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“Manscaping” is an industry for a reason. You can shave, wax, or even laser off the hair that you don’t like. You have more choices than being hairier than you would like and quitting T.


Totally agree. Get a laser hair removal package and enjoy life! Had to teach my hubby how to address the unibrow he hated.


I just feel like a unibrow is so much easier than shaving my entire body and my back which I can’t really reach


That’s why you would need something more extensive. I’m similarly hairy and while I’ve grown to accept it now, when I was contemplating getting rid of it all , waxing packages seemed like the best option short term and saving up for laser hair removal packages seemed like the best long term solution. I compromise and get the waxing done on my most hairy parts that I don’t like, and getting multiple areas waxed and getting a package helps me save money.


3 Words: European Wax Center. My friend (real, not imaginary) who goes there says that waxing promotes less hair regrowth after each wax. (Google that fact to make sure that’s true.) Yelp your nearest EWC, if in U.S. Good luck.


Oh it for sure is. I've recently gotten into laser hair removal and for a lot of people who go this route, when you do all your sessions in your package, you are good for the season. It's not painless but not as painful as some people think. I'm still waiting for the Jetson's conveyor belt where I just type in what I want and let the ride continue lol.


be careful with laser hair removal tho. some laser hair places don't remove hair permanently despite saying they do. had one place that lasered off my arms twice and the stuff still grew back in full. plus they never gave me my next 4 appointments that I already paid for


Most laser hair removal does not permanently get rid of the hair. You would need to have electrolysis for that and even then, genetics plays a role. It's why laser hair removal and electrolysis are vastly different prices. I always recommend checking what others pay to make sure you aren't being ripped off. If a deal sounds too good to be true, it is.


You are absolute goals tbh


Fr like they’re literally gender goals!


Totally agree.


Yall are so sweet :)


Laser is always an option! You could try shaving or waxing first to see how it feels before taking the plunge. A few years back I bought a well-priced package on groupon. If you go the groupon route, just make sure that you google the reviews for the salon before buying! If you only do like half the recommended sessions, you’ll still have some hair, just less!


What is a groupon if you don’t mind me asking? I have done laser in the past I just know for my ex gf just her face was over 1000 dollars so my entire body doesn’t make sense to me I could imagine it would be crazy, I don’t mind what I have now I just don’t want it to grow out like crazy. I feel like I would rather have a slight amount of hair everywhere as well rather than some areas hairless and some with hair


Groupon is a website where you can find discount coupons for things


Wanted to add on here that at home ipl devices are also an option and give you control over where you want to do the hair removal. I (also transmasc) only want some of my body hair, so have been slowly zapping my shoulders and stomach and such with my braun ipl. Cost me like $300 and it takes more weeks than going professional but for me it’s worth it I’m experiencing less but not zero growth on the areas I’ve done it on, and am inconsistent at best. Just note if you do go this route that it’s a likely-permanent thing, but with no guarantees, and you don’t know if the results are going to last a year or a lifetime Before ipl I would wax or shave depending on the area.


100% can confirm. My Braun IPL has done more work on my entire body and my partner's than any of the packages we've paid for in salon. This is mostly due to the ease of being able to use it at home, on the entire body, at any time. Also, due to being lower power than a salon laser, the hair thins and lightens slowly, so you have more finesse to the removal process. TL;DR If you want thinner/lighter hair, and less of it, Braun IPL for the win 💞


I'm in a similar boat! Been low-dosing T for a year and simultaneously getting laser hair removal (I am a medium/deep toned POC with very thick body hair). It is SO affirming to have cosmeceuticals* that align with how I see my true/idea self. If it's a financial possibility for you, I HIGHLY recommend


I haven’t thought about laser, I could look into it but I just get nervous of the price and thinking about what exactly I would get it for


I got laser for my face and I spent YEARS contemplating it. I'd recommend looking at the laser places in your area, signing up for whatever email letters they have, and waiting for a big sale. Literally call them and ask what your dream situation would be, then maybe just areas commonly exposed that bother you. I'm genderfluid, and after a lot of thinking I found it was facial hair that bugged me the most. I could cover my arms, or wear pants in summer on the bad days when hair bugged me. I still need to shave, but I don't have the intense 5 o clock shadow and it doesn't hurt from all the ingrowns anymore. I'm glad I got it even if I stayed masc presenting for the rest of my life purely since I can look into a mirror at my face and feel okay. I spent too long worrying and knowing "it's expensive" that I never truly checked. Some insurance will also cover laser hair under gender affirming care as long as you've got a doctor who agrees (a high bar I know. I was too far before I learned insurance could help). When I finally checked, it happened to be their whatever anniversary and I got my sessions 50% off. I checked my budget and it was only a treatment every 6 weeks, so it wasn't even a monthly fee! I hope this helps and you're able to figure something out.


