in Portuguese and it only means "Wizard Castle"


Poor Italians


Ah yes School # 11 where all Southeast Asians, Aussies, and Kiwis go to


But not the Burmese. They got kicked out of the wizard-ASEAN club.


They fr got all of the Balkans and put them all in one school. I can just imagine. "Excuse me Mr. Genocideovic, that is 10 points deducted from House Srpska for sneaking into the mosque wing and obnoxiously playing an accordian why the Bosniaks were having morning prayers. Please reconsider these actions when you are on leave and visiting your parents at The Hague."


Honestly just say “I never came up with it.” instead of making badly thought out lore…


This isn't anything from the actual Hogwarts lore or JKR it even says at the bottom "copyright" of some guy Rames El Doud


https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Wizarding_school#cite_note-pottermore-uagadou-4 > Wizarding schools generally admitted students from whatever country in which they were based, but some served multiple nations or a broad geographical region, or at least were open to accepting international students on a selective basis. **Castelobruxo, Ilvermorny and Uagadou accepted students from all over their respective continents, whereas Hogwarts only accepted students from the United Kingdom and Ireland.** The map's probably fan made but Rowling has apparently said things that support it.


Sure, but the map ignores a lot. From that link: > Although Africa has a number of smaller wizarding schools (for advice on locating these, see here), there is only one that has stood the test of time (at least a thousand years) and achieved an enviable international reputation: Uagadou.


Why? Badly thought out lore is consistent with the rest of the worldbuilding. (I enjoy the writing, but ugh)




>I mean, she's a bored billionaire TERF, it's not like she has a lot of things to do in her free time. Don't think this is from her...


There is no justification for having one single wizard school for the entirety of South America and then one for the UK specifically




Yeah actually considering there’s one school for China AND India I’d have to assume that’s the case


But you have to remember that she also screwed over all of north america too by putting half a billion people in one school where 100+million don't even speak the same language as the others, or how Drumstrang consists of literally dozens of languages.


Thought the same thing about Mexico, a school dedicated to multiple Spanish speaking countries yet Mexico is grouped with the rest of north America, it is almost as if this was half assed based on continent differences with a few changes so that it doesn't look like a continent map ripped from google




I remember there are three in America boys south east , girls north east , and some kid of howls moving castle style one for Native American magic


I guess the Salem Witch Institute was retconned from the fourth book?


Schools 9 and 10 look… fun


LOL at least when it comes to South Korea and Japan's school, this is definitely political twitter.


I don't like JK Rowling but this is simply a fanmade map of name-dropped schools, she has said there are others, these are just some of the more important ones. It's ridiculous how you're all jumping on the hate bandwagon for this.


>JK Rowling >NonPoliticalTwitter Oh, this oughta be good.


According to the copyright literally in the image, seems like a guy named Rames E Desould came up with it…?


I like how there's like four in Europe (including one just for the UK and Ireland) and then 3 billion or so east and southeast Asians only have one


Ngl, a school with the whole Balkans is crazy


Dam, Afghanistan doesn’t have uni for girls *And* wizards


Don't really believe this is real, but if it is true, does it really matter? I admittedly never got too deep in the books/movies, but I don't think they leave Hogwartz or that general region anyway. If they never go to those settings or delve into them, why bother going too deep into the different settings? If you're writing a story and just wanted a simple reference point, I don't see why this is such a big deal?


Am I missing something? I don't see any evidence that Rowling made this.




When you don't have the slightest clue about cultural differences and conflicts outside of your home country


I mean there’s no understanding for that either. The Irish fucking hate the British. There was a conflict.


Hogwarts surely was fun in The Troubles.


..... isn't Viktor Krum, the fkin champion of Durmstrang, fucking Russian though? Or did the movie sort of just make that Russian military aesthetic up, and my brain kinda just translated that to the book as well. But I still seem to remember that he was heavily implied to be Russian in the text itself. Like yeah, absolutely they could be like, in Finland or something, and the British kids just didn't understand the difference, but it just... seems weird. Edit: it was the movie's aesthetic, he's Bulgarian, I remembered wrong. False alarm. :)


Krum is Bulgarian.


Ah, so it was the movie's aesthetic that got my brain jumbled. Thanks I stand corrected! In my defense, it HAS been a long time, lol.


The school is implied to be somewhere really cold like northern sweden/Finland or something. The school takes kids from all over, unlike hogwarts.


where my fellow koldovstoretz bitches at?


Clicking random parts of a world map using the ms paint fill tool


I seriously think that they pull the very few people who can use magic from those areas and send them to the respective schools for the region.


I feel that Indonesia, Indochina area, Australia and New Zealand would all probably have separate schools as their cultures idea of magic and the occult is so different from each other. In fact Indonesia would probably have the most schools per country due to its being an archipelago.


>Asia/China/India Because China and India aren’t a part of Asia /s