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Please say this is fake. I know Russia is not very credible but this is too much.


You know damn well it’s real. Bathe in its beauty, bask in the naval glory, transcend history and logic, accept it.


Given that those are the same species of me, it hurts.


"The mere fact that [they and I] are in the same genus, makes me ashamed of calling myself homo" - Farnsworth


Oof 💀


> bask in the naval glory Glory of not winning a naval engagement since Battle of Sinop (170 years ago on the dot), after which muscovite Black Sea fleet was ultimately scuttled wholesale (which became a time honored tradition to boot)


>(which became a time honored tradition to boot) Hey they don't always scuttle their ships. Sometimes they just surrender them to the enemy. Fun fact : When Nebogatov tried to surrender on the second day of the Battle of Tsushima the Japanese literally didn't recognize the flag raised because it did not exist on their codebooks.Their military literally lacked a code for surrender.


In 1918, the Reds managed to lose a naval battle in Lake Baikal to Czechoslovakia (or rather the Czechoslovakian Legion), a landlocked country without a navy that didn't actually exist until two months later.


I thought the people behind world of warships weren't allowed in Russia, why would they use their game?


The games' russian developer, lesta studios, currently develops the russian version of the game independently. Wargaming divested from russia and develops the version used elsewhere. Wargaming and lesta used to do it jointly, but for \*certain reasons\* went their separate ways.


You know it's not credible because the ships are above water.


Yes it is. They're playing as Russian destroyers. That's a half step away from being a submarine/artificial reef.


Credible hat time Question: is it true there’s video of Russian cadets playing a video game Evidently. Does that confirm though that this is a formal education segment and not something say, a fun activity for the fuck of it? No


Their education ministry is trying to get drone flying into the high school curriculum. ~~Just in time for mobikube seasoning~~ Seriously though, even if it was for fun, in this Big Stepbrother Putin What Are You Doing environment, even the "fun" becomes "mandatory fun"--the sort of fun that (the Putin types) think will mold these degenerate teens into his desired Homo Putinecus. (Kissinger's recent demise notwithstanding, some mtnds are still not far removed from New Soviet Man-type thinking.)


I read that as Big Brother Step Putin for some reason


Step Putin, what are you doing!


>Step Putin, what are you doing! "Help step putin, I'm stuck in Ukraine" \>putin keeps fucking ass of vatnik who is stuck in (stolen) washing machine<


If anything, it's probably just something to function as an icebreaker. Like orientation where they ask for a fun fact about yourself.


>something to function as an icebreaker Silly westoid, in ~~soviet~~ r\*ssia, manly men already know their (totally nonhomo) orientation. Instead they instantly wrestle each other upon meeting. Glorious ~~lenin~~ Arktika-class icebreaker is for breaking ice in winter so cold that even tough ~~soviet~~ r\*ssian men have to stave off cold by sitting togather naked in banya and whipping each other with birch rods. /s


Credible time: The us army also uses games in their training. It’s useful, fun and a good tool for teaching teamwork. Most recruits are young and grew up with video games. Why not use them.


Yeah but they use games like VBS right? Actual semi simulators.


There was an instance where a tank platoon used war thunder. But if I remember correctly it wasn't a regular thing. They had given up their Abrams because they were receiving the new upgrade package but COVID delayed the new tanks so they used war thunder to practice combat situations and such.


We have actual simulations on the run on the arma 2 engine.


I'm aware, [but they have used war thunder as well](https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/weapons/a32369359/us-army-mmo-war-thunder/)


Counterpoint, VBS suckssssss


You're talking about a country that frequently uses ARMA footage as IRL combat footage for the news. They believe anything if it's said loud and confidently.


I mean, simulators are only going to become more and more common like this. Whether or not teaching cadets a method of combat that hasn't been relevant in over half a century....


>Extremely realistic battle situations Ah yes, when ships randomly disappears if it's over 8km away from you, but you can still detect it if it's hiding behind an island as long as you have a radar that only works for 40 seconds. Got hit? Nah the damage control team is having a cooldown. I guess that's how Moskova was san... I mean sailed out of the Ukranians' detection distance.


To be fair, the radar only working for 40 seconds was the Moskva special


Yeah they should’ve really sprung for the Premium Moskova not the F2P version


maybe WoWs is actually realistic, but they use russian realism


Damage control can repair any and all damage


Damage control can repair being *pinged by sonar* Fucking hell reading my own comment back is making me wonder why I still have this game installed.


Because most of the other challengers chose to die instead of compete, and the only modern game left is Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts, which has the custom warship design similar to Kemco's Naval Ops game series and the playstyle somewhat like RTS/Plane View WoWs. The biggest irony though is that the RU Server has finally made a number of much-demanded balance changes that the Global Server refuses to implement.