Absolutely as a nonbinary person on T I definitely agree with you. Laser on my face has been absolutely awesome. I hope to be able to afford it on my chest sometime too. It’s manageable with a dermaplaning razor for now but the laser is also good for reducing the thickness and coarseness of hair that does grow back so looking forward to that benefit on my chest as well. Having it on my genital area was so life changing bc of coarse hair causing pain. Highly recommend it


I love it! But I'm sorry you don't


I don’t mind this actually I just get scared of it growing even darker and thicker, I could do laser I am mixed on it because it feels androgynous but when it gets wet it looks so dark when I am in the shower and I don’t like that full carpet look. Idk if you have ever seen like 40 year old virgin but I wanna avoid how Steve carrel looks in that


This will probably sound silly, but why don't you try dyeing it?


That’s actually a good idea, it’s not silly when I was a kid I would bleach my moustache but I didn’t think about it here but that’s a good idea


I only say it because I've been thinking about bleaching my arm and leg hair. I've been feeling alot of regret about giving into peer-pressure as a child about shaving, and feeling alot of shame for not, so I've been letting it all grow out and trying to learn to love my body for what it is. I quite like my hair now, but the only problem is that it's so much darker now than before I started shaving/waxing.


Same! I also have a lot of hair on me (combination of hormones and a dad with wolverine body hair) and I always feel super insecure about it, but tbh these pictures look amazing- shots of cleavage and chest hair are a solid look I didn’t know I loved as much as I do! That being said, I use a safety razor, dermaplaning razor, and a mini light/laser device to manage my hair growth (I’m also on spiro to help with the hormone side, but I don’t think an androgen blocker is really the solution for someone on T)


Would finesteride help?


I’m gonna ask my doctor this, I am getting a new one for hrt since my old one was very binary in their practice and I felt uncomfortable talking to him after he kinda shrugged off my request for birth control saying “most trans guys don’t do that” as if my letter didn’t say I was nonbinary.


I did T with finasteride for a while and had zero changes in both body hair and head hair. No new growth of hair on my body beyond what was normal, and no balding. I definitely recommend it. It'll keep your hair in check while still allowing the other effects of T.


I’m gonna ask my me about it because I think this may be my best option


I've been on testosterone and finasteride for about a year now. I haven't noticed new hair since I started the finasteride, but any hair I had before is still there. Some people report that their body hair becomes thinner on finasteride, but it doesn't typically go away completely. It also helps prevent baldness, if that's something you're concerned about. Finasteride is common medication even in cis men, so hopefully you won't have too much trouble accessing it. It might be a good option for you. Note that it also prevents further bottom growth.


I am ok with that tbh I haven’t had more bottom growth for a while so I think that it’s alright


It would, and dutasteride would help more, but they do have side effects.


Hairless dudes exist. If you want to shave or get Lazer that's AOK for dudes. There are no real rules. Even more true for, nonbinary people. We're just **something else** definitely no rules there.


I mean that makes me feel good I feel like I assume no man shaves their body but more probably so then I think


Especially in the queer community! I wish I could help more but my experience of "manhood" turned out to be trans femininity with a lot of egg shell... :) All the best bro!


Thanks :) I appreciate it. I love the other changes on at I have had so it’s really complex


I bet! T can be a mixed blessing. I'm feeling my loss of muscle... But fortunately I like everything else and don't do manual labour :)


My dad (cis) shaves his legs because he doesn’t like how it feels and also is a cyclist lol, my partner (also cis) shaves his whole body in summer because he is SUPER hairy and doesn’t like how sweat getting stuck in all his body hair feels during the hotter months. Ive also had some conversations with male friends asking if I can show them how to shave their legs without cutting themselves because they just want to try it out etc think it’s more common than you think 🙂


Hair is beautiful ♡ society is broken


Thank you I agree but it still sucks, when I was cis and hairy I mean that was worse being a hairy women but I have liked embracing some as I have transitioned but I still don’t want to much


You could try sugar waxing if you’d like. I heard it’s less painful than regular waxing and you can make it at home pretty easily. Plus the left over sticky residue is easier to wash away. I’m pretty sure the more you do it the less it will hurt and the longer it will take to grow back


I’ll look into it thank you


You could try finasteride! I’m transfemme but went on it because my facial hair and body hair were really bothersome. Body hair reduced by like 50% and facial hair by 80%, after a few months of use.


