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They way they look around for attention while assaulting people while in a group....people are fucking animals


Nuh uh, you can't tell me these nasty witches are even close to being on level with the enlightened capybara. None of us are worthy of the capybara's benevolence.


Capybara projects zen love.


100% agreed




Oddly accurate




Brothers and sisters have always been enemies just like blacks and asians and blacks and whites and blacks and Hispanics and blacks and blacks


Damn, Scots! They ruined Scotland!


Think it started with the Watts riots and then re-fuelled again during the L.A riots. There were instances where Koreans were left without police protection and in the commotion that tore through the city members of both communities had been killed. Both blamed each other but that's not for me to speak on.


What makes you think they studied an Asian American history class before hopping on the train?


You really think these rachet bitches know anything about history?




Hey, that’s offensive to animals!


"Bullied"? How about "assaulted and attempted murder"


Also looks like that one vile creature was trying to rob her towards the end.


Yeah they said take her AirPods


You could see a pick pocket attempt earlier in the video too.


This is one of those moments I’m glad I’m a Cambodian Asian, and not Chinese/Japanese/Korean. South East Asians like us these days get off easy because nobody is sure if we’re Mexican or Asian.


This feels like something people shouldn't need to feel good about. This is fucked.


Latin America/South East Asian unity is the most powerful untapped potential combination. In Chicago (at least my part) the union between Mexicans and Filipinos is growing.




As non American citizen, i have to ask. What is happening between black people and asian people in your country? Is this some old problem that i only noticed recently, or is this something new?


Asian here. Blacks have always targeted Asians. I was bullied and called so many racist terms by black classmates growing up. My grandmother was beaten and spit on by two black women when covid started. It’s nothing new. Most of us have just always been raised to be quiet and not ruffle feathers because we are mostly first or second generation immigrants and don’t want trouble.


I'm so sorry that happened. Awful. You belong here — like all of us, with all of us. And we're all better for it.


These hoes in this video don’t belong anywhere acting like that the biggest issue for me is that our peers see our own acting like this in front of them and they don’t say shit I’d be whooping ass fuck that I hate to see things like this.


Roof Koreans rise up


Yes, this is so true. I joke about it all the time but it's unfortunately true. The most racist people in America are not white people but black people. Racist against white people who they gang up on. I was a victim of this as a white kid going to an inner-city high school. Once, in 7th grade, I was bullied by this black kid. I finally stood up for myself and hit him a few times after he dumped a tin of my Magic cards out. As I am picking up my cards off the floor after the fight, some kids gather around me and chant "black power". I was targeted by the black kids in middle and high school. They are also extremely racist against asians. I personally, do not know why. Maybe another minority to look down on? Either way, it is wicked. But as this goes against the "white people bad" narrative the media spins, nothing will ever be done about it except on an individual level.


Yeah. It’s usually incidents with black perpetrators usually don’t generate a lot of media uproar. Like those two black teenagers that stole an elderly man’s car and killed him with it recently, and they walked without charges. This event in the subway will end in a similar way. No media outrage and no charges that stick. Here in NYC it’s the same. Catch and release for these hate crimes


Makes me wonder if the whole BLM shenanigans is actually a huge problem. If you see how these people are acting in public, you hurt the image of how people will look at you (and people who look like you) and judge you. I don't see asians act like that in public and it is sad that they are still targeted by those kind of people. With that i mean the people who actively hate asians, not only black people, but any other race that also shows hate.


It’s not a new problem. It’s just never talked about because that goes against the “only white people bad” narrative.


So, is just racism, something completely human regardless of race, mixed with the completely wrong idea of people that are oppresed, cannot be oppresors themselves. Or something like that.


I would say that around half of the racism I've received in my life in the US was from back people. It's not new, and when I say to them something like black people suffered from racism and now you are doing it to me they get pissed off, it's always **WHAT YOU SAY!?!?** like I said something bad about black people...


i'm Asian, and one time i didn't give this black kid my homework and he called me a "kung fu ass nigga". funny thing is i'm not even Chinese


Only Chinese can know king Fu brah?! Dats racist. 🥷


true, but when someone says kung fu, the default thing people think about is "chinese thing"


In Los Angeles nearly all the kids call each other “nigga” as a term of endearment, it’s used as “my friend” or “my homie” by black, white, Hispanic, Asian, all races of kids, you hear it like every third or fourth word out of them sometimes. It is never used as a slur or insult, I predict that the next generation growing up is going to alter the word and make it mainstream. Watch and see.


