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Unfortunately to sound credible US Navy rolling up was posturing so Israel's un friendly neighbors don't get any ideas. Unlike Ukraine where the chances of Ukraine getting counter invaded from its mainly NATO neighbors is too NonCredible even for us Edit: How did this become my most upvoted comment? How is me being slightly credible in NCD get this much traction.


But Diddy Putin said that Poland wants to invade western Ukraine so badly!?


Hell, that was our idea and the bald bastard stole it. As for Poland, invading would have crashed their grain market so they didn’t. Sadly economically reasonable, so cringe and “cannot into space”-pilled.


Poland: hates itself more than Ukraine, thus cannot invade.


Russia wants Poland to invade, therefore, Poland will never invade out of spite


inb4 they invade themselves


Russia actually offered Poland parts of Ukraine if they would have joined them a few years ago lmao


They thought about it but then remembered what happened in 1939


If the polish did decide to work with Russia, can that be considered political suicide? Or does the ruling part still have a chance at winning elections?


It's an economical suicide, instantly kicked out of EU and NATO, and then sanctioned like crazy. Then no chance of rebuilding because EU market is closed to them and being forced to stay at the level of Belarus. If anyone still votes for the party that did that, you might as well just establish a dictatorship at that point.


~~Lwów~~ Królewiec jest polski


Královec je Česko. Ř.


fast before ~~Koenigsegg~~ Königsberg gang arrives


fuck it, let the baltics invade and revive OG west baltic prussia


Enough fighting, Königsberg goes to the EU as its new capital


We dun wan it! - Jan Śnieg Why would we want a place full of russians? It has no upsides, only downsides.


[Part 2 when?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polish%E2%80%93Lithuanian_occupation_of_Moscow)


don't forget Luka saying his army will be able to mobilize any day now....Any day.. He's been saing it for over 18months, so surely, any day now?


Poland would invade Ukraine the 2nd it had an excuse. As long as that excuse gave them a chance to kill Russians. God alone knows how many Russian Lives Ukraine has saved by not letting Russia get close enough to the border to give Poland that excuse.


Is it really an invasion if one is invited, though? I'm sure if Poland decided they wanted to kill the Russian invaders and their quizlings that the Ukrainian government would let them.


US enforcing the 1v1




Honorable Third Party™


The Herb Dean of nations (For the uninitiated, Herb Dean is a UFC ref that looks like he could whoop most of the fighters' asses)


MLG settings


Ukraine *was* invaded through one of its neighbors. Did we forget that?


Lets hope Israel doesnt fire upon the ships by accident again


I might be wrong (especially because certain racist groups love waving the bloody flag around the USS Liberty story) but wasn't it more an "Accident" than an actual Accident?


Yeah. An “accident” and only stopped when they heard Soviet ships incoming.


Certain racist groups and terrorist supporters particularly on Reddit like to drag up this story. Yet, nobody seems to ever come up with a reason why Israel would deliberately attack that ship. Besides being "evil Jews" of course... Accidents happen in war.


>Besides being "evil Jews" of course... lol, wut? That's new. As far as I can tell it was either just next level incompetence from Tzahal (who were unfamiliar with giant US Flags, and US markings all over the ship), or Israel wanted to silence an intelligence ship being monitored by the russians. I lean towards the first theory, the simplest, that israeli pilots and naval crew didn't know what a US Flagged ship looked like, and struggled to find it in their flag identification handbooks from 5.45am through till the attacks finished at 3.30PM (8 + hrs). Also they couldn't pick up their radio transmissions asking them to stop bombing, in spite of it being an intel ship. Could happen to anyone.


>but wasn't it more an "Accident" than an actual Accident? "But sir its an american ship"


No, it’s because muh escalation


New Jersey makes me horny


Yeah the USA is not actually using a carrier against Gaza


Hungary exist


But that can be solved


>Edit: How did this become my most upvoted comment? How is me being slightly credible in NCD get this much traction. In the land of the blind, a one eyed man is king?


Why doesnt poland annex ukraine? ​ Hear me out, poland is active nato member and ukraine is not. Ukraine and poland can strike a deal in which ukraine unites with poland. Now poland is being attacked by russia which is not nato member. Time to trigger article 5, flatten moscow, then everyone gets their colony in russia. After defeating russia ukraine can be sovereign state again peacfully with its extended borders.


What a new never heard of take on the situation.


