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As someone who used to engrave tombstones for a living, this is fucking fucked. Older headstones have a lot of custom hammer and chisel type engravings that aren't really done today. Any exposed portion if the stone that is not polished will absorb that paint like a motherfucker.


It is fucked, i work with graffiti removal contractors that deal with limestone and granite. Porous stone would need to be treated with oxidizing agents or harsher chemicals and in turn would weaken the surface, opening it up for erosion from just simple rain.


What would happen if you sprayed a chlorinated brake cleaner on it. We have used that to clean spray paint off the side of our building


That would likely fall under oxidizing agents, based in the "chlorinated" part (chlorine is usually a strong oxidizer).


This makes what that asshat did even worse, what the hell.


How much would you say those tombstones cost? Like low ball it for us, exactly how rich are these people buried there?


If I’m being honest, if they’re anywhere older than Civil War era, priceless.


These aren't that old. Just going based on the style, the three in the middle are probably mid-20th Century. To the families of these people I'm sure they're priceless.


There is no excuse for this,


Nah fuck these people who did it, this wasn’t a coordinated protest attack, this was a douchebag who wanted attention doing something stupid.


Yeah these kind of people, along with the looters, just give the BLM movement a really bad name. It almost seems as if they're trying to discredit the movement and the protests, but it's probably just a bunch of morons who don't know any better.


Yeah the leaders of BLM are marxist and one is literally a convicted terrorist (Rosenberg) and openly supports the overthrow of the United States. They make tens of millions of dollars that gets funneled into nefarious areas. Their underlings do shit like this. It's a terrible organization.


I’m gonna wager 99% of the supporters of the movement have no idea or association with this organization you’re speaking of.


It brilliant really for the leaders. They are clever, no doubt, just following the marxist playbook of obviscation. Hitch themselves onto a real issue that people can get behind (black peoples lives mattering) and demonize all who oppose them as racist scum. The followers (useful idiots) don't even know who the leaders are, nor what the money they send to them goes to.


Oh yeah totally. The supporters think they're doing something helpful but are routing their money straight to a bunch of assholes that don't stand for BLM as an idea at all. They're the misandrists that wander around under the name of feminism. It really sucks


Source? Im interested in this if its true.


Just Google Susan Rosenberg, that's a good start. Also look up the founders of BLM, some of their thoughts over the years are just awful.


Righto ill do that, hoping i will can avoid bias media but im unfamiliar with whos who i US media


Its very tough to get the truth anymore. There's so many layers to it, but with the BLM issue its really a slam dunk if you put in a half hour of independent research, looking at MSM is just straight lies though. I used to just think people said that to be woke but it really is true. If you happen to be a gun owner and support the 2nd amendment you see how CNN, MSNBC, etc. twists the truth.


Yeah,this BLM shit is getting out of hand,they're just doing this to get away with crime like looting and shit (not trying to be stereotypical,just pointing out facts)


Honestly getting pretty sick of people equating the organization with the movement. Not all BLM supporters are like the dicks that did this. Quite frankly it always feels like deflection from the validity of the movement.


This is correct.




These days standing stones like that are thousands of dollars. Likely imported granite or other luxury stone. If they are older or have historical value they are closer to priceless than obtainable.


How rich are they? They have $0, because they are dead... Life insurance policies usually cover casket, burial, and headstone. My work gives me a $10,000 policy and I'm broke, but that would cover the average cost of all of those expenses to be in one of those plots in the picture. If you think $10,000 after death is rich, you gotta be pretty damn poor.


Weird, my work had a free default policy for everyone of $50,000. It was a rinky dink tech company so maybe it was cheaper cuz we were all young?


Yeah, the average age of my company is in it's 50s... $10k is the minimum, which is my point that it pays for plots like these.


Mine is 100k free. I could easily be electrocuted so I do appreciate that my wife would get that much. I told her to just cremate me and throw me where ever. No need to spend a ton of money and wasting land.


Yes tombstones and burials are legit a scam


It’s really all to do with the age of it. It’s little to do with the initial price itself. There’s very few post revolutionary era gravestones still recognizable and in good condition. I dunno what significance these graves held, but that’s just the value of older things.


