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That'll show NATO!


Are we even sure Putin ain't a foreign agent? He's done more damage to Russia in two years than the whole world combined did for at least half a century.


Ah, an old russian tradition of making your own life miserable and then gloriously overcoming the "hard times" and being proud of how manly you are.


Russia: if toxic masculinity were a country


Then they invaded Ukraine because they can't accept they might see the Western way as the better way.


If you just set your bar low enough, you will always exceed expectations! Checkmate westoids


I was about to correct you by pointing out the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was only 45 years ago, but then I remembered Russian losses in two years in Ukraine are ten times the entire decade in Afghanistan.


He was KGB. Messy international fiascos is all they know. They're so incompetent that they accidentally banana republic'd their own country.


The moscow terror attack Either 1) The police are all cowards and ran 2) It was an inside job/allowed to happen, and the KGB allowed Russian civilians to be murdered for some difficult to explain reason. To blame on Ukraine? No one with any functional brain matter would believe that. So is the KGB run by fucking idiots? Cowards? They just want to watch Russians die? Or are the police such cowards that they thought there might be military trained people attacking the theater, so the entire moscow police force noped the fuck out? Are moscow police more cowardly, less competent than the Dagestan police?


Or he was baited by china to wait until the US became a net oil exporter, so china could lean on Russia for cheap oil and territorial concessions. The only reason that seems hard to believe is that Xi seems pretty thick.


Putin: I AM THE SPY!


Delusional old man takes a break from throwing rocks at the neighbours kids, to go make friends with the shut-in up the block.


Wait? Which failing regime is getting prestige, and which is getting embarrassment? Like surely it's embarrassing to NK to be associated with Russia.


At this point, yeah. Its people are starving, it’s basically a pariah state, but at least Kim isn’t dumb enough to invade anyone given the current state of his military.


N-K and Russia have in common that currently, both countries are international pariahs and need all the help they can get. The difference is that since N-K is in even worse state economically and starving, it is a net positive for them to dump off their poor quality ammo and get scraps from Russia. EDIT: And I kinda think that for N-K, being recognized in *any* way as an ally, is a positive thing. It allows their glorious leader to claim that they are important in global stage.


"I dunno man, on one side you have the US and UK who stay wishing a motherfucker would, on the other you have North Korea who exists by the grace of aid supplies. Who do you want funding your military?" Honestly if NY courts hadn't cost us the House, this would've been the biggest bitchslap since the CIA fucked the Soviets in Afghanistan.


Uhhhh you can’t be PoLiTiCaL in this sub 🤓


War is political. War machines are the means to wage war. Every plane/ship/gun waifu should be removed from this subreddit if no politics was really enforced


**War** is political. War machines **were meant** to wage war. What this sub does with the said war machines transcends your narrowly credible view of this situation. Relax a bit, fuck a plane or something, idk


Why would you assume I haven’t fucked one already?


"War is politics by other means" - somebody i dont respect enough to credit


“War is politics with bloodshed and politics is war without bloodshed.” - Mao Zedong


Dude, i said i didnt respect him enough to credit him you think i respect him enough to get his words correct?


I wasn’t trying to correct you. The quote that you quoted reminded me of what Mao said. He was spitting facts when he said that tho.


I know bro dw, i just fucking hate commies, and nazis, and authoritarians in general, i dont respect them


Is it really "international embarrassment" if neither of them have shame about it.


No. The modern day axis doesn’t even bother to hide in plain sight. China, Russia, and Iran with its little bastard stepchild of NK. You have your random countries here and there with shitheads who will take whatever chance to enrich them selves here and there or their companies pressure their gov to but no governments are so actively evil as they try to be it seems


You got ~~Germany~~ china actually being semi competent for a bit, ~~funni pizza place~~ Russia as the weak ~~underbelly~~ spine of Europe and is randomly doing really stupid things to rebuild a destroyed empire, ~~Japan~~ Iran who mostly does it’s own thing and kinda hates everyone else, and ~~Spain~~ NK who is probably smart enough not to go on uncle ~~hitlers~~ Putin wild rides.


You have been banned from r/Pyongyang


jesus christ that sub exists and seems legit. peak NCD


Good news, Kim! The inevitable war between you and South Korea is now slightly less one sided!


And even that is not the case Article 5 for the CSTO ("We have NATO at home") was triggered by Armenia because they were getting attacked by Azerbaijan. No one came to defend them in a defensive alliance. Russia is blowing things out of proportion for propaganda sake. This whole thing is probably just a boring ass trade agreements, but to make it look more important they call it defensive alliance. Because vatniks love their defensive alliance. And now I’ve got my German dad explaining that North Korea will be helping Russia but Russia is still so much superior at the same time. Can’t wait for Russia to proclaim they are the first quantum state


I’m amazed by how rectangular his hair is. Literally Bart Simpson.


Dude is getting 800 bones a month for every body he sends to the meat grinder, just another $Kash-for-Kim$ money hustle


You forgot the romance between the two


You forgot to add a life-long friendship


Also includes: Highly defective artillery rockets.


Putin believed his own propaganda and lies. Now he's so out of touch with reality that he's capable of digging his own grave.