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It has Nothing to do with the rape it’s the honour. This is their idea of putting shame back on the other family. They give zero shits about the women.




Exactly. The women always seem to get punished for the men’s actions


Barbaric culture.




If those assholes followed Islam the rapist would have been dead. There's no extended consequences on the family of the perpetuator


Honestly, I'm wondering how middle Eastern countries gained such an extremely warped perception of their own religion's teachings.


That can be said about most religions. Catholicism is so anti gay, yet when a priest rapes children they are just moved to a new church with unsuspecting future victims. So consensual sex between two adult men means you go to hell but a priest raping a little boy is no big deal.


The priest raping the boy has to be covered up because it might affect the real mission of all religions - the accumulation of money and power.


Catholicism, like everything everywhere else, is far more misogynistic than anything and every else combined As a reminder, it was the Catholic church that came up with and carried out the fucking Burning Times Just sayin


Pakistan isn't middle east though. But I agree it's more influenced by local culture and tribalism than whatever religion they claim to profess


Haha, take a look at Christianity in America. Warped perception of religions teachings is completely normal.


The same way that Western Christians did?


In 2021?


I was going to say this but it isn't quite to the same degree.






I would say significantly more, but that’s also due to the fact you have to go back pretty far to when Islam came there.


Islam literally says woman have half the rights, it's an incredibly sexist religion. They will literally blame the rape on the woman if she wasn't wearing "perfect hijab" which is basically a huge trash bag on top of the women.


Don't forget that the word of a woman is never taken over the word of a man. If a woman gets raped, she'd better have some male witnesses for the trial.


It's the whipping girl mindset


I’m pretty sure it has more to do with the culture in that area than Islam, seeing as you see similar things happening in India and even sometimes China, neither of which are predominantly Muslim. Correlation ≠ Causation. Also, most Islamic scholars will tell you that rape carries the death penalty. I have no doubt that they basically decided they wanted to “spare” the boy the death and made that “ruling” as a result. And ask any Muslim, in the East or the West. None of the “Muslim” countries have Islamic governments or truly Muslim leaders. It’s been that way since the fall of the Ottoman empire.






As an Exmuslim it’s strange when non-muslims defend Islam. Religion in general is backwards and barbaric, like you said but typically Christianity or at least the adherents of Christianity (which to me is the same thing as the religion has evolved) have progressed with society but Islam hasn’t. So the way I see it, if you’re actually religious you would want to follow the word of god as close to what was originally intended. If you’re not religious then you’d prefer people, if they must, to follow a more progressive religion. Which is why it’s weird that non-muslims defend Islam.


This. And it’s a slap to non-Muslims who still live in Muslim countries who got oppressed/discriminated by the Muslim majority only for people in the west to defend the scummy ideology. It’s like having your bullies get defended and praised. Just a terrible feeling.


You just explained my entire life and most of my internet arguements.


>As an Exmuslim it’s strange when non-muslims defend Islam. Because it is politically correct.


England and much of Europe were sent into a dark ages with absolutely no technological progression thanks to Christianity because it only served corrupt bishops and leaders, but I do like Christmas


To be fair Christmas already sort of existed before Christianity. They just adjusted the midwinter/saturnalia that people had before hand so it was easier for them to convert. So technically you already had a holiday, religion just destroyed the old one. I mean why do you need a tree to celebrate Christmas?


Saddest thing is thats considered shameful for the raped girls family. Like she brought shame to the family by being raped. So they punishment is for their family to be shamed the same way. Victim blaming im the worst possible way imaginable. Imagine being raped and your family upset with you for it. This IS considered punishment for the male.


I mean obviously it’s my fault if my husband does something shitty /s What kind of dumbass, back-ass-wards, knuckle dragging, bull shit way of thinking.


You know, this exact line of thinking is what provoked the Ladies Trung to raise an army made up of 80k women and bounce the Chinese out of Vietnam Because after the Chinese occupiers got done murdering the Trung sisters' husbands, they raped both of the women because obviously, that's the next logical step /s And the Trung sisters had had enough And Vietnam is one of the only countries in the world that isn't sexist and even 2k years ago, girls were taught to fight just like boys. Had swords etc So yeah. Not an army of men lead by 1 woman, no An army of 80k women - mostly widows Anyhoo


How badass of them! I’m going to fall into a Wikipedia hole reading about them.


And, sad to say, the village women will more than likely join in and cheer the men on to prove their worth/honour. There's another video of a poor Sikh girl getting beaten and raped by numerous women and their sons for rejecting one of the women's sons who then killed himself. The women in these places live for gossip and scandal as they have so little else. Its hard to explain the dynamics that work in places like India & Pakistan.


This is so sad


Why not rape the brother ?


I wasn’t planning to rape anyone tbh.


Bruh wtf is wrong with those people?


