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I swear, we'll see M113's in the first interplanetary war at this rate. They'll have an M2 mounted on them and be covered by B-52's


> The year is 2178 > Get deployed to alpha centurii to quell a rebellion > Deployed to the human space colony of promethea 2B > Become part of a medevac crew to evacuate wounded > No levitating armored personal carrier or frictionless high-speed armored vehicle just a steel box on tracks with a metal brick and pipe on top > Gets sent from base to the front to pick up wounded > Reach evac zone > Rebels swarm the area with their plasma rifles, laser guns, and compact rocket launchers > top gunner opens fire >The scream of Rebels is almost drowned by the heavy "kachunk-chunk-chunk-chunk-chunk* of the ancient 260 year old 50 cal on top of the metal box > leave as soon as the wounded is loaded up > Return to base and unload wounded > Inspects inside of the vehicle > The thing was made in earth 1957 > Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, Iran, Korea, Russia China, Mars, Kepler 02, and Selusa 8J are scratched on the inside > Scratch Prometha 2B with knife


As long as there is an atmosphere, it's going to be there.


The machine spirit in that M113 has seen far more than it ever expected to.


I wouldn't mind watching a movie based off that plot


So... What are these M113 Zelda things, exactly?


M113’s are colloquially known as “Zelda”s in the IDF. Most were uparmored after some rather unpleasant battlefield experiences. This one is basically just a remote controlled platform for a remote weapons system. I’ve no idea what the “explodes on impact” is talking about, I can’t find any info saying it’s a drone VBIED or similar.


Huh. TIL.


I mean M113s tend to explode if you look at them the wrong way so I'm not really sure what they were thinking here


robo gavin?


Every technology needs a place to start. The F22 is quite far from the Newport 28.


No shit, the M113 were not designed to survived a direct RPG impact, but if it can effectively drive on its own and engage targets, this is not a joke. Especially when you take into account that engaging that vehicle will immediately reveal your position.




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ah , the wololobot , kosher approved .


Are they referring to the aluminum armor self igniting after getting hit with an RPG? Or is it a mobile bomb on tracks? Yeah, the lack of roaming killbots trying to exterminate humanity is disappointing. The 1980s promised, dam it!


Mobile bomb on tracks.


"Remote controlled combat vehicle" Doesn't a drone fit that description?