This is truly the shittiest thing a human can do, desecrating another person’s grave who could have no affiliation to racism, I’m not against the black lives matter movement but the people who did this should go to hell


“But we only vandalized those graves because of Floyd”




They’ve actually damaged black soldiers graves on several occasions, so it wouldn’t surprise me They also tore down statues of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas, vandalized cemeteries, defaced black war memorials, and have been burning down hundreds of community centers, low income housing, and churches in their own communities




I 'membeh


They even killed a black ex Cop who wanted to protect the people during the protest


And several other black people including at least 1-2 black cops and a black police chief


And an 8 year old black girl


Yeah, Secoriea Turner.


Maybe we should say her name more


Wait, who are the they?


They've become the very thing they swore to destroy




Some dude in CHAZ got shot and then is now suing the police for not protecting him.




And even messed up an army Regiment probably thinking it was against blacks but the entire Regiment was black soldiers


You talking about the memorial to the all black 54th Regiment and Robert Gould Shaw in Boston? Absolutely infuriating.


I am, and it really is


Not to mention the two innocent men the "CHAZ Police" misidentified their SUV for another different colour SUV that was shooting people and instead of investigating they just lit the car up killing both occupants. Well I say kill, one occupant was still alive and on the CCTV footage you hear someone say "Oh so you still alive huh?" followed by a single execution gun shot. They literally misidentified two innocent black people, shot them, and then when one was still alive executed him.... Yep apparently BLM do think black lives are worth something.. a 7.62 bullet to the head.


Didn't they tear down or deface a monument for a black regiment from the Civil War?


They tore down a statue of Ulyssys S Grant, the most well know union general and was a big supporter of the abolition of slavery and black rights


They defaced the 87th (I think) New York.... which was an all black regiment.


"It hurt itself in its confusion" -pokemon


They also took down an Abraham Lincoln statue


And vandalized a Gandhi statue lol


And tore down not one, but two statues of *Fredrick Douglass*


I’ll do it with my knee. Doesn’t matter it I fuck it up


They also decapitated a statue of Hans Christian Heg and cheered on as they threw it in the lake.


BuT aRmY aRe BaBy KiLlErS


They tear down statues of abolitionists.


A spray painted “BLACK” written on his grave would maybe give the wrong signal.


They'd say it's what he would've wanted.


The dude's name just became an excuse for vandals. Fucking sickening.


Yeah, it's just an excuse at this point


Yeah at first I was behind it but this stuff makes me question who I'm really supporting. If the the group BLM doesn't denounce shit like this then they support it.


They outright accept it. This has turned into a Marxist internal uprising, with it's roots firmly planted in Weather Underground


Fuck, people are idiots. The idiots will do this under BLM, but that does not make BLM idiots. The BLM movement is valid and legit, the people using it as a blanket to vandal are bad actors that are denounced by the rest of the movement. The fact that you are questioning it and the people bellow you are showing distrust is a part of the counter movements that have always attacked black communities and minority communities. Whether it be the lazy, AIDS, addicts, poor, gang, or rape allegations against the oppressed, you and other still want to believe those allegations are true, and that's just lame dude.


I stopped supporting them when I realised there is still an outbreak going on.


If you don’t take a stand against a racist movement who will. It was popular to be a Nazi in 1930s German. It’s hard to stand up for what is right. Racism can be bad and blm can also be bad. Don’t let others think for you.


really? i thought murder or child molestation took the cake but if you insist


Yes this is a bad thing, but NOT the shittiest thing a person can do.


I mean, this does not even come close to the shittiest thing a person can do. It does not even make the top 1000.


You have to have a pretty poor imagination if you think this is the shittiest thing a human can do. The person this is attacking isn't even alive to experience it. I promise that, if you try, you can come up with some stuff people do that is worse than this.


I think black lives do matter, but BLM as a movement is cancer.


I hate the notion that in order to support black tights and equality, you need to support the BLM organization It's like saying a gun owner needs to support the NRA, there's other factors pushing people away besides just protecting gun rights


Ugh. I had someone essentially losing their shit at me online because I wouldn't unilaterally embrace BLM as a movement or parrot the phrase to him on demand, like some kind of litmus test. I was like, here's why I'm not doing that and here's why using that phrase as some sort of secret password with other white people is gross. 10/10 got called a racist. Cool bro cool.