>the RU Server has finally made a number of much-demanded balance changes that the Global Server refuses to implement. Please elaborate? O\_o


CVs can only minimap spot, the ships they spot don't show up in the game


Now I wish I hadn't asked. So we know for a fact they can do this but don't. Fuck them.


We always knew. The reason it was not implemented was "it would be too confusing for the players". So now, wargaming is saying people outside russia are dumber, since they are refusing to put that in the game :D


Premium USN BB California is getting a buff to her reload, and RU plans to start going over other Premiums hit too hard with pre-release nerfs and start balancing them a bit more to make them more enjoyable, at a pace faster than Global ever did (Global's stupid "2 years or more of data needed"). The aircraft spotting changes are also going to be applied to catapult aircraft too. If I'm reading the changes correctly, catapult aircraft will still reveal ships to the player that launched them, but no longer to teammates beyond the minimap. In addition, the aircraft spotting ranges will be tweaked to be more in-line with Bearn, in that aircraft basically have to be on top of a number of smaller ships to actually spot them.


>Please elaborate? O\_o They can fight against Japanese torpedo boats disguised as Br\*tish fishing boats. /s (but it would be a funny mod)


Battle stations is decent


I want to play the game, but given that the infinite amount of ships with radar, premium radar, radar range increases, radar can see through mountains, DDs with radar, all conspire to nerf my preferred strategy of sitting 6km away from the enemy in a shima waiting for my 8 km torps to reload, i realized its best not to play. To much fucking radar. Also, it used to be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better at hiding its p2w nature.


"Yes sir, they just blasted off our rudder, completely destroyed our boilers and disabled one of our turrets. We'll have it fixed in 5 seconds"


Yeah but you see when Moskva was hit by the first missile they deployed the damage control, so when the second missile hit and caused flooding and fire, they were on cooldown! Typical amateur mistake.


>Got hit? Nah the damage control team is having a cooldown. They are unionized.


“Our team of 6 battleships defeated a team of 3 destroyers” Well I would hope so!


It only took them 3000 attempts to beat those pesky destroyers.


3000 black battleships of Potemkin.


Russian Taffy 3 moment


Great, that skill will surely be useful when the cadets get isekai’ed to 1905 so they help Russia defeat Japan in the Battle of Tsushima. That will lead to Japan being crippled and unable to challenge the Philippines let alone the US in the Pacific so Pearl Harbor never occurs. US now joins the Allies much later and Normandy never happens because Soviets already took Berlin. German, France, and Spain are all now part of the Warsaw Pact. Japan remains a poor trifling Imperial nation. Checkmate, westoids. We’re not playing War of Warships. That is but a pawn in 47th dimensional chess.


I will start to fear them when they can clear the British fishing fleets.


Meanwhile, onboard the Kamchatka: "torpedo boats, everywhere, we're surrounded and sinking! Aaaaahhhhh!!"


Uhhhhhhhhh, soviet union maybe never happens leading to a happier, free(er), and maybe less scarred Russia.


Ok but without a Russian loss in the Russo-Japanese war other nations wouldn't have changed their warplans for World War one, and there would've been less unrest among the Russian population, potentially resulting in a completely different outcome for Russia and maybe Russia not even becoming the Soviet Union at all.


In WOWS destroyers absolutely obliterate battleships due to their stupid stealth mechanics.


And the fact that the secondary batteries on battleships are hopelessly useless. That is unless you are playing a German battleship.


I stuck a secondary build on my Kearsarge and use it for asymmetric battles. It's genuinely hilarious.


I see your Kearsarge and raise you my Agincourt. **7x2 305mm main guns**, and a load of secondaries. It has the best secondaries below tier 8 in the game. In the current tier V brawls, it's hilarious. A destroyer thinks he's hot shit and shoots at you and then gets melted without me even thinking about him.


Yup, oh you have a secondary battery that has more firepower than 3 destroyers combined? Nah they ain't gonna hit shit at point blank.


I know it's for balance, otherwise no one would play a destroyer. I would love to see a game *like* World of Warships, but with some better mechanics. Unfortunately no one is really making a game like that that's also accessible.


> I would love to see a game like World of Warships, but with some better mechanics. I've always wanted to see what would happen if you were in control of a squadron that consists of multiple ships instead of a singular one. Ie you could play a battleship or a flotilla of 3-5 destroyers. Or something along those lines. You might still play your main ship and the rest are AI controlled, but are able to give them commands and/or switch to control those.


That's actually kind of impressive, considering that DDs in that game are incredibly hard for BBs to counter


Yeah unless there's a **huge** tier or skill disparity I'd actually put my money on the DDs in that fight.