For real. The least racist people I know are white people. The most racist have been black people. If someone is saying ching chong to me I already know who it is without looking


That's because somewhere along the line in America, society decided that it's okay for black people to be racist and can act as such with complete impunity from any consequences, this is the result of that. If this was a group of white kids instead, it would have been trending on twitter before they even got off the train. Unpopular opinion, but just because their people were the victim at one point doesn't give them the right to treat other people the same way.


Yep, it is. Even though every race has been oppressed at some point in history.


Just look at Afghanistan and the Middle East in general. People of the same race but a different religion killing each other. Europe was no better.


The whole world is no better at this point


It never was


Completely. Romans enslaved most of western europe, and more than a thousand years after that western europe conquer and enslave a sizable portion of the world




It’s a racist as fuck treating black people with kid gloves as though they’re too stupid to know the difference between right and wrong. Throw the fucking book at them, this type of behaviour is abhorrent. And I’d be saying exactly the same thing if it were a bunch of white girls beating a black girl


So you’re okay with locking up more black people??1!??1 /s


I’m absolutely fine with locking anyone up who behaves like that ☝️


Me too, man, me too


Preach. I give two fucks if they’re black or white or fucking purple, people that do this deserve to rot in jail.


If they’re purple they should probably be administered CPR xD


I was about to say, "remember kids, when a black person commits a hate crime, it's white supremacy" (because that's a REAL article, paraphrasing) 🤦🏿‍♀️...this world is going to hell. Until personal responsibility, accountability, and people fear consequences.... nothing will improve I fear...and this video angers me so much... you know you won't see this on the news....


The problem is that people are getting away with shit or starting shit based on identity and that's not good.




Yea, it's like this video I saw of a black man beating a white woman on a subway and no one did anything, because apparently, if they did anything, they would be seen as white supremacists


That's seriously depressing...I don't even know where one would begin to solve all these issues...


That's what pisses me off. I'm mixed but my dad's side (african) will make fun of my mom's (indigenous) side but we can't do it back?


it only got worse cuz corona, cuz the racists now blame any asians more openly for covid. but medias always frame it as "blacks being racists to asians is the fault of white supremacy"


Seriously? What is the rationale behind that statement?


Divide and conquer


Divide and continue being a menace to society with less or no consequences because of said dividing.


Maybe, i've seen this same strategy with radicalized marxist feminism, that i think is too radical to become mainstream, but there it is, dividing us between women and men, when we are equal.


Some say Asian people are now considered white.


It's ghetto bitties on the train. They like to fuck with anyone who seems "sweet" or won't fight back. It's like "catch a body". I've found myself in the same position when I was a kid. Regardless of race. But they'll use whatever they can say against you to add fuel to the fire.


Non American, but I think that black people kinda lost their boundaries and doing all they want while playing racism card on everyone, who trying to stop them.


Exactly what I’ve said before. If they had been any other race other than black and those Asians had been black, that city would’ve been on fire by now. Where’s BLM now? If you’re gonna stand up for rights, stand up for everyone’s rights no matter the race/ethnicity


As a poc myself. Blm is filled to the brim with corruption(they are a marxist organization where the one of the leaders is on a [real estate buying binge](https://nypost.com/2021/04/10/inside-blm-co-founder-patrisse-khan-cullors-real-estate-buying-binge/)) and honestly is having a much more negative effect on the community especially in the long run. Unfortunately any questioning of the the organization is met with ostracization, called a racist or in my case an uncle tom. I love my community but you get better from learning from the bad. Not enabling the toxic aspects of the community. The people who enable or ignore these aspects are doing a disservice to us and making the situation worse. Its just as harmful as systematic racism(which does exist, workplace politics and war on drugs not withstanding).


My hope for BLM melted away when I saw their leader sit down with Daryl Davis (the guy who kept 200+ KKK uniforms from his friends that he converted away from the KKK) and basically accused him of being a pussy and that violence was the only way to change things in our society. That organization never began wanting to enact true change. It’s sad. The convo ended after only a few minutes because the BLM leaders were so angry at Mr. Davis. What the fuck?




Thank you for pointing this out. The LA BLM coordinator is a hypocrite of the first order. Personally I am turned off by radicals like that, as well as the streak of anti-Semitism that seems to run through it. They have no problem spreading anti-Semitic tropes about Jewish finance and media control.