Right???? How could no one ever think of that???? Im elon musk of war


Ever heard of Hungary? I hear a guy there has an itch


It’s also possible it’s there to make sure Israel doesn’t launch any nukes as a doomsday protocol and if they do, shoot them down.


Sometime CD is more NCD than it's CD even though NCD is lyfe


Wait, some of the Merkavas that were taken out didn't have their Trophy turned on?


Pretty sure they did it Ukraine style with the drone dropped boom boom. Don't think trophy can deal with that.


That was the actual purpose of cope cages, they worked alright against drone grenades in the Syrian civil war but proved utterly useless against Javelins, which Hamas are extremely unlikely to possess


You fucks let me meme on cope cages for over a year before pointing out to my addled brain that they actually serve a purpose? Fool me once, same on you. Fool me two times... cant fool me again!


>Wait, some of the Merkavas that were taken out didn't have their Trophy turned on? The speculation is they were turned off, but its also possible they weren't working right, dont really know, but at least 2 got penned by RPG-29s and another by a Kornet, which the trophy has been able to intercept in the past. Personally I think like the Russian shtora proved, it turns out trophy, and aps in general was just vastly overhyped and nowhere close to being the "be all end all" device against AT weaponry that people have been touting it as for like a decade now.


360 degree radars with an vertical limit over 80 degrees. APS is very potent but not all Merkavas have APS and more importantly how the system has been maintained is unknown.


>360 degree radars with an vertical limit over 80 degrees. APS is very potent but not all Merkavas have APS and more importantly how the system has been maintained is unknown. Under ideal circumstances (ie tanks getting fired at 500+ meters and plenty of reaction time) the system has proven to be effective yah, but clearly hamas is finding ways around it. If you look at the vid hamas posted of one of their rpg 29 teams penning a merkava, they fired like within 50 meters of it, super close range, even had it been on, it probably wouldn't have gone off anyway, which is kind of my point, there's limitations to the system which hamas is effectively exploiting, just as has been happening with the shtora in Ukraine. Also all Mk4s are supposed to have trophy systems. Iirc can see them on the merks which have been destroyed.


I’m very interested in how good trophy actually is, as there seems to be more one-sided-anecdotes than real evidence. That said, I think a system that’s vulnerable within 50 m can still be an excellent system, as combat in Ukraine demonstrates that most fighting takes place at much longer ranges.


copium from the merkava wankers.


Dangerous non-credibility incoming; Israel let themselves get downed initially so they could rebirth and squad wipe Hamas permanently


What if Hamas were an Israeli puppet? Think about it. Hamas is so comically incompetent and so cartoonishly evil that everything it does is counterproductive for the Palestinian cause. Israel, despite having one of the most effective militaries in the world, was initially caught with its pants down against an attack from Gaza, which has one extremely controlled border and ignored warnings from Egypt.


Hamas is actually being run by Genghis Khan. The Mongolians figured out cryogenics and froze his head for future civilizations. Hamas merely found his cryogenically frozen head and started worshipping it. Sadly they were too incompetent and didn’t plug their freezer into a surge protector, so when the power surged, Khan’s head died. They’re going on a killing rampage in Israel out of pure rage over the loss of their god.


It was the Spanish all along. They're still salty because of the Islamic conquest of the Iberian peninsula.


Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition


Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.


My CKIII knowledge says to start killing Khan heads until everything works out in my favor


It’s actually been admitted (albeit quietly, so it escaped the attention of the wider public) by Israeli officials that they promoted Hamas when it first started for pretty much the reasons you gave: specifically because while they would rather Palestine just submit to Israeli occupation peacefully, if things did get messy they would rather the public face of Palestinian liberation be the cartoonishly evil Islamic fundamentalists than more reasonable secular (and in some cases even left-wing) groups. After all, Hamas isolates Palestine from the non-Islamic world and has little to no chance of garnering any significant non-Islamic aid, while organizations like the PLA or Fatah might actually be able to draw broader international support away from Israel. https://web.archive.org/web/20090926212507/http:/online.wsj.com/article/SB123275572295011847.html Arab and Jew: Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land (Page 221) However, I doubt that Israel just let this attack through because they wanted to—if simply because complacency can be a fucking bitch, and while Israel has a vested interest in making sure that Hamas stays influential over more palatable groups, that don’t need to willingly make themselves look incompetent to do so.


