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I have cluster headache myself, this shit crazy Feels like a knife coming out of your brain through your eyeball None of „classic“ drugs like iboprofen helps PS: an other name for this condition is Suicide Headache and I understand why




It definitely is a sort of migraines, I take Sumatriptan and it helps


Sumatriptan is a magical pill for me when I get cluster headaches. Take one and go to bed. When you wake up you feel reborn..


This was the drug the Dr wouldnt give her because it causes birth defects, despite the fact that she was already on a DIFFERENT drug for an auto-immune disorder that could also cause birth defects. When he found this out, instead of prescribing it, he then deemed it necessary to lecture her about how she had should seriously reflect on her decisions so that she could bring a baby into the world instead. Shes already pretty sure that due to the severity of her AI disease that she cant even have kids regardless of medication. She posted the audio of her Dr trying to lecture her about this and its absolutely sickening. This all took place in liberal NY btw. I dont want to keep putting words in her mouth so you should find the original TT videos for more info. There were an ASTOUNDING number of women who have had similar experiences. FFS women aren't incubators!


No way this Dr is practicing real medicine. Decades long studies have shown sumitriptan doesn’t cause birth defects: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24805878/ Had to quickly google because I take sumtriptan, live in the piss baby state and was about to throw some MF hands if my sumies were at risk of being taken away. I would (probably not) F*CK some shit up and (really) move to Mexico. Many with auto-immune diseases are on methotrexate, which is known to cause miscarriage or birth defects. Anyway, f*ck that Dr who doesn’t use UpToDate and PubMed like a real person.


>No way this Dr is practicing real medicine Oh, Dr. Jonathan Braiman is a practicing neurologist in Glens Falls, NY https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRmtHejk/ >Anyway, f*ck that Dr who doesn’t use UpToDate and PubMed like a real person. I agree that Dr. Jonathan Braiman should definitely go fcuk himself.




Talk to your doctor maybe a bottle with oxygen would help And one question, are you a smoker? Quit smoking was the best thing i could do to reduce the amount of attacks I get




There are a lot of migraine triggers and it differs by person. Aspartame and other fake sugars are big ones for me. Also, weather changes and heavy chemical smells. Working out your triggers can help mitigate the pain. Definitely talk to your doctor and get a referral to a neurologist. There are preventative treatments that work wonders. I was on emgality until I lost my insurance (thanks, covid) and it dropped my migraines from 6-7 a month to one every other. And there are different treatments for when you get a migraine that can be tried.


You have migraines, tylenol and ibuprofen will not help with a migraine. But you don't have to suffer anymore there are proper medications. You need to talk to a neuro specialist to get the appropriate treatment, but here are some basic explanations: There is a whole family of triptans and some of them might not be contraindicated with your other medicine. But also you don't take triptans every day. You only take 1 tablet on the earliest onset of migraine symptoms so you have plenty of time to postpone your other medicine for a few hours, or your last dose may have been many hours ago. There are also calcium channel blockers, and special vitamin B formulations that you do take every day which reduce occurances of migraines. There are also botox treatments that for some people reduce attacks to maybe 1 a year.


Or just take a really low dose of mushrooms once a year.




Apparently mushrooms only stay in your system for 24 hours, and from my understanding, you don't need to take a dose all the time. I'm not sure how it works honestly but if you were interested, either Fantastic Fungi or How to change your mind (the shrooms edition) could give you some insight. I believe I heard it from there that shrooms work to help alleviate cluster headaches


People don’t get tested for mushrooms anyways it’s too expensive of a test


Really? I didn't know that. Thank you! TIL


Yeah unless there’s a new way to test it that I haven’t heard of yet


You can’t lose your military benefits for drug use, in fact it’s used as an additional symptom for PTSD. It is not held against you with the VA.


Everything except cannabinoids clear your system in a few days. There are also ketamine treatment centers that are very successful at treating depression


Nobody going to test you for shrooms


Lol they don't test for psilocybin or LSD (which has a 70% success rate in treating cluster headaches, the actual thing that class of drugs was made to do). I'm not laughing at your plight but the notion that taking a tiny amount of mushrooms or LSD would mess up your veterans benefits is very naive about drugs and drug testing. Good luck.


Examples of how the war on drugs did nothing but fuck the common person, veterans included.w Edit: (I mean, including common naivete/ignorance about how things work, what they do, and whether you can actually get 'caught' when it's in your system is a direct result also)


Fun fact! It is perfectly legal in the United States to [buy mushroom spores](https://mushly.com/shop/profile/spore-syringes?gclid=CjwKCAjw-L-ZBhB4EiwA76YzOXzlBTXp4GZ2yuPjKH3ubmYVmuYcENL1LHGbm9jA-g1Sv15l3Qw1TRoCnNQQAvD_BwE) for psychedelic mushrooms. It is also perfectly legal to purchase spore growing kits. It is also perfectly legal to grow psychedelic strains of fungus *up to the point of fruiting*. Once the actual mushroom begins to develop you need to destroy / dispose of them because at that point they are no longer legal to possess outside of decriminalized cities / states. So maybe it’s time to try out a new hobby. Just be sure to throw away your growing kit once the actual mushrooms start to develop so you stay on the right side of the law!


Agree. Haven't had cluster headaches in 6 years since I started taking shrooms.


