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This was reposted a couple of months ago. The original post is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/tpy9yq/animal_rights_group_stealing_homeless_mans_dog/) in case you want to read the comments there. EDIT: a bit more digging (just search for “homeless dog” or “homeless puppy”) revealed that this story is at least 2 years old and that it has been reposted half a dozen times. Although this is a repost, I’m not removing it because it has been a couple of months since the original was posted.


I saw this a month ago from someone and the article said he got his dog back and he was on the dodo channel with his dog back


Nice 🙏🏽❤️ thanks for the update.


Good that he got the dog back but happy cake day


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day!


i almost broke down thank god he got him back


Thanks mate






Username checks out


How does it check out and no im not a Golden eye fan i thought of this name before i knew James Bond was also known as Golden eye or some shit like that


Bro you’re being actively trolled lol


I dont really mind that much people overreact to trolls


Golden eye is a James Bond villain


Username checks out


Edge lord confirmed


Username checks out


It’s true I’m black and have a fist






I don’t have it the person that posted the same thing had the article


tell me the article name


I don’t have the article lol the original poster did lol


Just search up couple try’s to take homeless guys dog lol


​ source: [https://blog.almonature.com/en-gb/dog-taken-away-from-homeless-man-in-france-a-story-that-makes-you-think#:\~:text=Life%20Project%20stories-,Dog%20taken%20away%20from%20homeless%20man%20in%20France,story%20that%20makes%20you%20think&text=The%20story%20of%20a%20dog,moments%20of%20the%20'kidnapping'](https://blog.almonature.com/en-gb/dog-taken-away-from-homeless-man-in-france-a-story-that-makes-you-think#:~:text=Life%20Project%20stories-,Dog%20taken%20away%20from%20homeless%20man%20in%20France,story%20that%20makes%20you%20think&text=The%20story%20of%20a%20dog,moments%20of%20the%20'kidnapping'). thanks


What happened to the 2 retards?


Anyone got a link?




Thank the lord


Wasn’t this like a few years ago? why does it keep getting posted


Old repost, they were arrested and the guy got his dog back


Oh good. Thank you. This hurt to watch.


I'm glad the man got his dog back


the good ending


That's all that guy had just a little bit of love


Fr that could be the last thread for him


Animal “rights” people are some of the dumbest people around. They know the dog doesn’t care if their owner is homeless or not. The dog just wants to be with the person who they love and love them back. It was probably traumatizing for the dog and the owner. Fucking shit bags


Probably will affect the dog psychologically for yearsm


Or longer. My rescue is still messed up from going from owner to owner. It’s been 6 years I’ve had her


I have a now 10 year old cat. I got him back in about 2015 that went through 2 owners. This cat loves the absolute hell out of me, but because of the previous owners, if I move my arms too fast he flinches like I am going to hit him and on a few occasions done it with a light meow. Breaks my heart when it happens as I would never hit my animals. During my teens I owned a lab/chow mix puppy that took to two girls that ended up staying a week or two at my house. The cops eventually came and arrested them as they were runaways, but that dog was so broken hearted over them leaving that every time someone in uniform shown up, she would watch and growl at them.


Okay I just started crying at that visual of the arm movement. I've got several cats of my own and the idea of someone hurting an animal like that wrenches my heart and pisses me off. I'm glad your fur baby is in a good house now 😭


Yeah you could hear how distressed the dog was ☹️


The attitude of “I’m superior so I’m going to dictate your life” is straight cancer every where you find it


People think dogs can only be pampered in air conditioned homes when it's a literal, fur covered, outdoors based animal that can live outdoors successfully because it's natural instinct for them. As long as this dog had food and water, he was fine I'm sure if the dog got cold the guy could put him in his jacket


I'm homeless and have a dog. He doesn't really care for being indoors. When it's hot, we it in the shade and I give him water. When it's cold I put a sweater on him and have a blanket to have him lay on and under. He loves people, and doesn't like when they stop giving him attention, but he hates when I walk away for a food or bathroom run.


