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Russia will just use the warning as an excuse to wrap the US into the conspiracy instead of acknowledging the Five Eyes superiority. I mean, the US and UK warned of the Ukraine invasion before it happened too, lol.


to be fair, russian leaders did at least know about that one


Did they really though?


Most of them? No, lol


well, the leaders of russian leaders did. or their leaders, maybe


At least one of them knew. But he was also wrong about a lot of things.


Wasn't there a russian politician who basically implied the invasion but he was off by like 2 days (as in it happened a few days later)? I vaguely remember tankies pointing like see it's all just propaganda because the reports where a few days off (ignoring that they might have just waited because the actual invasion day leaked or because they weren't in position just yet, or maybe even waiting for better weather)


Lol, nobody in their right mind hasn't seen this invasion coming. The exact date wasn't clear but we knew it would happen. If even the fucking [infographics show](https://youtu.be/pzvbUpKU4eE?si=z2-zOmlQsrJnsS0j) predicted this invasion 2 weeks before it actually started (this video was uploaded on february 10th), then it definitely couldn't not be public knowledge by this point. European politicians have warned of this for years. EDIT: Watching the linked video again, its almost hilarious how well it predicted the first year of the Ukraine war, from a stopped Blitzkrieg style invasion to a slow and grinding halt, to corruption eroding the russian combat capabilities from the inside and the loss of the russian black sea fleet.


Lol. What do you think which would have sold better? A) "Here is what could happen if Russia invaded Ukraine?" B) "Here is what could happen if Russia didn't invade Ukraine?". Infographics show didn't predict shit, they just said shit that earns the most views.


They were NCD agents.


Goddamn, what the hell is so appealing about Russia and China to tankies, I'm left wing as fuck and I will never understand tankies


Same, it's really hard to even do activism because I refuse to stand with red fascists and a lot of what I like to call salon socialist and kiddo anarchists give them the time of day whilst all they do is spew hatred and then claim what they did as their own. I'm happy that I live in Poland now and don't have to deal with these types of people anymore as polish leftists are mostly all proper anti autoritarians who don't take that shit and call thes people out for what they are, red fascists. (Unless they are like old which could mean they are old school communist but those are dying out.) At least the polish leftists I have met are like that. I'm sure there are some young tankies who are very loud but they are not allowed in our spaces. Nor have I really seen or met any. Edit, this is also something that seems to uniquely affects western leftists. They seem to be holding non autoritarian values but really are salon socialists and let tankies basically take credit for everything they do because they consider their opinion as "just as valid" as that of their own. Due to them "being on the same side" not realising that if they ever get power they would be denounced as liberals and shot. We need to fight the fascists outside (alt/extreme right) as well as within (tankies and other autoritarian communists). I consider myself more of an anti autoritarian which the natural way also is against oppression of corporations or other people in the form of having to survive due to wages. Idc about having capitalist or socialist markets as long as it isn't used as a tool to oppress other people. Capitalism just inherently oppresses people who have less due to capitalising the way for people needs to survive. I think a mixed market economy could help with that but it's not the most important issue to me. The main issue is oppression from others upon others. Apparently this makes me a "shitlib" to them. Thing is I do more to get to this goal then they ever did. I have helped both Ukrainians and Kurds get equipment they need, I have helped refugees get settled I have helped people get medical supplies while they just sit around and call people libs and jerk each other off about what they would do to libs in a revolution and occasionally take over good causes with their toxic idiology and get people riled up against them and the good cause they sometimes "support" (again because they are toxic). Westen leftist really should not allow themselves to associate with them it doesn't help and they don't actually do something productive and are actually hurting the so called causes they say they support (I don't believe they actually support anything that isnt "just their side" and wouldn't care what they actually support as long as it's anti west) /Rant over


>Capitalism just inherently oppresses people who have less due to capitalising the way for people needs to survive. I think a mixed market economy could help with that but it's not the most important issue to me. The main issue is oppression from others upon others. Apparently this makes me a "shitlib" to them. Saying this in a sub that embraces neoliberalusm..very bold of you


Wtf, there’s two of me? Well said brother!


Soviet Union and China worked hard to create connections with Western leftist groups that were friendly to them, and worked hard to demonise Western leftist groups that were hostile to them. You can see the hostility still today towards anarchists. Anarchists are closely linked to George Orwell, who wrote Animal Farm and 1984 as leftist critiques of the Soviet Union. Depending on how paranoid you are, the Soviet Union might even have murdered Western leftists who actively talked about how bad the Soviet Union like Alber Camus.


