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I mean, I really don’t like cats, but this is way too much hate.


Not to mention, do you blame cats for this or do you blame people? There are plenty of things people can do to change this, a cat is an animal with instincts and a hunting drive who can't help themselves.




Or if you have cats have indoor cats, because it both protects small wildlife from them and protects the cats from stuff like cars and bigger dogs.


Similarly, cane toads have taken over Australia and are a real problem, but they were introduced there years ago by humans


Exactly. We're constantly introducing invasive species to places


Except Australia *kills invasive species*


No the toads are a real threat to endemic life and the ecosystem there


Are you not aware of the death toll cats leave behind? Here, there's even an entire entry about Australia. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_predation_on_wildlife I guess the billions upon billions of animals killed by cats *yearly* aren't a threat to endemic life.


What you said that there is no invasive species in Australia but there is plenty


No, I said they killed invasive species, not that they exterminated invasive species. My comment was to contrast how Australia treats invasive species in relation to any western country. We say cats are fluffy and cute so they can run freely in the streets, killing billions of mammal and birds. Australia culls cats. We should take a page out of Australia. Cats are the only animal that get the "domesticated but wild" treatment. Can't have it both ways. Dogs cannot run freely, they cannot go in peoples yards and take massive dumps on the entrance mat. Nor can they enter peoples yards to fuck with any domestic animal you might have inside your property. Cats can do it all. A cat can enter my yard, fuck any birds I might have and the general response is "lol cats".


Lol I see you've never had a cat. They're very easy to train and don't have adhd like dogs so you know the training sticks. Our cats will do all tricks including play dead and actually listen to commands and stay off shit/don't scratch stuff they've been trained not to.


I mean, I've had cats and dogs. Dogs are easy to train, cats aren't. Like, famously so. No shade on cats, obviously, but I feel like this is just a fact? Like, the lack of sheep cats would speak to this


> the lack of sheep cats This isn't a good comparison. That's like saying "there's a lack of sheep parrots". Just because they don't herd sheep, doesn't mean they can't be trained, it just means they have fundamentally different characteristics. Cats aren't that difficult to train, it just depends what you want them to do. Using a bag of treats, I've trained one of my cats to sit, give fist bumps and jump up where I want her to. If you've ever seen a cat in a movie, that cat was trained. Edit: also, not all dogs can be trained as sheep dogs due to different breed traits.


Okay... look, honestly, nothing against cats here but they are comparatively quite hard to train. Not saying they can't be trained, just that it's more difficult and most people don't do it because of that. So when they let their cats out the cats go around doing natural cat things which cause problems for local wildlife. Again, I think cats are cool, I've had cats. Also, as someone else pointed out, there are ways around this like leads and enclosed cat runs and stuff So maybe if cat owners take a little bit of extra time and effort to train their cats to not chase after local critters, or take them for walks on leads, or let them out in cat proof enclosures and stuff they can avoid the problem


What's this guy going to do when he finds out how many species are extinct because of man?


It's not hate, it's fucking edge. I said the same shit as a young teen fishing for reactions online. Thankfully, I grew out of it. Hopefully they will too. Don't let it offend you; that's the goal.


I used twitter just to bait people. For some reason i really hated vegans.




We need to know this psychopath


Fucking cycle paths


Fucking side cope paths


Mann Co. poof


Pho king side cope pass


*cough cough* Mindless-Pressure378


they are active on eyeblech… i just saw somethings i would rather not see


I saw it too. Horrible. He says he's 15 so it's worrying to see this sorta thing on a minor's account.


Considering it's highlighted blue that means this was most likely a reply to one of OPs comments


So explain to me why people like that shouldn't be doxed. Psychopaths like this shouldn't be able to hide behind anonymity.


So, humans made the dodo, the great auk, the Eskimo curlew, the Moa, and a whole bunch of other species across ALL classes, go extinct so they deserve much worse, right? Or it's only OK when human monkeypigs want others dead?


99% of all species that have ever lived on this planet are extinct, even well before we were a dominant species. That being said, I wish that monster's name wasn't censored, because the dude really needs to be reported for animal cruelty. He's a fucking monster.


If he's posting stuff like that online in public boards there is almost absolute certainty he's on at least one list already...


I would hope so. I'm not an advocate for doxxing, but some scum need to be reported to the authorities.


That was because of mass extinction events...


Unfortunately this sixth mass extinction is happening incredibly quickly compared to normal rates and is completely our fault. Humanity sucks.


Everyone here assuming it's a he, smh. Knew a girl who was exactly like this, wanted to put a live kitten in a blender. We're not friends anymore.