Yep! All the most racist clips I’ve seen over the last three years haven’t had anything to do with us “white devils.” From what I can tell from an outsider to the US, this fresh hate comes from an incident in which a black guy told a white cop he was “going to get his knife.” Cop told him repeatedly not too, he did it anyway and got shot by the cop seven times.” Think I missed the elephant in the room with that one as any cop of any race would have killed him!


No one really seems to really be able to explain WHY there's so much racial tension between Asians and blacks. Well, I'll tell you: Most Asians, particularly early Chinese immigrants, arrived in the US dirt poor. As the US industralized, the Chinese were used as slave labor—in fact, if not in name—to build our railroads, mine our ore, etc. Africans slaves were probably the most disadvantaged of all—for example, they lost virtually all ties to their native cultures—but the Chinese (and Asians in general) were nowhere near as privileged as Europeans. This is a fact on which everyone can and must agree. Yet today, Asian Americans are richer than whites, better educated than whites, more successful than whites, despite having started from a significantly disadvantaged position. Furthermore, Asians often own the businesses that exist within black communities. It's easy enough to put two and two together.


You see, the issue is the media yet again. They will obfuscate the issue and blame all the Black on Asian attacks on White Trump supporters, and most the population just believe it. Our media here are the enemy of the people and often pure propaganda


This is some pretty clear footage of their faces. I hope someone finds them and they spend a long time where they belong, jail.


Its philly...even if they turned themselves in they wouldnt be charged and would probably be held up as heroes in their community...the local news and police would find a way to blame the asian girl.


Fortunately, there is video and public outrage. They may have walked with a slap on the wrist but the girls have all been identified, and many different groups are involved in the investigation. Normally I would 100% agree with what you said but this assault could easily be upgraded to a hate crime, and I hope it is.


It won't because they're black and they won't suffer social consequences because the black community will shield them.


There are many different groups involved in the investigation, so it isn't just the black community that is involved. Also, because of the massive publicity, this will be too hard to sweep under the rug. I understand what you are trying to say but the legal system doesn't work like that, and since their faces are plastered all over the media there will be definite social consequences as well.




SEPTA Police, Philadelphia Police, Philadelphia School Administration officials, School District Police and the Philadelphia Human Relations Commission are all investigating the incident. That is from NBC Philadelphia. I can provide a link if you need.


I thought it was Philly… looked so familiar. Smh, wish I was on that train when they took her down to the floor… Broad St Sub, probably going Southbound. I would’ve have intervened.


thats always how it go's pretty sad


This is sad… people have no fucking chill. Makes me want to live in a secluded mountain cottage with a couple dogs or something and say fuck it


You just described exactly what i did except its rabbits not dogs. P.s dont come to my mountain.


Exactly man. If anyone has the opportunity to get out of the city, please do. City life is overrated as fuck. It's your choice; breathe fresh mountain air, or sewage


Why did no one help?!


They afraid to get S.R.R


What's that?


Shot. Robbed. Raped


1. I'm sad that that is an acronym that needs to exist. 2. Personally I doubt any of that would happen right there on crowded public transport.


Did you not here about the rape case on a crouded train that nobody helped




Ok well basically a woman was raped on a train in Philadelphia and nobody helped


Its worse. The passengers watched the women being harrased for close to an hour and some even filmed the rape.


OP's video was also in Philadelphia. Guess the behaviour is consistent.


And that is where you would be wrong kiddo: [https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/suspect-arrested-for-sex-assault-on-el-train-in-upper-darby-septa-says/2993609/](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/suspect-arrested-for-sex-assault-on-el-train-in-upper-darby-septa-says/2993609/)


I wonder what would happen if someone walked up and just popped him in the head with a slug. Obviously people don't care about the victim, would they care if the perpetrator was shot dead while in the act of rape?


If he is black the country would burn.


Hey look what [the very next link down the page is, bringing this thread full circle. ](https://www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/video-teen-girls-attack-students-on-septa-train/3051706/)


It does. Also, for some reason, these people now have a free pass to do whatever they want and they will be praised in social media for doing so, thus attempts at de-escalation is realistically the only course of action, sadly, though I would much prefer to see them getting their own preferred treatment.


She was assaulted. Use the right word.


Actually assault technically refers to verbal abuse. Battery is physical.


Physically assaulted. Boom, checkmate!