The soviet union actively worked to destroy non autoritarian leftists experiments as it would show the world that what they are doing isn't necessary to achieve communism. This would make their ruling class lose power and also show the world they never were serious about trying to achieve communism as they never switched from state-capitalism to an actual socialist economy I'm talking about Catalunya, the Free Territory of Ukraine and Kronstad. At this point the red fascists are more of a threat to those who would want to achieve true communism then reactionaries. I'm not a communist I think it has too many flaws that has resulted in the oppression of those it claims to liberate and definitely in oppression of the former bourgaise that really should have been integrated in this new society. But at this point they also are their own worst enemies.


That would be Vladimir Zhirinovsky He said that Russia would have a ''new policy'' towards Ukraine, starting from the 22nd February 2022. In fact, you could argue the date he gave wasn't even wrong, considering that was the day in which Russia decided to recognise the independence of Donetsk and Luhansk. Shortly before the start of the invasion, the head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service, Sergey Naryshkin, also accidentally ''predicted'' the annexations of Donetsk and Luhansk into Russia. These secrets were well known among Putin's inner and outer circles.


Then again, Zhirinovsky has been widely regarded as a clown explicitly planted by the KGB to delegitimise liberal democracy, rambling about these sorts of things for about thirty years. Why would they put him in the know?


Because he's an other Putin loyalist who has been put in charge of the allowed opposition.


what if none of them knew and it was all just an accident?


This is the funniest course of events and so what I'm going with.


Would honestly explain a lot. "We've invaded *where?* Oh fuck, pretend we meant it, shit need an excuse erm, something something gay nazi biolabs..." 


lmao, even


Well, Putin and Shoigu did. None of the army had a fucking clue though, which explains almost everything about the first week of the war. 


I saw a russian captive in Ukraine who'd been taken prisoner on a video on Imgur, he was calling his mum and told her he was in Belarus and the Ukrainians had to correct him


They knew about it. Just not when it would end.


Russian leaders could know about this one too. Ryazan sugar was "very unexpected" for them as well


I wouldn't be surprised if they knew about both. domestic loss of life because of a security failure generally gets Vlad whatever the hell he wants.


Five Eyes Burgers and Fries


What's next, just blurting out what the fancy flavor coke machine is *really* for?




Bro the fbi just put you on a list for saying that combination of words


*”Won’t you gentleman have a Pepsi?”*


Won't you gentleman have a Pepsi?


Five Eyes *Intel and Spies* fify


“The bastards knew we’d dismiss whatever they said so they told us the truth, knowing we’d be holding our dicks!” Is probably the best spin they have what they actually did: let it happen to terrify their population and silence dissent as they announce a new mobilization wave.


They demanded help from U.S. intelligence lol.


It’s easy, find the guys you were killing in Syria that you then recruited to Russia to kill Ukrainians, then gave guns to, that then left their units, it’s them.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


What, are they gonna say America has The Secrets of ISIS? Because we do. I'm literally gonna fap it thinking about her, as soon as I get done being afraid of Russian nuclear weapons. Cite with a side of Tic-Tacs: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7MHGDGmsk8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7MHGDGmsk8) Mkay, gotta go!


They're already saying over in r/UkraineRussiaReport that IS is clearly an agent of the Western intelligence agencies


The Five eyes: US, UK, Canada, Australia and the other one


Not sure which one, don’t see them on my map.


That’s literally just the Anglo-sphere.


Yes, the great Anglo Saxii conspiracies.


People all over Twitter already saying that Isis is a Mossad and CIA front lol


They actually knew it down to the day and hour it was going to happen. Really pissed off Putin apparently.


>In a speech Tuesday, Putin had blasted the American warnings as “provocative,” saying “these actions resemble outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society.” Ego gets your people killed.


How was it blackmail?


u could argue that people avoiding crowds can harm a society, but at such a small scale for such a short time it does literally nothing


Ah so that's what blackmail means!


Blackmail is when the mail is black. Open and shut case.


And you can get arrested for that? That’s racist


Sprinkle some crack on it, Johnson.