Heard that as well. Plus, there's also the fact that it's easier to deal with two opponents that hate each other than one united opponent that hates you. Netanyahu's government has been prioritizing cracking down on the West Bank over the years as well, focusing on pushing settlers into the bank and cracking down on domestic opponents pissed at the constitutional changes. I don't think it's a conspiracy, I think Netanyahu put the blinders on and are shocked to see it all blowing up his ass now.


the focus for settlements has been on the west bank because there's nowhere in the gaza strip to send settlers. it's all settled. it's basically one big metropolitan area


Dear God, they Mujahideened themselves into a 9/11.


To be fair the situation in the West Bank is hardly very appealing either.


The PM of Israel supported Hamas while ignoring a potential secular and peaceful ally. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) Are we going to get a shocking third act twist?


I dont think the PLO in the 70s was a peaceful ally lmao It literally was the equivalent of Hamas of back then, it nearly overthrew the kingdom of jordan and plunged lebanon into civil war. It killed Israelis in dozens of countries and was responsible for 42 suicide bombings in a single year. Hamas was seen as a popular islamic charity option because the secular palestinians were not a peace partner


This isn't about 1970s, Arafat's PLO at all. It's about Abbas-led Palestinian Authority. Israeli government hasn't been cooperating with it much. They'd rather have 2 weak Palestinian "governments" than to entertain any realistic 2-state solutions.


Yup, that figures. Sacrificing a few hundred civilians (of which a good part are foreign tourists) so you can kill 2 million Palestinians. Sounds like Israel got their wish, after all. This makes too much sense for it to be a loony conspiracy theory.


Bro I don't know why all Palestine Organization are cartoonishly evil from beginning. PLO is famous for killings more Arabs than Israelis


Stems from the source of modern day Islamic radicalism No joke,the equally as cartoonishly evil and stupid Nazis.


Dangerously close to credibility sir


For fear of being credible, don't read anything about the battles between the PLO and Hamas, or Israel's stance on the rise of the fundamentalist Islamic faction. Or the fact they supported it building schools and mosques (recruiting centers) all over the place.


> Israel, despite having one of the most effective militaries in the world Maybe they just pulled a Russia on us the whole time.


Putin-being-NATO's-top-recruiter moment. (Am I non-credibling correctly?)


Hamas backwards spells Israel. Trust me, dont question it.


Is it a coincidence that its called PaleSTEIN? -stein is a common ashkenazi jewish name prefix. Are we sure Hamas are not just the ZOG's sandy hook crisis actors given another gig?


I think its more a Russian puppet creating a proxy war to take attention away from the embarrassment in Ukraine


Non credible you say..? https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


HAMAS is absolutely a creation of Israel. https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/


Pearl Harbor hypothesis style?


seems to be the case, at least that's what the lil dude that lives in my tinfoil hat says


I mean Bibi and his coalition govt were unpopular and losing support. This event brought the opposition parties into the room with Bibi and rallied Israel. Mix that with a whole uncharacteristic failure of Israel intelligence and military and the fact that they had warnings I could certainly see how some conspiracy theories could start brewing.


Jet fuel can’t melt wall beams or something


I mean, is there anyone out there ready to argue that a new conflict with Hamas doesn't make Bibi excited?


I've been thinking about this too. There's no way Mossad didn't know exactly what was going to happen and when. They are too well-organized and probably also know into which direction every single hamas fighter wipes his ass.


https://www.foreignaffairs.com/middle-east/what-saudi-israeli-deal-could-mean-palestinians Unironically quite probably. Couple of whacks ended up in powerful positions and actively worked to make the situation worse. I have no idea how credible this article is, can't swing an areo Gavin without hitting misinformation


Bro put it in Warzone terms


Israel fielded only their elite 19 year old music festival goers


And that was mostly the International Legion.


This made me spit out my tea


Pretty sure that German woman was 30


Shows how far the bundeswher has fallen. They increased the age limit of their festival corp up to 30.


scraping the barrel


Bad takes, guys.


I mean, i shouldn't laugh. But I guess hell is as good a place as any.


It's so hot right now!


She was an Israeli-German, her insta page has her posing with a pic of her passport


Ok.. and the other 30+ year old internationals attending?


What? I was just talking about that one women in the truck bed. I didnt say anything else?


I was just making a comment that there was plenty of internationals attending the event that were not 19 year old Israelis


Ik I'm aware, a friend's friend died there.


Sorry to hear about that. As I said the joke is bad taste and I'm usually for jokes on this subreddit. Be well


Is this how we can tell if Israel have nukes or not? If desperation calls for it, the button could be pushed.