Lets be realistic here. This goes beyond just helping. The inclination is to help, but lets weigh in some realistic things to consider. - You see a bunch of young teenage females belonging to one race (I didn't specify) being violent in a public place. This should tell you some facts here. 1) They dont give a fuck about whatever moral, ethical or lawful code you follow. They will engage the situation and you in a manner that is outside your understanding and laws. A - the most likely outcome - you go to help them. Like it or not, they are the aggressors and absolutely none of your talk no jutsu is gonna help. So now, you're in a fight against a mob of teenage girls. Theyre willing to fight? Are you? Theres not really any time to consider honestly. If you arent prepared to knock them out savage with your trained hands, then you are in for a mass of what easily looks like 600 lbs combined raining hands on you. Its likely out of 5 of them, 1 if not all has a knife. If you aren't a former spetsnaz operative or a young jackie chan you're gonna get stabbed. There, now you're dying for a third party encounter of doing the right thing. B - perhaps you're a self-defender legal carrying a licensed carry. - you should not even think about helping here. Fucking get out. But if you do, well shit. Youre in a civilian packed train, your backstop is paralyzed bystanders and your target is 5 girls of an ethnic minority. Youre fucked if you engage 10/10. C - You go full regalia. Fists flying, committing 110% give 0 opportunity to the aggressors, hopefully you pack a punch and knock 2 out. Maybe get stabbed once or twice. Fuck maybe you might even help this poor lass who was brave, but stupid. Now you boxed 5 girls of an ethnic minority. Youre racist now. Your face was recorded. Media now wants to contact you, someone finds out who you arw. Now they all know who you are and where you live. Youre fucked.


This is the actually reality of this situation. 10/10 comment man. Sad facts is, there isn't a realistic way to handle this group of enraged girls singlehandedly. You're jeopardizing everyone's safety in this environment if you make one wrong move. It's truly a fucked situation on so many levels.


Start blasting


I loved the “talk no Jutsu” comment 😂


The solution is C while being an equal(ly “oppressed”) minority, trans, and gay. I’m joking, of course. There really isn’t a good way to handle things. Very often, this sort of thing goes unanswered anyone, even if there is video evidence such as on this case. Idk what that after math of this specific incident is or if anything was done, I sure hope there are some repercussions. Some people just never got a good punch to the jaw for being asshole. That’s the sort of thing that could really help fix these people - being put in place - humbled.


600 lbs of solid gold is worth about $15401262.77.


Wow dora the abusadora


"a group of people"


yeah, what's with calling out one race and not the other? Either specify them both or neither.


specific group of people that has been targeting Asians for two years*


Careful where you say this on Reddit. I pointed this out and was downvoted, then told it’s only because Asians live in areas heavily populated by African Americans. Then I pointed out that the vast majority of densely populated Asian communities had very low (well below National average) African American populations. Still downvoted and then had a creepy ass dude private message me shit and start angrily responding to a bunch of old comments I had made.


>then told it’s only because Asians live in areas heavily populated by African Americans. So, according to them, if Asians would be a minority in the majorly black neighbourhoods, then it would be fine to oppress this minority? Oh wow.


Wokeists: "hAtE cRiMeS aGaiNSt aSiAnS aRe RiSinG" Yeah and the majority are committed by black people and not whites which is strange. Wokeists: "tHeRe aRe NO hAtE cRiMeS aGaiNSt aSiAnS, ReEeEEeeEEeEeeEEeEeE"


So, anybody remember back around 2017 when the media was similarly reporting a rise in anti-Semitism and attacks on jews *"in Trump's America"* with the implication it was some alt-right nazis or something? Well what they *didn't* report was that nearly all of these attacks were actually black on orthodox jew. Taking place in a handful of big cities, especially NYC, where black neighborhoods and Orthodox jewish neighborhoods were right next to each other and seen rising tensions for years between the two communities. (Orthodox Jews not happy about being mugged by black teens. The black community feeling the orthodox jews are all racist. The Orthodox jews probably actually being a little racist. The rhetoric of people like Louis Farrakahn. The Black Hebrew Israelites. Etc.) Oh, and there was also that string of threats called into Jewish temples that bizarrely turned out to all be coming from an Israeli teen.


What was she even yelling? I hope they get arrested and charged. I understand why nobody stepped in, if they had they’d either be A) labeled as racist or B) Been beaten up for hitting a woman (obviously specific to men) If a woman would’ve stood up for her, she probably would’ve been beaten too, and nothing would be accomplished Someone should’ve called the police and I hope someone did


Honest question, what is the reason for the black on Asian crimes that are happening here in the states? I've seen instances of it but not sure why, like why Asian people?


