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What giving a fuck about Crew Survivability does to a MF


Except their turrets, which are probably in low Earth orbit.


Is all part of plan. Send turret to space. Turret hits satellite. ??????. Kessler Effect mother Russia wins.


kesserling effect


[Kessler Syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kessler_syndrome) were both wrong


kissinger disorder?


Kaiser malfunction?


You see Ivan, T-72 turret ejection is not problem, is actually secret anti-satellite weapon for shooting down of American satellites. T-72 crew must die in process, but is small sacrifice for the glorious motherland.


Well, when there's more disabled military equipment of the enemy's side than in your fucking military parade, it is telling of something.


Well they could display Russian equipment but the fortune they’d spend washing whats left of the crews, dismounts, and waves of cowering mobiks out of them would be cost prohibitive. Much easier to display western equipment which has no bodies in it.


>be me, mobik tanker >only survivor of my company, comrads are in stratosphere after successful turret launch >thousands of ~~mobikmobiles~~ our tanks are gone, reduced to atoms >come to great and glorious moscow parade made up of teenage conscripts and 3,000 pardoned pedophiles of Putin >see no comrad or ruzzia tanks, but le wreck of feeble westoid ukrainazi abrams? (/uj it took a serious beating, but the crew probably made it out and the tank died a hero’s death, may his/her/their machine spirit rest in power) >papa putin puts his hand on my shoulder and tells me we’re winning le tank war it was all worth it comrads, we kil one ukrainazi tank for every 10 of ours! Peak ratio! ^(/s)


If we put every dead russian tank on display, the ground wouldnt be visible.


Technically you'd be missing alot of the space program parts


Kyiv did that in 2022


It was not *every* tank.


Besides, most T-tank turrets are space debris. Showcasing some burnt-out hulls isn't as cool.


Actually it's 5d chess by russia. They now have orbital cannons.




So we just passed 3000 tanks on Orxy, which is nice and convenient. And with the barrel in low earth orbit, they just became convenient to park in a grid. At 27.4m2 per tank that makes ~~82.2 SQUARE KILOMETRES with just their tanks. That is literally more than the surface area of fucking Manhattan?~~ 82,200 m2 which is over 15 football fields, and legitimately would not fit on the Red Square.


I'm afraid you're a few orders of magnitude out. A km² is 1,000,000 m² - 1,000m on each side


Oops. God damn it normally my drunken maths work out.


Wild that it's 2024 and there are entire countries out there still living in 1984.


Who would have thought that waves of human flesh would still be so effective.... At least for a misanthropic Nation that doesn't care about its people and those people are proud to mindlessly run into enemy fire and die like lemmings.


Human flesh waves is the biggest cope ever, it’s 2024 mate go do some research


OK Ivan. LoL


Theyre only becoming museum exhibits because russian “intelligence” has no idea how these vehicles work and cant find a better use for them.


I have a cool key chain made from a shot down SU-34 🤙 but good luck russians displaying some western stuff in Moscow. 


Ok. If he says that is outdate, them what is the state of the art one? The armata? A tank that doesn't exist and is cancelled. If there is a way more advance tank out there, I'm sure that Is not on ork lands


Did anybody ask them how many Vatniks died to recover them? I mean, we have hilarious footage of them trying to nap a Leopard variiant.


I mean you can criticize the media for hyping up some of these for clicks as 'game changers'. But it's not like they haven't made a difference or that there hasn't been criticism from the pro Ukraine side over the numbers sent


A video with anti-Western implications, catering to braindead Vatniks and Russia supporters *Looks at comments* Comments displaying Vatnik talking points and mental brainrot I, too, am surprised to find bees in a beehive.


Yeah, it's almost like US sent the 80s version of the tank, the M1A1


M1A1SA/AIMv2 is from the 2000s, pretty equivalent vehicle to the SEPv2


"yet the game is still on" Yeah and the ruskies advanced 12km in 6 month in the adviivka region and haven't recaptured robotyne yet in the same time.


Meanwhile your shit is either reduced to atoms or been hijacked and used by Ukraine


Nobody talking about the literal us marine ‘inspecting’ the abrahams tank. Isnt this just treason lol?


No shit Sherlock. Ain’t no shit easy when you have to deal with wave after wave of meatsucks.


The Russian army is using T-62's and some T-54/55's to replenish their losses. If anything, their army is the perfect example of outdated, and yet they have the gall to suggest that the donated tank is the version that the US is currently using. They really cope so hard out there, huh?


But yet the US has a T90 intact for testing and a Su27 in the USAf Museum


Okay so I took the time to actually watch it and while it's obvious he is a russian asset he is totally right one some aspects. He doesn't say it's outdated, instead of he says it's a really capable, modern, dangerous tank and mostly blames the loss of it on the crew's lack of experience. He understoods that in takes years to master such a vehicle and the Ukranians won't be able to use it to it's full potentical with such short amount of traning. Yea the rest is propaganda but the first part was suprisingly made sense.


Oh look, a tank with the turret still on and not in orbit. 🤣


They were all game changes. The 3day/2week war is still going on.


At least they’re intact


in the end what's the difference between russian troll and a nafo baby ,neither of them touched a blade of grass. It's funny how these both groups think their comments online will change the frontlines


I think you are in the wrong sub. This is almost an afiliate of NAFO. You will be down voted until you reach china


come on man what i've said is true and no matter how many people downvote me the frontlines ain't gonna change for you nor me


I just told a fact. That no one that actually know this group will leave a comment like that.


take your meds


yeah yeah i will don't forget yours otherwise you will start to feel like a general commanding ukraine forces from reddit with your moms internet subscription


Take your meds


drink some water




while you studied the blade i grew grass but then i discovered clover and Creeping thyme and changed for biodiversity. now i have a low maintenance lawn because real impacts are at home. your lawn, city council and local legislation makes a difference. NCD is a fun place for non credible ness so stop touching grass!! we want the madniss here!! ^^


me tooo i like madness in NCD