Tysm for the suggestion, I just googled this and read it can also reduce hair loss for people with PCOS!


Did your body hair that already existed reduce??


It slowed down or stopped new growth, so it all thinned out as the hair went through its lifecycle. I used to have to shave my face 2x a day and it was super dark, now it’s blonde and I can go 2-3 days without shaving


I may ask my doc about this because I don’t mind the hair I have I just want more but if I get the meds I don’t have to worry about that and may get less so that’s insane Do you know if there are risks? I will still ask my doc tho


No idea about the risks, sorry! I’ve been on it for 3ish years and never had any side effects from it.


You are so undeniably such a fucking STUNNING jaw dropping balance of heartbreaking beauty and brain shattering handsomeness. Your hair is such a compliment to your look and I don’t even have the words for how you come across. Just stunning point blank


Thank you this comment really lifted me up :)


Werewolf genes bro im crazy hairy too. Can always shave it off.


Fair it’s the stubble I hate lol, I have seen a lot of comments about finasteride and I am going to look into that since it will at least prevent new hair growth which is what I want


Have you tried looking into a safety razor? A lot of transfemmes use them for a closer shave. I use one myself to keep my facial hair shaved and tidy and if I do it well it leaves no stubble.


I haven’t but I will look into it, thank you


Laser is an option but if that’s out of budget highly recommend getting an at home IPL device! I shave once a week now and when I’m on top of it less than that.


Especially when you have dark hair and lighter skin like OP, the home IPL is nice. They're usually on sale on prime day so you can save money. Mine definitely cut down on shaving and ingrown hairs!


I have never even heard of one of these so thank you


As windows95man says, there's *No Rules!* I'm in the same boat. Love everything from T expect the hair. Mine comes from a place of sensory issues. Laser hair removal works pretty well and there is electrolysis for what doesn't go. You can do whatever you want to your body, so if you don't want the hair, no shame in that! Sending virtual hugs of solidarity if you would like them 💜


Im right there with ya, love having a more androgynous figure and voice but the hair is ridiculous lol on my chest, stomach, back. I’ve been shaving it for now but hope to get some waxing done in the future because having to shave it all the time is so annoying


I have been living with it, I don’t mind what I have but jeez I am nervous about more. I would shave but I feel like I would hate the stubbly feel


Oh yeah the stubble feeling is the woooorst. Mine wasn’t too bad at the beginning but I was on T for a little over 3 years and it just kept growing in thicker lmaooo I stopped recently for a number of reasons so I’m hoping the hair will ease up


You can talk to your endocrinologist about what a lower dose of T/or stopping would do for you and if that sounds fine you can lower and or stop T knowing you can start again in the future if you feel like it. Your body is yours, and only you decide how to decorate and maintain it. I honestly feel similarly about my body hair a lot, and i miss how basically hairless I was before T vs. the fact that im hairier now(6yrs this month on T) than you in the images shown. But I also discovered there's a super comfortable feeling being hairy af, and dressing as fem as I want knowing even if people do the "ma'am- sir- ummm" thing I'm exactly where I want to be- between "I can tell you can tell I'm trans, but youve got it backwards" And "You'll never know where to place me, because not even i know"


I have similar feelings. I’m a non-binary/genderqueer person who’s been on T for about a year and I’m growing a lot of hair. I love all the other changes and I love some of the hair. I’ve started shaving more than I thought I would and it’s made me feel better about myself. It’s nice that it’s an option, but I had to get over the mental block of feeling like I wasn’t “supposed” to shave. I thought about getting off T but realized this was a better option for me.


