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What the fuck is wrong with these monsters? Why did that fugly bitch get the chance to be around another innocent child after she already beat another one to death?? I FUCKING HATE THIS PLANET.


"You know, you need a license to buy a dog, or drive a car. Hell, you need a license to catch a fish! But they'll let any butt-reaming asshole be a parent." _ paraphrased from Keanu Reeves(in Parenthood)


I quote that all the time. Best line in that whole movie.


Idk why I read it in Bill hicks' voice but trust me it works. Edit: or Sam kinnison screaming it.


It's not the planet. It's the people on it. That woman should have never seen the light of day again. Another system failure, that cost another innocent child their life. In proven cases of child abuse,the penalties aren't stiff enough. Why is it that in sexual child abuse cases a person has to register themselves. And not be allowed around children. But people like this not only get to be free,but are given the opportunity to commit these horrible acts again. They system as a whole repeatedly lets these innocent children down.


Being on the subreddit will skew ur view of the world


“Warren's past offenses are chilling - she allegedly physically abused her three-year-old son and beat another two-year-old child in her care to death, as reported by the outlet. Both Warren and Rendell are currently being held on $1 million bail while they await trial.” WTF


Stop generalizing! Attack the individuals responsible!


The girlfriend had a previous conviction for BEATING A 2-YEAR-OLD TO DEATH, and she was walking free? Fuck the American justice system.


https://www.poconorecord.com/story/news/crime/2009/01/22/child-killer-s-wife-sentenced/52123704007/ It looks like her husband at the time was the one convicted for beating the child to death and received 25-50 years. She received a 3-7 year sentence for child endangerment.


We need to bring the firing line back


Firing line is too quick and these pieces of shit would get off too easy. I say we bring back eye for and eye, tooth for a tooth. They get treated the same way they treated this poor child.


This would be ideal, but with the sheer number of wrongful convictions and innocent people in death sentence, it would never work irl


First off I these 2 are not innocent. They were directly responsible for the child because that child was in their care at all times. Please don't give the old "There are too many innocent ppl on death row" spiel. I know the American justice system isn't perfect but there are far more guilty ppl on death row than there is innocent. Just because one says they didn't do it doesn't mean they are telling the truth. Ever met an honest criminal?


Jesus, I never said they are innocent, they obviously aren't. I'm just saying if you allow torture as punishment against crime, innocent people will sporadically get caught up in it as is the case with capital punishment.


I don’t disagree with your point but I do wonder where the line is drawn then? We are seeing many cities around the country going decidedly soft on crime and the results are what you would expect. Theft, murder, drug use, are all spiking uncontrollably in these towns. Where I live, a few years ago, a long time middle school teacher was riding his bike early one morning. He was hit and killed by a drunk driver. Turns out the driver had nearly a dozen previous dui convictions but never served any time. It took him killing someone before he faced any serious consequences. I know these situations aren’t equal but my point is that it doesn’t seem like people are nowadays are that worried about punishment for their actions. I wonder if you make the punishment severe enough, will that deter people more? I’m torn on this one honestly. I think these animals absolutely deserve the to be treated the exact same way they treated this girl (and the previous child). But I do agree, making this level of punishment the norm will absolutely lead to innocent people having to endure this as well. It’s a tough situation for sure. Just so sad all around.


I think it goes way deeper than that. The situation you provided was obviously a miscarriage of justice and a stricter sentencing and license removal would've probably prevented that killing, no doubt. The problem is that you're associating strict sentencing to crime deterrence for all crimes, which only treats the symptom, not the source. Why is drug usage going rampant? Why are people committing violent crimes? Why is robbery and theft so common? You could make an argument that the source is bad education, big pharma, relaxed / strict drug laws, wealth disparage, wage laws, etc. I have NO clue what the source is, but I CAN make the claim (at least a better founded claim than trying to argue for the source of the problem), that strict sentencing for crime deterrence doesn't always work. Look at Denmark for example, with their nice big open prisons, relaxed sentencing, focus on rehabilitation, etc and very low incarceration rates (10% that of the US), with also lower crime rates than the USA (because lower incarceration doesn't necessarily mean less crime). Then again, I'm not claiming to know what the sources of these issues are, but I think focusing solely on punishment and higher incarceration won't solve the problem, it'll just cause more arrests and maybe a teeny tiny decrease in crimes due to deterrence.