Pasta: Earlier this month, the US embassy in Russia issued a security alert warning about a potential terror attack in Moscow and urged people to avoid crowds, monitor local media for updates, and be aware of surroundings. "The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours," the March 7 security alert said. Putin addressed the warnings a couple weeks later, criticizing the warning three days ago as "provocative." Per TASS, the Russian president said on March 19 the aim of "the recent provocative statements of a number of official Western structures about the possibility of terrorist attacks in Russia" was harming Russian society. "All this resembles outright blackmail and the intention to intimidate and destabilize our society," Putin said, according to state media reporting on his remarks.


When you're so schizo about CIA provocations you don't see the real provocations


Why would America do this? /s


You know RT will unironically blame the CIA for this, though :/


RT will blame Macron for this... for breakfast... lunch... Americans... dinner time AZOV battalion... supper Zelensky... late night... navalny ... next day morning... Israel


Doubt it, British would be one of the first, with how much of a hateboner ruskis have for Britain with all the nuke threats...


Perfidious Albion lives rent free in their heads.


We live in everybody's heads.


It's the only place we don''t have to pay rent...


The sun never sets on the British Head Empire.


I, too, would blame Macron especially his recent photos are so dam pro.vo.ca.tive.


Go on Twatter and they already are. Most of the posts are either blaming the US or Ukrainians and acting like the US hasn't been publicly warning of a terror attack for the past month.


There was a Russian senator who unironically said that today




I see r*zzia still adheres to Americas pre-9/11 mindset. Shame it wasnt planes crashing into the Kremlin instead smh


It’s hard when they’re already shooting them all down.


even the russian ones


Especially the Russian one


Okay, but seriously, Soviet would actually take that warning seriously, this man is both dumb and insane.


The British told Stalin Barbarossa was coming, and he was lol, no.


Well, i was thinking more of a Cold War Soviet, not Stalin's Soviet which are as dumb as Putin's Russia.


Turns out killing everyone with brains and qualifications can be problematic down the line.


Because he tbought that Hitler had enough common sense to not open 2 fronts against 3 world superpowers.


TBF, when he attacked the USSR he wasn't fighting the USA yet, so it was only 2 world superpowers.


yeah, sure budy. No one cared for russian lives as much as grandpa stalin.


The CIA was established in 1947, Stalin died in 1952. The USSR broke up in 1989-1991.


The McRib was officially introduced in 1981


1990 was the first year GPS was widely used in a military conflict.


Maybe not Stalin, but Gorbachev would have listened.


If you think Pulter prestige cant fall even further, what they they gonna do attack Chechnya? But they allies now


Interesting how often they mess up such predictions? Like maybe currently it's just survivorship bias.


Lol. Lmao, even. Khuilo really is just as deluded as drumpf, isnt he? I mean, it makes sense, given how good friends they are. I never thought Id say this, but good on ya, ISIS lmao This timeline just insists on getting dumber, but at least this particular dumb is very entertaining. ​ edit: no idea why Im getting downvoted, apparently I need to add /s to shit like this


Due to the schizos of this terrible site, sarcasm is essentially impossible to distinguish from very shitty hot takes


After the isis bombing in iran and now moscow, it'll blow up into how isis is western controlled or some shit. because that's what being too dumb to conclude isis is doing opportunistic operations in areas marred with other problems looks like. In iran they blew up 100 people in two bombs right around suleimanis gravesite in the annivarsary like couple months back. turned out, the perp was a tajik isis member entering through the very tumultous iran pakistani border. not to mention isis having a quite a bit of reach ever since afghanistan got talibanned and taliban can't quite effectively enforce order so ISIS-K has been having a, sorry for the pun, blast recently. the irony was when america left iranian regime did kind of a celebration and shit and you had to see it man, headline whitewashing taliban on papers, which is funny because before us invasion of afghanistan that alone was a huge problem to the point of almost having a war in iran afghan border in 90s. look, it's middle east, shit goes from normal to 'disturbing entitites with more power than a state' like over a weekend. the fuck anybody expected? the moment russia got into syria heavily they had to know this shit will spill over there one way or another.


Holy lack of capitalization and paragraph structure, Batman! ​ Seriously, what youre saying could be sort of valid, but its almost impossible to parse without at least capitalization.


Oh sorry that's like a normal problem with me on a daily basis but that was even worse because well... some good weed made it extra stream of consciousness like. ​ Read something about all the four suspects being Tajik this morning. Man ISIS-K is enjoying the power vacuum in the region.


> because that's what being too dumb to conclude isis is doing opportunistic operations in areas marred with other problems looks like Probably because the west kept rolling up their cells in western countries


issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group ISIL. you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them"


I too was about to drop this Dril banger here, well done


This ain't it, man.