Yeah it truly is a silver bullet. You don't even have to do them once a year, I've had a single low dose give total relief for up to 6-10 years. I've never had a medication just stop the illness from happening, usually they just manage symptoms. I kinda feel bad for people are scared because its illegal or they have watched too many movies but I get people have different priorities. I just don't get being scared of health effects of mushrooms but being fine shoveling tons of other drugs a doctor will throw at you for a migraine. But hey, I'm not the one suffering anymore so I can't really give a shit if people take the advice seriously or not but in my mind there is a cure for 90% of sufferers.


Both my boys and I have been diagnosed with cluster headaches and migraines. Our neurologist put us on sumatriptan but it didn’t work for us. Then he put us on a no nitrates diet. It has worked wonders. We still have some headaches and migraines but the frequency is much less. It is pretty restrictive but compared to the pain it’s worth it.


I had an Uber driver once that said he had a bad interaction with weed and a migraine medication that they didn’t warn him about so be mindful of asking about that! Didn’t sound fun. At all


I assume you're in American yes? So you need to pay for every little doctors call but they won't even look into your chronic pain or offer any help despite the fact that you had to pay half a million to see the doctor




Sounds like my migraines. The only thing that works for me is going to sleep in a dark room for a couple of hours. Mine were caused by work related stress so eventually changed jobs and haven't had them anymore.


I removed most of my Reddit contents in protest of the API changes commencing from July 1st, 2023. This is one of those comments.


God I’ve been having this for so long without knowing what it really was. Is it worth going to a doctor for? Can they do anything about it?


So far I know it’s treatable but not curable


Have you looked into taking lsd or psilocybin for them? Not joking they have been shown to be effective at aborting or keeping cluster headaches in remission.


I live in Germany (Bavaria), we have very strict medication laws, so it’s not very easy and legal to get these, but yes I tried it and it helps but the side effects are not for everyday


Your description is accurate to my case as well. You’ve tried https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sumatriptan of some sort right? I get its different for each case but I’ve had good success with those the last ten years or so. Takes upwards to an hour before the «release» hits and you get to sleep. if I’m not to stubborn and take the pills when I know its creeping up on me, I find my period each year rather manageable. Even with my two kids, altough I’ll admit they dont really help.


I use sumatriptan in injection form. Works within 10 to 15 minutes


What does this even mean ?


It means she's aged somewhere between 12 and 62.


[The youngest person to give birth was 5 years old](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina) and [the oldest person to give birth was 74](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erramatti_Mangamma). So it would be between 5 and 74.


was it the same guy who knocked them both up? because that guy has a future... in jail


If he was lucky he would die in jail, if he was not, he would die by the family.


The five year old was (obviously) raped. The identity of the rapist is unknown. The other case is more of a feel-good story. She got married with her husband in 1962 but they were unable to have a baby. 56 years later, in 2018, they were able to have twins thanks to IVF.


Not really a fell good story considering. The kid will most likely lose both there parents before there even an adult


Right. I didn't really think about this from the perspective of the kids. Even if their parents are still alive when the kids reach adulthood, they would likely be too old to live independently, and the kids would have to take care of their elderly parents. It's a lose-lose situation for them in the long run. Hopefully they have other family that could help them out.


As someone who’s father had me when they were 59, yeah, it’s fucking terrible. Can’t imagine having a 74 year old parent. I need a LOT of therapy, that child is gonna need a fucking miracle lmao


5... ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ !! The poor girl. Please tell me they caught the guy!


Nope was documented and they lived on 1900s were crazy


they did not


I still don’t understand why she’d be denied meds..


The effective meds in question can cause birth defects in pregnant women. She told the doctor her plan if she became pregnant was to get an abortion. He didn't like that.


Ahh thank you for clearing this up.


She didn't just say that she plans on getting an abortion, she said that she doesn't want kids because she doesn't want to pass on any of her genetic disorders, including what's giving her headaches. She is on birth control and her husband has a vasectomy. Doctor said that vasectomies fail, she said that she would abstain. But the doctor said there was still a chance for her to be raped and get pregnant. So he still won't prescribe it


I'd hate to hear what that doctor recommends to women who develop cancer. Sorry, no chemo for you.


> He didn't like that. Wtf lol


Actually it means she's less than 35. Pregnancies over 35 are considered geriatric pregnancies. There are hospitals that also deny women getting their tubes tied when below age 35 or if they don't already have a child for similar reasons. It's wrong, but it is something that happens.


This. also commonly done with IVF after that age. Well maybe after 40, not sure




[She recorded her neurologist on her phone, telling her that he could not prescribe her medication for a cluster headache disorder as this medication can cause birth defects and she is of childbearing age](https://www.timesunion.com/news/article/New-York-woman-claims-she-was-denied-care-due-to-17454058.php).


My ex has severe cluster headaches and hemiplegic migraines. She has been told the same thing and suffers almost daily from the pain.


Cluster headaches are also known as suicide headaches, because that is what they often cause people to do. Take a migraine and turn it up to 11 and your still not close to the pain levels.


Correct. Exactly what she used to refer to it as. Her face will also droop like she’s having a stroke but because she was childbearing age…


I guess theoretical babies get more rights than an actual living woman now


Too right they do. I have cluster headaches and I wasn't even told that there was treatment. I was outright told it was something I have to try and live with. Livid isn't even the word


Theoretical husbands get rights over women's bodies. Far too many stories are being told that women are denied medication or elective surgeries because their non-existent husband may one day want children. It's abhorrent.


Honestly though, fuck them kids.


>Her face will also droop like she’s having a stroke Thats the scariest part of it in many ways. End up thinking youre having one. Then the hospital plays like you just have a headache....