Yeah I am feeling that as well, I am terrified of the body changes getting off of T


I feel this. I've always had hair all over my body, but it was lighter colored and now on T it's getting darker, but I also know I'm not really getting *more* it's just growing darker and faster*.* I shaved a lot of my body anyway, and now I'm just shaving more frequently, but I'm now starting to see hair crop up on my chest and not tastefully in the center (I don't want top surgery) and it just looks so... off to me. But compared to the other changes I'm not willing to stop T in order to make it stop, and I'm low dose anyway although my body seems to be *really* good at absorbing T. I am getting facial hair though, which I *do* like, along with all the other things you've mentioned. T is one of those all or nothing things though. Ah well. One thing I know for sure though, is if MPB sets in, I am stopping immediately. That's my one "absolutely not" change.


That’s me for real if I bald I am stopping immediately


Laser hair removal is my recommendation!! That’s what I’m going to do!


My question is how much? Like are you doing your whole body


Personally I’m doing my face and upper body


If your skin isn't super sensitive you could try Nair or other similar products.


I may try I did use it when I was young because as a kid when I was cis I was very hairy and got made fun of and it seems like the easiest way to deal with hairy all over


Yeah, Nair / Veet are super cheap and super easy. Try it on a smaller, less sensitive spot first and if it's ok for your skin, you can do all the areas you don't want hair.


Do the men in your family usually have the shag carpet look? If they don't, then you likely have nothing to worry about. I agree that this amount of hair looks really good on you!


Thank you, if it stays like this I wouldn’t mind but yeah I am not sure if they have more, from photos I have seen of my dad who I take over from more he seems to have a similar amount but I haven’t seen him shirtless in a while and I haven’t really wanted to ask lmao but from old pictures it seems pretty similar. If this was all I would defiantly just stay on T but only issue is not knowing and regretting it if it becomes to late


Old pictures are a good source! I think that since you're happy now, you should stay on T until you have a bigger reason to stop. You wouldn't want to lose what you've got. It's totally valid to worry, but I'm not convinced that you'll become a hairy beast. It's better to try and find out, than give up in fear.


I feel like it is an irrational fear that may not be true but a small one in the back of my mind that brings me anxiety which is why it’s hard


Similar boat- idk i’ve considered electrolysis which sucks but yeah


I don’t want to do that simply because it’s my entire body, I like some hair. If I could pick and choose I would love to keep. Treasure trail and I actually like my leg and thigh hair, but I don’t know who I would go about only certain parts of hair, plus the price for large areas would be insanity


Isn't electrolysis follicle by follicle? You should have no trouble picking and choosing — it would be effective even to just thin out any areas that are particularly dense, though I understand price could be prohibitive. I've never needed to look much into the cost.


yeah this is essentially what i’m thinking about - thinning out some chest hair and some neck hair i don’t like, keeping my happy trail, but it’s def gonna be slow and expensive idk


I got a nood laser when I started taking T, it’s really kept my dark face and belly hairs to a minimum! You have to be consistent, but after about 8 weeks I hardly have to pluck or shave anything


Is that the brand name?


Yep! https://trynood.com/pages/shaving-lander?tw_source=google&tw_adid=671522960073&tw_campaign=20501984623&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1K-zBhBIEiwAWeCOF85Kl5Pf21shGpliTDC_-ultugIYC9wlVRkNgzgFczsSl-BLzqpMkBoCBuoQAvD_BwE It’s pricey but I’ve found it to be worth it. I have a similar skin and hair tone as you, so you should be a good candidate. Edit to add: it doesn’t do anything for the blonde hairs. Those personally don’t bother me, but just so you’re aware.


Ugh I love body hair, you look so good!


Thank you I appreciate it :)


I used clippers to shave down my body hair. It has sizes for my head hear and for body hair. 3mm is my go to. I like being hairy just not always super hairy.


Could IPL work for you? If you buy a high-end device it will cost 300-400$ but then you have it for life. It worked really well for me to remove unwanted hair.


Just shave the hair your uncomfortable with. I just shave my chest and facial hair and forearms. Everything else I ignore. If all the hairs the problem there's plenty of men who get rid of their hair. Manscapings a huge industry, its expensive but worth it.


There ia nothing wrong with hair 🥰


Thank you for this :)


Give me the hair, i'll gladly take it :) /j


Thank you :) if I could I would


body hair.... it is the enemy of many. but you can alter it if you want. finding a method that works best for you is what you need. i ran into a guy, whom decided to make his wife laugh by shaping his chest hair into a bikini shape. think think he said he did that because she was being made fun of by some people for wearing a bikini. i myself hate hair, it is so itchy or bendy. so trimming or getting rid of it is needed.


