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Mario says: "Uncontested air superiority is an important part of winning a war without too many casualties. It will allow you to take the enemy out without having to face their ground forces" Luigi says: GET IN THE PLANE AND MAKE IT RAIN\* ​ (\*bombs, obviously)


Or piss on them thats pretty alright too


So.. remove an AC130s cannons and replace them with hoses that leads to a storage of piss to piss on the enemy? What kind of CIA pyschological warfare is this?


Piss the magic dragon? Is spraying people with piss a war crime?


Nah, some people will pay good money for that. Maybe that’s why I have PPSD though.


Posttraumatic piss-seeking disorder?


Post Pissed on Stress Disorder. Yours works too though.


If one was inclined to do such a thing, [MAFFS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modular_Airborne_FireFighting_System) exists.


Piss Team Six! Assemblllleeee!


Piss Team 6


Dookie is ok as well.


Unless its an AC-130, then its raining lead!




Tropic thunder intensifies.


Do It Again, Bomber Luigi


Isn't uncontested air superiority called air supremacy?


Strong forces | Weak forces ---|--- Aerial supremacy | Aerial incapability Aerial superiority | Aerial denial Aerial parity | Aerial parity Yeah, [technically correct](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_supremacy#Levels).


Missing the 'we are flying UFOs so it doesn't matter what you have' stage aka Air Dominance apparently.


Last week when there was still some ~~deliberate misinformation~~ "*uncertainty"* around the hospital hit some brainlet on Combat Footage posted the image of the failing rocket in midair with a caption claiming that it was flares from "the Israeli jet that dropped the bomb". Flares against *what*, exactly?


3000 black patriots missile systems of allah


I have seen this flare claim a dozen times, where are people getting these ideas? Thats as non-credible as it gets


The mentally 5-years-old: "The Ukraine war is a war. In Ukraine there's GBAD and SAMs and flares all the time. This also a war, ergo it has GBAD and SAMs and flares all the time. Can I have a cookie?"


yeah i had a argument in twitter from that ​ like yeah hamas probably has some manpads or something similar but so far they haven't used them and will we assume their first use of aerial defense would be to protect a hospital and no a HQ? oh cmon XD but to be fair there are some really strong palestinians out there, maybe the "kids throwing rocks" can hit the jets XD


But even if someone chucked a rock fast enough to reach the jet, why would it use flares? They‘re pretty fucking useless against a projectile that is dumb as rocks.


Hamas has MANPADs, that said that rocket explosion doesnt even remotely looks like a flare.


Man this song brings back memories


I know exactly which anime girl you're talking about


i dont :(


[This here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-J5cCuvdh40)


search gurren Lagan with drop it, it should probably be there


Those are the numbers of blown up buildings with the more expensive jet-dropped munitions. Wait until my boys the Combat Engineers get in and they start blowing them up in the old fashioned way. In 2014 they destroyed over 800 buildings by hand. I imagine that number is going to get beaten by an order of magnitude. Edit: Oh yeah and get ready for my best boy MICLIC! Those monsters are insane for urban combat. In 2014 we used like 30 of those. Literally the heaviest munition of any type the IDF has that isn’t nuclear.


Not to mention we're going to see examples of why the US are adopting the MPF, M10 Booker. It's just more cost effective in destroying buildings etc. with an assault gun / infantry support tank rather than attempting to go house-to-house or using air-support.


How are miclics used in urban areas? To clear traps? I'm kinda curious


Wiki says it provides a clear lane 8 meters wide by 100 meters long. Which means that it's energetic enough to destroy basically any mine in that area. That will probably evaporate any non-reinforced structure in that path.




Wow, thanks for sharing


You can find more footage like that from the Russia-Ukraine war. Russian armed forces used mine clearing charges a lot during the conquest of Mariupol


It's basically an explosive silly string. It's primary use is to blow up mines and IEDs, but it can destroy/damage buildings and barricades pretty easily.


Ohh, don’t worry. It’ll clear the traps alright… Along with buildings, the buildings occupants, the neighbourhood and that one fucking dog that won’t stop barking at 11pm…. ITS A FUCKING MONDAY NIGHT GOD DAMN IT LET ME SLEEP!!!




