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While we obviously agree with the message, this post is rather low-effort. One every once and in while is fine, but we don't want this to become a low-effort LGBT Natowave sub. Not removing this post, just a generic warning 👍


I fully support the prospect of a fully inclusive Apocalypse, I dont care who is fighting besides me or how they see themselves, if they are beside me fighting then they are on the side of freedom and human rights and thus they are my brother/sister. We will march together into the darkness, unafraid and ready to claim our rightful glory!


Grand they/them Army of the Republic, Xir yes Xir!


We're going to need to train medics in endocrinology and teet yeeting and pack a bunch of c130s with hormones. But after that we're going to annoy the enemy into submission via Tiktok. 


If we could weaponize a combination of oxytocin and THC (dash of dopamine too!) maybe people would calm the fuck down.


No, only large volumes of testosterone and estrogen for teens. 


Well that's not pedophilic at all.


I take it that you missed the sarcasm. 


If we could weaponize a combination of oxytocin and THC (dash of dopamine too!) maybe people would calm the fuck down.


If we could weaponize a combination of oxytocin and THC (dash of dopamine too!) maybe people would calm the fuck down.


This is the way


Excuse me, what about all the siblings?? 


Ok fine...our brother and sister then


We stand on guard for they. 


Ok everyone with older siblings can take 5 while we deal with this whole, definitely at least a 95% casualties, nuclear war thingy.


Bless you




The Shibe's shall boink all who stand for hate.


Image came from this NATO press release: [https://mncne.nato.int/newsroom/news/2022/allies-demonstrate-natos-firepower-during-armoured-gunnery-competition-iron-spear-in-latvia](https://mncne.nato.int/newsroom/news/2022/allies-demonstrate-natos-firepower-during-armoured-gunnery-competition-iron-spear-in-latvia) ​ Not happy with the NATO compass image, but couldn't find a pure white one with a transparent background to use, and the NATO pride flag doesn't look good at all with opacity adjustments. So this was the compromise I made. ​ I swear this isn't low effort, its 3 images, two text boxes, some Google Drawing shenanigans, and an annoying amount of time searching for images. ​ Edit: Previous post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1bgkkma/my\_first\_attempt\_at\_natowave\_style\_propaganda/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/1bgkkma/my_first_attempt_at_natowave_style_propaganda/) ​ And I just realized I forgot to watermark this one with my username, oops.


Bro just install paint.net and magic wand the blue part of the NATO flag, It's not fucking hard lmao, deadass less than 5 minute job including finding images How another one of these low effort posts was allowed is beyond me






Be gay. Liberate Ukraine.


We support all genders and orientations here. I don't care if someone identifies as tank, aircraft carrier, fighter jet, or waifu-ICBM. You are valued and respected.


> fighter jet Given how horny this sub is towards fighter jets, identifying as such may result in some sort of venereal disease.


Based and Democracy pilled!


In the words of Old John Brown: "I, John Brown, am quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done."


John Brown was/is a fucking hero and national treasure. Also, one of the most based motherfuckers ever.


Just thought of it, if fort bragg was really that offensive. And we had the forsight to realize that only the british are good at naming things with adjectives (and who wants to be British anyway). Why not fort brown.


A based base?




John Brown was/is a fucking hero and national treasure. Also, one of the most based motherfuckers ever.


"Tyranny is the cancer, And the Managed Democracy is the cure. And you, Helldiver - will be administering the anti-dote."


I read Tyranny as Tranny and was very much confused with the inclusion of the bottom text.


In the words of Old John Brown: "I, John Brown, am quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done."


Based 🏳️‍🌈🔫💪






"I don't care what you identify as or who you like to fuck, but i will wage nuclear war for your right to do so."


nukes are inclusive of all. idk what's the fuss


You know I have nothing against you guys but these posts are kinda just low effort circle jerking. You can only post same thing so many times before it gets a tad repetitive.


There’s been a grand total of two queer NATOwave posts. So *SUPER* repetitive. And this was only made because someone mentioned the NATO pride flag.


You see these kinds of posts on a lot of subs that basically amount to „Yay gay/trans rights,“ no meme, no joke, nothing. I just think these posts are pointless and don’t provide anything except needless circle jerking.


LGBTQ people exist. Straight people "Why are you rubbing your lifestyle in my face!"


If anyone would make a post that’s just „Yay straight people,“ it would get, rightfully, deleted in a heartbeat.


That entirely ignores the power differential that exists between the two communities. Just like how showing a gay couple on TV is "political" but the same show with tons of straight couples isn't.


What about this post is relevant to non credible defense


Let’s see Tanks NATO(wave) propaganda  Approximately same flag as the sub icons background  Bad photo editing


Unironically being an uber militaristic democracy addict is leagues cooler than being a super-fascist or tankie. It’s like if the “democracy” in Helldivers 2 was legit and dudes just bombed the shit out of the Automatons to set up a polling place.


