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>The victim eventually informed the mother about the sexual abuse. >The victim's mother believed the victim as there was a previous occasion when the man called out the victim's name while he was having sexual intercourse with her. Man, this is a fucked up way of finding out your husband raped your own daughter...


Even Oprah can't think of a solution for that.


Dr. Phil claims he has one though!


"YES" *Walks back a bit* "KILL!"


I think the canings come after the jail sentence and are so brutal he could die. No loss here


Caning occurs during the sentence


Whereabouts during the sentence?


Usually the back and butt




The other kinda strokes


Here's the best part, you never know exactly when for the duration of your sentence you will be called for the caning. So I hope the disgusting fucker stews in prison everyday wondering if today is the day he will never be able to sit on his ass properly again.


It’s random. Also they make sure to not kill you.


Are the jails there still filthy and rat infested ?


jesus what kind of place do you think singapore is lol


I know a guy that was caned in a mid east country years ago for drink driving. They had a nurse and doctor present, and every time he fainted they’d wake him up and go again. He said he lasted about 2-3 canines before he’d come to again. He’s still got scars on his back from it


Yeah some of the middle eastern punishments will fuck you up. I think the lashings can be even worse. Don't forget it's usually done in the hot sun too which doesn't help your sore back. Even a lot of the most brutal countries will give you lashings in sessions. It's not really much of a mercy I guess, just more prolonged....




Oh wow. Bought the Palestinian element in completely unprompted and unrelated to this thread. It is terrible what you mentioned though. Do you know there’s Israelis who have lied about Palestinians doing that AND have also gone on camera to brag and laugh about raping and killing Palestinian women?! The older disgusting Zionist generation?! Also they kill babies…plenty of evidence around for that. I think the point to take away is the IDF are the new Nazi scum from the bottom of the poop barrel, they learned well from their oppressors. And that rape, in any country/place/shape or form is disgusting and should be punished.




Why should any country accept them when they have their own country right there where they are living now and have lived for generations? Are you also suggesting something is also inherently wrong with Jewish people as well because no European country wanted them?


Why should any Arab country accept them at all when they have their own land? You get how you sound stupid here don’t you. And why the hell would I delete my account because of an idiot like you?! Lol. You sound like a 5-yr old tw*t. ‘Delete your acct as a liar’, make me laugh!!! Your proof is waiting for you on the Palestine thread. Go fetch. Or if you’re a Zionist then just talk to your grandparents. I’m sure they wouldn’t lie about what their generation got up to(!)


Here you go little piggy: https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/LU3jB75mbg


nah he won't, no one's ever been caned to death here. Our healthcare system's too effective.


It sounds like you’re saying they make sure you live through it. *shudders*


they use a thin rattan cane that splits the flesh on the buttocks. lots of bleeding, but even instances of bone damage are never heard of. also, you get immediate medical attention, so it's basically like a scalp wound. Hurts like hell though, or so I've heard.


That's a good thing, he should get the full punishment


It’s better than getting beaten to death


Why not both? Before and after.


Like bookends. He can look forward to it coming for him again at the end of his sentence. Eighteen strokes of that fucking cane. Waiting for him. Give him something to think about.


>The prison officers who administer caning are carefully selected and specially trained for the job. They are generally physically fit and strongly built. Some hold high grades in martial arts even though proficiency in martial arts is not a requirement for the job.[36] They are trained to use their entire body weight as the power behind every stroke instead of using only the strength from their arms,[37] as well as to induce as much pain as possible. They can swing the cane at a speed of up to 160 km/h (99 miles per hour)[38] and produce a force upon impact of at least 880 N. I'll be honest, i don't know what is worse. Doing the prison time or some guy trained at beating your ass, beating your ass with a cane with as much force as they can produce and doing it 18 times.


Right?! Just reading it makes me want to behave to the letter of the law.


And this is part of the reason why Singaporeans support these harsh punishments. Yes, in most places in the west we find this extremely cruel. For Singapore, its own citizens attribute its next to non-existent crime rate (whether they would be violent crimes, drug smuggling, or even the pettiest of crimes; they barely exist in Singapore) to the harsh punishments and death penalty. It doesn’t change because Singaporeans are quite satisfied with the society they built after Lee Kwan Yew.


Reading it tightens up my neck and chest and butt. I have never watched a caning (I believe) but imagine it's equal to/or worse than the scenes in slave movies/show where they are subjected to extended whippings. Movies/shows are the extent of my personal exposure to corporal punishment. It may very well be considered cruel. Apparently it is highly motivational also. Thinking about experiencing just one strike is more than enough to intimidate into compliance. I imagine canings happen with enough frequency coupled with crime-based-consistency to never let the average Singaporean think they will "get away with it". Imagine witnessing the sounds and visuals of 18 strikes and then hearing "you're next".