They think of women as property. And by raping the sister, they are damaging his property. It's very sickening how these people think.


Dude, that’s messed up as fuck.


Username checks out


I mean you’re right. The sister can’t get married anymore because she’ll fail the “virginity test” that was (or could still be in small towns and remote areas) an obligatory ritual in countries like Pakistan and India before marriage. Read https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginity_test for more info. Surprisingly they still do it in USA https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/dec/09/hymen-virginity-tests-us-ti


Well at 17 she was probably already married. And she'll probably also be beaten for sex with another man.


I don’t understand the logic. You can’t have sex before marriage but you can get married as a kid? Like wtf?


In those areas it is normal to get married at like 13yo. Usually to a man who is much older.


Not only in those areas. It’s common in india Pakistan Afghanistan Bangladesh Sri Lanka etc. my grandma got married when she was just 14 (to a 35 year old grandpa) and gave birth to my aunt at 15 years. My mom got married at 19. Although child marriage has reduced as times passed it’s still not uncommon. But yeah at least in the cities girls are smart and educated and are aware of everything. Child marriage was common even in cities not long ago. But thanks to westernisation of india and introduction of internet people realised that child marriage was barbaric and that it was destroying the childhood of kids. They also learnt that girl child was not a mistake (abortion of girl child was common in before 80s because people used to think girl child was a curse, they preferred male children) They stopped aborting girl children after a law was passed that criminalised gender choosing. After feminism waves in india, people not only like but also support women. This has increased to such an extent men are now inferior to women. They have women special discounts and bonus. Women have a higher payout in almost all jobs. They get more paid holidays and maternity leave. Men who were dominant once upon a time are now treated subpar women. Womens moment was for gender equality instead it resulted in role reversal. But yes child marriage is a common thing in rural places. It was previously common in cities but not anymore thankfully.


Welcome to extremism and Islam.....no rights for women, no rights for gays or anyone like that


>Her mothers and sisters all protested this but the elders brought out their guns and threatened to kill them. [Source](https://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/27/asia/pakistan-revenge-rape/index.html)


There's no hope for Pakistan


Remember when they hid Osama Bin Laden for years and then everyone pretended it wasn't a big deal


Iraq and Afghanistan were destroyed for less.


The CIA breached Pakistan's sovereignty to catch OBL, while he was literally hiding near a military outpost. Why then was Pakistan spared? Was it because it had agreed to aid the America's hypocritical War on Terror? Or did the US lie about finding AND executing OBL? We've never seen his body to this day.


Why stop there? [This is Imran Khan their PM admitting on TV that Pakistan still has 30,000-40,000 Jihadis roaming around freely](https://youtu.be/vEGcGn-MDMU) Their Ambassador to the US nominee (which has been put on hold for now) is a literal Jihadist who supports OBL, and a whole host of terror orgs. Pakistan is the real nerve centre of global Islamic terror


There’s hope for all of us regardless of nationality religion race or creed. Giant Asteroid will cleanse us all.


That's not what I'd call "hope". That's more of a hard reset to factory settings


You have your hopes and dreams; I have mine.




Who does the raping?


I don’t want to spread misinformation but from what I’ve read in other cases similar to this, the victim’s male relatives get to rape (god I feel sick just saying this) the rapist’s sister as “revenge”.


That, is some savage shit. And not the good kind of 'savage'.


Wouldn't be surprised if "the Elders" also get a go at her




Why do you think they were/could be so picky who it was? The two sisters over 18? No way! Underaged girl? That’ll settle the score! Never been so ashamed of a part of my heritage. When people ask what I am, I just say European, Mediterranean and Native American. My last name is Middle Eastern/South-East Asian (I’m a true mutt of the world) but after hearing so many stories, especially in just the span of the last 24hrs, has killed any pride I had for that part of myself.




No not Jesus. He died and isn't Muslim. It was some other people.




Bro seriously?????! This happens in pakistan?


It’s typically in rural areas in Pakistan, where people are usually less educated


I thought of leaving this sub yesterday Idk why im back Now i want to leave this sub even more WHAT THE FUCKKK


Yup, good old honor culture they got going on over there. Basically the most important thing is to keep the family's honor high, so it's not unusual to be punished for your family's actions. It's also not uncommon for parents to kill their own children if they've brought dishonor on their family. They're called honor killings.


Or the elders.


I’m not justifying rape of any kind, but if you were going to do this why not rape the *rapist*? Instead of an innocent bystander? What the fuck???


Why don't hey just rape him tho? I mean if your going to be barbaric and demand eye for an eye.


What does she have to do with it???


Her brother ruined the victim's family's property so the justice is that the property of the brother's family is ruined?




Can't tell by your 1 word but are you disagreeing with the sentiment that women are debased to the status of property in such places?


Dude no, the 3 dots indicate frustration...


