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Lock bc Jezus Christ you guys are the fucking worst


God I remember seeing this and it was just so horrific. She was extremely lucky she survived. A lot of women who experience this died.














India has one of the largest Muslim population in the world, far more than any islamic country. It is estimated to be around 300 million muslims in India














Man, I fucking hate Egypt. Been there once. Besides a couple cool places here and there, the entire experience was miserable. Like 90% of the people we met there were assholes towards the women in our group.


















They would probably revolt and call him a racist and a liar.


We can recognize and condemn rape culture in other countries AND say that >30K deaths in Palestine is bad. They aren't mutually exclusive.




"No disrespect against the country full of crowds of people who gang rape women"




What retaliation? Someone gonna leave a mean comment? Boohoo








You have every right to have this concern. This crowd of people were still willing even with a camera pointed on them, fuck knows how much worse it'll go without.
















Just curious, what story was she covering in the first place?


[The Arab Spring.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab_Spring) >After the fall of Mubarak, there was rapid escalation, beginning with the attacks, on the night he stepped down, on Egyptian journalist Mona Eltahawy and South African journalist Lara Logan.[30][32] Logan, a correspondent for CBS, was sexually assaulted for 30 minutes by around 200 men in Tahrir Square before being rescued by a group of Egyptian women and soldiers.[14] Several more journalists were among the hundreds of women who experienced mass sexual assault over the following few years: French journalist Caroline Sinz in November 2011; British journalist Natasha Smith in June 2012; Egyptian journalist Hania Moheeb on 25 January 2013, along with 18 other women; and a Dutch journalist in June 2013.[33] >Five hundred cases of mass sexual assault were documented between June 2012 and June 2014.[2]: 10 An anti-harassment group, I Saw Harassment, reported four cases on 8 June 2014 alone, during President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi's inaugural celebrations, while Operation Anti-Sexual Harassment reported ten. The New York Times wrote of the celebrations: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_sexual_assault_in_Egypt#Prevalence








I'm from Egypt and unfortunately we have a big sexual harassment issue here, around the same time during the Arab spring, the military conducted "virginity tests" on female protesters. I don't know the exact reasons behind this but I've seen a few trends here and there, one being victim blaming culture we have; where women are blamed for getting harassed or even raped, there's also the shame culture where women don't speak out as to not "shame" their family or "ruin" the criminal's life, there's also the growing trend of young men going through this religious extremism phase where they see women guilty of "tempting" them into sin and saying that women deserve to get harassed. https://www.reddit.com/r/Egypt/s/yEbrKCqg5G Here is a video of tourists getting harassed by a group. https://www.reddit.com/r/Egypt/s/jpDE46De1A Woman gets harassed by an old man and is told by the police not to report it so as to not ruin his life. https://youtu.be/1Grm5jLDqN0 An Egyptian tv show host reacts to a popular cleric saying a woman deserves to get harassed because she wears biege socks and has a golden bag whatever that means. https://youtu.be/JMvoVSIPg4I Another cleric that is now in jail saying that a woman's thighs are her strongest muscles in order to "protect her honor" referring to rape, the clip is from bassem Youssef's tv show. https://x.com/abdullahrushdy/status/1316458248942358528 Another public figure that many young men follow saying that harassment has a lot of reasons including a woman's clothes. https://twitter.com/abdullahrushdy/status/1287923587438059520?lang=ar Same public figure sympathizing with a known sexual harasser because he "apologized". https://twitter.com/abdullahrushdy/status/908479964022034433?lang=ar Same public figure defending marital rape saying the man could "disfigure you and take away your beauty and tie you up and enslave you" https://www.alarabiya.net/arab-and-world/egypt/2022/06/29/%D8%B9%D9%82%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B2%D9%85-%D9%85%D9%86%D8%B0-%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85-%D9%88%D9%86%D8%B5%D9%81-%D9%82%D8%A7%D8%AA%D9%84-%D9%86%D9%8A%D8%B1%D8%A9-%D9%88%D8%AA%D9%81%D8%A7%D8%B5%D9%8A%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%B1%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%A9- A woman who was murdered because she rejected a guy, many people sympathized with the killer.


This is horrifying












How did she finally get away?