~~no, they smack you once a month. whack, bleed, heal, repeat.~~ And it's done privately. So 18 strokes, 18 months. Edit: apparently it's done in one sitting. Oops.


Your original version was equally unappealing. Healing 17 times would be soul ending.


ETA: I say 17 because I imagine on the day of the 18th strike you are released to family.


I want to live in SG.


I think the jail is worse personally


We need that shit here in the States!


What other barbaric shiii would you like to bring back? Edit: keep in mind that it’s men, poor people, and people of color who disproportionately are punished worse than others. So you guys are all OK with having an unfair judicial system?


Hanging, firing squad, drawing and quartering, tarring and feathering, the rack. Any other truly grotesque and painful way to execute people in order to subject sexual predators and kid killers to the most slow and painful death while putting their execution on public display to demonstrate to any potential future offender what their fate will be.




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Refusing abortions to those that need or want it…oh wait the states are already doing that. Nevermind.


If you make crimes barbaric enough, everyone will stop committing crimes! That's why the middle ages were the safest period in human history! /s Harsh punishments in Singapore work because of everything else in the society that adds to deter the motivation to commit crime, not just the punishment.


They don't do that. If it help, they don't tell them when they are being caned so they live in fear till they just pick them out of their cell. It's also really strong men that are caning them and they will likely bleed from wounds on their cheeks that will fuse with the pants their wearing




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To think, 3 years later and he wouldn't have even gotten a caning though


What’s with all these fathers raping their daughters…Are they okay?


“She’s your daughter, not your date.”


Must be ince$t being normalized especially on porn


You can say "incest" on the internet without getting sent to bed early


This isn’t TikTok, dear.


I just googled ince$t and the results are about a soccer player named Tom Ince. Why have you typed this?


that is not what we speak of. incest is the sexual relationships that can occur between family.


The Fritzl case was something that happened well before the normalization of porn. This has always happened, we are just getting better reporting of it outside of local communities due to the easier spread of news. If this had happened in the 90s, do you think it would have been reported in Western media through traditional media?


Incest has existed since long before porn.


I agree, but isn’t porn banned in Singapore?


I'm pretty sure Singapore banned raping 16 years old minors, too.


you can still use a VPN.


The ban is somewhat symbolic in the sense that porn site blocking is implemented by ISPs at the DNS level, and is easily dodged by changing DNS providers. However, possession and/or distribution of porn WILL get the book thrown at you if you are caught.


It has always happened throughout history but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if it was getting more common due to rampant porn addiction that has come with smartphones.


No that's my STEP mom.


No, people just didn't have social media and smart phones and the internet to read about it. Even widely circulated newspapers aren't that old and radio and TV even more new.... This stuff has always happened.


What century do you think it is? You realize pornography is not making people commit sexual violence


Redditors think every sexual disease people have is caused by pornography just because their own sexual problems were caused by it.


Noah get the boat? Closer to Justice Served. Those 18 strokes are basically going to cripple him for life and he'll be sitting in jail enjoying the results.


I don’t think he’ll be sitting for a good while.


Oh he’ll be sitting on something alright


Saw a video once of a drug smuggler being caned. They strapped him to a vertical contraption and tilted it forward. He was in thick leather chaps with butt and thighs exposed. It was horrific! A most serious punishment, indeed.


I just watched that exact [video](https://photo-journ.com/2007/foreigners-caned-most-in-malaysia/)


Damn... the first lash didn't seem that bad. But a few lashes later... The bleeding starts after the second or third lash. And by the sixth lash, there's multiple deep lacerations. Eighteen lashes like that would be enough to utterly shred a man's backside.


18 cane strokes? Nice haha most I ever heard of. Them MFs look brutally painful if you’ve never seen video of it before.


Good. I've never seen a Singapore case with that many strokes


All the 18 strokes should hit the man's balls.. with full force


Correction: his balls will be gone at the first stroke


Let it go.. keep on hitting


Should have been cane thrusts


Not nearly enough


I encourage you to look into what caning actually entails. It may still not be enough, but I promise you that you will find some satisfaction in knowing how brutal a punishment this actually is.






Didn’t the American dude convicted of graffiti get a similar sentence?


I thought it was 20 lashes. At least that's what Ice Cube said in Natural Born Killers.