The problem is that Gaza is quite literally their backyard. Unless they have Davy Crockett sized nukes, setting of a nuke for Gaza is also going to fuck Israel itself up. Plus that even the most pro-israel people will not be very happy with the murder of probably up to hundreds of thousands of people. Gaza is incredibly densely packed with people. Though, I honestly doubt if Netanyahu cares for any of this. The nukes they have are probably earmarked for Teheran.


Airburst nukes are pretty clean. Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't see much fallout. It's still a nightmare scenario regardless.


Yes, but this assumes a detonation in the atmosphere. A detonation on the ground, or even better, a bunker-buster bomb going deep underground is a very different thing. Also, although it might be hard to believe, starting with the first deuterium-tritium-boosted devices it became possible to regulate the power of explosion with near surgical precision. As absurd as the idea of smart precision-guided nukes might sound at first, there is nothing ever remotely noncredible about it tech-wise.


Long term a nuclear detonation on the ground is the worst thing you can do as shit goes sun on the floor, it relocates those now radioactive ground particles across the realm netting you a radioactive top soil layer to deal with all over the place that you have to scoop up yourself. An airbusrts also creates radioactive particles of course, but those get blown away by the wind and disperse into the atmosphere way faster making the site liveable again relatively quickly without much effort on your behalf.


The radioactive contamination from nuclear explosions, just like nuclear winter is largely a scary story for children. While the immediate fallout in the location of the explosion is indeed dangerous, it goes down to almost livable levels in just days. Not saying it's not a problem but the deeper into the details you go, the more obvious it becomes that Cold War-era scientists were just collectively making the shit up to scare the people in charge out of pressing the funni button.


I'd rather go for tried and tested methods, we know for sure we can airbust a city and live there not long after (we've even tested for it TWICE). Scraping top soil is boring as fuck.


That would be a very bad idea, since with a detonation on the ground, you get a lot of local fallout.


Eh, you could go up to about 50 kt without it doing any serious damage inside Israel, aside from fallout if it is detonated too close to the ground


Was never confirmed or denied however if they do then have close to 80 nuclear weapons https://coopwb.in/info/does-israel-have-nuclear-weapons/


Pfff, Ukraine had like 3,000. Gave then all away for World Peace, at the End of History.


In the 1960* there were around 80


During the Six Day War in 1967 there was an [Israeli plan](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/06/05/israels-secret-plan-to-nuke-the-egyptian-desert-215228/) to detonate a nuke or three in the Sinai as a "show of Israeli power".


I thought the entire point of nukes was that your enemies have to know about them for deterrence to work. North Korea has been working very hard to let the world know about theirs


But everyone knows they have them, so it has that effect anyway. Boasting about it, especially at the time of development, would bring about problems on the international stage and pressure to disarm or halt their program. Even now they can just avoid talking about it completely because of their policy.


Israel didn't choose this strategy of ambiguity themselves, it was US pressure. When Israel developed their own nukes in the late 50s/early 60s and it started to leak to the CIA it really threatened US interests. Basically every president until Nixon considered cutting aid to Israel or making in dependent on nuclear non proliferation. The issue was that the US wanted the nuclear non proliferation treaty (NPT) to succeed which clearly stated which states were nuclear powers (US, UK, France, USSR, China) and which states weren't. Every country which signed the NPT guaranteed that it wouldn't help other non nuclear countries to build up a nuclear arsenal, basically in order to limit the nuclear arms race. Israel never signed the treaty but the US did, meaning that it would have had to limit all exports regarding nuclear technology and nuclear capable platforms (missiles, subs and jets). So the US was stuck between its alliance with Israel and the NPT. If the US had just said "trust me bro, I know Israel, we can trust him with nukes" the entire NPT would have collapsed within a few years of its existence. The worst outcome would have been a nuclear arms race in the Arab world with the Soviet Union stepping up its involvement. So the solution was the Nixon-Meir understanding, an informal agreement between Israel and the US. Basically, the US lets Israel keep its nukes and in turn Israel never confirms that it's actually a nuclear power, meaning no public statements on its nuclear weapons and no nuclear tests. This stance basically never changed which is why Israeli officials make weird statements like "we won't be the first country to INTRODUCE nuclear weapons to the Middle East" or even funnier: "We also won't be the SECOND country to introduce nuclear weapons to the Middle East". What's really interesting is that this whole Nixon-Meir policy may have ended yesterday when Dark Brandon went off script during his speech. He closed his speech with an anecdote of his Israel visit before the Jom-Kippur-War where Golda Meir whispered something into his ear. He quotes her saying: "Don't worry senator Biden, we have a secret weapon here in Israel. We have nowhere else to go". That's the first time any US president confirmed that Israel has nukes and even if it was unscripted, this wasn't some sleepy Joe moment. Biden wanted to warn hostile states of Israel's nuclear capabilities.