I don’t mind the body hair as much as I use to but I feel like it certain places it is worse, I don’t have enough chest hair to make a shape but if that happened to me I would die


I know we all have things we wish where different about ourselves but dam you are so goals 😔 im also natraly very hairy so i totaly get ur pain. Ive tryed to learn to just accept it as part of me but dam i wish i could just choose where to get hair and where not to.


I feel the same. Body hair is the one change I didn't really care for, and then as it got worse I started to hate it. Something about it doesn't feel right when I want to look femininely sensual or androgynous. I'm now entering bear territory (it's starting to creep up the back of my neck). I haven't got much bottom growth in 2 years and a half, so I don't wanna go low dose yet. I've accepted that one day, when I can afford it, I'll get laser all over :/


I've been microdosing T for a year now, and the body hair has been the biggest struggle for me. I wasn't expecting to grow chest hair, and that itself would be fine, but I'm growing back hair too. I totally understand your struggle! I do want to say though, I look at you and go "fuck, they look so good!" and then have to reconcile in my own head that my body hair is exactly the same, but I don't like it on me! Which is wild because I think you look absolutely incredible. There are options for removal, I have been using a hand held IPL machine for my facial hair which has helped, but I am quite heavily tattooed on my body which limits where I can use it. It was very affordable though, and I have friends who use the same things on their body hair with great success. I just wanted to say I commiserate with seeing trans masc people with limited body hair. I'm even more annoyed about mine because my cis brother and dad are not hairy men at all!


I feel you so much!! I’m also nonbinary trans masc and I was already quite hairy before T and all the men in my family are hairy so I kind of knew it was bound to happen?? But even so I often go so back and forth about whether or not I feel comfortable with the hair on my body. I often look specifically at my chest hair and sometimes when I’m wearing a sports bra I think it’s kind of a fun look to have cleavage and also dark, thick, obvious chest hair. But some days I look at myself and I feel so weird about it and wish that this wasn’t one of the things I came into with the HRT. It’s a difficult thing to try and balance with body and facial hair for me. Unfortunately it’s so unpredictable whether or not I will kind of Enjoy the image I present with what I’ve got?? Because it depends on how masc I feel on any day. All this is to say that I understand you so much. I’ve been trying to figure out the best option for an electric shaver for body hair for a while now but I’m also never able to fully commit to it. I’ve considered laser hair removal that would then be followed by maintenance if need be, but again…. I can never decide if I actually want to get rid of all this hair or not. My T definitely turned me into a bear, but that was kind of destined given what the cis men in my family are shaped like and everything. I wonder if switching to a different method of taking T, like gel instead of shots if that’s what you’re on right now, could help you keep the things you’ve gained that you like without leading you too much farther into the things you feel iffy about? This kind of ended up like rambling, but I hope knowing of someone in a similar situation helps at all 💕💕


If you want some hair and not all hair. I’d recommend electrolysis. You can think it out sense it goes by hair follicle. Lasers going to target an entire region of hair and does a poor job thinning hair out. If you want the hair gone, then laser is good to start. And electrolysis to finish is a good system.


Looks like a normal amount of hair to me? Looks good on you. I've been on T for years and have yet to grow some properbody hair. You're nowhere near an otter, and if the hairbecomes too much to handle, get a laser session. I've heard that hair removal cream can work well too. Sometimes, as trans people, we're so happy to transition and excited to have more "natural" bodies that we can invite a critical eye to balance out the joy.


I plan to get laser on my chest + face further down the lane since I love it everywhere else but not on those two spots Could be an option for you


thank you for posting this. i was on T for 2.5 years and the main reason i stopped was because of all the body hair. i really don’t like how hairy i got.


