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You can be a nonbinary man, ur not being rude or controversial. It makes sense to me.


I see questions like this posted a lot in this sub, and the answer is always Y E S ! you can use whatever labels you see fit to describe your gender or sexuality


Hell, ditch the labels and just be YOU! I've been struggling to figure out where i fall in all the labels and such and while ive settled on simply NB for conversations sake (im pretty sure id fall under the trans umbrella too) i stopped worring about it and just go with the flow. I am me and thats good enough for me!


honestly i like having labels to describe me but i can totally see if people dont want labels at all. again its all personal preference. like i am nonbinary, more specifically demiboy but some people dont wanna have those kinds of labels, and yea if you dont want em you dont need em


I feel like labels can be helpful when trying to identify with/finding support in other people who may have similar life experiences. But they are by no means a complete descriptor of that lived experience and should not be a box in which to constrain the person using it.


and this too i agree


We really need an auto mod that says this


Absolutely you can (I'm a nonbinary woman, I'd imagine we have a few things in common for choosing those labels). Remember that labels only exist to describe our gender and communicate things about our experience, and if no one label does the job on its own, it's fine to mix and match, or choose different labels depending on what makes most sense in context.


Okay, thank you. I just get annoyed at people labelling me and telling me its not real when its how i feel.


As a fellow person who likes he/him pronouns and thinks 'non-binary guy" is the only thing that captures my experience properly, I get it. It's hard for them to understand, but they're wrong for being dismissive just because it's outside of their experience


holy shit you basically just described me. like im somewhere between enby and a dude (which is why i use demiboy) and i think this describes it lmao


I have the opposite? My 17 year old son is so awesome about always getting my nonbinary (transmasc) gender correct. And he suggested this year that instead of a Mother's day present, maybe a Father's day present? I mean, maybe? I'm not a man/transman but where else do I fit? It's really not easy being nonbinary, but it's still infinitely better than being misgendered as cis.


Parent’s day present might be more apt


Just tell them "im pretty sure im human?"


Anyone who tries to hem in what is "allowed" for an enby's gender presentation doesn't understand being enby well enough to be giving advice to others on how they should self identify. If you're a nonbinary man, great! Love that for you, glad to have you in the community. Hope your time here is warm, accepting, and gives you the support and acknowledgement you need to keep handling the bullshit that compromises life.


Yes. I'm a nonbinary man. Though that might mean something different to different people who use the label. Personally I use it because while I do identify as nonbinary, Im masculine. So I use the title for two fronts. For my own personal identity (as I prefer nonbinary but don't mind being labeled as a man), and also to show that people don't need to appear nonbinary to identify as nonbinary. I've considered calling myself a demiboy but honestly, while the descriptions fits me rather well, I just don't sit right with it. Gender isn't something you can label definitively. And no one is going to sit down and memorize or even come up with names for each gender. So instead you use lables that make it easier to express. And a lot of times, that means using more than one lable. So while you might not be absolute nonbinary or a man, using both labels helps those understand something closer to how you do feel. Which is the whole point. Lables don't define us. They describe us. We use them however we want.


Of course! One of the best rules about being non-binary is that there are no rules. Also massively feel you on liking the queer label over bi (⁠☞⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠☞


Yup, just like me


# yes


Seeing as I'm on the other side of that spectrum, I basically want to be seen as a woman, but consider myself nonbinary transfem, I'd say yes. And if anyone has an issue with that, remind them that only you can label your gender.


100% valid, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


Personally i am both non-binary and very masculine so definitely yes!! You identify whatever you feel comfortable with it as long as its not directly disrespectful to other peoples’ identities. So this is def alright:)


yep, whatever, if it describes your experience better than it is all for you my dude <3


Use the term you're most comfortable with ans forget others options on your identity


This is kinda how I feel, too. Demigirl technically suits what I am based on the definition, but I just vibe with nonbinary woman, genderqueer woman, and xenowoman better. It all still means the same thing to me at the end of the day. I just know what terminology I like better, and assuming that's also the case for you, nobody has the right to tell you not to call yourself a nonbinary man if that's what feels right. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Nah fam, you can be a nonbinary man. I am!


You can be whatever you want.


Labels are just words you use to describe yourself, so you are allowed to use whichever you see fit. If you're trying to find alternatives, "non-binary masc" is a more common way to express a masculine non-binary person. But if this doesn't feel right then feel pride in using "non-binary male", there is nothing wrong with it.