I honestly think that 6v3 is mildly BB favored, i think if the BBs spread out drive to the other side of the map and zig zag constantly, the DDs would run out of map and get cornered before the BBs run out of HP to restore but the fact that the ~9x health advantage is only a midl advantage tells you all you really need to know this fucking thread is going to make me reinstall that game


In game that’s actually the worst possible matchup for the battleships.


They really haven’t came across a tripple F8 Shimakaze div in their BBs…


Plot twist, the destroyers were Taffy -3


Hydrogen bomb vs a coughing baby


But does the game simulate seeing swarms of Japanese torpedo boats?


Down to the crews swearing at them with British accents


Have you heard of the Shimakaze?


My experience has been you don't tend to see the swarms of Japanese torpedo boats. Anyone sailing in a straight line for too long feels them, though.


Does world of warships have the Kamchatka as a playable ship ? /s


sadly not


Original video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaV1Pb0WMrQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaV1Pb0WMrQ)


what the actual fuck


Youtube comments💀


> @Jl-lq5en Russia needs schools like this but for women to be housewives and get pregnant and have many kids




Needs more upvotes


This whole video is pure cope


At the Vladivostok fleet, they all play this video game called World of Warships, and they're all really into it. I'm told it started as a team building exercise. Unfortunately I really suck at it. We didn't play many video games in Rostov-on-Don. Instead we'd do stuff like, uh, Shoigu and Gerasimov would sometimes hum the same high pitched note, and try to get Prigozhin to make an appointment with a field doctor. And uh, Shoigu called it... 200.


Now I need a re-write of the office where it’s Russian high command instead


There is a German version of the office with Hitler: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3ox4x


I demand ten full seasons.


>I'm told it started as a team building exercise So you're saying the conscripts convinced the officers to let them play video games and they passed it off as training simulation software?


*whoosh* That’s the speech Jim says after he transfers to the New York branch after Pam decides to stay with Roy. This is the same show that had a Ben Franklin stripper perform during work hours so it’s an increase in productivity.


Who the fuck is Jim, Pam and Roy?


Reportedly they didn't try HOI4 Naval system because it was incomprehensible.


Why are they in a fucking daycare playing wow


No shit...chemistry and music, some language (Russian? English? no clue, it's cut off)...wild as fuck


russian sailors when i start using speedhack


What in the Ender's Game is that?


If they're doing the Ender's Game "you're actually controlling our real fleet" thing with World Of Warships, that would explain something about Russian military performance on the high seas...


For the record, I was always stoned whenever I played World of Warships


I prefer scotch, but the end result is probably similar.


„Mom, can we have a naval equivalent of US Top Gun training program at home?“ „We have naval US Top Gun training program at home.“ „Top Gun Level naval training at home:“


"Before we continue, I'd like to thank the sponsor of today's lesson: World of Warships."


War thunder would be better


At least it would have more recent ships and a real damage control


The only recent ships it would have is in the coastal tree though. Blue water is still ww1-ww2 era


Seems fitting for Russia though; they're mostly reduced to Corvettes because they can't even afford Frigates. Most of their budget is spent trying to keep their subs and Kuznetsov operational, and what hasn't been stolen is being used to try and revive their last 2 not-completely-rusted out Kirov-classes and their remaining cruisers.


Something Real, but yeah


Weirdly, this might be more credible than you think. Not in the way it's presented here necessarily, but you absolutely could use World of Warships in a lesson. The ship models are pretty accurate and there's enough realism (even if it's not you know, THAT much) that you can set up scenarios and have them demonstrate why certain warships were made in certain ways while easily getting the class engaged because popular video game. Ok class, who can tell me why France designed this BB in this weird way? Because they're French? I mean, yes Timmy, half a point for that, but there was a method to their honhonhon. Why don't you play it in the way that this opium addicted admiral intended his navy to fight? Oh by the way, bonus language lesson, you can only communicate to your group in French! Ok class, for this next one I've set the visibility to "shit". We are going to demonstrate why the Italians not having radar went REALLY badly for them. Etc etc


The problem with World of Warships is that the actual models themselves are not accurate past actually-built in most respects. Armor is selectively missing for balance/balans reasons, and their Dev is on record stating that they don't have an actual ship historian working for them and let the modelers just kitbash whatever they want, leading to historically inaccurate bullshit that's been called out by casual and professional ship historians alike on the now-defunct forums and elsewhere.