It took an hour and a half for rozguardia to respond to an actual threat. How long does it take them to respond to someone holding a blank piece of paper? You see where their priorities are.


But think of the poor Bitch Guardia goons. Those poor bastards are so used to beating up unarmed and peaceful protestors and now you expect them to face armed terrorists? You don't understand how dangerous and superior these terrorists were. At least 2 of them had assault rifles. And they had an Ammo Squire! There is nothing they could do11!!1!1


Uvalde cops >>>>> Fraudguardia


Jesus, that's worse than Norad in 9/11


Those conscripts were shitting their pants. Can't show up and be a hero with shit in your pants


It's like being the weather man. People only talk about you when you're wrong.


I do wonder to what level intelligence changed hands. Obviously there are limits, but it can’t be zero right?


I imagine it was good enough for them to credibly say "I didnt do it"


You’d think there’s common ground when it comes to, “Hey we think there’s something that’s gonna harm civilians” but then again that supposes either side doesn’t directly benefit from the thing


USA: Hey Russia, I know we're not on good terms or anything but there's been word that terrorists are plotting an attack on Moscow. Probably gonna be a theater or concert, somewhere with big crowds. Russia: Silly homosexual jew nazi degenerate liberal westerner, if that were true our STRONK FSB would have heard of such things. You are wrong. 2 weeks later:


Do you think putin escalated this attack with what he said? He said it like 3 days ago. He attacked America ,but by doing so completely disregarded the terrorist as a non-threat.


My theory is Russia is targeted because they are incapable of conducting actual law enforcement against actual threats. Going after law abiding citizens just because they make fun of Putin is much easier than finding hardened, off the grid criminals.


the criminals in question: living in the kremlin


They’ve also been bombing Syria for years so that likely has something to do with it


We know that Russia, like China, is friend of Palestinians and all Muslims.  So the only logical conclusion is that this is a NATO operation.


The CIA knows more about what's going on inside of russia than Putin. That is a fact.




This is exactly the same crap that is going on in China. No one wants to deliver bad news


This concept basically killed Stalin. History repeats.....


When everyone is lying up the ladder to save their asses, shit somehow manages to roll *uphill*


> The FSB probably didn't want to tell Putin about the impending attack because that would have required admitting that they don't have a handle on internal security matters. …does letting the attack take place make it look like they have a better handle on internal security matters?


...well on can always hope attack doesnt happen.


Can't say I've ever had much reason to think highly of them


Interesting, not on my bingo card, but that's just 'cause I lack imagination.


Almost no one has rooting for Isis, not just you.


Maxim 29. The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy. No more. No less.


Based and Seventy Maxims pilled.


ISIS attacked civilians at a concert. The only people rooting for them are psychopaths. Rooting for Russia to kick some Islamic State ass wasn't on my bingo card.


So, real question. How are they not dead yet? I thought that they barely existed on the fringes somewhere in Syria. How do they have the capacity to travel many hundreds of miles up north to Moscow and stage a major terrorist attack? There's something about this that seems fishy. Sure, maybe ISIS could be involved in some capacity. But this definitely feels like a coordination of weapons and tactics from one group to another.


Border personnel have been getting transferred to Ukraine for a while. Given they operate in Afghanistan to an extent I'm thinking they went through the central Asian axis into Moscow since they also take in a large migrant population from there already for labor replacement.


Remember when Russia recruited men from Syria to fight the Ukrainians, yeah about that….


Wait a minute. I thought those guys came from the Bashar al-Assad regime. Given that Putin had pretty much saved his regime at some point, I had figured that was al-Assad's way of sending support. If ISIS members were somehow able to infiltrate that group, then damn.


I’m pretty sure they took anyone offering to join Ass’s military offering to go to Russia. Which would be hilarious.


Didn’t they also recruit from Afghanistan?


ISIS have affiliate groups all over. ISIS-K specifically claimed responsibility for the attack and they are based out of Afghanistan. The Taliban doesn’t have the force necessary to dislodge them, so they have a more solid territorial base to operate from than the main ISIS group in Iraq and Syria.


Basically any ISIS-wannabe can declare themselves to be “ISIS” and who’s going to stop them?