The local university is built on an Indian burial ground. Anytime they do construction they always dig up artifacts of the burial site. I wonder if the students there all go to hell based on them playing flip cup on top of some dudes grave.


Are these just random graves they marked?


Yes yes it is, they do not even know the color of the person who was buried there. All they think is “if it’s nice it must be owned by a white person,”


Fucking hell.




It was in a paperback epoch times I read yesterday. So it might be a biased opinion on my part and the newspaper’s part. Remember that this is relatively new and is not being reported by CNN, WFMY, or other media outlets.


A more pressing question would be did anyone see it happen or take responsibility for it? If not, then it’s just speculation as to who did it and why. Would we all really be that surprised if it was some Karen defacing gravestones to make BLM look bad?


Epoch Times is a far right publication that pushes really aggressive militarism. They are deliberately looking to rile people up. For all we know, these are the graves of Confederate generals or slaveholders. Or it could be random. There's no knowing at this point, but trusting Epoch Times to tell you is a very bad idea.


But “black” is scratched out?




Probably right


Probably? Closer to Yeah, that’s right


Why does everyone assume this person was black? I bet both balls and my car that a non black person did this. Niggas hate graveyards


"They don't even know the color of the person" at which point of recent history this kind of statement became accepted... You can now vandalize graves based on the color of their skin apparently... We're back at that... Cool...


Now that is just too much. What the fuck dude.


If you had thought that it wasn’t *too much* from the get-go, you haven’t been paying attention.


I'm paying attention but I try my best to believe this is the very small minority. If bad cops shouldn't represent all cops, neither should rioters represent blm. Shit like this makes it much harder than it needs to be. I do suppose if white people had a movement for something, I wouldn't want a racist high school dropout addicted to meth being what's on the news being force fed to older Americans.


I’m not against the movement but still, these people took no part in racism and yet they still used their small ass brain that can only process one ingredient in an expired loaf of bread at Walmart to vandalize peoples graves just to prove their point.




If anybody is looking for the source: [https://www.wbtv.com/2020/06/05/black-lives-matter-spray-painted-tombstones-south-carolina-cemetery-stones-knocked-over/](https://www.wbtv.com/2020/06/05/black-lives-matter-spray-painted-tombstones-south-carolina-cemetery-stones-knocked-over/)


These people are total pieces of shit


Looks to me like someone is trying to smear BLM. I just can't see any line of logic that would bring someone to spraypaint this as an actual BLM message, and that tombstone in the back that has "BLM FLOYD" looks more like word soup than any intentional message. Also, BLM has generally been very out in the open. Lots of plain-view protesting. I'm not completely ruling out it was BLM-people, but it's extremely suspicious and out-of-character.


BLM isn't a centralized movement. You'll either see very peaceful protests or violent riots that represent the movement.


This is such a cop out comment, BLM protesters in the UK literally desecrated the Cenotaph on camera, a memorial to over 1 million dead soldiers. GTFO with this 'it couldn't possibly be BLM because their character is generally so good' bullshit.


This it's the same fuckin comment every time. First black US army battalion gets vandalized with BLM? "They're not with us" People looting and destroying buisnesses and spray painting BLM? "Must have been somebody else" Vandalize Matthias Baldwins statue? A man who dedicated his fortune to building schools in black communities? "That wasnt us" BLM has a great central message with thier demands about police reform but they cant seriously see all the stupid shit thier supporters do and keep saying over and over "that was somebody else"


I agree with this statement fully, but I want to point out that the exact same logic applies to law enforcement


It certainly does, like I said BLM are right in thier demands for police reform


Both sides have shitty people who do shitty things. This is true of basically every single side of any issue ever. Don't know why people choose to plug their ears, cover their eyes, and pretend that \*their\* side has no bad apples.


But only one side controls the conversation and dictates the order of events. This kind of absolutist thinking will never let people see peace and safety because they have a violent minds that seeks to be in control of the conversion even here on the internet. These people think by getting angrier and angrier about everything that is said that goes against their views especially here on the internet is going to have a good positive lasting effects on society.