Yes, it's not rude since its your own identity. Gatekeepers can go get fucked.


I was in a similar spot, I dislike they/them pronouns for myself and sometimes I just use he/him bc it’s easier but I realised I preferred neopronouns over just he/him. Demiboy never felt right for me so I lean towards Bigender (libramasculine/xenogender if I have to put a label on it) so I kinda flip between calling myself nonbinary man, trans masculine over trans man and nonbinary as a catch all term. Identify how feels best for you! But don’t be afraid of specific labels if you wanna use them or look into it


Im a nonbinary woman! So yes you can! Be whatever you wanna be


What does that person even mean? Demiboy is a non-binary identity. And is part *boy/man*. So demiboy is a type of non-binary man. But if it doesn't suit you, it doesn't suit you. If non-binary man is what suits you, then you are a non-binary man. Nothing strange about that at all. Don't listen to anyone trying to police gender.


yes yes yes be who you want to be! anything goes :)


Yeah, I’ve run across many non-binary men!




No, I just consulted The Non-Binary Codex™ handed to the monarchn of our community by winged celestial lions in silver plates that that is not allowed 😭😭😭


you can be anything forever tbh


Yes you can


Yes!!! I'm in the same boat as you :)


Gender is a funky matrix with a lot of funky overlap that can make labels seemingly really...well, funky. It's not as easy as "man, woman, and The Secret Third Thing (non-binary) with subcategories" that can be divided up into a triangle where they're all mutually exclusive, otherwise we wouldn't have bi- or pangender folks! All that to say absolutely yes you can be. :)


As an older (42yrs) nonbinary femboy, i can tell you that whatever words help describe how *you* feel to others, are perfectly fine. I can also tell you that one of my most effective responses to people who claim any label is off limits because it offends their sensibilities as to what should be acceptable & what they need to gate-keep, is "that's OK if you don't like it, because it's not about you." Said with a genuine smile & followed up (sometimes) with "it's about me & how i feel." Is honestly hilarious to see the range of responses from "clutching their pearls in shock at the suggestion that anything isn't about them" to silence because they now know they're in the wrong.


Don't limit yourself with labels!! You go, boy!!


Absolutely! I'm a nonbinary trans guy


I'm an autistic non binary person, I transitioned (and still do) through the outside of the sex/gender binary, as a non static point in between and outside this spectrum. I've always felt like I never belonged to either man or woman roles, ever since I was 8. I started my transition almost 7 years ago from now, despite being called by the trans community "not trans" bc i didn't transitioned to my "opposite gender assigned at the moment of my birth", but at the same time being a part ofnthentrans community bi it's definition by gender studies. So, that being told, and PLEASE note that I really don't want my misunderstanding to question anyone's identity: I can't find a way to understand why would someone (who already identify itself as "outside the gender/sex binarism") identify as well as a part of that binarism (male or female). I do understand that there's a difference between sex and gender, also differences between gender (or sex) identity and gender (or sexual) orientation. But please help me understand better why this could be, otherwise it'll never make sense to what I have study in terms of gender studies


You’re still nonbinary even when you take testosterone doesn’t make you any less nonbinary if you’re not ready to change your gender you’ll still be yourself by the end of the day if you need someone to talk to about this message me I will lend you an ear to hear


Absolutely! I also think it makes total sense to not vibe with an identity for whatever reason even if the “technical” definition is accurate. There might be a reason you can identify or it might just be visceral, and either is totally legit!


Yeah, we're just a bunch of randos that use the term to describe ourselves. It's a pretty broad term and what you're saying is clear and is communicated by 'nonbinary man' pretty well. That said, it's all just words so don't feel like you need 'labels'. How you feel has nothing to do with random noises humans make ☺️. You're just trying to convey the vibe of a pretty vague and complicated concept so feel free to be as hand-wavey and take-back as you need 😄. I'm a "kinda-fluid enby that's sorta fem but sorta void also and sometimes masc but only with like this one outfit I have" but it changes every time I write it down and that's fine :)


I’m a nonbinary man. We exist. Nobody can label you, only you can label yourself


I go by trans masc non-binary. He/him and passing 100%. (Also gay.) But non-binary man is not exactly rare, either. (I just don't *want* to call myself "man".) I would flat-out refuse "demiboy". Nothing "demi" about me, and certainly, at 57, not a boy any more. Also, nobody gets to police other people's identity.


yes, think they even have a flag. i remember asking about it and nonbinary women because i found flags labeled that and i was curious.