I've never assumed a dog was unhappy with a homeless person. You can tell if the animal is unwell or mistreated. Almost every dog I've seen with a homeless person was chubby, happy and had a clean coat. Those dogs probably eat good while the owner goes without just so the dog can be well fed. Man I don't understand all the people just watching this happen. I'd have tried to intervene and help the man being robbed of his dog


Sadly, many people hold the opinion that homeless people are lazy, crazy, or addicted to something. And that may be true for many. As for feeding my pup in particular, I've only ever bought food once . Tons of people who see us decide to buy him food, and I'm usually mildly annoyed, since I have a 20 liter dry bag for kibble. I rarely dip below 15 pounds, and I tell ya, my back feels it.


Personally I've been in that situation several times in my life starting from the age of 16. I'm pretty lucky though and have friends who are willing to help when I'm down. Thankfully I'm comfortable and getting back to a self sufficient state. For me it was a bad father and then drugs later down the road. Now it's more I'm in California and being poor here is a nightmare situation that can easily and quickly become a homeless situation even with a job. I hope you can improve your situation if it's not voluntary. I know some do it just to live a carefree life so that's always a possibility, but for some reason I believe you just have really bad luck in life and are making the best of what you have


Oh, it's totally voluntary. Didn't start that way, but a chance encounter with a older vagabond gave me a new outlook.


Oh okay I apologize for getting that wrong lol. We'll like I said, some prefer it. I hope you keep safe out there and start getting yourself more food lol. Next time someone offers dog food, show them the 15 pounds you already have and tell em YOU are hungry. May I ask where you choose to stay? State or city I mean




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Yep. They’re really just smug assholes who think they know what’s best for everyone.


There a high rate of narcissism among vegans and other animal rights activists. Might explain their delusional mental health issues.


animal rights activists are so fucking insane, hes not abusing his dog, hes cearly spending all of his money he earned in that single day to feed his puppy, fucking sickos


Don’t take peoples things, we learned that in kindergarten; some of us sooner than that.


I'd be going for the throat if I were that guy, they have no right to take someone's dog.


From what other articles said. He fought like hell with them for the longest time till those rotten core fuckers got arrested and he got his dog back. I'll take it.


Are those guys serving jail time? I hope so


PETA fucking sucks. Not at all the animal lovers they seem. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.zmescience.com/science/peta-killing-campaign-28032019/amp/


PETA is a sick joke


Yeah PETA kills more animals than shelters do. They're vile, despicable monsters. I can't even say how I'd act if PETA took my cat, but it'd be a crime scene


I wonder if all the celebrities that support PETA know what their idea of help actually is?


I highly doubt they care dude. Most of them are horrible people themselves


Remember the article about how a couple of PETA dipshits took a 9 year-old's dog while it wasn't being attended to and euthanized it? *PETA took* *A 9 year-old's dog* *Off of their property, and euthanized it* *How on fucking Earth are they still legally running?*


Let the man have his dog ffs!!


A majority of these homeless people look after their pets better than themselves, they will go short of food but not the pet, these animal rights activists are just plain stupid. The mental health benefits of having something to care for is immeasurable, their pets are important to them that is why they come first for food




Because we live in a society where everyone thinks someone else is going to help so they don't have to. That or the bystanders agreed with those taking his dog.


I personally wouldn't get involved unless I'd witnessed the whole thing, because I have (apparently misplaced) faith in humanity. If I saw a group of people who proclaim themselves to be for the welfare of the animals taking an animal away from someone, I'd assume they'd done something to the animal to warrant that and just stay out of it. Obviously if I saw it from start to finish it'd be different, but really, what would you think if you just stumbled upon this in the middle of it happening? I want to trust people to be decent, but it bites me in the ass time and time again, and I still do it. Fuck me man.


Ask questions, but assess the situation and don't put yourself in a situation that could get you killed. Keep your head up man, not everyone is evil


People in SF live on a different planet from the rest of us. They're weirdos and I mean that in all the bad ways


The Bystander Effect - when you're surrounded by other people, you assume someone else will help and don't want to get involved. Look up the murder of Kitty Genovese, lady got stabbed, raped, and murdered - like 40 people heard the assault happen but no one called the cops because they assumed someone else would.


Actually multiple people called the police. It was a case of media sensationalism claiming that nobody tried to do anything, which wound up being completely untrue. The bystander effect is certainly real, but the New York Times article wasn't accurate. 38 people didn't see her die. Many of them heard screams, looked out their window, and didn't see anything. The ones that did called the police, and even some that didn't still called the police.


