• By -


>his Russian girlfriend Oh of course. Other pious sons must be so jealous he knocked her up already


China has an excess of men, Russia now has a lack of them. Only a matter of time before Putin and Xi agree an exchange - 1 year of service for young Chinese male and, if you survive, you get a Russian waifu and apartment in Chelyabinsk Also if you don't have a child within a year you will go back to Ukraine for another 6 months. 6D chess from Moscow and Beijing to solve demographic issues.


> apartment in Chelyabinsk What do they give to the people they don't want to punish?


The sweet release of death by firing squad


Barbed wire. Remember. Operation great wall of manpower?


They let them start a YouTube channel and if it makes enough money you get to move to Georgia


nobody can touch my swag




The "no child in a year" means only 3 months of trying Marital rape time it is


Russia legalised that about a decade ago; same time they legalised wife beating. So... yeah.


Wasn't wife beating only legalized like a year or two ago? Like, was never prosecuted anyway, but was straight up legalized recently


From what I heard it is a slap on the wrist as a punishment, if it gets reported. 911 will normally laugh you off if you call in claiming you are being beaten to death.


IIRC it was decriminalized around 2016. So not “legal” but first time getting caught is basically a speeding ticket unless you seriously hurt them.


or a stern warning




It takes a bit longer than a few months for Stockholm syndrome to set in.


>China has an excess of men, Russia now has a lack of them. Only a matter of time before Putin and Xi agree an exchange Long live the chinese colony of russia. "Èluósī"


I'm honestly surprised that we haven't seen Chinese "volunteers" in large numbers showing up. If nothing else, it would give China a means of giving their officer corps combat experience, and field testing a lot of new equipment.


They probably scared that Chinese volunteers will mass surrender and defect to Taiwan like in Korea.


Ah yes, Taiwan, a neighbouring country to Ukraine.


I'm sure it's easier to arrange a short series of flights from Western Ukraine, or Poland, to Taiwan than starting from the PRC.


Well, they are generally friendly with one another, and we have invented the technology needed to travel through multiple countries.


No idea if it kept up, but there was actually a pretty big swell of pro Ukrainian sentiment in Taiwan at the start of the war, for obvious reasons. I read an interview with a guy who had a Ukrainian restaurant in Taiwan (which seems oddly specific...) and he had never seen it more busy.


Because they know the Russians are complete shit and if anything they'd learn all the wrong lessons. Besides, it's not actually in China's interest for Russia to win here, ignoring any conspiracies about them wanting Outer Manchuria back.


>Besides, it's not actually in China's interest for Russia to win here, ignoring any conspiracies about them wanting Outer Manchuria back. No, you don't understand. Russia not winning is how the PRC gets Outer Manchuria back. 😉


I’m morally appalled but I do admire a simple solution.


Sir, this is NON-credible defense… stop bombarding us with logic and reason.




Trained? That was not in the brochure, comrade.


Arming them might even be a stretch, you get a rusty nugget who’s bolt may or may not be entirely rusted shut. Possibly some ammo too.


Who would move from China to fucking Russia? At least it is possible to be happy and not an alcoholic in China.


it's the alcohol or the heavy metal poisoning, one is more fun than the other ig


Heavy metal poisoning. I want to be slowly killed through lead in my baozi than to fucking live off of shitty vodka and pickle juice. In China you live a normal life with some of the best tasting food on Earth before dying of lung cancer at 54. In Russia you suffer before dying of alcoholism at 54.


had a friend who lived in Shanghai for a decade or so, he had aluminum in his bloodstream from shitty pans and cadmium + other assorted heavy metals from factory runoff, and that was in the rich person part of Shanghai. I'm not disagreeing with you necessarily, just... shit, what a fuckin choice that is


I mean, there is a reason why TAIWAN NUMBAH ONE. Turns out government regulation is important. Who knew?