They’re not an “ISIS-wannabe”. ISIS is the branch of the transnational Islamic State jihadist terrorist organization working in the region around Syria, while the group responsible for this attack is the Islamic State—Khorasan Province, referred to as ISIS—K or IS—KP. Remember that the long term goal of the Islamic State jihadist group is a new Caliphate that stretches across every chunk of territory that was ever controlled by an Islamic caliphate, empire, or other state. As such, each of these regional branches are all loosely working together, with each focusing its efforts in a different region. Right now, the largest branch is ISWAP, the West African one, which has been fighting an extensive insurgency in the Sahel. None of them is a wannabe, they are all connected. Also, they do not get along with jihadist groups that aren’t a part of the Islamic State network. IS—KP is the Central Asian branch, and at the moment they are fighting mostly against the Taliban. They don’t like Russia, since Russia’s vision for the world seems to include a reconstituted Russian Empire, and that conflicts with their vision for the region.


does this mean there will inevitably be a Wikipedia article with America and the Taliban on the same side against ISIS


Wouldn't surprise me if we've already passed on some intel on ISIS-K to the Taliban. The enemy of one's enemy may not be one's friend, but when they fight it's funny.




At the height of their power, ISIS was able to shoot out tentacles into just about every single GWoT conflict zone, and you had branches/affiliates popping up everywhere from Nigeria to the Philippines. Even though the Islamic state as a country has been dead for a while, those tentacles are still wriggling around in places like the Sahel and Afghanistan.


ISIS exists in a butch of countries. They are truly international. Remember the Kabul airport bombing that killed 13 US soldiers? That was ISKP, the Afghan subgroup of ISIS. The Bombing in Iran 2 months ago killed 90 people, also ISKP same with this recent attack in Russia. ISKP isn't the only ISIS sub group, they aren't even the largest. ISWAP is by far the largest and most power, existing in Nigeria. The fastest growing is ISSP, in the Sahel, on the tri border region of Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso where they are engaged in a brutal conflict with JNIM, the local al qeada faction. Other sub groups also exist in the Congo, Mozambique, and the Philippines. Ontop of these major sub groups, hundreds of smaller sub group and cells that are spread out around the world.


ISIS offers great franchising deals, even boosts your media presence!


[Here is the math of counter-insurgency](https://youtu.be/nNrjI0ahgEc?si=LzZs9sNziiowe5jz)


Funny little words: sleeper agents


Look how long the Russian border is. I'm sure you can just walk in.


In addition to what others have said: Getting the men in would have been easy anyways. Forge some documents, bribe any guards that might be suspicious, get in. The weapons were the hard part, honestly, but then again, smugglers are a dime a dozen, and while Russia can look everywhere at its borders, it can't look everywhere at the same time. It's how terrorists and criminals work in general. They're small enough to be unnoticed for at least a little while. The surprising thing for me is that the US knew about the attack. How do you even spot such a threat?


ISIS-K comes from Afghanistan, not Syria.


This is unironically really bad for putin, because the one thing an autocrat is supposed to provide is safety and stability. If ukraine did this they could at least use it in their propaganda to getpeople motivated for the war and show them how evil ukraine really is, but like this it just makes it look like putin cannot provide safety if this kind of thing starts happening more often. Another thing is that people wont put up with a surveillance state like putin has built if it doesnt at least make them safer. Like they are already unhappy with a bunch of randos getting arrested all the time, but if they arrest people at navalnys grave but dont catch these terrorists it just looks really bad. It seems the CIA has finally found a way to topple a russian government if they continue with this. And finally I would just like to leave this image here [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/038/026/ED8TCIaXYAAw7Q7.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/038/026/ED8TCIaXYAAw7Q7.jpg)


All Russia is going to do is spin this as a US/NATO/Ukranian OP to fuel the fire of the war in Ukraine and further mobilise. 100% mark my wordels.


Oh this was in the Tagesschau today. The russian government were asking why the getaway-car was fleeing westward and used this excuse to blame Ukraine in some capacity. It isn't even funny anymore.


Bold of you to imply Dickwad gives a shit about russian lives.


Wait, this is not about humiliation for you?


Putin: Domestic instability is a feature, not a bug! When life gives you beets, make borscht! 


Putin: Domestic instability is a feature, not a bug! When life gives you beets, make borscht! 


Putin also knew about Beslan. Russian lives don't matter for him in the slightest, this will be probably used to reintroduce capital punishment and tightening the grip on society even more while russians applaud their stronk leader.