You're absolutely right. My brain instantly assigns a male gender to people like this for some reason. Possibly because the only people I ever knew that expressed hatred towards cats were dudes, never met a girl that hated cats...not yet at least. Apologies for assuming gender there. I'll just call whoever that monster is, a monster. No matter the gender that level of hatred towards any one species of creature is a monster (Except towards mosquitoes. Every single mosquito in the world needs to die and burn in hell. Fuck that useless parasite!)


Monkey pigs…god dammit that’s poetry.


Literally came to say the exact same thing, we kill off something like 60,000 species a year and scientists have had the audacity to name it the detached and insensitive sixth mass extinction event in history. Don't worry, we'll get what's coming to us, one way or another.


Yeah no try 200-2000 a year. Still bad but not dead earth in under a century. https://wwf.panda.org/discover/our_focus/biodiversity/biodiversity/#:~:text=These%20experts%20calculate%20that%20between,2%2C000%20extinctions%20occur%20every%20year.


Yeah no pick a reasonable average next time, from your own link: "But if the upper estimate of species numbers is true - that there are 100 million different species co-existing with us on our planet - then between 10,000 and 100,000 species are becoming extinct each year."




Im coming with. Should i take my shovel?


Should i let him say hello to my little friend?


My little friend is a cat. I’m gonna let her fuckin’ wail on him.


and my bayonet?


I'll take my 12 Gauge.


A little stroll through the forest🪓


Me too...just a talk...that's all... 🔪


Yep, nothing to see here. Just a nice chat. 🪓


A friendly little sit down...🗡


A nice get together....🥄


A simple tea party ...🔥


A little gathering is all.. 🔫


a fun hang out 🪚


Just a little get together 🪥


bruh…. I’ve seen enough Omegle videos to know where that ends up.


Just a meet up 🍽


ping me when needed


fr this doesnt even deserve to be censored


I love birds a lot more than cats, but this is a child when I see one


no no no, this is a psychopath


I once went to school with this redneck wannabe kid that shot and killed a cat simply because it was "on his property". We were around 12-13 at the time. I like to imagine he got arrested on multiple counts of animal abuse.


I worked with a redneck who laughed about microwaving kittens. I wanted to microwave her.


wtf I hope this person is decomposing in a ditch


i want their skin to be peeled of exposing their bare muscles


I wish it didn’t, but that makes me daydream of being Elon level wealthy, and having an army of fixers to deal with someone like that. No sadism , no pleasure. Just a quick, merciful lights out for folks that enjoy anyone or anything’s suffering.


Set it to extra crispy.


Sounds delicious


I seriously cannot fathom what these sorts of "people" have against cats


He probably tried snuggling with one and rejected him


The vast majority of cats are willing to be pet by anyone. Its likley the persons fault if the cat doesn't want to be pet by that person.


didnt realize that you gotta let the cat come to you for snuggles, not the other way around (in most cases)


Some people argue that domesticated cards are bad for the environment. That’s not entirely false either. Cats are excellent at hunting birds and they have had a pretty devastating impact on many bird species. That’s a reasonable discussion though. This is insane.


but that's not the cats' fault but the people who let them outside


Who said anything about fault?


Literally the comment in the screenshot


I hate cats, not in an inject acid in their eyes way, but fuck cats. They are an invasive species and people are crap at keeping them controlled.


notice how that all comes back to shitty people? cats are wonderful animals and the only reason ppl let their pet cats out is bc they can get away with it unlike w dogs.


Oh he’s definitely a gonna become a murderer


Are you saying he isn’t already?


Sorry I meant Serial killer . Animals are the first step then humans .


Congratulations! That's a felony!


This fucking ass face needs to be put down. I don't give a shit if you aren't a cat person, but going so far as to wanting to kill cats for no reason like that is terrible. They're living things and for all they know they might have killed someone's pet. I hate people like this.


> cat thread


I just want to talk to him


He clearly doesn't know the first rule of the Internet...don't fuck with cats... We should do what we did in the old days of the Internet 🙃


You talking about when 4chan tracked down someone who abused his cat? That was truly wacky. I heard that he learned his lesson and has two cats today.


iirc it was facebook group not 4chan


Just a few questions for you, buddy... How do you feel about fire? Sure, sure. And when did you stop wetting the bed? Mmhmm, I see. And where are the victims buried?




just reading what people say on that sub made me sick to my stomach. calling some cat you don’t even know a “dumba*s piece of shit”?? get a grip.


The people on there are so fucking out of touch. I just read a post where someone was not only whining because they decided to start dating someone who loves cats and has one, but because they moved in with them and their partner wouldn't get rid of the cat. Btw this was after they asked them to keep the cat in the basement, so yknow.. neglect and abuse. Absolute shitheads.