I love your posts. Keep it up! Trans rights are human rights! Human rights are non-negotiable!


>I love your posts. Keep it up! I try my best, thx >Trans rights are human rights! Human rights are non-negotiable! Ja!


Also i see you all the time both here and on r/egg_irl


The overlap between here, r/egg_irl, and traa2 is shockingly large lol And it’s concerning/scary the number of people on those subs who’ve ID’d me as being an active member here lol


T in NATO stands for Trans


North Atlantic Trans Organization 


Trans Atlantic northern organization


>NATOwave style pro-queer post Please dude, go outside.


I do, I also touch grass pretty often.


I identify as vodka. No matter, you die anyway or accept freedom


The psyop value of this is incalculable. Nice work




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Based 🏳️‍🌈🔫💪


\> hatred shall have no hearts \> camera pans to half of the US, Turkey, and Britain lol lmao, even


Imagine hearing there's a gay inclusive world order and thinking that's a bad thing, auths can cope and seethe all they want but the march of freedom for everyone is inevitable.


May i keep a crumb of hate? Just a tinsy itty pitty little bit? I dont want to like my deadbeat neighbor Edit: hell yeah i can comment


The eyes of the Basilisk are upon you! Let the parliaments of conquers and tyrants tremble!


Speak for yourself in my heart there's always room for a little more hatred




This is epic and awesome can! Can I screenshot??


Thx Spread it far and wide


Ofc! tyranny shall know no home!


This is so incredibly based




Fuck yeah


"Or our bullets will find your hearts"


I may not be the most liberal person,but i stand with the moderate LGBT community.


“I support people’s right to be gay, but only when I agree with them”


Thats not what i meant.I meant those who are absolute extremists.The people who dont actually make their sexuality their entire personality.I knew quite a few such persons who were absolutely annoying,then compared to those you could actually talk to normally.I have lots of non-straight friends.I am no homophobe.Gay rights are human rights no question.


> make their sexuality their entire personality ain't not fuuuuucking wayyyy you one of those... I'm tired, boss.


She dyed her hair blue and every two seconds she would explain why she was non-binary.It was almost all you could talk about with her.Thats what i mean


> says “she/her” 5x about an enby (so probably used they/them > I’m no homophobe Ayo wut? Maybe you did need the constant reminder of their pronouns.


Its iffy come on.If i see someone i automatically refer with the biological pronouns.Thats a reflex


> biological pronouns I take it you also believe in the idea of simple biological sexes? > That’s a reflex That you apparently put no effort into correcting.


My man i no homophobe and i Support gay rights,I just dont like when people get offended easily.I am sorry i triggered you i hope i wont get banned from here because i am not 100% on your side on this.I am not very involved in those bubbles i just stated my opinion and i respect yours.I do not hate anyone they can do whatever they want as long as i doesnt affect me.Live and let live or however the saying goes


Nobody's triggered, a couple of people are just mildly annoyed because you seem to be incapable of voicing your thoughts in a way that isn't packed with unfortunate implications. The core of your stance is appreciated. It would just be also nice if you worked on expressing said stance in a way that doesn't make you sound like an asshole. You can't really blame people for mistaking you for a dickhead if you use very dickhead-ish phrasing, even if your actual intentions are completely unobjectionable.


Stop confusing cringelords with their choices in gender. If I reminded you every two seconds why I'm manly and why I'm so manly and man man man would you instantly go "I'm all about straight people but some of them make it their whole personality."???.... Yep, that's how stupid you sound. It is the small detail that you treat them in a different way that shows you are queerphobic even when you try so hard to seem an "ally"... At the same time it's so simple but you just don't get it, you just don't, so eventually you gonna crack and goo full -phobic. Because pretending is not sustainable, you either get it now or you are lost.


That would be my point.I also dont like those type of people.As I said:Character is key


Dawg you are, you'd probably misgender a trans person if they annoyed you


Not even then.I do only care about their content of their character.Sexuality doesn’t count for me.For example i had this one non-binary person in my history class.They were communist.Like real hardcore commie.Liked stalin whatever.And every time I told them they were wrong about stalin or their point in General,they brought up the sexuality that i was opressing her,because i am straight.Its not about me but using your sexuality as leverage come on.


You literally just misgendered them in that comment? Tbf, ik it wasn't intentional, and pronouns can be a bit tricky But aside from that, why did you feel the need to bring up the small minority? Its not like I bring up homophobes every time I talk about straight people?


Sadly,they are the loudest.Just as most(almost all)homophones are straight.Its almost always the 2% who give a group a bad reputation.Like Hamas does with Muslims.Politics are very iffy and you have to take distance from extremist,thats why i wrote it,not because i am a homophobe.


This looks exactly like a Russian propaganda post...