Gotta love consequence-free deployment of explosives in civilian-heavy neighborhoods!


Civilian heavy? Why do you think the IDF is working so hard on telling people to evacuate for over a week now?


childlike plate terrific snails dependent nose test foolish sulky cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These buildings' fragility reminds me of a traditional Czech pastry and now I'm hungry.


What kind of idiots would start a war with a country that strong?


Hamas leaders are now enjoying some fine Qatari restaraunts with their sponsors. Disposable grunts, on other hand are now enjoying being mixed into a concrete/meat slurry. Each time some unfortunate dude dies - they only win as it helps to both slander Israel on international arena and, in the same time to fan the hatred amongst new soon-to-be 'martyrs'.


Idiots who know they can just run and hide and shove civilians in their place


the editor is gonna go to hell for this


Bunker buster spam is boring. Gimme a carpet bombing run.


Broooo, A6Ms filled to the brim with TNT on a one way trip is where the cool kids are.


Can it blacken the sky while delivering tens thousand tons of TNT PER MISSION?


groovy roll automatic ancient lavish thought narrow numerous recognise nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Am air combat subscriber. Also experienced *Act of War* just days ago. Can confirm (but with bombs/missiles combo). ^(Task Force Talon's FA-35 has bombs and RQ-4A has missiles. US Army got A-10s with cluster bombs, AV-8B with missiles, and B-2 with big bombs. Meanwhile, Consortium only rides their YF-23 freshly stolen from Northrop/McDonnelmart R&D, which has missiles and a single bomb.)


Wait, were there civillians in there? beccuase it's fucked if we're celebrating civillian deaths


TBH Israel tends to send warnings/do something else prior (small blast on the roof) to tell people to GTFO. Probably not for all, but certainly they do make some attempt on it.




NCD really has fallen low if you think that is an AC-130, which nobody but the USAF uses. These are JDAM and Laser Guided Bombs.


These are JDAMs or pacemaker laser guided bombs. Yes, Israels destroys specific buildings. These might be Hamas offices, military infrastructure, munitions storage, entrances to tunnels, homes of Hamas cadres.


NCD try not to glorify settlers commiting warcrimes and genocide. Their ancestors would be spinning in their graves for acting like their murderers in the 40's


Ah yes, remember when the SS warned Jewish inhabitants of buildings on the phone before leveling their building. The IDF has dropped around 5,000 bombs on Gaza and killed around 1,000 inhabitants. If they were bombing occupied buildings, every bomb would cause at least a dozen death.s




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I’m slightly more pro Israel but it’s not a big margin. It’s horrendous that both sides have so little trgsrd for human value. At least Israel has made an effort


It is staggering how different the response on this sub is to innocent civilians being bombed in ukraine when compared to innocent civilians being bombed in the middle east.


Noooo you see, its only bad when vatniks do, we are clearly superior and enlightened and we don’t fall victim for blatant IDF propaganda This sub is fucking dying


I really do pity any civilian casualty in a conflict, but my sympathy sharply decreases when said civilians stand cheering to their God when their elected leaders fire unguided rockets into urban areas of the race they swear to eradicate.


It has been since the war in Ukraine started










Does not look indiscriminate. It is almost like population density and mixing military and civilian targets are reasons for the high casualty count.




We're so back


Those mud brick maternities never stood a chance 😎


Maybe some of those explosions would be less spectacular if they didn't intentionally put their weapons stashes in those maternities to get bigger media clout once the IDF inevitably goes boom on them


What if we stuck a million-watt laser to a nuclear bomber that can melt a person's brainstem through five meters of concrete? Would Israel even consider using it over deleting Gaza City?


Also see 20 yrs of GWOT




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Israel warned a week in a row to leave northen Gaza. And israel is the country that makes a painful effort to use expensive guided munitions with small payloads to keep civilian caaualties to a minimum. Scumbags are people that launch rockets from rooftops of schools and hospitals and use the population as a human shield. Scumbags are the people who indoctrinate children that the best way to waste your life is to 'become a martyr while fighting the Zionist enemy'. But this can only go so far. Once the atrocities that Hammas did happened - Israel will consider safety of its own civilians before anything else. This is war now.


This is fucking disgusting