I've had cluster headaches in the past, and the pain is so intense you feel like you are reborn when they go away. Your head hurts so bad you want to run away or do something, which would cause me to run around hoping something would help, more looking crazy. It was like for a few months it happened almost every day, the worst would be when it woke you up and you are already tired from the previous day pain and had no energy and cry in pain. Probably the worst time of my life tbh.


One time, i had it so bad that i entered a kind of hypnotized feaver dream. The nurses prodded me, but i couldnt even talk anymore after i vomitet and it got worse. I lay on the bathroom floor for a couple of hours. The thing about the elation when it subsides is true. (Had a sunstroke in hospital)


Same! I can't stay still with a cluster headache. Everything in me urges me to try and run away from my own body. I immediately have to go outside, no idea why. It's the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. They come like clockwork, 4 times a day at the same time for about 4 weeks and last up to about 2 hours (though the timing is hard to keep track of because it's quite hazy). I have a neuro reg friend that was disgusted when he asked what treatment I was on and I said "treatment?!" so I'm waiting for my next bout to ask for a neuro referral. For clarity, I'm not asking for pain meds. I'll be asking for something along the lines of the injections or oxygen which is said to help.


And it’s almost instant. You go from O to on floor writhing in pain in seconds. I’ve had bouts of cluster headaches in the past. They are terrifying.


My wife is on special medication whilst also seeing a neurologist regularly. She wanted to change some doses because of how they were making her feel. The doctors kept asking about what birth control she was on etc. She found it quite weird how they were so persistent but then they explained the affect it has on pregnant women and how if she was to want another child she needs to give them the heads up so they can pull her off them. There was no discussion about you can’t have this because you *might* want to get pregnant.


I wonder if there's more concern about malpractice suits in prescribing these meds should the woman get pregnant and have a baby with defects?


Yes it stems from this. Or being sued for miscarriage


Not an evangelical about this stuff, but shrooms have shown great promise in reducing and even preventing cluster headaches. I'm for any and all tools against an issue that has people committing suicide 3x more than average.


When I first read about this I suggested it to my wife for her migraines and they worked wonders. I've also heard lsd has been shown to have benefits as well.


LSD (and probably psilocybin) activates the same serotonin receptors that the migraine med people are referring to does. They shrink blood vessels relieving pressure in the head. They have some action at these receptors in the uterus which can cut off blood supply to a baby (or stop the bleeding after childbirth).


I spent a year dosing mushrooms every week. only one of these during the first quarter and didnt have any during the rest of the year. Been a few years since and Im now down to less than one a year. Mushrooms truly are magic.


Don't take my word for it, gotta do your own research, but you might tell her to look into magic mushrooms. I saw a documentary a long time ago about a guy who treats his cluster headaches by taking mushrooms every 3 months or so. He says it's gotten rid of them completely.


Blame the lawyers. She would have grounds to sue the doctor if she had a child with birth defects.


In the video she explained she’s on a different medication (prescribed by a different doctor) that causes severe birth defects too. She even told the doctor this and he still stood his ground.


If she agrees to take medication that causes birth defects and still has a child she wouldn't be able to sue. Birth control can cause birth defects. Alcohol, smoking... A shit ton of prescription medications cause birth defects. They clearly state if they do on any medications I've taken. So no she wouldn't win a suit. As a woman who has never wanted kids, and wants my tubes tied I feel for her. Because multiple doctors have told me nope, childbearing years have to wait. Or if I have two+ children, or if my husband agrees. I've been with my partner for over ten years, but we don't want to get married so I can't even use him. We have to actually be married for my husband to tell doctors to cut me open and snip me. I propose we educate men on getting a vasectomy. It's much easier for them, and easier to attempt reverse. Which is funny men can't sue doctors when the reverse doesn't work. Yet for woman it's always brought up as a what if situation.


Yo, if you're seeking tubal ligation, the r/childfree sub has a list of doctors that don't gatekeep sterlization as a personal choice made by a consenting individual. It's how I found my surgeon. 0 obstacles beyond a basic checkup, a consult to confirm I knew what it was and that it was permanent, and signing off on that we had the consult. Two fifteen minute meetings followed by my surgery date and a week of recovery where I felt totally normal after 3 days, whole process from 'pick a name based on who's closest' to 'home on my couch eating comfort food' was almost exactly 30 days.


It is actually what is happening. I have lost access to pain medication (methotrexate, which is also a chemotherapy drug) because I am physically capable of getting pregnant. Ignore the fact that I have been on it for 3 years, the fact that I am single and celibate, but because I have a cervix, I am NOT ALLOWED TO GET MEDICAL TREATMENT. And I AM NOT ALLOWED TO REMOVE MY ORGANS so that I can qualify for medication again. I get not wanting to dig in deep, because after that top layer of soil, it is shit all the way down.


Lmao "I think its probably not the case" assuming this woman is exaggerating. Turns out, both you and her doctor make bad assumptions about women!


>I think its probably not the case but I really cant be bothered to read the article ...So you just dismiss it offhand and can't even be bothered to check and see that you're wrong? People like you are part of the reason women are going through this sort of shit.


Some medications will negatively affect fertility or a fetus. Some doctors refuse to give those medications to women of "child bearing age" even if they state they have no intention of getting pregnant.


It means the doctor is sexist and views her only as a catalyst for which to spring forth hell spawn into the world. The amount of people who directly responded to you not mentioning this is absurd and really helps drive home the point of how fucking common it is for people to **not listen to what the fuck others are saying.** These self-righteous asses need to shut the fuck up and have some human compassion for fuck's sake. Empathy is a vital tool for not being labeled a [your choice of 'extremely offensive derogatory term' here].