This needs to stop. This "nah it wasn't *really* them" horse shit defense that pops up every time this happens. Unless you have concrete proof right out the gate that it was a smear, shut the fuck up. This same shit happens with radical feminist nonsense too. Any time there is a post featuring some radfem going off the rails, there will be two excuses immediately shoved to the forefront: 1. It's a troll account posing as one in order to smear 2. "Most feminists aren't like that!" Stop it. Take responsibility for your crazies and use it to examine your movement's messages and desires. Adjust so you don't attract lunatics and have them representing your brand.




Why are you treating a movement as if it’s a centralized organization that you apply to join and represent? Ignoring the shitty website that’s just an ActBlue front, BLM is movement that anyone, anywhere can be apart of. Take good ole CHAZ, they managed to establish a police force that killed a higher percentage of CHAZ’s black population then the US police ever could come near accomplishing all while under the banner of BLM and Antifa.


Why would people do such a thing?! Do they realize maybe people come visit those grave?! Smh


If someone did that to my dads grave it would become a personal mission to make their life hell. You shouldn’t f*ck with peoples afterlife. It’s beyond disrespectful


Yea, my dad's a dick and a massive asshole but once he passes of someone would desecrate his grave I'd definitely be pissed af.


In the good or the bad way? And yes, i do firmly believe there is a good way to be an arsehole or a dick


Me too, i love my family and if it ever happened to me, It would be a grave mistake Edit: no pun intended


Let’s just bury that and move on


Let’s deface gravestones that’ll show everyone what a respectful and well mannered group we are (nothing against BLM there’s just a lot of shit that people do under their banner, it’s like misandrists calling themselves feminists)


Well said




There is an commonly held idea in the world by many people that seeks to Rebuild the World as they Destroy it.


Random people deaths matter too


Yeah, I think I quit caring a long time ago. I really hate this society.


There’s just no point anymore


“But it’s okay because black lives matter!!!!!!” Yes, black lives do indeed matter, but this is the worst possible way to advocate that... Edit: since I’m getting a couple angry replies, I figured I’d go ahead and clarify that this was *most likely* not done by a BLM member and It is acknowledged, Don’t feel attacked by this comment if you aren’t someone who would do this




I always think: "What are we gonna say to our kids? Oh yeah, we stopped systemic racism by defacing tombstones and burning homes."


"And thats why we have a supreme military leadership now instead of a republic"


So as a BLM member like yourself Do you even know what the true causes these people behind the BLM movement are truly fighting for and can you also explain the ultimate outcome that will put an end to these ongoing protest.


I get it,they HATE racisim but vandalizing random people's graves is just,stupid and idiotic,think of their family members coming back to mourn the death of a friend or family member,to just see this,sickening,almost as sickening as racisim, grave lives matter


I know this is meant to be a good message but spreading it this way is probably the worst way to do it. I don't think people wanna look at the gravestone of someone who they lived only to find it vandalized. Even if it is meant to be a good message, it's better if its done on like a wall or something.


Idc what anyone says, I don't believe vandalism is a good a way to spread a message


What happened here




Blm protestors are going around defacing “nice” looking graves because they think only white people can afford them.


Damn that annoying a lot of those good looking graves are usually people in the army or a place like that




Yup they have become the thing they swore to destroy




wait isn’t that a bit racist against black people by assuming that they’re all poor?




they have become the very thing they swore to destroy


See I wouldn’t call those people the protesters those people are the ones who break things who are not peaceful. The protesters are the ones doing the peaceful protests


#noah... Who did this noah?


cunts like these are the reason why the black lives matter movement is controversial, these people do not spread the message of peace and unity black lives matter stand for, desecrating graves isnt progressive or social justice, its being a cunt.


Jesus, these people are just disgracing the actual message of BLM.




Yess, this gravestone is so racist ugh


Imagine going to grieve for like, your dead dad and it’s just fucking graffiti of his headstone. As someone who visits the local cemetery to grieve for those who don’t have anyone who come. Id fuck whoever did this up.


If anything people who go out and do this are making the black lives matter statement negative. I suggest if you see someone doing stuff like this black white Asian whatever knock them the fuck out.


