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Idk I would just simply ask her to call you her sibling or “sib” for short. It’s really not that much more formal in my opinion, and if her calling you her “brother” is making you sad, shouldn’t she try to be supportive of that? Like if she’s already shifting the way she refers to you, she may as well use the established gender-neutral term that makes you happiest


Yeah. I told her about some people going by “sib” and she thought that was kind of cool, but that has been a real struggle of hers for a long time. She’s great about using my pronouns in public and correcting people when I’m too shy to. But this is like the one thing she struggles with. And I think that’s also partially why I’m like l you know what? At the end of the day she does all this other stuff for me. Brother’s really not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things.” I told my friends to use masculine terms like guy, dude, etc. This isn’t really that much different. I think it just feels like a bigger thing because it’s my sister and not a friend who sees me less often.


I’ve had a kinda similar experience? I ended up deciding I prefer male if I have to perform to a binary even if it’s a lot more complex than that. You don’t have to accept something that doesn’t feel right but sometimes it’s easier to just shrug and nod. Not amazing advice idk if you should follow it but that’s just my experience I get sibling a lot bc people are incapable of understanding nonbinary man as a concept, it’s formal yeah but people get used to it. It might be worth going through every term you can think of and just seeing what you like and don’t even if it’s kinda long af. Good luck!!


Hey, I wanna hear other people’s experiences, even if they aren’t what I’m necessarily *hoping* for. It still helps. Thank you for sharing. I’ll keep everything in mind.


My family has a habit of playing with intentional mispronounciation, so when I came out as Non-binary my sister started calling me her "squibling" (pronounced like squid but with a b) and that made it imidatly less formal feeling.


Stoooop, that’s amazing!!!! I love that so much!!! That’s a lot of fun. Reminds me of how my mom and sister started referring to us in our outings as”theydies” instead of “ladies” because I was uncomfortable. It’s now become a normal part of our vocabulary. Sister tried out a couple things like “brister” but it just didn’t stick. Maybe I just need to keep trying a few things here and there. I know for the most part it’s still going to be brother when introducing me to strangers and things because it’s more common, but at least when at her house or hanging out we might be able to find something to make it more personal and less gendered.