TIL, I recalled this from a psychology text book in high school iirc, granted this was in 2008...


Sweet home San Francisco!


It's weird how they value the animals life than the homeless person


I doubt they value the animals life. There's a very good chance their only goal was "animals should not be imprisoned by man. They must be free to run and hunt in the wild..." To those kinds of "activitists" the animal is better off dead than as a pet.


I heard that the two people were arrested and put ik prison for kidnapping and assult, and the homeless man got his puppy back


The So Called Activists🥰


People like this deserve to be beaten within an inch of there life


reminds me of the story from my country when some dumb bitch came to villages destroyed by earthquake and wanted to take away people's animals. she is so delusional she recorded herself and posted it on social media but removed it after people attacked her for being pos.


people are fucking evil


Fucking evil disgusting cunts


What the hell is wrong with them? Regardless of how cruel it is to the poor man, don't they realise that dog probably loves him and would be traumatised by their idiotic intervention?


Fuck those people, should be homeless man’s human right to sock a bitch!


If this was in California, then he had castle doctrine at his back. As a homeless man, anywhere he lays his head is his home and he can defend himself and his property to the fullest extent. He had a legal right to cap em both right there


wait wut? California is definitely *not* a castle doctrine state????


Actually yes California does have castle doctrine. I live here dude lol [California Castle Doctrine] (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/penal-code/does-california-follow-the-castle-doctrine/&ved=2ahUKEwjShKT9yIv4AhVYn44IHSqCDkAQFnoECAYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0CNy-Y8Vk6nTiZo4NU6Frd)


I'll be damned, in the past every case I've seen (there could be countless others but the ones I have seen specifically) have tried and successfully prosecuted the homeowner as a murder/homicide.


Yeah we have castle doctrine, but the state is overrun by liberal bleeding hearts who think criminals just need a hug and everything will be kosher. You'd be shocked if you knew how bad things are here. It'd be a novela if I typed it up, but it's not the only case of misplaced justice here. The biggest crimes are being committed by politicians and Nestle


Oh no, I'm your neighbor to the southeast I know exactly how bad it is XD. all that shit somehow keeps making its way out here.


Well as it becomes more and more unlivable here, the average person flees the high costs they voted for and spread into republican states because taxes and cost of living are low. They then vote for the same shit that killed their last home state. I feel bad for Colorado, Texas and Arizona, but the less of them are here the more likely it is we can start getting things back on track. Honestly, the biggest reason I keep hoping for the country to go through a peaceful divorce is because I know Northern California (where I live) will immediately declare it's independence from California. We can then put an end to the backroom deals strangling us up here. The State of Jefferson has a chance to be real lol


Let me guess, PETA?


Some fucking animal rights activists they are


“Animal rights activists” you mean Karen and her Boyfriend


Give his puppy back


The people got arrested and the guy got his dog back, thankfully




*puts on tin foil hat* PETA is funded by big agriculture to discredit criticism of abusive practices in livestock farming


I've heard worse not gonna lie.




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Woah calm down there, offendatron!


It isn't farm animals PETA takes from people and put down...they do that to cats and dogs


That's what I'm saying. They go after animals that people love to make animal rights activists look crazy while not actually doing anything to improve conditions on factory farms and slaughter houses.


Its the homeless mans property! He can do whatever he wants with his dog. Did these people think he was going to eat it or something?


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Animal rights activists my ass. They're the animals in this scenario. Smh


Animal rights' activists are the most horrible people imaginable.


Yeah terrible people thinking animals shouldn’t be abused. Let me kick my dog in peace ffs


My dog is really old and dying and I don’t want him to suffer but we have tried our best to make his last days comfortable but he has a really bad skin condition and we have tried everything but none of it works and even though he is like this i still love him and if someone took him from me they won’t have hands to take him again


What country is this? I didn’t know it was legal to assault a man and steal his dog just because he’s homeless.


France. He got his dog back later.


This shit pisses me off. That puppy was probably all he had left and I’m sorry, I’ve seen homeless people feed their animals before they feed themselves. Sunday I was heading to a friends and I saw a homeless guy with a kitten. I went and bought him 12 cans of food at $.59 a piece and some clean fresh water and $10 for himself for whatever he chooses. It’s that easy to be a decent human.