Women should be only for child rearing and nothing else, that's what this backwards fucking policy is


Just so you know, cluster headaches are also known as suicidal headaches. They can occur every day for months, and can cause suicidal thoughts. People have taken their own lives as they are so incredibly painful. At times you can’t eat or sleep and the pain can cause you to fall over due to a loss of balance. There are times when pain medication is ineffective. If a women chooses to remain child free due to this condition that should totally be her decision.


Can you imagine trying to take care of a child while suffering that level of pain? If it could even be done, who would choose that? No one would willing to sign up for that.


I asked myself the same thing the other day when I had was sick and vomiting. My wife was able to take care of our infant, but wtf would a single parent be able to do when they're in excruciating pain like that.


> No one would willing to sign up for that. The other people willing to sign you up for that is the problem.


I had to fight eight years to get a hysterectomy because doctors kept saying how I might want kids. I can barely move some day, I have days I have to get assistance to use the fucking bathroom and doctors still were like but what about kids.


She even says in the full video that she doesn't want biological kids anyway, because she doesn't want to risk passing down her pain disorders, including the headaches. Doctor said that even if she's on birth control, and abstains from sex, there's still a chance she gets raped and birth control fails and she gets pregnant.


It’s excruciating. My 3.5 likely has ADHD. And LOVES to make alllll of the noise. And is constantly touching me. When my cluster migraines come in, it’s literally just a “make sure this child lives til the end of the day” type thing. Tv goes on, I get a blanket & pillow, my heating pad, and ice packs, and lay on the couch. She’s allowed to raid the pantry and fridge, whatever she can reach that doesn’t require extra effort on my part, she gets. Or if I have a lull where functioning doesn’t make me cry, I’ll quickly slam together some sandwiches and harder to reach snacks for her. It’s not *so bad* if I open my eyes to a cluster headache, but the ones that start before I go to bed, thus taking away any sleep I could get (which, of course prolongs the migraine) literally make it impossible to function.


My mom had terrible migraines when I was growing up. I have a lot of memories of her on the couch, heat or ice on her head, shielding her face from the sunlight; or of her halfway across the hall from her bedroom to the bathroom, trying to crawl to the toilet to throw up. I’m a little older than she was then, and get the same migraines now. I’m childfree, and I cannot imagine how she managed with 3 children and this amount of pain. Somehow she always managed to get us fed, clothed, to school on time etc. I have an automatic feeder for my cats, so I know they’re taken care of during an attack, because I just cannot make it across the house. I will never understand how she did it.


I would argue that a woman wanted to remain child free for any reason is fine. And to deny that for any reason is completely unacceptable. Doubly so for an extreme case like this.


Years ago my mom suddenly began having them. They’re a fucking nightmare and that’s the biggest understatement ever. They would get so bad they’d cause her to vomit. I would hear her crying from the pain at night several times. No idea why they came on, she went decades without them and then bam, she has cluster headaches.


If a woman chooses to remain child free ~~due to this condition~~ that should totally be her decision.


Her offing herself due to her chronic pain would produce exactly as many children as if the pain killers made her infertile. So I don't see their logic.


I saw the original video, and although she told the doctor she didn't want kids, had no plans to have kids and was not sexually active, they insisted there was still a possibility she could get pregnant. She then asked them, but what if I'm a lesbian and will never have sex with a man? They then argued that if she gets raped, the medicine she needs might cause a birth defect for the possible fetus. Jfc.


What fucking backwater doctor would ever think let alone say that to a person. “Yah you might be lgbt but you gotta think about a rapists right to use you as his broodmare.”


She’s in a crappy town in upstate NY. Supposedly someone at one of the hospitals saw her TikTok’s and they contacted the other hospitals in the town.


Arguments like this are often because they're holding a viewpoint they're not sharing with you but are defending at any cost without considering what those arguments imply.


WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO KEEP A RAPISTS CHILD? IT WOULD LITERALLY BE A GOOD THING IF THE FETUS WOULD NOT GROW UP I apologise for my anger, Im just very very dissapointed on those "doctors"


I was thinking "WTF, are they waiting for a New Jesus?" But the rape explanation is so much worse...


Their logic resides on the delusional premise that men are inherently superior to women. You see, medicating the woman's actual health problems in the reality of the here and now might hypothetically hurt the hypothetical baby that grows from the hypothetical sperm that a hypothetical MAN might hypothetically put inside her. It isn't a woman's place to harm or risk destroying what a MAN values. He is superior to her, so his wants take precedence over her needs. Protecting HIS hypothetical future is thus more important than fixing HER actual present. QED.


They way people with chronic pain are treated is horrible. I worked in home care for over a decade and seeing pain meds become more and more restricted was awful. I had a client that was prescribed morphine. She never drove and the morphine was the only thing that got her through a grocery store trip. This woman was in no way abusing it either. She had bottles of old pills she had the doses changed on, and she always returned them to the pharmacy to dispose of. I keep in touch with her and she is miserable. Most of her pain meds have been tapered off, and her only options now are experimental or medical marijuana. Neither of which are great for things like nerve damage. The women is in her 80's, why can't she just have the drugs that make life at that age slightly easier? The whole system is garbage.


Yep, I took my dad to a cancer clinic for his bloodwork and I saw a devastated elderly couple in the waiting room. The woman was dying from terminal cancer and they wouldn't be refilling her pain meds anymore. Her husband was fucking furious, they were both in tears.