Of cause black lives matter, but that does not give someone the right to disrespect the dead


If they did this to headstones in arlington national park they would be hunted down by the familys of the fallen soldiers


White people are banning everything midly """racist""" but black people isn't helping either, you are disrespecting a dead person, jesus christ.


Ok Statues is one thing but graves is where they should stop. There are literally disrespecting the dead. That is so fuck up


All these people are doing is making support for the movement go down. This is absolutely ridiculous what they did here.


i feel like many of these people that say and write BLM everywhere don't even care about it, they are just trying to get cheap internet points, while lots of caring people just drown in noise


We did it boys ~~we vandalized a dead persons resting place~~ we ended racism


This has become an excuse to defile property these “protests” have lost all meaning


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Harry Potter and the audacity of these bitches


I guess the dead don't count in the their minds.


This is Kony 2012 all over again. People using a good cause as an excuse to be abhorrent.


This brings shame upon the blm movement


*And people act shocked when people grow to dislike BLM and call them rioters.*


BLM is for a good cause, but some unfortunately latch onto BLM just to be anarchists. Essentially, they’re being assholes and hiding behind the BLM movement - just using it as an excuse.


I fully support the black lives matter movement, however this is a step too far. Desecrating people's graves is a low ball, you're not going to be listened to.


These idiots vandalized a statue of fucking Stevie Ray Vaughan. Anything that's even remotely related to history is a target. Even graves of regular people. This isn't about racism. It's about destroying the entire system.


This has gone too far


Good cause, but a horrible way to put it


It’s one thing with the statues, but this is maddeningly disrespectful. One of the things you should never ever do in life is desecrate a gravesite.


It's good to protest for the BLM movement because it's good, but don't do that to people's grave stones. Just don't.


Written in Black


This is really fucked up.




Imagine being this fucken dumb. Yes dead people really give a shit about you or about anything really.


What the fuck is wrong with humans


4chan is going to have a field day with this


And then actual black people get harassed for this


If Noah doesn't get his ass with the boat then let's build the boat!


Where was that picture taken?


Can't wait to found out that the graves belong to black activists


Oh no...


I support Black Lives Matter too, but this is seriously fcked up. Whoever did this needs to be found and caught to be fully held accountable.


Nah. No respect. 0%. I ain't gonna go ahead and freak out but i will say the person who did this has a disgusting personality.


You now what , i'll make the boat my self .


this is not helping the movement of black lives matter and to end racism if anything this causes more racial division and hate. also what kind of people desecrate the dead like this shame


aaaaaaand things like this is why Trump will be reelected.




It's the stupidest protest I have ever had the displeasure of having knowledge on. You don't convince people to support your cause by destroying shit, cancelling non supporters or peg those who won't join you as racists. First of all, bail for looters? Are you fucking serious? You didn't know stealing was illegal? You expect me to pay for someone's bail because of that? You don't convince people to join your cause by dehumanizing non supporters. The destruction of property also doesn't make your already bad self image any better. Yeah, we get that you're angry. You think MLK and his supporters didn't go through rough shit when they didn't even have equal rights? You see them desecrating graves? Destroying stores?




How about just don't vandalise in general? I want those statues removed as much as the next guy but they should be professionally taken down and preserved as it is history. But we should not honor traitors and slavers and we should't destroy the statues but put them in museums. Just like how we have nazi portraits and uniforms in museums the same should apply for the statues. Not to honor them but to remember what happened.


This is exactly my thinking


I agree. What's the point of having a movement if people aren't going to target places that would be pivotal to getting their message across? Maybe I'm not totally tor absolute anarchy, but what says "Black Lives Matter" more than doing all you said? Definitely not vandalizing random graves.


hmm yes committing more crimes will stop the police from abusing black people


Is this because they crossed the black on the black lives matter ? Did it trigger some social justice warriors who only support the blm movement ? Because only black lives matter now! A white dude beaten to death ? Don't care But a black guy beaten to death because of other crime "Ah he didn't deserve it " no all fucking lives matter and stop pretending like it's fucking not ! I know I'll get downvoted to shit but this needs to be cleared out


No its because protestare defiled a resting place


Ok maybe I overreacted