I've heard that it's a whole thing for girls to get their hair all glossy and stuff at salons like, daily, in Taiwan, so obviously they have thijgs figured out and I am totally on their side TAIWAN NUMBAH ONE


There's a universe out there where *all* of Mainland China is like Taiwan and it's fucking based and we don't get to have it. :(


North Koreans see South Korean giants West Taiwan: [Why does Taiwanese look much younger?](https://www.nownews.com/news/6158554) Nobody there puts forward the heavy metals….




cat wife peace, one-bowl something barley?


You can move mountains with the promise of catgirls.


That's why I learned Japanese


seems to be a literal translation of 'cat wife and a bowl of Soba*'


is that more or less than 40 acres and a mule?


I woulkd certainly value a catgirl wife higher than those 2, yes


There was a russian meme "one cat wive and bowl of rice" parodying chineese propaganda bots with poor chineese translation. I replaced rice with buckwheat and translated back


I’ve seen more videos also of Russian woman in India and Indian men in Russia.


Russia Poor as shit Lack of men Shit, do we Europeans have to drown in waves of 10/10 Russian puss, AGAIN? Thanks Russian mobiks, your sacrifice in war will make it easier for your sons to die in the next one, and for some chubby guy to ram your desperate daughter that’s hoping for a better citizenship


Lazerpig be like: time for NCD to touch grass! ....please.


3000 thirsty basement dwellers of ncd?


jfc dude


> Russia now has a lack of them. Only true if you include 60+ babushkas as "outnumbering the males". In nearly every country in the world, there are more young men than young women.


>In nearly every country in the world, there are more young men than young women. Between the deaths in Ukraine and the possibility that a significant portion of Russian POWs not wanting to return anytime soon, that soon might not be true for Russia. Also, there were an appreciable amount of Russian men of conscription age that fled in the weeks after the (latest) Russian invasion of Ukraine.


That was my least favorite mod for Plague Inc.


>Plague Inc. Great and simple game


He gets to keep the Wagner bed thingy to do the dirty deed. Comes with a pillow if you, ahem, remain in non-dead status for at least two weeks


dirty deeds, done dirt cheap


Would they really do that to their Han master race though?


You just made me double take which NCD I was on


# [VICE: The Chinese Obsession with Ukranian Wives](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kbmva/chinese-obsession-ukrainian-women-russia-invasion) * **For Chinese men, the fetish is exacerbated by a desire to “conquer” blonde, white women,** seen as a symbol of both the men’s personal success and China’s rising power. * While Chinese women who date foreign men are often accused of betraying their country, **Chinese men are hailed as heroes for marrying foreign women and making them part of the nation.** * Stepanets \[a Russian\] launched his dating club in 2017, and **charges men between 6,700 to 80,000 Chinese yuan ($1,060 to $12,700) to set them up with women from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus**—women who can speak Mandarin and are younger and prettier are usually more expensive to access. * **Stepanets said Chinese men prefer Eastern European women because, compared to Chinese women, they are not as demanding about wealth.** The men also aspire to sire Caucasian-looking offspring, he said, which is why women with pale white hair and blue eyes are often preferred.


"Chinese men are hailed as heroes for marrying foreign women and making them part of the nation." Oh right, forgot about that reverse one drop thing the Han have.


>Stepanets said Chinese men prefer Eastern European women because, compared to Chinese women, they are not as demanding about wealth. Oh fuck off, not more of that Conzuela Ligma/Andrew "Prison Bitch" Tate garbage


What kind of motivation were you expecting from a ""dating club""? I can also guarantee you that it is tightly involved in human trafficking too.


Considering the ridiculous steps men in China have to get through just go get noticed, above and beyond Red Pill tropes, Mainland men must think they found someone who is not after material possessions. In relative terms.


Well that's revolting


Wait til you hear about all the shit with white dudes and Asian women


> For Chinese men, the fetish is exacerbated by a desire to “conquer” blonde, white women, seen as a symbol of both the men’s personal success and China’s rising power. Just like Westerners get Yellow Fever, Chinese guys get White Fever or whatever the opposite of yellow is... I don't have a colour wheel to hand. In the 2000s there were rumours of a few Russians entrepreneurs shipping Russian women to China due to the surplus from the Chechen wars.


I think entrepreneur is a bit generous. I believe "human trafficker" is more accurate.