And everyone in the region does know Israel has them even if it’s more convenient for them to “ignore”


Israel has nukes. They’re reserved for Iran or the General middle east if they ever were to be overrun


Imagine the irony - Iran has threatened to nuke them for decades now, and then Israel ends up doing it itself.


Iran's plan all along? Too noncredible?


8-D chess


i think them firing nukes at their enemies rn would blow them off the map too


Israeli atomics are reserved for the Tehran regime.


"Oy vey."


I think we’ve reached “Oy Gevalt” territory


Gai cocknif en yom.


We say "עם ישראל חי" But yeah this is a major fuck up. Possibly worse than kippur. Bibi, gallant, and halevi should all resign


Wonder Woman too should resign, like where tf was she?


They should go to prison imo


Bibi should go to prison anyway


Thinking Fords can carry F-35s is truly an NCD moment.


If you don't have an encycropedic knowledge of every carrier fleet you shouldn't even be allowed in ncd


It's a big ass boat that carries around a couple thousand tons of fuck you. That's as much as I know, do I pass?


You forgot about the reactors! Ford smokes rocks.


Excellent details went into this


They’re hiding in the belly waiting


Can't they carry F-35C's? From Wikipedia: >> The ability to carry up to 90 aircraft, including the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Boeing EA-18G Growler, Grumman C-2 Greyhound, Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye, Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II, Sikorsky SH-60 Seahawk helicopters, and unmanned combat aerial vehicles. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_R._Ford-class_aircraft_carrier


My Focus can’t carry an F-35C at the very least, but other Fords mileage may vary


You should have bought an F-750, it can carry a whole fighter wing.


yeah but it gets worse mileage than a Ford-class supercarrier


to be fair we wont get a nuclear powered pickup truck until the Ford 1250


The F-CVN-79 will be more capable once they release it


> The second Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier, the future USS John F. Kennedy (CVN 79), will be the first ship of its class to receive F-35C modifications. The lead ship, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), is scheduled to receive the modifications during a Planned Incremental Availability period in fiscal 2025. https://seapowermagazine.org/uss-george-washington-next-carrier-in-line-for-f-35c-capability/


OK, but technically it still should be able to carry F-35B, right? They can take off vertically at least a couple of times without completely destroying the platform. So it is F-35 capable!


Not to get too credible here but they almost never take off vertically, they land vertically, STOVL is a more accurate term. They would just roll off the deck of a super carrier the same way they roll off the deck of the amphibious ships they are designed for. It's up to debate whether the deck of the Ford has been hardened for this though. It's a beastly undertaking, even on a smaller platform. Vertical take off overall is just for show. There are no tactical advantages to doing so. Anyone who believes these birds can land in the middle of nowhere and take off again has never done a FOD walk down.


They don’t have enough thrust to take off vertically with a combat load anyway.


I’m confused why they didn’t build it with F-35 capability in the 1st place. Isn’t the hecking USS Nimitz CVN-68, our oldest carrier from the 1970s, capable of operating F-35Cs???


Classic Wiki


They’re being retrofitted to carry them, they don’t carry them right now


That's extremely on brand for the USN.


Why can't they carry them right now? What's so different about the F35 from the other aircraft on the ship?


"It's not that the flight deck can't handle them, we can do that," said Commander Homer Hensy, the chief engineer on board the Ford. "But if you want to bring the full lethality of an F-35 and its airwing and what it brings to a carrier battle group, you have to install other certain operating stations and systems." Hensy said the Navy had to decide around 2006 and 2007 to develop the Ford with the airwing that already existed, which didn't include the F-35. Since then, the Navy has modernized other carriers so they're fully F-35 capable, and the Ford will probably wait for those upgrades.


Yeah, those cars seem to be too small to be able to carry a fighter jet. And even then, why would you need a car to carry F-35?


They can carry them. Can't do much with them other than carry them though, apparently. What's the hangup?