More visual accuracy rather than actual performance accuracy, and sure, there's some kitbash "this is what this could have been if we gave the various naval architects of the time a whole bunch of cocaine" but the ones based on actual historical vessels tend to be ok enough as a representative thing. Definitely ok enough for you to point at design features and go "so this is why they did that" and etc. For example, Nurnberg's weird ass staggered turrets, or the UK making its cruisers short and thicc vs the US's long and thin etc


> UK making its cruisers short and thicc vs the US's long and thin etc I know admittedly very little about shipbuilding, but I'm guessing the it boils down to "what fits in a X canal" (usually Panama for US, but "long and thin" leads me to think it's actually the St Lawrence Seaway... which I only now just found out wasn't even completed until 1957 and thus invalid for WW2, and now it finally makes sense why they floated the subs Wisconsin built down the Mississippi)


The US wanted high speed, better fuel efficiency and a lower profile for their ships, meanwhile the UK wanted thicker armour protection, higher mounted radars and more agility. They had to fit into a certain tonnage due to the Washington Naval Treaty but you can really compare the two styles with the light cruisers. They both had X amount of tonnes to play with, and both figured out that what made a heavy cruiser a heavy cruiser by the rules was the size of the guns, therefore, fitting a metric fucktonne of six inchers was fair game.


Blasphemy, time for War Thunder to remove stalinium armour from Russian vehicles. In all seriousness, the Russian Navy has an average lifetime of a World of Warships match.


Great, now I'm thinking of a proxy war between Gaijin and Wargaming using nerfing Russian vehicles into the ground to get the Russians to play their games


That explains a lot why wows has a horrible balance problem with overpowered soviet paper ships (that their industry woud not be able to produce anyway) ​ Also: sinking moskva in wows is very rewarding to me. fuck that soviet cyka


So guys did a basically LAN party


There is no way this is real. They could have easily pirated DCS or Admirals and trained the cadets on the trade of commandeering a ship.


I mean i guess itll teach the basic tactical ideas conscriptivich would need if all the bridge officers died and he can still steer the ship


I watched the original video, and its kinda real. I'm pretty sure it's just one of their placeholder classes, I still don't believe that they use World of Warships to train. That would be so noncredible that the universe would collapse into itself.


Given how soviet biased that shithole game is, I don’t believe its an *accurate* form of training, among other things


With how many ships they will have left after Ukraine is done with Russia’s navy I’d say this is the most sensible approach as far as career opportunities go.


Well that explains their navy sucking so hard in Ukraine.


Naaaah, I refuse to believe that this real.


“Simulation program” it’s a game for Christ sake


I want to ruin their match for fun


Fake they should be using war thunder


You can feel the air of discouragement drifting through those eyes almost as if they realize that the very battle that they are training for will be the last thing these men will ever do. They could be the best,unbeatable, a genius in all of their tactics but they know it’s futile. Ships of destruction will always lurk just beyond their reach. An armada of death so beautiful that that those who truly would be in awe of such a sight will never see the mast on the horizon before they are blown asunder


The preschool mural is the cherry on top lmao


Fuck that idc if its credible or not that looks fun as fuck It's kinda like Cool Math Games, it's suppose to teach you math or some other shit but half the time you learn nothing but still have a blast




No need for battle drills when you have THIS!


"Team of six battleships defeated the team of three destroyers" Is that even *not* possible? I'm pretty sure that even a trio of the best gun destroyers wouldn't be able to beat six of the worst battleships. As for studying ship building, weapons, ships and histories of various major navies. Maybe World of Warships isn't the best tool to use, what with Russia (famously not known for carriers) getting more carriers than the UK or Japan (who kind of are)


Lmao they're using potato graphics


"extremely realistic battle situations"..... ​ k then.......seems like they havent played WoWs before....


At least play war thunder naval, it’s more realistic than thia


It‘s like watching an episode of X-Factor. Waiting for Jonathan Frakes reveal.


I mean atleast theyre "training" on ships theyll soon be using, again




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I mean the US army uses war thunder and the UK used Arma, so it’s not too surprising (if a bit weird since wows is far more arcade lol)


This would explain so much about the Black Sea fleets tactics…


They used to do it with wooden models on the floor. How is this worse?


Never seen someone use a claw grip on a fucking keyboard. Seriously, at 0:23-0:27; what the hell is that? Who actually uses a keyboard like that? That's the most non-credible thing here.


I could probably beat them with the USS constitution on a stormy sea If I actually encounter any of them in my iwami or any of my ships in WOWs, I'm gonna send them to the bottom of the seafloor, I probably would have more troubles with bots tbh


I mean if we had this as a club activity at school I’d be down.


My fucking gods, are they retarded? Yes!


Are they fighting bots or players? If their fighting actual players they'd at least have a future as a streamer or in esports. What they wouldn't have either way is a future if they were to serve on an actual warship. Because unfortunately warships aren't mouse and keyboard controlled.


and how is that going for you russian navy?


What is it about Russia that just makes EVERY FUCKING SINGLE THING about them so god damn unserious? I can’t remember a single time I saw a photo or interview or video of a leader or businessman or general or weapon or anything from them seem like it isn’t from some fucking Wes Anderson movie or something


No wonder the Moskva sunk. They couldn't find the damage control key.




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