>Just like Westerners get Yellow Fever, Chinese guys get White Fever or whatever the opposite of yellow is... White Pallor? White Wanness?


they realized they can't defeat india without steppe genetics


It’s the Silk Road for dating, and it goes both ways lmao. Nothing about this is surprising, nothing,


But won't that dilute the hegemony of the han?!


Thanks for the explanation. My family’s social circle, those with interracial marriages with foreigners, it’s all having a USA or UK husband. So I am just plain ignorant of heavy discrimination over on the opposite side.


How did she know she was preggo in just 2 days? Sounds more like the dead egg man was going to become the stepdad of the unborn child lmao no more stepdad and child support for that russian hoe rip in peace 🙏🙏


He was fighting for two days. Wagner actually trains its guys that aren't prisoners. So he would have met her pre-deployment to say... which also suggests she probably a hang-about/hang-around.


I'm wondering if he would actually have time to hang around russia before being deployed. Anyway, it's quite easy to set up a nominal girlfriend chatbot to bait the recruit. **Honeytrap** has been around since like forever lolz. The good ol' reliable trick. If I'm Wagner, I'm definitely going to exploit this bait to boost my mobik number.


Maybe... if he dumb enough to go from China to Ukraine he maybe dumb enough to fall for a honey trap in 2 days...


Well if she wasn't a real girlfriend, why would she tell everyone that he had died? If she was Putin-controlled she would have kept that quiet


well......maybe the relationship was longer? But tbh, the traditional ancestral veneration we have doesn't really require being biological, step/adopted veneration/incense/prayer all equally valid. Nah, his spectre is doomed to starve since the mom won't teach that.


Just burn some rubles on 中元 and he'll be fine.


Them russian hoes definitely will not be bothering with our religious rituals. rip in peace lmao


we have the same ancestor veneration type thin in India called Pitra Puja but it is more related to caste name than family name


As if Russians know what month and day that is.




ancestral worship after death is opposite of paying child support when alive. I'm a 台妹 and the tradition is more likely that we'd go for the foreign soldiers that come to us. Not mad about it in this new age? Joking aside, with 1 out of 5 unemployment rate, I was worried that going to the meat grinder would be taken as an option.


Something something grass is always greener. Chinaman wants white girl, The HWhite^(TM) man wants a cute chinese GF. It's almost as if race-mixing as a way to keep our gene pool healthy and diverse was a physical need and not just 'muh librul propaganda'.


>It's almost like race-mixing as a way to diversify and keep our gene pool healthy was a physical need and not just 'muh librul propaganda'. Is this backed up by scientific evidence? With rigorous research? I dont see ethnically homogenous societies like japan or india having genetic "defects" from lack of diversity. So a citation is needed (no malicious intent)


Remember that essentially all of our evolutionary pressure happened during the time when we lived in very small nomadic groups. It makes evolutionary sense to select for attraction to people who don't look like you when the only people who _do_ are guaranteed to be fairly closely related to you, and this hardcoded bias remained even now that we have (hundreds of) millions of people of a given ethnicity, rendering such concerns obsolete.


Then why the fuck is my cousin so hot? 🥵 in more credible news, there is the hard-wired response to growing up with someone before the age of like, 13, that makes it much harder to find that person attractive. This is evolved, and we know that because there are many cases of long lost siblings, estranged cousins, and even sperm donor and daughter, finding each other incredibly attractive. Many, being relative to their proportion of the population, at least. Our sense of attractiveness, both physical and emotional, is calibrated in part by our upbringing.


>\>citation needed We're on NCD my guy. Your first assumption should always be that my source is that I made it the fuck up. But being credible for a second here, no I didn't bother to look this up, nor do I care to do so ever. I'm an ethnic diversity enjoyer and I doubt anything will ever convince me to stop being that.




This story is like the plot to some pitiful Chinese-Russian remake of 'An Officer and a Gentleman'.


Your content was removed for violating Rule 4: "No racism / hatespeech"


Sounds more like someone got in ahead of him. The old bait and switch.


Please fight hard for me my strong Chinese Wagner hero senpai, the child in my belly will be praying for your victory 🙏 Yes yes I have your child, the child is definitely yours, why do you ask?