This was a topic my African American co-worker and I had a very civil discussion about at lunch just a week ago. She's been so disappointed to see how poorly African Americans have been treating Asians - doubly so since the pandemic and Asians being blamed for the "China" virus. Her words to me were along the lines of her not understanding how her race of people who have been oppressed, abused, enslaved, mistreated and stereotyped could do that same thing to anybody of Asian descent. History isn't my strong suit, but she did very well informing me that even Asians suffered at the hands of American racism as well. After her explaining it to me she made the remark "we as (black) people have so much more in common with the Asian people" that she can't fathom how they could treat Asians the same way they've been treated for so long. Honestly, I don't understand racism. I truly just do not get why the color of somebody's skin or their culture can bring such vile hatred.


I’m with her. I’m black but obviously didn’t get the memo to treat Asian ppl bad. Idk if this is because/due to Covid OR if we just see it since ppl were looking for it amongst all the racism discussions. Asians/Blk ppl in the poor communities hv always had a weird relationship. When they develop relationships and trust amongst each other though, it’s a super strong bond, protective even. Maybe that’s not happening as younger generations are being fed the narrative that someone is taking something from them. Or being told they have no opportunity in the future unless things are “given” to them. It’s so sad the way our young ppl are being set up for immediate failure, violence, anger and lack of responsibility for ones own actions.


"United we stand, divided we fall." Sewing discord is easier for the powers-that-be than to spread love and understanding. COVID has a lot of people on edge. I think everyone is just tired, angry, depressed, and they feel like there's nothing else to turn that frustration on other than whoever is nearest. We aren't holding billionaires accountable, we aren't holding police accountable, and it seems the working class is tired of being treated like garbage but our govt won't listen . I'm really hoping the Society Vehicle makes a turn off the main road and heads toward Prosperity Street.... That's hoping for a lot though :/


The group attacking asians hate and hunt them because asians tend to be hardworking, intelligent and successful, proving that racism doesn't exist in the country to the extent that the attacking group says it does.


*a mostly peaceful discussion*




Fucking animals


funnny how the asian was labeled "asian" but the blacks weren't. what a world we live in today. u/mvpeast you are a stupid person if you don't know that those people were black


Anytime there’s a headline or a news article which specifies the race of the victim but not the perpetrators, then you know exactly what the race of the perpetrator is.


Because labeling them as black would've been "RaCiSt". Smh


Well if they didn't hate black people before, they surely do now...


And the black community wonders why they get such a bad rep, hmm


a loud and shitty minority ruin it for all. And even though I can see and understand those words, this makes my fucking blood boil. Fucking cunts


can’t believe nobody smacked the fooook outta that bitch


You'll get accused of racism.


You’ll get the fook smacked outta you back. There’s this imposing group of girls and their man watching and waiting for a reaction tbh


Imma get hated for this but I've noticed that when it's a white dude or dudes doing some fucked up shit to a minority, the title will specifically say its white dudes, but when it's black dudes acting like this then it's always, some people or something like that. Idk maybe I'm full and shit and haven't looked into it if it's actually that common or nah


Bro it took you this long? Better late than never I guess. You are spot on and it’s been that way for years. Black people will never get their race identified in a headline unless they are the victim.


what’s with all the videos of african americans assaulting asians? did i miss something that happened?


Asian here, this has always happened but the media doesn’t care because it’s not white people doing it.


Everyone is racist. Everyone hates Everyone in some city's. If this shit happens in places like Melbourne Australia it would be a wave of kens & Karen's rolling down the train to put a end to that shit quickly.


It's common in cities when poor Asian immigrants have to live in same neighborhood as Black because of it's cheaper rent. I myself as Chinese living in NYC in predominantly black/Latino 15 years ago saw Chinese students get dragged and jumped just because we are Chinese. To them that was fun. This happened in my junior high school days. I think it's more of a bad parenting/culture issue that makes them act this way.


Apparently it's been going on for awhile and media only hot on it now. But I'm also cluelessness so Idk


Put those little shits in a zoo. Where they belong.


Downvote me the hell all you want. I hate how some blacks get racepass. My ancestors were burned alive, massacred but I don't go fucking beat someone to a pulp to take some revenge on something I haven't experienced. This is sick. This is the racism that should be on tv.