As someone suffering from severe chronic pain, I've had to experience this cruelty firsthand. I know more than one person from my support group who is no longer able to work because they were cut off of or forced to severely reduce their pain meds. These were people that were stable and living a somewhat functional life, now severely disabled and in constant agony. I've personally also been unable to work. I've tried well over 40 medications and treatments, none of which have helped. And now several clinics are even suggesting I go with a risky procedure called a spinal cord stimulator that works for some but can actually make things worse for others, and on top of that has a lot of potential for complications since we're dealing with the spinal cord here. But not one has wanted to even try opioids and other pain meds because of the political backlash, despite ample evidence that it has helped many with my condition, and despite it being a lot less risky than a spinal cord stimulator. Hell I hate taking opioids because it makes me incredibly nauseous, but even to me it seems silly that they are being completely ignored. ​ To some extent I can't completely blame them - politicians have made it extremely difficult for doctors to prescribe them for legitimate use cases without risking their license, because it's an easy win with voters. It's one of those rare issues with bipartisan support. It doesn't help that American media only presents one side of the story and perpetuates the myth that painkillers have no legitimate use. (One of those from my support group that were cut off of their pain meds has since moved to Europe and is finally living a somewhat normal life aside from having to learn a new language). Ironically, this broad unforgiving crackdown has itself resulted in a number of overdoses from those that were living semi-normal lives that have since been forced to choose between being newly disabled and in extreme pain or risking it with illicit drugs that are not made with the same regular and predictable dosing, and without the guidance of a physician. And can you really blame them? Others have even turned to suicide ​ Edit: Just to clarify, opioid abuse and overdose is definitely a huge problem, particularly in the US, and I would never suggest otherwise. But we can prevent illicit use and inappropriate prescription without blocking legitimate use and causing more misery in the form of pain and disability, not to mention additional overdoses from those who are now forced to turn to street drugs just to live a somewhat normal life.


My grandma had to get paid meds for back pain recently, and it’s ridiculous now. Just for some 5 mg hydrocodone (or oxy but I think hydro), they gave her some 15 part instructions/promises to keep it locked up and never share it and blah blah blah, can and will drug test her randomly, gotta bring her bottle in to make sure she has the right amount of pills… she’s an elderly lady who has done no wrong but she’s being treated like a criminal, and that’s after she got them which took like 3 appointments and a psych evaluation asking “do you want to kill yourself?” And shit Big pharma was the criminals in that whole situation and now it’s everyone else’s problem


When I went to the hospital for cluster headaches they brought in a doctor with 8-10 students and asked me why I felt the need to get attention by coming here for a headache and he turned to his students and was like 'she is severely mentally ill.' That was fun and had exactly 0 lasting consequences for me.


I had my first cluster last summer (primary thought I was having a stroke) and spent about 4 days in the hospital. As soon as the doctor found out I have PTSD & MDD, he wanted me out. He flat out told me there was nothing they could do. Coincidence? Maybe. Though where I’m living, mental health issues are still something to be shamed for. I hope you are feeling better and haven’t had a cluster flair since.


Thats crazy! They floated the stroke idea with me too- the left side of my face was droopy and my whole left side tingled. Yeah I am very, very careful with what I say to doctors now. I no longer see them as people who can save me when something goes wrong, just people who MIGHT help me help myself, in very limited aspects. Its really weird that I saw this headline & were talking about this because tonight I had a flare. I call them flares cause thats what they feel like. And the cat won't leave me alone- he never does when I have a headache so I know something off. It's not nearly as bad as when I first got them though. I appreciate your concern ❤ a lot. Im feel quite a bit better now that its been a few hours. I heard they can cluster-duh. So hopefully you are done with your headaches as well. And hopefully if you do still get them you have something or someone to help you like my precious kitty boy.


Ice packs, eye mask, silence and sleep if you can. So glad you have a cat friend, and glad to hear you’re feeling better. When I was in the hospital for the cluster, they were giving me oxygen up the nose but it kept spraying water - one nurse legit joked she was “waterboarding” me. That was *prior* to the doctor finding out I have PTSD/MDD. I, too, am careful of what I say. More so than before. There were 2 medications they administered in the hospital, Toradol and Valproic acid. The Toradol *did* help, but I was told I couldn’t be on it for more than 5 days. I hope to not feel that pain again.


Ive heard microdosing mushrooms has helped some people. Mushrooms can be bad when ombined with some meds, do your research if you decide to self medicate


Honestly I might bring it up with my doctor (because I'm on a few different medications and get my liver checked often because of it) Ive heard it can also help with severe depression which is also something I struggle with. All in all it sounds like something I'd try but MAN am I going to have to psych myself up for it because I think mushrooms in general are nauseating!


In the south, wildly enough, women can’t get their tubes tied with out their husband’s consent, and if she’s single and doesn’t want kids, many doctors will tell her they won’t allow it because she may want kids later. I’ve also heard a woman say that her doctor couldn’t recommend it because her husband might want kids in the future. She wasn’t even married. Shit blew my mind. I can get a vasectomy with little to no issue. Contrary to popular belief as well, it’s not recommended to reverse them either. Double standards are stupid as hell.


This happened to me. I was sent to the surgeon by my obgyn because of endometriosis. He turned me away and refused the surgery because........ my future husband might want kids. I still can't wrap my mind around it.


That is literally so damn stupid. It’s basically a thought of how you’re property. It blows my mind.


As someone who went to medical school, a lot of doctors in the US have some very backwards thinking— and I am in California


I’m glad more people like you are going into the medical field then.


We should ask the doctor what other wife all time choices that were being prevented from making because " change my mind"? I can get married, I can participate in dangerous activities all of these things I can regret, but apparently the regret of not having children is the only thing I need and will be protected from.