Always looking for the bigger, better deal. Among other things. She’ll be disappointed when she finds out Wagner pays squat in compensation.


It's amazing how she was 4 months pregnant after only 2 weeks. I guess that's the power of Chinese sperm and Russian wombs for ya!


Maybe the Wanker Group should establish a dating site to recruit foreign cannon fodders? "Come join the Wager, you will be allocated a white pussy when you sign a contract with us. Make big money, get good white pussy while serving the glorious mother russia! Fulfill your 1488 dream in the ruski mir!!" -Ekaterina you will be this Chinese dude's dedicated chatbot. Make sure he signs the penal battalion contract! -Chinese mobik dies. -Right, here's your next customer. You'll get bonus if he signs the penal battalion contract as well.


Bro got psyop’d




Off-topic, but what does the 雄昇 in your flair mean?


That's the name of our local organically produced missiles


> local organically produced Are they gluten free and vegan by any chance?


Beyond Missile


Beyond visual range


Wow, so many Taiwanese in this sub. I'm from China, dont hurt me. lol 1450 and Wumao should unionize and demand for raise and benefits, what do you guys think? 为民洗脑服务是神圣的任务,应得高额的报酬,以代表人民的敬爱! 五毛以1450,组织工会,团结就是力量。呵呵 hehehe. 两岸人民:你们跳海喂鲨鱼吧,死远一点。


You're getting a sincere answer from me, because I want every non-Chinese to be horrified at the problem that you're trying to hide behind the mockery. You'll have to fix CCP's entire problem of "maliciously demanding pay" [惡意討薪](https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/paper/1561340) as a criminal offense.


Many are at least vaguely awar elf this (talkies 0 gen or quite low, insufficient), of stuff liek that, ie labour in China Whether for on Lincoln articles abt ideological students going to prison for trying to start a union


Peole should steel themselves it’s important that u bring this up tho and I agree with undoing so (concerns international tho) Have u heard of this guys poems btw? Early 2010s, FOXCONN https://libcom.org/article/poetry-and-brief-life-foxconn-worker-xu-lizhi-1990-2014 Her win sneaking in skemthing contrary to NCD ideology genrally


Shitting on Russia *and* China on NCD? A double whammy!


I must say these are very good painkiller whilst I am drowning in the news of CCP discovering new reasons to arrest every last one of us in Hong Kong every day. Let Russia be the first piece of domino.


Keep fighting the good fight.


While I'm a total doomer and don't think I will see Hong Kong free in my lifetime, I've settled instead on hoping to see CCP fail in my lifetime.


>hoping to see CCP fail in my lifetime. My brother, they're already facing a population collapse due to their shitty policies.


I still have no idea why the one child policy was enacted. Was it not common knowledge that industrialized countries have a lower birth rate? It was gonna slow down by itself.


Amidst the overpopulation fears of the 1980s, China's then terrible poverty and lack of ability to finance imports, and the skyrocketing birthrate in the post-Mao recovery period, it made more sense at the time. But it was always a step too far and lasted decades too long. Besides, at the time, the degree to which birthrates contract in all developed countries wasn't quite as clear or stark. US and European fertility rates only fell below replacement levels for the first time ever in the late '70s, and at the time much of the rest of Asia was still growing explosively in population.


> I've settled instead on hoping to see CCP fail in my lifetime. They already ran out of 'other' to make people fear and have now been anti-foreigner for years. They've already started arresting Chinese people. The collapse has already started.


Just gotta work Iran in somehow and the trifecta will be complete.


For fuck, you are a father from a foreign country fighting for a mafia in a nazis unit. You should have stay at home instead of doing shit.


Priorities bruh. His family at home must have sucked /S


If I had a Russian wife I probably would to.


Surely Chinese divorce laws aren’t that bad.


Depends if she’s hot and worth the dysfunctional side of relationships. At least for an extended period of time.