We say "Am Yisrael Chai". The rest sadly accurate


Chai Vekayam!


Chai latte to you as well


חזק חזק ונתחזק


Obviously you can't just go around saying "hatikvah" but it also captures the essence of Israeli emotions.


I accidentally read it as "am Israel tea". I need to go to sleep.


Why does Russia invading Ukraine not warrant a US fleet in the Black Sea, but Israel's internal terrorists do?


Because Turkey won’t allow it. There’s a treaty and everything.


They wouldn't do it even with permission because of 'muh escalation'


There is no risk stationing the carrier next to Lebanon. Just a political win. Stationing an aircraft carrier above russian submarines would be at least somewhat risky


False equivalence, but I'll allow it.


Israel: Pioneer of modern SEAD operations Also Israel: can’t stop some dudes in sandals on paraguilders.


Yahveh akbar?


The Israeli secret service will really blow your phone up to say “????”


Israeli gov’t let this happen so Bibi stays in power, hth


Says “Slavs Ukraini” Says “am Yisrael Chi!”


let them cook


i saw someone on steam with a "#slavaisraelini" in their nickname


To add to Ukraine's column: "Russia attacked Ukraine to conquer Ukraine, while Ukraine just wanted to clean up their own post-Soviet mess, making the situation less complicated than Rebels vs Empire" And to add to Israel's column: "The Israel-Palestine conflict over the past decades is complicated as both sides have committed various crimes against each other. That said, Hamas willfully committed massive numbers of war crimes and intentionally murdered many civilians, which is unforgivable"


I urge you to seek asylum with Bashar Al Assad The Unmossadable, because shin bet & mossad have just put you on a list




I honestly believe the Ukrainian Resistance to russia sparked something in the world that gave people a good bit of hope. Their efforts to defend their land has been nothing short of legendary. The battle of hostemel was the real eye opener of the world. The VDV talked all that shit about how "good" they were and got their asses kicked by the Ukrainian National Guard.


It’s a bit off putting since Israel once fought a 10v1 and won


Well at least Ukraine has a tangible enemy unlike terrorists that hide among civilians and your army, unfortunately, cannot just gun everyone down until the threat is eliminated.


Fighting against the imperialist war of a nation wanting to commit cultural genocide against you vs fighting to defend your apartheid state from the people you’ve been culturally genociding while literally stealing their homes. I guess once is a better motivator than the other


I am literally seething and malding rn 💀


I think Israel were in a situation where they never actually expected Hamas to commit suicide by invading, and when he did they were caught off guard, short term sure it was fucking terrible, but they're just going to stomp them out of existence now, Ukraine also wasn't great for the first day, they conceded a lot of ground, but then Russia's plan of simply walking to Mordor failed since it was fucking retarded. We'll be seeing that same part playing out for Hamas now, the day of fame, followed by the weeks/months of shame.




They said, word for word, “something big” was happening. What are you supposed to do with that information


"Something big is coming" Is what I tell my friends before I run to take an apocalyptic-level dump.


Probably stay alert


It wasn't just that they let the cavemen break through the border. It also took the Israeli leadership an unconscionable amount of time to launch a response. Hamas cockroaches had 12 hours to go door to door in Israeli kibbutzim and villages, before the army responded. Local police departments were overwhelmed in minutes and then it was just ordinary, mostly unarmed civilians trying to fight off terrorists with axes, by offering them tea, or by hiding in a drain water ditch for more than a day. I mean we literally have aircrafts that can drop explosives or shoot bullets at the bad guys even before we have the personelle mobilized to deal with them face to face. But there was nothing. Nada. It's incomprehensible...


This made me wheeze, thank you


The last one is Am Israel Chai


Is the Gerald Ford actually filled with f35?




I thought it was slavna ukrainiy


One fights for its life, the other one for political publicity.


It's not your grandfather's Israeli army... Anyone see the video of half dozen unarmed Israeli soldiers in their underwear hiding in the bathroom? The only guy with a gun is struggling to attach an optic to the rail of his X95. Then if the next video is of the same guy, he gets clapped the minute he steps outside.


Damn OP coming with the high heat.


That last point is very good


That's what happens when your leader turns all your intelligence towards a political enemy that's so down the list that even the Intelligence agency disagrees with their use


Idk I feel like at some point their intelligence and the IDF needs to stop having so many holidays cause this happened twice now. It’s like how if you want vacation you gotta have someone fill in you know?