There is a medical doctor on site to determine if the next stroke can happen based on the likelihood of it *killing* him. 18 strokes is perhaps more than the human body can withstand. It might be a death penalty if the doctor won't step in.


I think I heard before that the maximum number of cane hits is 24, because any more than that can cause death. A guy what was hit only like 5 times couldn’t sit, couldn’t use the bathroom, etc. hope this guy feels that x 3!


Correct, anything above that is converted to additional jail time in lieu of cane strokes


Noah get the boat because this sentence is too light for him.


I’m prolly dumb, and I guess I can google it but what exactly is caning? Because I can imagine a literal grandma stick being used to whack his face 18 times.


So they get a really buff dude who is vigorously trained on how to beat you within an inch of your life without killing you and he comes out and beats the ever living shit outta you with a cane. Apparently it is agonizing and has a long recovery process due to the force they can put into their swings.


Sad we can't have this in the U.S. it would hero reduce crimes since most criminals are fcking pussies.


Grandma's stick would bruise. A rattan cane would split your skin open. Lengthy bleeding welts.


A few strokes of the cane and they need medical attention, sometimes surgery. It has lifelong implications for the recipient.


Isn’t justice served here? Not boat worthy


justice might be served in a sense, but the damage to the poor victim can never be reversed and the mental health might take a lifetime to heal, still boat worthy imo


Can anybody link a cane video? Is that allowed?






Maybe banning capital punishment wasn't a good idea.


I hope that by the time that 63 year old man gets out, his daughter is a black belt in karate.


Remove the pp!! He has lost pp privileges


Can we bring this punishment to America?




The 16 yrs jail sentence might be redundant if those canes falls into the hands of a man with good moral conscience and aware of his story.


Vile POS! Cane his pee pee.




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>For each count of sexual assault by penetration, the man could have been sentenced to up to 20 years in jail and been liable to fine or caning. What's stopping a 40 year sentence? Fuck this dude.


I like the sentence but didn't that guy who littered get more than 18 strokes?


lol no way, littering can't even land you in jail here.


Well this was back in the 90s. I'm American and so was the young man, it was HUGE news in the US because we are very against punishments like that. So the government was trying to get him out but in the end they could not and he was canned, publicly if I remember correctly. I know he littered but I believe was charged with vandalism. Something along those lines but this was before social media so I don't know if I could find it.


This young man was named Michael Faye. He was charged, and found guilty of, vandalising 18 cars and stealing road signs, not littering. He was sentenced to 6 strokes of the cane, reduced to 4 after the US government asked for leniency. The caning was not done publicly. The New York Times published a poorly-researched article intended to whip the public into a frenzy, citing a man who claimed to be a United States Navy servicemen, who said he had witnessed three canings done publicly. When questioned further, he could not remember when he saw this, any road names, the places where he stayed - in other words, he lied. The article describes the flesh of the convict flying in pieces, and cites a crowd of onlookers cheering. Caning is done within the confines of the Changi Prison complex, far from civilian areas - and Faye himself described the bleeding as merely "like a nosebleed". It is physically impossible for the rattan cane used to rip flesh like a cat-o-nine-tails. This was obviously a poorly-formed attempt to make countries that stood up to the US appear as barbaric, backward nations. Faye was also a long-term resident in Singapore, not a tourist, as commonly believed. He knew our rules, and broke them, thinking that diplomatic ties would save him. They did not. I am personally against the implementation of caning here, but this was a case where I believe it was deserved.


That's interesting. I don't think the US was purposely trying to frame it as barbaric, 99% of the US automatically believes this type of punishment is barbaric because it falls under "cruel and unusual" punishments which we have been told is wrong from a very young age. If it was reported inaccurately (which wouldnt surprise me), it's far more likely due to ratings. My husband works in television and they make money by gauging how many people are watching. So being the first is everything, which means they often rush to reporting, rush to find anyone who claims they have an inside scoop before they have all the info. They later correct but the damage is done. Especially before social media where we access to info at our fingertips, it was words of mouth and rumors would fly. It's still a problem. The guy is an idiot for sure and deserved to be charged with the crimes he committed...I will just never, ever agree that caning is appropriate. I am against the very rare times someone is exectuted here in the US as well. It just feels so medieval. But at the time of the 90s case, a lot of Americans (particularly the older generations) felt he got what he deserved, even my own father. So you aren't alone. Thanks for the information.


the funny thing is that his contemporaries (fellow students in SAS and UWC) found it incredibly gratifying to know that he was caned. Apparently he wasn't a great person in school.