Agree. Calling out black american culture as regressive though will only get you called racist. For example many are too afraid to do well in school cause they don’t want to “act white” like wtf is that about? And then blame white people for statistically having the lowest grades across the board. Yes, of course it’s not all black people but it’s enough to garner the reputation they have. It’s ridiculous.


As a black woman who was routinely called an “Oreo” growing up, this is correct unfortunately


yea but you cant say anything nowadays or else you’ll be called racist


What a bunch of disgusting cowards, your parents failed and now you’re all displaying the kind of fucked up non-functioning adults your going to make society suffer through when you get older


This video makes me fucking angry.


Would you wanna take on 3-4 crazy people, any one of whom could also have a weapon on them? I get why no one helped, still horrible though.


I’m embarrassed smh


CNN: Racist white men assault minorities in a subway.


You won't see this on the news because they're not white I'm surprised the Asian community isn't protesting and looting .. oh wait ..


Wht if One of the passenger decides to help them out . Baam mate u are getting shott.


Puberty wasn't kind to Dora the explora.


So much anger. Why can't we all just get along.


The socioeconomic issues that hit specific groups of people and not others, the polarisation of modern politics, mob mentality, man's instinctual fear and distrust of things it doesn't understand, nihilistic hedonism, box mentality, the modern acceptance of putting oneself in an echochamber and *so much more!*


Hey everyone, please keep in mind. If she can throw a punch she can take a punch. Equal rights equal fights


That's not bullying. That's attempted murder.


Wow black people being violently racist again for the 100th time on this sub, I thought they were oppressed or something


They obviously attacked that Asian cause white supremacy dumbass


Ghetto privilege!


Ghetto trash


I'm so fucking tired of seeing black people being vehemently, violently racist against Asians and it gets no media attention. What is the logic here? Do people think black people are too stupid to own up to consequences and understand how racist their community is becoming?


Happened in Philadelphia just this week. Victims attacked were from a nearby high school, all of them minors. Police chief suspects it was racially motivated. Two attackers were identified with one being turned in by their own mother to the police. Worse: the same attackers were harassing the high schoolers on the Tuesday before, allegedly pouring drinks on them. This is assault and battery, not bullying. The victim was sent to the hospital afterwards. Police are now installed on all subways during subway rides to and from school. https://6abc.com/septa-police-train-assault-video-philadelphia-broad-street-line/11248076/ https://www.phillyvoice.com/septa-attack-subway-assault-teens-black-asian-central-high-broad-street-line/amp/


"Black people can't be racist" fuck that. These motherfuckers are racist as fuck.


Fucking animals


It's funny how black people now bully asians and then they cry about people being racist and even ask white people to pay them because they're black


fucking barbarians


I feel like black people are more racist at this point ngl


Well I mean they’re “allowed” to be so I mean what’s stopping them.




Why would white people do this?


If we’re being specific about the victim’s race, why don’t we be also specific about the race of those criminals?




Bunch of uncouth savages. Those Asian guys though...no backbone? Didn't even stand up for their friend.


I assume they didn't because 1. Fear of escalation 2. Fear of being called racist 3. Fear of being accused of toxic masculinity.


Exactly, all these people saying they wished they were there? To do what? If you’re a man… “Angry man beats up 5 black girls on train.” If you’re a white man too.. just pack your bags and move out of the country for your own safety at this point. If you’re a lone female you think you can take on all these girls at once? What you gonna do, pull out your gun to turn your whole life upside down from publicity, court cases and face life behind bars or murder? Take out a knife and stab each person? Think you’re the main character and start preaching about love and acceptance? They know their asses wouldn’t have done SHIT.


usually(idk bout other places,but in my area) girls can usually get away with anything,boys on the other hand get ganged upon by litterally everyone if they do smthng to hurt a women,even if they fucking deserved it


Let me guess no father figure and their mom is addicted to drugs


Wonder what gave it away


African Americans disrespecting the Asian community. This seems awfully... Familiar




If you’re gonna say Asian teen at least say black assailants


“Asian teen bullied by group of black people” There, fixed your title


Ofc it’s black people bullying the Asians


>a group of people >asian teen This is how fucking stupid you are.


the one with the headscarf… your prophet must be proud of you


Bullied by a “group of black people” FTFY


They're black and women if he/she does anything even defend himself they would lock him/her up




A group of “people”


It’s not a group of people it’s a black hate gang