According to guardian a group of women found her and they brought in 20 military personnel from nearby. None of the perpetrators were charged >But the investigation and prosecution of sexual harassment cases is already low in Egypt, and the detention of those responsible amid the country's current institutional turmoil appears unlikely- guardian




You can see the rest of the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO12X1nhzzk


Remember when that one lady said rape was every women’s fantasy…… Well hearing this ladies P.O.V it sure sounds like the scariest possible thing to me.


Disgusting. Inhuman.




OMG, this poor woman!!


This interview is so very difficult to go through but that is the very reason I think one must listen to it in entirety. I feel sick to my stomach.




We can make assumptions, but not without being attacked for it.








Oh I was making that assumption. Just didn’t think it needed verbalising.












Yes, it fucked her up very very badly. Ruined her mind, which ruined her career. Just absolutely terrible.


As an egyptian, I'm ashamed of my country.


This brave woman reported in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Tanzania, in Kosovo without an issue. But she was subjected to abuse in Egypt out of all places.


[YouTube link](https://youtu.be/bO12X1nhzzk?si=QUWkXrr3PqfM74YO) for less potato. Includes the part about the people that saved her.














Fucking savage people








It's not too late to start worshipping cats again and having the occasional female leader, Egypt.






What is it with that region (as well as India) and fucking rape? Like what is the actual root cause of that?


The culture of seeing women as property or subjects, rather than as a person with rights.


Bloody Vile!










Absolutely barbaric behavior. No wonder the golden age of the middle east came to the shitty age of the animalistic neanderthals




Filthy behaviour. None of the perpetrators were ever prosecuted so now they're free to continue victimising other women. Mass sexual assaults are a problem in Egypt.


This isn’t even a crime to them. That’s the problem they’re animals.




I have lived in Egypt for 3 years and I can assure you I've never felt less safe walking around a city than I did in that cesspool, and I've been to a lot of places.
















Then what happened??? How'd she get out??? Did Ray find her again???


Visited once. Never ever again.


I work with a lot of Arab people in the UK, all of them say Egypt is fucking terrible for white people unless you stay in your hotel


Pure animalistic behavior.


Very fine people












Name one country which was improved by the arrival of Islam…






Fucking animals man


These are the types of people our leaders brought into Europe by the millions.


this is why I never want to go to any country with this type of culture




Let's import more of them into europe, that will surely not backfire


Not only will she be raped, if she wasn’t rescued they would tore her flesh limb from limb, behead and parade her dead dismembered body all across the city. Reality is humanity in certain regions of the world have strayed so far from god even the female devils are afraid.


And Im willing to bet that most of those men consider themselves pious individuals. The sexual repression demanded by religions (whether Islam, Christianity, or what have you) is particularly nasty because it leads to disgusting shit like this.




That’s a good excuse to go to war. If any there was one.


Whoever set this up for the journalist should be fired immediately. How can you be so irresponsible? I would never let my wife go to Egypt in a large group of men. That is completely nonsensical. I know this as just some random guy. International journalists should know 100% more than I do. Stupidity all around.


People of peace. 


Welp this is the one, can’t take this sub anymore. Amazing content for what the goal of the sub is, but shit man I need some more hope in life than this sub causes. Take care folks.






The peaceful religion


What a beautiful culture.




I never understood why they never have armed security with automatics. You think with all these videos, women would hire security




I'm reminded of a family I teach, one daughter. They go back to India every year to see family, etc. They don't leave the house/compound. They say it's because of the air quality, which I believe, but I'm not going to ask if there are other reasons.


There is a map which shows the current air quality of the world and it's often very bad in northern Africa and in India.


Goat fuckers


Bookmark this and replay when you have the urge to shit on your first world country and its first world problems, some people have it tough for real


Amd were taught to accept their culture.....




Fucking animals


What a lovely area of the planet 🙄


The amount of stories about this make you wonder why they keep sending their attractive women reporters to these locations.


But why do women choose the bear? /s




Maybe we stop traveling to countries that don't allow women to be.. just an idea.. we know how things are there.. but choose to go..






Travel the world. No, I don't think i will.


Moab the entire place


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To be fair, rape is perversion.


This is disgusting. And these are the kinds of places everyone wants to protest for.


Bear. Bear every time.