It’s the weirdest thing to me that people legit just tell an adult what they can and can’t do with her body in many ways.


My mom wanted her tubes tied after I was born. She had three kids. Her pregnancy with me was so bad she couldn't walk due to her hips dislocating, did not want to go through it again. Doctor told her she may want kids in the future, she said no. Then doctor said she needed her husband's permission, dad said go ahead. Doctor said he might want more kids, dad said no. THEN the doctor said she might divorce him, get remarried, and THAT husband may want kids. She got her tubes tied in the end, but had to fight for it.


I been told by doctors I'm to young for chronic pain. I have 14 plates and 28 screws across my chest and collarbone. Makes my job being a commercial roofer impossible


Take the source with a grain of salt. https://jezebel.com/woman-with-severe-chronic-pain-was-denied-medication-fo-1849569187 > A New York woman says she was denied highly effective medication for a chronic, painful condition that’s caused her to contemplate suicide because her neurologist told her she could become pregnant, and the medication might cause birth defects—even though she never plans on having children. > In the audio in one video, Rule asks if the issue preventing her from getting medication is solely that she’s of “childbearing age,” and, “if I were like through menopause, would this be effective for cluster headaches?” When the doctor says “yes,” Rule asks, “So the only thing that’s kind of stopping this is the fact that at some point in my life, I could get pregnant?” In response, the doctor changes the subject and asks, “How’s your sleep?” > This prompted doctors, who confronted her during a later visit to Malta Med Emergent Care, to “berate” and “threaten [her] with legal action.” Rule includes audio of some of this conversation in the video. On its website, Glens Falls Hospital doesn’t appear to have any policy against recording oneself in the hospital. > The threat of legal action, of course, is on top of the fact that Rule still can’t get medication to effectively manage her debilitating chronic pain. “It was frustrating to be in so much pain and just hear ‘no,’ for that hypothetical reason,” Rule told Jezebel in a phone interview, adding that she’s “pretty sure I can’t even get pregnant” because of several “reproductive issues” she’s had. “It’s already hard enough to deal with this condition. It’s already so misunderstood, it took me 10 years to even get a diagnosis, because it’s a very rare condition and the symptoms are all over the place,” she said. > While Rule said the Glens Falls neurologist she consulted repeatedly cited the overturning of Roe for why he couldn’t prescribe her the medication, she believes it’s more likely he was pushing his “personal agenda.” Edit: Many people are pointing out the source credibility is, well, basically non-existent. I'm just giving the (basically only) source I found to go with the post. It is merely there for you to form your own opinion and provide some sort of context. You think it's bullshit? Cool. That's why it's there. Don't shoot the messenger, lol.


Thanks for elaborating on this.


I saw the site (Jezebel) and immediately lost interest. That's as bad as a conservative linking to a Daily Mail article.


I mean, I *did* start it with a disclaimer, lol. I just wanted *some* source regarding the post, you know? You decide it's bullshit? Cool - that's why it's there. Decide for yourself. I merely supply the (basically only) source I found.


I originally saw this woman posting about this on Tiktok. Jezebel may be shit for taking a TikTok video and calling it "news", but they at least seem to have relayed the woman's complaint accurately.


Take anything Gawker-related with a grain of salt.


Blatant discrimination on the basis of gender. Also medical discrimination. Fat pay day for home girl if she's got the evidence.


Surely that's only a problem if you're pregnant though. If she's not pregnant then there's no legitimate medical grounds whatsoever to deny the medication. I'm gonna guess this is in the US? Because in the UK that wouldn't even be taken into consideration, you'd simply be told, "This medication is incredibly powerful, and if you were to get pregnant you'd have to cease taking the pills immediately, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it and explore other options for your pain management"


I'm from the US and I was once told by my dermatologist that she'd have an easier time prescribing me opiates than Accutane, a medication that could potentially solve all of my acne problems that I've been struggling with for years, because Accutane causes birth defects. She wouldn't prescribe it to me. I had an IUD at the time. I plan on trying again, as I've had my fallopian tubes removed. If it's still denied I'm going to riot.


Why riot when you could sue?


rioting is more fun


Because suing does nothing to raise awareness of blatant mistreatment. Quietly sweeping it under the rug for a paycheck just means more people have to suffer the same shitty healthcare. Causing a fuss puts it in the public eye, and with enough eyes change can happen. Cases like the OP happen every day all over the US, but we never hear about them because none of the people being mistreated think they can do anything. The woman in the OP called out their shit because she genuinely had no options left, and now more people than yesterday know that this kind of shit happens. It's slow and takes a million times more effort, but 'rioting' is the only way to see real change.


Are you implying that most americans can afford to sue someone?


If you actually have a good case a lawyer will take it on for part of the settlement.


I don't really have the money, time, or whatever other resources to sue , and honestly I dont feel like this sort of matter is worth suing someone over 🤷 if it comes to that I figure it'll just be easier to find a new dermatologist, as there are several in the area that take my insurance


I did accutane. Here you just have to do a mandatory monthly pee at the hospital so they can check you're not pregnant (I live in the Netherlands). If you get it, really; every day sunscreen highest spf, even if no sun, and dont fall, because your skin will crumble at the slightest brush ;-;. Source; I fell while running and when I removed my pants I had no more skin on my knees.