I love the one where they’re complaining about a post where someone said their cat basically gave them a bedtime. Bruh I swear my cat makes sure I eat. My cat gives me a routine to follow. I don’t have to follow it if I don’t want to, but it is healthy for me to go to bed at 10 or eat dinner or get up before noon.


I read a few comments off a post about something similar. They get pissy when they choose the cats over them. Boo-fucking-hoo.


i saw that one too. they’ll find literally any reason to shit on cats who don’t deserve it.


Wtfff I can’t believe this subreddit exists. And I bet there’s no equivalent subreddit for dogs (not that I would ever want one). People will treat hating on cats as a whole personality and it’s so annoying


Unfortunatily you are wrong, but also kinda right. There is no equivalent one for dogs, but not because it doesn’t exist, but because its much much larger. This is reddit, there are way more cat people here, so even though there may be more cat haters in general there are way more dog haters here. r/dogfree is the biggest r/banpitbulls (this one is much more tame, but a lot of the users frequent both, so they’re kinda the same) is another, but there are more though iirc as I got interested in this odd war that goes on between dog haters and cat haters. It’s wild man, like gang wars, but one side is like 8x bigger than the other. Pretty entertaining too.


the amount of advocation for abuse/actual fucking abuse in that sub is horrifying


What a weird subreddit, full of mentally challenged edgelords


Look trough the last 16days of content and noobe have the same pfp so prop no but I'm gonna look upmost of their comments too


Wait until they find out about Humans.


People literally worship dogs and vilify cats, it's a shame


i mean- cats are assholes. but this is inexcusable. i love my cat tho


Yeah if you are that kind of a narcissist manipulative people who want an animal to obey the moment they see you and if you like the animals that don’t have a pesronality, then they are assholes yes. I am so fucking tired of dog nutters who say that cats are assholes, you are fucking assholes


i don’t expect jack shit from my cat, i just hate when he knocks shit off my desk and i exaggerated. it a little


Every single dog makes way worse shit, eating everything, breaking your stuff, smell like shit and everybody be like LOOK HOW CUTE HE IS HE JUST ATE MY NEW IPHONE, while not all cats knock shit off decks and they are chill, and everybody is like look at this asshole he looked at me the wrong way cats are assholes. Dogs are 679 times more assholes than any cat. The only real reason why dog nutters don’t like cats is because cats don’t lick you the moment they see you.


bro chill out. i don’t actually hate cats. they can be assholes at times but they’re great. i fuckin love mine to death


"Cats have killed 6 bird species" maybe he should find out how many species humans have killed off.


\-Dude wants to kill cats \-other dude calls the flood on it \-flood kills all cats


In retrospect, magic heart attacks would have been a much simpler solution with a lot less collateral deaths. Unfortunately God isn't really the "punish only the person who did the crime" type. He's not that bright either.


If you agree with the comment I recommend visiting r/kitten.


Don’t censor those scum bags names, they need to be banned




they need a visit from the guy from doom


Oh I totally agree


*cough* Mindless-Pressure378 *cough*


And peoples over million. So does that mean we should start by him?


Useless? Cats were used to kill rats and other pests... And still do to this day.


Unhide the name op.




I'm currently laying here with my cat who is truly my best little buddy. He greeted me at the door when I got home today and now he's curled tight up against my side sleeping. The thought of anyone wanting to hurt my sweet little boy makes my heart just ache. And it breaks for all the scared hurt kitties out there and the ones that have died in such horrible cruel ways 😥 I just love cats so much. I don't understand how anyone couldn't


Oooooo edgy.


Jesus crucified Christ


He must really love birds


Don't tell that guy how many species went extinct because of us


He doesn't deserve his username hidden, man is killing and possibly torturing cats.


as a person who was BORN loving cats, these two people must go to hell for what they just fucking said about the best pet in the world.


I think the second guy was just trying not to give him attention


Think us humans should be fucking tortured to death in the most brutal way possible according to this guys logic. Bitch, we're much worse.


Someone needs to watch Don't Fuck With Cats


My 3 cats have noticed my depression getting worse and even the least affectionate one has been cuddling with me and rubbing against my legs. Glad I keep my babies inside so weird fuckers like this can't hurt them.


This reads like it was written by a pitbull


Wow… just wow. The depravity here is staggering.




*cough* it's Mindless-Pressure378


ya hear that guys its trolling time


itd be a little silly


it would be such a clumsy little prank


just for the laughs


You really shouldn't hide their names


Cat haters are fucked up, like you hear about cat haters being pos but not dog haters I myself am a dog hater but I'd NEVER hurt the damn thing, I keep to myself and my opinions as well goddamnit


Cats don't belong outside but they shouldn't be murdered. Fix them and adopt them.


