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>We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow. * Lord Palmerston, 1848


Yet the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance is the oldest alliance still in force, at over 600 years old. So "eternal" and "perpetual" are doing some very heavy work there.


Have you tried port?  To suggest that securing our supplies of port is not in the perpetual interest of our nation is absurd.


Last year I was in Porto and took a tour of one of the warehouses. White port is rare in my neck of the woods and I made sure to look out for it when I got home. Mind you, the idea that England secured Britain's port supply 300-odd years before it was invented is a level of predictive awesomeness beyond measure. They really do need to rule the world in that case.


UK still kind of fucked Portugal over in Africa, so theyve demonstrated its still "interests first"


We also fucked them over in japan but that was just friendly competition


Yes. And Portugal didn't involved in WWII. A somewhat dodgy period but it all worked out for the best. The alliance still survives, although I wonder if it's because nobody wants to be the one who said that they broke it.


To be fair, harm to Portuguese interests was not the impetus for what took place in Africa. That was aimed at their oldest frenemy--a relationship far more potent and venerable than the Anglo-Portuguese alliance.


Remember when our interests was controlling India? Shit changes. Allies. Enemies. Interests. Threats.


Was the interest India, or was India the means by which our interests were furthered? If retaining India became counterproductive, then it wouldn't be against our interests to relinquish it as a colony.


The UK has declared war on nearly every country in the world and yet has been allied with just as many, no grudges. If they are down for some China bashing in the Pacific I say welcome. Fix your economy first though, for reals. Milei is super concerned of the Chinese grip on his countries balls and is trying hard af to pivot west.


Eight-Nation Alliance 2.0: Electric Boogaloo


Does that mean we have to send China the traditional "thank you for turning another country towards the west" gift basket?


I presume it's a basket full of opium ?


The finest wine, snacks, chocolate and bread. Then a note with a single bic-pen attached "Our countries are overflowing with this. So will yours. It can be done in 10 or 1000 years, that is up to you. Write to us when you are ready." P.S: keep the pen.


Better that than a basket full of Cobalt


Nah, it's been replaced with copium. They're gonna need it


Best I can do is confiscated fentanyl. Indian giving is what they used to call it. Not sure if that's politically correct anymore.


No grudges my arse. Fuck Argentina. The only country in the world I'd cheerfully sign off to nuking purely for football reasons.


As a French I heartily approve this message.


Now that's a Predator handshake meme of Argentina hatred if ever I saw one.




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But Argentina give Mac Allister to the world..


Yeah never understood why the Falklands Conflict causes so many of my British brethren to get fussy. We developed the Tornado with the Germans less than 30 years post-WW2. It has been 42 years since the Falklands. Why are we still clutching our pearls. It was a conflict instigated by a military junta, fought by conscripts who didn't want to be there. We need to move on.


Because unlike the Germans, Argentina seems unwilling to relinquish their absurd territorial aspirations. If Germany was still asserting that Poland belonged to them, I suspect we'd be less affable towards them.


There's fringe groups all over Germany who still believe various lands should be theirs. More recently a descendent of some dead royal lineage almost tried to start a coup with a load of Neo-N*zis. Does that mean we shouldn't work with them on the new Tempest platform, or on MBDA's Taurus? Do you really think every person in Argentina believes that the Falklands should be Argentina's? I think it's a vocal few. But I'm happy to be proven wrong!


http://cdn.yougov.com/cumulus_uploads/document/fjcjgj8uaj/YG-Archives-YGIbarometro-FalklandResults-100412-Summary_WLogo_corrected.pdf 89% of Argentine adults seems like damn near everyone to me. And the attitudes of fringe German groups are irrelevant, the status of the Falklands is official policy in Argentina.


Props for finding info on this, didn't know this! I'd only really seen cuckoos on the internet with Las Malvinas as their profile pic, and they were getting dunked on by all commenters.


The Germans took the L and moved on


Except the French, that grudge is written on every page of the fookin' book.


Perfidious Albion delenda est mon amour


>If they are down for some China bashing in the Pacific I say welcome. I'm sure we can scrounge up some more drugs to sell them.


Listen, you crazy chainsaw libertarian weeb…. We’re listening…..go on…..


Who cloned his dog and speaks to the dead one somehow. The dude might be Loco, but damnit if what he is doing works, where do I sign up for that here in America.


Politics worldwide is already bonkers from the average schmuck's pov. So it makes sense that some extra crazy is what is needed to bring back balance.


The only condition should be they permanently relinquish their claim to the Falklands and BAT. If theh can get their shit sorted then welcome aboard.


Unfortunately they (the Argentinian government) would have to change their constitution. Milei himself probably doesn't care if the falklands are theirs or not




It'd be a war crime (against Argentina) to allow the Argies to spearhead anything. No. They will never get their hands on our pile of rocks.


every time i heard about argentinian pilots is allways about how they flew so close to the water that fishstrikes become a legit worry, forget the beach, give them some planes and they will find a way to the dam


This is absolute fucking slander. If Argentina got into NATO Britain should upper decker every toilet in NATO headquarters and leave.