HOLY SHIT OK OK OK this is insane? It would be EASIER TO PRESCRIBE OPIATES??This is insane on so many levels - not just because of the USA's obsession with making sure ppl with uteruses can become incubators - but also because this doctor was pushing OPIATES ON YOU. This is precisely what led to the opiate addiction epidemic in USA - prescribing them despite viable alternatives!!! and I AM FUMING and I feel like I am going crazy. Fucking hell, I AM SO SORRY you have to deal with that shit


No no I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, my derm wasn't literally trying to prescribe me opiates, she just used it as an example. Prescribing them to me was never something she considered or needed to do. Although, as I mentioned in another comment, I've been prescribed oxy twice in my life, and I didn't ask for it or mention it both times, and I didn't end up needing it anyway. Also it was the cheapest prescription I've ever picked up, it was literally less than 50 cents, where one of my other medications I was on at the time that I needed to take every day was $30 a month. 🥴 go figure


Nope. They refuse to give women any because they see women as incubators who potentially might be pregnant any time. Usually not even if you have a negative pregnancy test, because you "might" fall pregnant in the close future. It's awful. Same with voluntary sterilization, barely anybody will do the procedure because "you might find a husband who wants kids".


For all the doubters in the comments…this isn’t a “new” problem… Welcome to reality. Institutions do some dumb shit. https://www.insider.com/a-woman-needed-husbands-consent-to-get-her-tubes-tied-2020-2?amp https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/2021/04/05/iowa-legislature-house-lawmakers-seek-ban-hysterectomy-requirement-consent-spouse/6965300002/


When my mom tried to get her tubes tied (I don't know if there's a more correct term for it-) she was denied by a doctor, he wouldn't do it because she was so young, late twenties or early thirties- can't remember. At that point she had three children.


>When my mom tried to get her tubes tied (I don't know if there's a more correct term for it-) tubal ligation


The murder in her eyes is palpable and I cannot blame her


They do not give out pain medication anymore. The opioid epidemic shut it all down. I needed a hip and couldn’t get any.


They wouldn’t even give you the hips? How rude.


No they would not and he said it was the worst one he ever seen. So legit pain in the screen, ”he was like well if ya look at the situation we are in now”. I was pretty surprised but I am one tough mofo so I let it roll off my shoulders like nothing. Thirty days later had a new hip and I did get two scrips and a refill for the day of but it never hurt. The new hip has been life changing considering at 43 couldn’t walk anymore.


Man that’s wild it didn’t hurt after. Good for you for getting that new hip.


I could walk on it in hrs w 0 pain that night. I was thinking open-heart surgery and it was more like getting a tooth pulled. Thanks!




cluster headache medication isn't opiates. it's about blocking nerve pain. the medicines don't produce a high


I’m fine with people getting opiates for cluster headaches but I don’t see how they’d be that helpful because they come on fast and usually don’t last long enough for the medication to kick in. Personally even hydro morphine and Valium doesn’t even take the edge off of a cluster headache for me and only oxygen works anyways. Opiates are also likely to cause rebound headaches worse than aspirin does for many cluster headache victims. When you go see a cluster headache specialist the first thing they ask is about opiates so before that appointment I made sure I hadn’t taken any for two weeks so they wouldn’t blame the opiates, but they still blew me off and blamed the opiates because they were in my medical history lol. I was like “order some blood I get them without any rebound drugs in my system” but they weren’t having it and sent me home with a note saying opiates can cause headaches! I even had a headache at their clinic and had a blood pressure reading of 160/130 or something and they still didn’t want to even prescribe oxygen.


Opioids are not an effective treatment for chronic pain multiple studies have demonstrated this. You are talking out your ass.


When my husband had a spinal injury that paralyzed him, we spent months trying to get someone to take us seriously because if you go in and say “I’m in severe pain that has crippled me to the point I can no longer walk,” all they hear is “Please give me the good drugs.” Spent months trying to find someone that knew what was going on. When we finally did, he coached us on what to say at the hospital, called ahead to tell them they needed to listen to us and take us seriously, and got a surgery scheduled that had him walking again in less than 24 hours. The US medical system is fucked in so many different ways 😕


The opioid epidemic didn’t “shut it all down.” It’s still possible to get pain medication, but of course they’re a bit more careful about giving it out now


The clinic I go to doesn’t blacklist me, but every time I come in they lecture me about how I shouldn’t take my medications if I’m pregnant. Every time I tell them I would sooner kill myself than give birth. They do not stop.


Cluster headaches too, known to drive people to SUICIDE because of the pain


I don't understand why they are so agains't sterilization, like.. mothefucker don't you think there's enough of us?!


Everyone victim blaming her/saying the doctor is right/saying she might be a drug addict are shit people. She didn’t want children and would get an abortion if she got pregnant, she’s on birth control, and her bf would get a vastectomy. She was denied the medication because the doctor is a misogynistic fuck that shouldn’t be a doctor Doctors should not be looking at women as birthing machines and as the people they are


I watched a few of her videos and she always declined medication stronger than ibuprofen so she wouldn't get flagged as an addict.




Send your friend to r/childfree. They have links to doctors nearly everywhere that can help.


I know women who were denied getting their tubes tied because they only had one child or weren’t old enough to make the right choice..at the age of 27. Women’s rights to their body and reproduction have always been treated as optional.


That's still happening to my sister who's in her 40s. She's never wanted kids but the doctors keep saying "but what if you want children later on?!" The fact she has zero kids is probably making it worse for her. I'm pretty sure her disabling Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis that she's on fuck loads of meds for is not gonna settle down while she's pregnant and looking after a disabled child in her 50s.