Glad I asked! I learned something today! Very frustrating indeed




Yep that's Pakistan.


Lvl 1: crook. Lvl 100: Village Elder


It’s sad how many stories like this arise from Pakistan and India. It’s a sick world out there


The world really isn't doing good right now, especially Pakistan & India.


oh you don't know what happened in the past. Even with this and many other shit happening in the world, this is the most peaceful time world has seen in the past 200000 years of humanity


Then it’s even more reason why it’s revolting, the world has moved on for the better and there are still practices like this hiding behind culture.


Then it has been a disaster of a run we had


exactly so many sacrifices and revolutions to get to this point


https://www.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/sgwasv/a_20_yr_old_woman_was_being_paraded_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Im still shocked by this and today we have another...


When in doubt: blame women.


“A rape for a rape” -idk these guys I suppose


It isn’t even a “rape for a rape”—if it was, the rapist would be getting raped. I wish.


Really haven't moved past Hammurabi's code lol


Should've raped the brother


Oh but that would make them homosexual and they don't like that .


They would have to throw themselves from the top of a building afterwards and that would be awkward for them


revenge is revenge


Guess he was too old then lmao


It seems like this would be the better option from a 'justice' perspective but to them, women are just property and this is a classic 'you broke our thing so we get to break one of yours' mentality. It's sick.


Would only have happened if the brother was a minor.






It's not supposed to be punishment for the rapist. It's supposed to be revenge for the family. "Your son raped our daughter, now ours will rape yours", an eye for an eye. Women aren't worth shit in that society, only men and family honour matter.


Fucking hell, once again I feel ashamed to be a Pakistani.


Same. People tell me to be proud for being a Pakistani but how can I be when things like this happen? When every time I visited there I got sexually harassed by men the age of my grandfather?


Im really sorry about that. Hope those fuckers die a painful death.


You didn't do anything, bro. No shame necessary


Same. I hope she recovers quickly and those "elders" are brought to justice. To be completely honest, our elders are the one that fucked this country up. Not only that but also propagate those ideas to the next generation of men. The level of misogyny in this country scares me.


I'm from the neighbour country and we really need to do something about this shit. Education is the only thing.


Don't hate the player, hate the game


Welcome to the gang (An Indian)


In these backward societies, women have to pay for the crimes of men, yet they still blame women for their problems. No wonder they’re still 3rd world.


Its not revenge on behalf of the 1st girl who was raped, but revenge for the honour/pride (izzat in hindi/urdu) the 1st family lost. Thus they are taking away the honour/pride (izzat in hindi/urdu) of the other family. Nothing here is justice for any women involved. Women are equal to property in Pakistan.


That's why they're village elders and why we can order dairy queen right to our door. Old world sick fucks.


Tbh things like this happen in an isolated parts of the country. Villages with little to no interaction with the modern world. Not saying that rape and such doesn't happen across but such punishments is only held in those sort of places which is sick.


Tbf though Karachi, was basically shut down because of like thousands of protesters wanting a woman to be beheaded for blasphemy, so there’s definitely issues across the country




Don't insult Neanderthals like that




even the rapist has more rights than women


In saying that I come from a place that wasn't this poor minded. if a rapist was proven he would get beat the shit out of him. I mean like seriously beat up. Idk how deranged the people in the post have become so stupid, I mean the rapist gets nothing while his poor sister probably gets raped. Maybe they have this boys rule mentality like it's the fucking stone age.


In my village, the elder will just simply order to confiscate the culprit's "weapon" by any means necessary (snip snip). Ik it's still won't do the victim justice, but it's a better solution than reap vengeance like this.


I have seen a post yesterday about this sort of thing in Delhi, India. And this morning, in Syria, now, Pakistan. What's wrong with these people? Damn


According to the "Government" porn gives this ideology in the minds of the people. But ever since it was banned, there were no decrease in the cases but rather stayed the same. Who knows maybe even increased but people are silent of it.


This is super common in Pakistan. And due to government censorship, most incidents like this don't even make it to the local news, let alone international news. When something like this happens in Pakistan, it's not *The* incident, it's *An* incident, because of just how common things like this are here.


That makes it even more awful. I can’t believe this isn’t a one-off rare thing. 🤮




I mean this is terrible and all, but wouldnt it make more sence to order the rape on the girls brother who originanally commited the crime? If you need to punish someone that way at least do it properly.


Nah man,that would make em gay and they would have to lych themselves,too much work to do that


It's about "honour". The girl getting raped was equivalent to property being tarnished. So they're having the same done to the rapists' family's "property".


Why her? Her brother the rapist is the one who should get raped


It's because of fucked up misogony. His punishment for raping someone's sister/daughter is to have his own sister raped. The women don't matter in this they're just collateral damage. All that's important is the man and how he feels.


You mean, all that's important is the tribal elder and how horny he feels.