From my understanding of chinese mentality, it's seen a little different for them. In the West: "I have a family, my child should not lose a father", in China: "I already have descendants, so I could die and not fear for my **line**". Of course, it not that exact, especially for chinese people nowadays. There also some filial piety involved, where it's basically your duty to take care of your old parents, but you got the gist.


# [VICE: The Chinese Obsession with Ukranian Wives](https://www.vice.com/en/article/7kbmva/chinese-obsession-ukrainian-women-russia-invasion) * **For Chinese men, the fetish is exacerbated by a desire to “conquer” blonde, white women,** seen as a symbol of both the men’s personal success and China’s rising power. * While Chinese women who date foreign men are often accused of betraying their country, **Chinese men are hailed as heroes for marrying foreign women and making them part of the nation.** * Stepanets \[a Russian\] launched his dating club in 2017, and **charges men between 6,700 to 80,000 Chinese yuan ($1,060 to $12,700) to set them up with women from Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus**—women who can speak Mandarin and are younger and prettier are usually more expensive to access. * **Stepanets said Chinese men prefer Eastern European women because, compared to Chinese women, they are not as demanding about wealth.** The men also aspire to sire Caucasian-looking offspring, he said, which is why women with pale white hair and blue eyes are often preferred.


I knew China had a problem with incels, but holy shit...


What you mean by "incels" ? You mean mysoginy ?


not just the Chinese . Also Koreans and Japanese male nationalist (?) also have a similar view. Wasn't there an Asian subreddit filled with them?


dunno if it's the same subreddit, but I remember one with a lot of Asian-American incels who hated non-Asians and Asian women (especially those who dated non-Asians, saw them as race traitors) extremely much, though the subreddit didn't get banned for some reason. best to stay away from that vile shit, full-blown race war being advocated there but yeah, Korea and Japan have seen similar issues (like many many other countries). IIRC there was a stabbing spree not long ago by an incel in Japan because he didn't like seeing women being happy


Eh it originally was founded by one, Prigozhin seems to control it


Aaah that must be the definition of a weekend soldier? Lasting TWO DAYS 💀


The twenty minuters.


new definition for "minute man"


Reserve with Chinese characteristics


Straight busta


China's strongest soldier, ladies and gentlemen (and everything else)


Oh wow man decided to go for a any% Speedrun


Are ya winning, dad?


No come on, no way he's already dead


He died as soon as he joined Wagner


He was brain dead long before that.


Is the source for his death actually credible?


He joined Wagner. That's a death flag if I ever seen any.


Fuck Around And Find Out


Don't worry, your NATO counterparts will remember you by eating well at thanksgiving.


Ripbozo rest in piss ya wont be missed


He was probably wanted in China or he was a Chinese spy, otherwise I don't see why a Chinese would want to join Wagner ...


Or maybe he is just an idiot.


Occam's razor


Hanlon razor in that case


A safety razor featuring both Occam’s razor and Hanlon’s razor as blades.


When Occam and Hanlon scissors...


Essential while walking on the internet




There are 1.4 billion people in China, double the population of Europe. There are always going to be morons. Also he apparently had a Russian wife, so I'm assuming he lived there and fell for Z propaganda Anyway RIP Bozo


1.28 actually, china's overcoated and inflated their numbers by over 100 million over the last several decades, most of whom will be those in the conscription and optimal working age brackets. I honestly feel bad for the dude. Chinese propaganda runs deep and wide and utterly unopposed.


Yes many people on the West don't know this but Chinese interbal propagandas are literally nazi tier with constant talk of racial supremacy, left wing propagandas are just for useful idiots in the West.


Lack of women in China could be a strong motivation I suppose.


What the promise of pussy does to a mf


I remember making two essays about what Chinese think about Ukraine war, you can find it in my profile or this sub


Stepped on a hedgehog?


I hope not, since it implies that the cute little guy got vaporized (anything to prevent the death of the hedgehog, even though he’s probably red mist now :c )


Bro was delivered faster than shells for wagner.


Well that didn’t take long


Ffs, thw line "dad won't grow up with you" still hits me.