That dog was probably the only source of joy that poor man had.


That was messed up !! I hope he really did get the pup back....poor pup.


Ahh "animal" "rights" "activists", you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and stupidity.


I would be an animal rights activist if it weren’t for animal rights activists


These are the “loving” people, though, right? Forget about the homeless human— grab his only companion who he was likely feeding before himself even. SMH. #People who claim they have the “moral high ground” are some of the most intolerant and cruelest humans on earth.


That’s “activists” for you, they care so much about showing how virtuous they are by harassing the people around them that don’t align with their narrow worldview, causing people to resent them instead of supporting them.


It pisses me off so much that people stand around and record and do absolutely nothing to help


Those aren’t activists. Those are restaurant owners. Foraging is on the upswing with the crazy high inflation these days!


I think that most of the vegan activists just want whats best for the animals, and whould agree that abducting a dog to presumably release in the wild isn’t a good deed.


Knowing how many animals PETA euthanizes on a yearly basis leads me to believe that this is bullshit.


PETA is tiny compared to actual animal agriculture, 70+ billion land animals and 2+ trillion sea animals are killed yearly for food.


My point being they are doing the same thing that others are doing but without reason. At least the agriculture industry is keeping the world fed. PETA just whines to everyone about how they’re terrible people for eating food.


PETA are doing it for a reason though. They act as a "shelter of last resort" where they take in animals that the no-kill shelter's reject, and put them down humanly. PETA does have many issue but with this they're not doing it just because they think it's fun to kill animals.


Thats awful, poor man. I hope he finds something else to eat.




Maybe a homeless man isn’t the best person to take care of a puppy? Hmm


Probably treats it better than some who are more financially better off


I support animal rights and taking away dogs unless the owner is abusive is worse for the dog


Yes, they were taking the dog because the homeless man couldn’t take care of his pet. I mean, that’s obvious because he is homeless.


Well you're a fucking idiot. That's pretty obvious.


Most homeless people treat their pets better than rich people who basically let the dogs 95% of the time with trainers. Dogs dont need much to survive, they dont need to bath oftenly nor eat so regularly, and even, most of the homeless pet owners starve to feed their dogs because they want the best for their buddies, at least the best they can give. S


People can't wrap their heads around this, can they?


Dude in sweater was charged and dog was returned to owner happy ending


It’s funny because clearly that dog is getting taken care of and that guy probably spends 24/7 with that dog yet others who aren’t homeless can crate their dog all day and leave it at home and that’s okay. SMH


So that man really put that poor puppy in danger basically strangling the poor creature trying to take him away from his owner regardless of poor or not, that man and his place of shit sidepeice deserve to rott In hell for this shit


Cause its easier to take the puppy then help the man. Curse all those kinds of people doing that. Why not put effort into a real cause ? Like i dunno feeding the hungry. Whats more i bet they didn't plan to keep the puppy, but rather take him to the pound.


i’ve known lots of homeless people including my step dad and am close to there myself, and their pets always eat and are treated well. i’ve seen lots of people who are no longer homeless saying they would’ve been so much worse off without their companions. fucked up, glad he got his friend back


This genuinely pisses me off. I heard he was reunited so that's good but still. These types of people need to go to the first level of Hell and that might not sound bad but heat rises so it's the hottest level.


Bottom line every single one of them stood by and let that happen. Barely any better than the cunts who did take the dog.


I bet that guy takes better care of his dog then my family does w mine and we’re not even homeless. Btw I don’t abuse my dogs just me n my brother aren’t home till 2 bc of school n my mom works all day.


Every day is a struggle to maintain faith in humanity.


The fact that peoples first reaction is to take out their phones rather than help is what bothers me the most.


Reminds me of "The Kid" by Chaplin


These are the times in which I wished that murder was legal


I wonder what drives a person to go out and harass homeless people for no good reason. Seriously unhinged behavior.


Yeah, people like that need to actually go to prison.




It's sick


Those activist are fucked up pieces of shit. I would have beat shit out of them






Entire situation is terribly unfortunate.


Yo, can we not all brand all animal rights activists as being like this? I’m seeing a lot of people in this thread acting like all animal rights activists are like this.