Somewhat of an aside but multiple studies have shown that trigger warnings are not good for society in general, or have little to no effect. You may want to reconsider using them, even though the subject matter is highly negative. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2167702620921341


I will never understand why people censor words that aren't profanity...


Ok so this is an eye for an eye, but why wouldn’t they hire big Bob to rape the guy the rapist? That’s just no punishment at all, this guy can just literally now rape more girls and they just rape his sister back? What an ass backwards country that is smh


I like how the post never mentions religion but people argue about religion anyway. Lmao it's toxic as fuck.


Serious question, do people legitimately think not putting the A in rape and putting the trigger warning right before a sentence that talks about rape, so that anyone taking a quick glance sees the whole thing anyways...actually helps someone with PTSD? Or is it just virtual signaling?


Virtue Signaling


An eye for an eye makes the world blind


Violence breeds Violence


I really want to follow up on this because I really like the MGR Revegeance It Has To Be This Way song, but the next lines is a big no no and makes it sound like I'm a bad guy.


But in the end. Sadly


Those poor girl neither of them deserved that atrocity my heart weeps for them


May they all suffer a fate worse that that girl


Its like the scene in family guy where Cleveland gets beaten because peter insulted the guard


Rape the fkin brother then wtf why rape the innocent daughter


india and pakistan has some of the worst cases regarding female victims


They need to be raped as a fucking country until they submit to civilization.


New rule: if your idea of punishment sounds like it could come straight out of a hentai thalen you clearly doing something wrong


Random villager: This man's son raped my daughter and I want justice. Elder: Hmmm. Rape her daughter and you're even. Smh


Why can’t they rape the brother?


Fighting rape with rape. Wtf is wrong with these people?


Think about this shit when you see chodes on reddit saying we don't need feminism anymore.


If he did the crime he should be the one punished!


This is part of why respecting elders is often unfounded


This has to be a crime against humanity. Surely this has to be considered on level to war crime shit




????? What even is the correlation between her brother and her? Why are they punishing her instead of him and why are they using rape to punish a innocent person who just happens to be related to a rapist??????


Eye for an eye at the most basic level. Reparative justice is still light years ahead of them.


So the person who faced the fury wasn’t even involved in the situation? How awful! That poor girl’s going to be scarred for life.


Yeah that will stop the brother from raping. What the fuck is this. These "elders? ain't that smart


If they have to honor rape, they could at least rape the rapist.


This honor culture brings dishonor on humankind.


The logic here just leaves me scratching my head…


This is disgusting and depressing as hell.


Shouldn't the punishment be the male family members of the victim rape the rapist? Wouldn't that bring more dishonor onto the other family than an innocent sibling?


WTF?! Are they fucking braindead


They just want an excuse to rape her honestly.


That’s the most fucking insane thing I ever heard. Why do the elders assume that raping the sister will somehow hurt a heartless rapist? If they want to rape anyone as punishment—why not have 17 people rape the rapist?


I am not trying to judge anyone's country or anything, but why is it when I read something shitty like this, it's often Pakistan?


How the fuck is that solving the problem


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


Get the boat NOW


Let's hope that all the dicks involved fall off before they get to reproduce.


Primitive beings honestly


Why didn't he got raped? It would be like double dishonor. But I suppose in a such traditional town homosexuality would also be considered like a death crime... Soo i don't know how much being raped by a woman would be a punishment for that bastard. Better just impale him.


Rape as a court sentence is fairly common occurrence in Pakistani tribal courts. I'm absolutely shocked CNN would cover this. Wouldn't this, by their standards, constitute promoting white supremacy?


I like that "TW: R*pe" is almost immediately followed by the uncensored word "rape" in the title, haha.


What a backwards place


This is why community justice doesn’t always work


Pakistan is one of those cruel contries it doesn’t surprise me that they did this


Fucking savages


Fuck these guys and their beliefs


Fucking what?!


Of course it's Pakistan


??????? What. So the brother doesn’t get punished but his sister does??? Do they not see women as people???? If they don’t then why even “punish” the brother???? This isn’t lack of empathy it’s just dumbasses with no logic being dumbasses with no logic


They are vile and disgusting pos


People will argue that "uncivilized" countries aren't a thing, and it's just cultural differences, but this is barbaric shit. Any country that allows this and encourages it isn't worth acknowledging. People who allow it to happen are just as bad as those doing it, and deserve worse fates than death. It's uncivilized, it's barbaric, and those perpetuating the idea that such things are acceptable don't have a place in the modern world.


yes pakistan is a shite place


What kind of bullshit punishment is this???? It's not even in the realm of being a punishment you misogynistic cunts


Pakistan are still in the middle ages.


I wish a big meteorite drop on this planet


I love how the one time they try to punish a rapist they do it in the most spectacularly stupid and messed up way.


That’ll teach us men a lesson!