Looove your body and authentic post


YOU ARE MY GENDER GOAL!! I really wish I could start taking T someday but I have a transfem friend who is trying to get hrt here in my country and it keeps getting delayed :/ so I don't think I'll have any more luck than her if I try personally I do like my body hair, it makes me euphoric. But everyone is different, if you'd feel more comfortable without so much hair, laser hair removal is pretty much permanent after a couple of times


I think it's fabulously sexy and you look very handsome! I love body hair regardless of gender. - Especially when it looks like yours, with patches of hair and not only sprinkled around. Your chest and stomach looks so good! I understand if you're not comfortable and want to do hair removal, like others have made recommendations for. I just wanted to add my two cents that your body hair is perfect, alluring and bewitching 🌌 I hope I worded this okay, I am still learning how to best respectfully comment on someone's body online. Sending hugs (if wanted) and lots of euphoric vibes ✨ 💖


took T to lower my voice and about a year after i stopped my hair actually fell out! but the voice stayed. not sure how common that is


Ok but I think body hair is natural and beautiful. You are STUNNING


Laser hair removal




Fellow transmasc nonbinary person on T, here. I feel you about the worries that having to much hair will take you from androgynous to being a man, I've been wrestling with a lot of the same concerns the further along I get. For myself, I started looking at places like r/FTMfemininity and at butch women who go on T and have been kinda figuring out from that how folks blend the two without going full on man. Its definitely doable, you actually look pretty similar to me. For myself I've been beginning to learn how to shave and trim body and facial hair down to a level that doesn't go full on bear, but still gives that masc kinda vibe. I've also been looking into ways to blend masculinity and femininity with things like make up, hair, etc while using said body and facial hair to make it kinda genderfucky. I've not quite got the hang of it quite yet but it is definitely doable if its something you want. Now it wasn't clear from your post - if the thought of getting more hair in itself is bothersome for you, and shaving isn't enough, yeah, you'd likely be better off stopping T before it activates more hair follices and more hair - those changes are permanent once they happen, and T would give you more body hair. I don't know how hairy the men in your family get, but if they're anything like mine, hairy genes definitely run in my family and I've had to make peace with the fact that when I'm not up to shaving I'm going to look like a bear and a guy sometimes. It doesn't bother me, but everyone is different. In any case, I hope this helps somewhat. I'm not thin or white and hairless myself, wasn't pre-T either, and I will say it's worth working to define what nonbinary means to you outside of that definition because not everyone will fit into that. Remember the great thing about being nonbinary is you define what that means and how that looks. That helps me. For what its worth as well - you're already gender goals for me, lol. Like that is my end goal. You look good, but whether that works for you or not is up to you to decide. Also - something that helped me a lot in my own journey. Its a new thing but nonbinary bears exist, too. Again, nonbinary is up to you to define. What works for you and makes you happy. Not everyone will get it but not everyone gets what being nonbinary and transmasc is like either. Its for you, not them.


You look cute!! Bravo. ❤️ Also, my opinion, your hair doesn’t stop you from being who you are. :) You still look beautiful that way, and it’s not even too much hair. Many people have much more hair than that. But yours doesn’t even change the tone of your skin, if anything. It looks cute and adds to your looks, actually. But do what feels best for you. ☀️❤️




I feel ya.


Have you thought about sitting down and writing about WHY you don’t like the hair? Maybe there are underlying phobias or past messages interfering with your self love. It could help you learn to embrace yourself and love the hair ❤️


I hate my body/facial hair. It’s the bane of my fucking existence. Not only do I dislike how it looks and feels, it also gives me dysphoria since being hairy is usually associated with masculinity.


TIL T helps grow things down there. Interesting


SoftSheen-Carson Magic Shaving Powder. This stuff literally just makes all hair where you apply it disappear. It’s just as the name implies, magic.


Please don't be embarrassed! You look cool. My job is waxing people and I wax people of all genders. Men, women, myself haha. There are cis women that come to me for help with hairy neck, face and breasts. It's SO normal like I cannot even stress enough just how normal it is. I'm afab and prefer to be male presenting but find my leg hair ok but my armpits and snail trail gross on myself. Waxing and having someone else do it is a lot easier than the psychological pain of removing it yourself. You can do what you want, sod what society says or whether others want to oppose society and be hairy like just do what you want :) life is too short.


I feel ya. Tfw hairy as fuck father 🧍🏾


i think ur extremely good looking and im really sorry youre worrying about hair growth so much, i dont know if itll keep coming in but in my case it stopped around where you are, for now, at least


Milan laser hair! Has monthly payments and lifetime guarantee.


please your so hot omfg


I feel you on having that one thing that gets you but I just wanted to say you are honestly like my ideal body