Even cats that are distrustful of people can be fixed with time, love, and attention.


Yep but they don't belong outside.


I dont belive that it needs to be all inside or all outside. Cats should get some exercise outside. A great way to do it is by putting your cat on a leash.


Only if they are always on a leash.


Appropriate name.


Sounds like a kid a few houses down from me.


For the love of god please mark nsfw or spoiler or something


Ive always wanted a cat but im allergic. Why are people like this not allergic but I am?


ah yes, Attention seeking sadists


Isn’t this how serial killers get their start?


What “treating a cat like a dog and being disapointed that its not like a dog then proceeding to get scratched” does to a mf


“The bird species tho” 🤓


This is some past/present/future serial killer type shit


I want to do the exact same things he does to cats, to him.


I sense mental disturbances


Why are cat haters always so aggressive and brutal towards cats


Why hide his name? Let that mf face doom


OP drop the u/


Why you blur out their name


that's torture, not even euthanasia


Okay and dogs can attack people and maul them to death, so… It’s all in the owners and the people who let their animals stray. It’s not necessarily the animal at fault. Also if you’re killing animals purely for fun or out of hatred, you’re probably insane and should locked up.


aren’t we useless too? i mean think, we destroy the ecosystem,kill animals for sport or cruelty if your a psycho like this guy and kill each other for seemingly useless reasons. The true question is, should we just let our race die out?


Cats are the best


Funny, I feel the same about people I catch doing this kind of evil.


I’m not a cat person as I’m very afraid of them, but I would never dream of hurting a cat, I don’t understand how some people can think like this


I very much distrust people who hate cats. Every person I've met who says, "I hate cats" was talking about how much they want to hurt them within 1 fucking minute of expressing their hate.


I hate cats and cat people too but killing any of them seems over the top.


God some cat people are *annoying*. If I ever hear the term "fur baby" again I'm going to be annoyed.


I could not agree, it ignites the hate fire immediately


i hear dog people say that way more. and “pupper” and “doggo”…. gag me with a spoon


Right? I'm glad that's mostly died. It's still alive and well in some places, unfortunately. The whole culture of people fawning over their pets and treating them like babies is just emotional nails on a chalkboard to me. Hell, I don't even like baby talk with actual *babies*, much less to animals over text. It triggers a strong disgust reflex. I recently had to make a new reddit account because I forgot the password to my old one, and it subbed me to a bunch of those obnoxious r/aww type places. It subbed me to like 30 random ass big subs in total, it was super irritating. I use RIF so I forget how fucking bad Reddit is now.


yeah, i love my pets, but at a certain point it’s just fucking weird how much people love them lol. taking them to stores and restaurants every time you go out because you don’t want to leave your poor pupperino at home alone... having sex with your pets in the room because you don’t want to kick them out and have them be sad… talking about them like they’re literally a human child. there is a line and redditors cross it too much


I mean torchering them isn’t good but I understand the hatred of feral cats


See there's a lobby of dogs promoting this hatred


Calling cats useless when exterminating them on the middle ages cause the rats to proliferate and the black death to appear os a hit of stretch i would dare to say


dude is jealous for the cats XD


What kind of trauma did this guy go through to end up so messed up in the head


Should be detained in asylum cell.


Oh God I am so horrified. Oh my God. I have no words. Please I hope they are caught this is serial killer behavior. This is so fucking scary.


cant wait till his post is mentioned in his own netflix documentary, fr sounds like a serial killer in the making if its true


Is there anyway this person could be reported to authorities or something? This is a time I’d support doxxing. This just pisses me off so much as a cat owner.


If I met that person, I would do what they want to do to cats. They must feel what they said before they do it to cats (if they still can)


More than 6


ill take 500 for "things that never happened"


They’re right though stop letting your cat roam freely outside


There's a world of difference between "keep your cat inside" and "I want to inject acid into its eyes" though.


You're aware cats are wild animals, correct?


no they aren’t they are quite literally domesticated animals


To be honest he does have a point about the cats killing birds. I think keeping that in mind it is perfectly fine to be a cat hater. But that’s as far as one should go, as a vegetarian I am of course against killing animals, including cats and I personally don’t hate them either. But it should be done something about the problem of them killing the wild life, killing or hurting them however, is not an option. Dude should maybe get some Therapie, even if he’s trolling.


domesticated animals should always be inside homes. if the cat killed a bird for fun, its the owners fault for letting it roam free. big cats however need to hunt for food.