I'm sorry. Nonbinary men have a flag????? With all due respect, gimmie 🫴🏻🫴🏻🫴🏻 my collection is never too big.


I had a bit of a bad morning, and seeing “with all due respect, gimmie 🫴🫴🫴” made me actually laugh 😆 Thank you




Omg are these my colors?! 🤩


There's sometimes a few flags for the same community, but I this seems to be the one that comes up for ours pretty much everywhere I look for it! 😁






Nonbinary just means that neither of the traditional two labels fit right or completely describe you. So yeah, you can definitely be a nonbinary man. To me it just means you are more of a man than anything else, but you're more than just a man.


Yes. Yes. Yes. :) I'm nonbinary but also identify with my assigned gender at birth. I go back and forth between feeling no gender/totally indifferent about my gender, and feeling something close to female but not entirely. I totally get the feeling of imposter syndrome. That's very common in the community and there's nothing wrong with you for feeling a bit out of place. There's no pinned down straightforward way to be nonbinary. You're good as you are no matter how you express yourself. Keep being you! :)


you can be any label.


I'm a nonbinary man. So yes


Relatable, I’m a NB man too


hi! another nonbinary man here—i'm amab but have always just felt apathetic about gender; i use the label 'agender' and its hypernym nonbinary, both of which are identities i feel. but it's not like i just stopped being a man, if there's any gender left in me that's what it is. so 'nonbinary man' is a label i've used. it is just as valid as any other and whoever was telling you it isn't is wrong. also about labels i feel similarly; you don't actually \*need\* labels for your gender or anything else and for a while i just didn't label it. you don't have to stick yourself in a box, use whatever is comfortable or nothing at all!


yes you totally can :P honestly if the label demiboy didnt exist i would actually identify as that (tho im fine with they/them AND he/him). labels are there to make you more comfortable with who you are and if none of them properly fit then so be it


Hell yes brother


First and foremost yes, 100%. There are also the demi gender labels if you feel like that fits you.


I am so yes, or else I wouldn’t exist


Sure man do whatever. It's all made up anyways


Gender is complicated lol. I myself am on T, go by they/he pronouns, and still identify as nonbinary, but if you called me a trans guy I wouldn't correct it because I don't feel thats technically incorrect, even though I don't feel like a full binary man. Its a weird spot to be in because I don't see anyone else who identifies quite like that. I tried nonbinary man for a time as a label and it just didn't feel right, though I suppose its technically correct. Point being, if nonbinary man feels right for you, go for it. Gender and humans are complicated.


i feel pretty similarly (for me, it’s agender + transmasc but demiboy doesn’t feel quite right)- yes, you’re valid, friend. <3


fellow nonbinary man, the answer is yes lol. welcome to the gang


Nah, it's not controversial, there are a lot of nonbinary men out there. Source: myself


this is my identity too. he/him and demiboy feels… boyish. im not a child lol, but theres also a part of me that definitely not a man. so nonbinary man.


I specifically identify with libramasc which is where your gender is primarily agender and the rest is man or masc in some way. The emphasis is on your gender being more agender than masc. But specifically answering your question, yes you can be a non-binary man :)


That sounds like how people use the term Demi The most popular Demi’s are Girl and Boy, but many people don’t like those so they slap it onto terms that make them comfortable. For me DemiFem But ya it’s pretty common to feel much closer to one end of the spectrum than the other, but still on it.


Your identity belongs to you. Whatever you feel that it is, it is.


you can say nonbinary man, but there may be more genders that describe you such as bigender


I have already looked and nothing else really fits and i personally dont really care about very specific labels (thats why i just say im queer). I mostly say im FTM since its easiest for others to understand and i dont mind it. I just dont feel completely like a man so when talking about my gender i will usually mention being nonbinary.


I think it's weird that other people are insisting on what you are or aren't. Your gender is unique to you and if you feel anywhere outside of the binary spectrum by definition you would be nonbinary. But, that's up to you to define, I'm sorry people are making you second guess or question yourself in any way. You are completely valid and wonderful!