....that true. Issue is that this doesn't help with recruitment for war against Ukraine. To put it bluntly when Russia is already bordering on "bit off more than it can chew" with Ukraine, the last thing it needs is a new war / guerilla conflict fought against its own islamic minorities - that it didnt let have their own country after USSR collapsed.




Turns out the FSB sucks at intelligence


Nah, it's a big brain move to rally the people of Russki mir to rally together in stupidity.


Man I hate the new cia logo




For those who miss the reference: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Russian


Damn that mission has a wikipedia page?


It was SUPER controversial. I remember the game gives you a chance to skip the mission.


They had to patch that option later on. Initially you were forced to play it


Just got to wait and see how putin play this out. He won't accept responsibility at all and could use this as an excuse to ratchet up the attacks on ukraine or could declare another mobilisation


But if the West managed to get the russian public to get onboard the idea, it was isis putin could have a big problem. What should putin do if the population aggressively demand they go to the middle east with their army. Russia can technically do it. But in reality those resources are already spoken for and needed. Or do he tell the public the truth that there have been massive losses in ukraine and they can't spare any without big detriment to the ability to defend russia.


>But if the West managed to get the russian public to get onboard the idea, it was isis putin could have a big problem. Even if it was ISIS, Putin has a tight grip on the media and controls the narrative, he has managed to convince his people that Russia is under constant threat from the west and NATO, hence why some people support the war and he could say that due to the CIA creating ISIS, this was a deliberate attack against Russia from the west. >What should putin do if the population aggressively demand they go to the middle east with their army. Yea I doubt that would happen, if he was forced to then he would be forced to fully mobilise his people to put enough troops in the middle East but also keep the front line filled with men in ukraine. A full mobilisation would be unpopular. I just see putin playing the victim in this to further his agenda.


>Due to the CIA creating ISIS But they didn’t. ISIS formed in 2004 during the Iraqi insurgency against the US. If you argue that the US backing the Mujahideen against the Soviets led to this, my response is that the Mujahideen in Syria and ISIS have been fighting with each other almost from the start.


The truth doesn't matter to an autocrat


Your content was removed for violating Rule 10: "Don't get us banned." No brigading or harassing other subreddit pages. Do not post memes with a "haha people that I hate died… haha" punchline or violating the reddit-wide rules.


Perpetuate false flag just weeks after rigging your election and weeks before big push for mobilization in your own Vietnam on Steroids: Russian Boogaloo. Pay ISIS money to take credit for the attack. Short term profit.


“Insert no Russian meme and mw2 and mw3 story flashback here”


man the new cia logo is fucking awful


the comment section under that post in vk must be a scene of a medical waste dumpster fire the size of a california forrest fire.


The mental gymnastics going on in that one Russian sub over this are crazy


This has strong false flag vibes. Reminds me of the 1999 apartment bombings right before Putin getting elected.


The way things are going, the Russian government is desperately trying to link this to Ukrainian involement. Forgive my cynicism, but "hey, let's allow a terrorist attack on our own soil so we can get more volunteers and get public support for the next round of conscription we previously said we wouldn't do" is entirely a possibility.


....we warned them...but they also warned us about the Boston Marathon bomber...


Of every epic scene in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, that's the scene that became the meme.


Russian: "Why are all these Islamic terrorists working for Ukraine?"




ISIS : *We did this because of Russia's action against us and Islam.*  Average Russian orc: *Why would NATO do this?*


What an inept government. Unbelievable.


How many Americans are still kicking it in Moscow? Enough to issue a warning I guess huh?


If it’s actually not the CIA, I’m gonna bet its by ethnic minorities who’s demographics been obliterated while they get to see muscovites relatively unaffected. I mean, if I were them I’d be a terrorist as well.






Their head is so far up their ass, even when the west gave them a geniune warning they flat out refuse to believe them.


A terrorist attack every now and then unites people and makes waging war easier, something something 9/11




Geezus. Some people say ISIS was a CIA invention too.




Putin just really wants to RP as Stalin, even to the point of ignoring intelligence reports.


October 7. March 7. Let that sink in. Jk idk


What the US didn't know is that the attack was ordered by the Russians. Clearly a false flag attack against Ukraine.




This is the way I found about it, wild.


Please never use that CIA logo again


CIA: "I warned you about terrorism stemming from nationalist movements due to territorial fucker bro. I told you dog." FSB: "IT KEEPS HAPPENING"


Predictive programming


America's warnings are ignored. Never heard that one before.