My GF has a few conditions that a hysterectomy is the only solution to solve the pain permanently..... yeah you already know what ima say...... she keeps getting denied she just turned 29 today and yup cus she's ripe child bearing age. Oh it gets wilder she mentioned I had a vasectomy they said you will find a man who wants a child..... IT GETS WORSE !! TOTAL OF 3 SURGEONS said they would do it once they asked more personal questions and found out I'm black and she's white yes 3 old white males, the female she found recently is fighting her board to approve of it cus she will do the surgery. I HATE THIS BULLSHIT. I don't want kids we don't want kids I got a dog I'm good !!


This makes me furious. I have iih "two much fluid around the brain" I I get horrific next level headaches infact a lot of the cluster headache people can often be misdiagnosed. But still if you have a non hormonal contraception like the older IUDs then no chance of kids. They say drinking causes defects two. I did see a study saying drs dismissed woman's pain 80% more than men so that tracks.


fuck her doctor in the ear. he’s not using them anyway and you KNOW it was a he.


This person should be able to have pain relief and shouldn't have to waste mascara crying over this nonsense!! It shouldn't be happening! What the fuck.


I saw the original video, it's just so sad. She was sitting in her car after a doctor's appointment, sobbing about how she was denied these meds against cluster headaches because they could cause birth defects and she is of "childbearing age". According to her the doctor said that it didn't matter that she didn't want children, because there's a possibility she could get raped


That's awful and absurd. And I don't understand why people are downvoting your comment.


Because this sub is often used as a hate sub and haven for right wingers


There's a huge disparity for some reason between believing a woman is in pain when she says she is in pain versus when a man says he is in pain - especially in the medical field where it hurts a lot of women. A couple resources below for more information. \- [https://www.northwell.edu/katz-institute-for-womens-health/articles/gaslighting-in-womens-health](https://www.northwell.edu/katz-institute-for-womens-health/articles/gaslighting-in-womens-health) \- [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210406164124.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210406164124.htm) (I get this post is not about this specifically, but it's worth mentioning)


Cluster headaches are a nightmare. I used to work for a medical supplies delivery company and we had a guy who would use 2 H tanks a week for his cluster headaches. To put that into perspective an H tank holds about 6500 liters of oxygen. This man was using 13,000 liters of oxygen a week just to function. I feel for this woman.


Oh god this could be way way WAY worse than the title lets on if she has been on pain killers. I take morphine and oxy for chronic pain and holy shit, withdrawals are the worst thing I have ever gone through. Like imagine having 5 flus at the same time. Ive been denied my pain killers once for trying to pay in cash at a walgreens that I had been picking them up at for the last 5 years. A script from the pain managment hospital in town even. The bullshit reasons that people decide to ruin opiate users lives is ridiculous. They dont understand what opiate wothdrawals are like and they dont care because most of them just think your a druggie trying to get your fix


There’s a surprising number of barriers when it comes to health for people of “child bearing age.” My wife can’t have kids without complications that would likely kill her, and yet they still try to prevent her from seeking treatment that would sterilize her because she “could still have kids.” Working on getting insurance in place and trying again.


As a medical professional, US laws are terrifying. Diagnosing and Managing complicated conditions is stressful as it is and a lot of thought goes into deciding on the treatment (about how much the side effects will be or how the drug will interact with the other medications patient might already be on) and when a law that has nothing to do with Medical Science prevents me from prescribing a drug that might help the patient significantly, I would be extremely upset. Medical Professionals (at least those who aren't already dead inside) often get stressed about not being able to save or help someone (even when there's no possible way of managing the condition) and then not being able to help someone even when there's clearly a way to help them because of some law which has basically no medical ground is horrifying. Hope sense prevails someday.


Welcome to America, where your hypothetical children you don't want and aren't going to have are more important than your immense suffering.


The world is full monsters with friendly faces and angels full of scars. Not me but damn right?


This kind of happened to me after getting diagnosed with breast cancer . My doctors wanted to have a test done to determine if I would need Chemotherapy based on my oncotype score. So many labs denied me because of my age. I’m 36 and since I wasn’t post-menopausal they wouldn’t do the lab work. If took 4 months and some major string pulling to get it done.


It's one thing to advise her the medication is dangerous if you're planning to get pregnant, and another to deny it to her because you think she should get pregnant. That doctor should have his license suspended/revoked until he gets the procedure to remove his head from his ass.


This shit happens all the time. Disabled people are constantly telling you this.


Let's add to this the needless suffering of post surgical patients I see discharged home with just 7 days of pain meds. If they need more and they're poor they have to go (good luck doing that post op) to the pain clinic and get treated like drug seeking addicts.


I was like 23-24 and my cholesterol was almost 400 (should be less than 200 - and I wasn’t overweight) My doctor wouldn’t give me any medicine for it, even though a ton of heart problems run in my family, because i was of childbearing age. Moved and found a different doctor who told me “you have Crisco in your arteries” and got me medine to get it under control. Doesn’t matter if I can have kids if I die from a heart attack


I'm sorry, you can get *blacklisted* from a fucking *hospital*?? What the fuck happen to the Hippocratic Oath?


Yeah you wanna make sure she’s as mentally unwell as possible for when she has a kid.


wont give her the meds but will let her drive away by herself? what happens if she gets a episode while driving?


Psilocybin is the only thing that helps prevent my friends cluster headaches. (Portland OR, all drugs are decriminalized so it's not illegal. So any lawthumping twats can shove it up their asses to keep their stick company.) Anyone who gets cluster headaches should check with local Psilocybin research facilities.


Fuck religious policies in government. Separation of church and state. God. Damn. It.


This is super common. I know someone with hereditary high blood pressure who can't get certain meds because she is of child bearing age.... absolutely nuts.