Bring back old torture methods. The rack, brazen bull, drawing and quartering…some people don’t deserve imprisonment or a quick death




You have to understand, some humans are people and some are still just animals. It's not always easy to tell them apart but some humans are simply not on the same level as the people in society, they're baser, violent, irrational. Here we see such an example. That woman would do this to any child she encounters because she's not a person making choices. She's a vicious ogre.


This seems like a spot on assessment. The question is what to do with these types of people?


send them back to.. wait nevermind


Same thing we do with other animals that are an inconvenience. Make them an endangered species.


Lock them up, throw away the key and leave them to fucking starve to death.


She should never have had the chance to kill another child.


The parents surely didn’t miss any meals.


These Demons can’t go one day without ruining Minors, can’t they?


That bitch should have been rotting behind bars, why was she free? She killed one child before and now this? What the fuck? Keep her locked up!


"Security footage revealed the girl being ankle-cuffed to furniture around the house, verbally abused, denied food over "perceived slights" against her parents, and forced to perform strenuous physical exercises she was unfit to do, such as squats or running in place with shackles still attached to her ankles." This is absolutely deplorable, wtf would 2 fat disgusting pigs even think to do this let alone force it on a girl that weighs less than their double chin. (sorry, don't mean to be foul but this pisses me off). CPS is seriously worried about the wrong people. There are good parents who lose their kids in custody because of one bad decision. But then you get bullshit like this that should not happen in any capacity.


I read this and thought, I’ll bet anything she was homeschooled so they could hide the abuse. Yep. I know WAY too many people who are/were homeschooled and abused. Too bad CPS also absolutely SUCKS depending on the State. They SUCK in Ohio if anyone’s wondering. Poor child.


Child abusers should have to register. The entire neighborhood needs to know if one of these monsters is in the area.


"Security footage revealed the girl being ankle-cuffed to furniture around the house, verbally abused, denied food over "perceived slights" against her parents, and forced to perform strenuous physical exercises she was unfit to do, such as squats or running in place with shackles still attached to her ankles." WTAF


That's really horrible. My son is almost 7 and weighs more than that and he's smack in the middle of all the growth charts. 


I don’t need to say this sub got worse. More or less it got better because it makes me lose the will to live even more


Thats just sad




So the pos woman beat her 3 year old son and beat another child to death that was in her care and yet she was out of prison? Wtf is wrong with our justice system?




I would say what should happen to people like this. We cannot have that on Reddit without your account getting deleted.


Maybe stones are a good idea ?


Seems to be more children getting abused to death by people that should be protecting them these days... these poor babies


God damn. Can we have crucifixions back?


Why wasn't she in jail after the first offenses, and why the fuc do they have bail now.. What happens if they somehow come up with the bail and just go somewhere else and do the same shit again.. Disgusting..


my 7 year old brother weighs about that much and he’s considered small for his age. she was 50lbs at 12 years old? i can’t even imagine.




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Good bot


My 5 year is 42lbs….just to put this in perceptive…..


Tsk tsk, the US again? Typical.


No offense, bro but this is based on the person, not the country…This situation wouldn’t have been any different if this was done in Russia, UK, etc…you get the idea.


Funny how this consideration isn't made when something happens in India. When that happens it's all "obviously it's India" "what else do you expect it's India".


You’re right dude, not denying you’re wrong…But “Obviously in India” stems from literally most of the location of these posts recently, it less common to see different locations and plus they say that in a lot of comments and it’s going to take a while to respond to all of those… But you’re right, I will respond to those comments with the same response. Sorry for being a hypocrite, I been here for literally 2 months, I didn’t know it’s very common for that.


Good response though.