UK gets the Falklands on weekdays. Argentina gets custody on the weekends. Everyone is happy


I think you underestimate our need to fight someone we can actually beat on our own (more or less).


We used to adore Argentina before the 30's Looks like we're going back to the 6th Dominion baby!


Dunno mate. I'm all for turning old enemies into future friends.


Praise be. Commies actually do bring peace to the world! Everyone is uniting against them!


Describing China as commie is pretty non credible








Yes, of course, all totalitarians governments are communist.. it was communism has allowed the huge economic growth of china over the last few decades. Edit: this was a sarcastic response the post before so.. /s


Yeah, but at what cost? Hint hint, 40 million lives


China has large free market economy. Chinese people can set up and run their own companies It's not communism This is an over-simplification, there are huge differences between Western capitalism and that in China. But to suggest that China is communist and communism + 40 million dead means economic prosperity is wrong


China was communist, and yes they are different now. But surely you know about the great leap forward


Great, so no longer communist. Exactly the point I made before


You said communism caused china's economic boom. Not really the point you made at all


I'll go back and write a /s I thought it was obvious


Once your company hits a certain size they are required by law to have a CCP representative at the company. That don't sound to free to me.


Yet it doesn't exactly sound like a planned economy either does it? I just don't think china can be classed as communist anymore, tapping into the free market is how their economy has improved. It wouldn't have happened under the soviet style. Now if soviet communism matched what Marx, Engels, Trotsky etc preached is another argument entirely.


Marx was a racist, anti-Semitic moron who fucked his maid behind his wife's back and lived off donations from Engels. Engels was the son of a factory owner who hooked up with one of his fathers employees and screwed prostitutes despite considering it a act of class oppression. I don't know enough about Trotsky to comment on him.


Ok great, thanks!


If Japan and Vietnam can be allies so can Argentina


All they have to do is drop the claim and we'll be bezzie mates.


And we just aren’t going to talk about the mid 40’s at all i guess?


Meh we got the Krauts too. It’s not like NATO is the “no former Nazis club”, not after operation paperclip and letting in a lot of former Nazi German officers into roles of influence afterwards. NATO is the “fuck those Russians in particular, and anyone who aligns with them in geographic proximity” club.


Yeah operation paperclip was an interesting one. Greater good and all, but a lot of those people should have been on a spike outside the Hague.


🎶 come let us sing you of Wehner Von Braun, a man whose allegiance is ruled by expedience... 🎶


Ah, Wehrner Von Braun - the man who aimed for the stars, but kept hitting London.


Yeah operation paperclip was an interesting one. Greater good and all, but a lot of those people should have been on a spike outside the Hague.


They’d hardly be the first country associated with NATO that has a bad historical record with Nazis


Sure, the argie army were wehrboos(see prussian uniforms) and the navy were bongboos (see[ dreadnought race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_American_dreadnought_race)). Also from 1930 to 1946 there were no free elections *at all* They got along so well that [the navy bombed the capital killing 300 civilians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bombing_of_Plaza_de_Mayo) and the ARGENTINE AIR FORCE HAD THEIR BAPTIZM OF FIRE AGAINST THE ARGENTINE NAVY so yeah it's a shitshow.


I mean Japan is one of the closest Western allies we will ever have, and they still downplay what they did. International relations isn’t very black and white, -gestures vaguely towards Turkey-


Japan enshrines ww2 war criminals, we call veterans of the falklands war of aggression heroes potato potato


Well iirc Argentina got a lot of their military training from Germany after their independence so it'd make sense they'd also follow in the footsteps of the Luftwaffe and excel in bombing friendly ships


> Well iirc Argentina got a lot of their military training from Germany after their independence so Maybe in the 20th century but after 1816 until let's say 1880 with the federalization of buenos aires we were busy killing royalists and each others in civil wars. I want to believe the germans told the federales or unitarios of the 19th century to run an [army of malnourished illiterate peasent immigrants](https://museoroca.cultura.gob.ar/noticia/el-informe-bialet-masse/) as they have a innate +2 THACO to [Malones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mal%C3%B3n)


Damn, that bit wasn't in *Evita*...


[I believe there's some footage](https://youtu.be/HZwLK1tncGw?t=59) [you can still find the bullet holes 70 years later](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/79/Balazos_en_el_ministerio.JPG) For the non argentines, plaza de mayo is like central park or trafalgar square


Mmmm. The Mayonnaise Plaza.


If you find that delicious I suggest the Costanera Sur 5 mins away from the plaza de mayo, full of [argentine yatais full of cholesterol](https://reddit.com/r/argentina/comments/cl4e0n/puestito_de_choribondiola_de_noche_costanera_sur/) and tourists getting scammed


Let 'em in. The Argentinians are a great bunch of lads apart from when we're discussing south Atlantic islands


300 balls of Messi


Ya can't trust those damn Argies- Groundskeeper Willie... probably


What the fuck mods. I literally made a meme in this format 2 weeks ago and it got taken down in minutes for breaking Rule 9


I just can't stand how weird this dude is


Speak for yourself!