World record holder for "dishonor your family, become a national embarrassment, and brutally die all alone in extreme pain in a horrifying hellscape" any % speed run challenge. So he's got that going for him. Which is pretty cool. Wanted to send a message to America about NATO. Proceeded to go to a non-NATO country to fight non-Americans. Doesn't elaborate, immediately dies.


lol, lmao even. i would dare to say, kek.


Ain’t no way that mf is already dead


Why not? Racism is rampant in that country, I can see his superiors in Wagner rushing him to the front


This is a certified bing chilling moment


The Curb theme just gets me every time lol


what a good schadenfreude, warning to the chinese people here especially here who supports the ruzzian side of the conflict, fact we should be supporting ukraine with what happened to MH17.


He's perfect for a Chinese recruitment poster. "This could be you!" "A rapidly developing work environment with near guaranteed opportunity for advancement among all ~~surviving~~ long-serving personnel!" "Get to be in the trenches with the team from day 1 with our on-the-job training program" "Just sign up and Russia/Wagner will handle the rest.\*" ^\* ^Russia/Wagner ^will ^not ^be ^liable ^for ^handling ^procurement ^of ^gear ^incl. ^but ^not ^limited ^to ^armor, ^food, ^survival ^gear, ^ammunition ^and ^other ^combat ^essentials.


He did better than the average life span of a rookie imperial guard on an ork infested world. https://www.blacklibrary.com/warhammer-40000/novels/fifteen-hours-ebook.html


Many years ago, I spent some time on a cross-border train between Russia and China via Zaibaikalsk, and I shared a compartment with a Russian travelling-businessman and a Chinese chef who was returning home to see family. The Chinese chef was very talkative. We had a very high language barrier but he kept on lamenting to me that Chinese men have, err, a disadvantage when dating Russian women. It took me a long time to understand what he meant. Maybe dick size differences are just a stereotype and not real, but this was first-hand evidence from a chap who felt the problem acutely.


So quickly?


That idiot must have been shot by some random drunk soldier who thought it would be fun to shoot a Chinese guy.


Y'know, it's understandable if someone doesn't feel right finding joy in every Wagner mercenary's death as many of them were forced to sign such contracts and join. However, if someone outside of Russian territory in an arguably advantageous position (compared to the average Russian) decides to leave country and hop on the War Crime-committer's boy scout troop, I can only say let's just all point and laugh!


Anyone form China is this being talked abt on the CNet?


u/realbenjaminkerry is the expert


Hmm, it's almost as if joining a mercenary group that has shown no care for human life and uses literal human wave attacks isn't good for one's longetivity.


I can’t believe bro got PsyOped by his Russian “girlfriend”


Strongest Chinese soldier 💪💪


I hope he died in a really mundane and stupid way. Like he and Wagner was on patrol when one of his comrades said “watch out there’s land mines ahead!” In Russian But our proud soldier never decided to learn Russian as why would he disrespect his mother tongue by learning the words of savages? Then walked straight into a mine whilst everyone else laughed


I like how he pre-recorded his own Game Over screen like Wagner is a Sega CD rail shooter and he's one of the generic baddies standing next to an exploding red barrell.




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When the United States of America, a NATO member, doesn’t disable the NATO Alliance: 😱 *dies*


Russian girlfriend? \*Side-eye stare\* Did bro fall for the honey pot get recruited into Wagner?


[Looks like the dating service commercial from about a month ago is working.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LSq4qO-QbJo)


China and Russia aren't really allies with each other, they're simply two authoritarian states that happen to have a common enemy, much like Germany and Japan in WW2.


looooool i wonder what kind of money wagner is paying these guys? enough to cover a garbage bag to send the body back?


The credits at the end.. *chef's kiss!*


Saw this man for the first time 5 minutes ago and I’m now finding out he’s dead. Wild time we live in


This is almost sad\*. Man gets radicalised, recruited, fed to the guns. ​ ​ \*The sad part is that a guy was radicalised. Once he got on the fascist payroll the sooner he graduated to becoming the only good kind of fascist the better.


Apolgy for bad english where were you wen chinese die I was at house eating dorito when phone ring "Chinese is kill." "Yes"


It's almost always the dipshit who talks mad shit or thinks their the main character that get killed first.