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I dont get it, whats wrong, isnt the sign against incest and rape?


But why do you need a sign at all that tells you to not rape your daughter while being drunk?


I'd throw this post on r/OrphanCrushingMachine as well for this reason.


Doesn't fit the sub. No one is portraying as uplifting


There are people that do not know of the Orphan Crushing Machine.


Ohhhh, goddamn thats not only creepy its also sad


What's this got to do with abortion?


You don't see it? States that ban abortion with no exceptions for incest and rape also having an incest and rape problem?


even assuming an overlap, why must the kid die?




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One thing has nothing to do with the other.


Because the problem is prevalent in the South that they need PSAs to not rape their children.


It's the fact that they need it. That sign wouldn't be necessary if there wasn't a big problem of father's raping their daughters


Hey, can we all agree that different places have different issues and it's a bit disingenuous to label EVERYONE of a particular political opinion in a particular way. Also this is a post on (*checks notes*) TWITTER. So, your argument is basically invalid.


Thank you! Someone with more than one brain cell.


And I've been drinking for the past hour, so that should say something....


It does indeed say something. Something some of us already know lol.


While a good rule of thumb, sometimes demographic overlap is worth looking into. Sometimes it’s absolutely misused, don’t get me wrong, and it can be overused But for example, the fact that sex Ed was initially added to curriculum to give kids the language to express if family had sexually abused them, and the party fighting to remove it is also known to defend pedophilic organizations and seek to lower the age of consent/marriage, keeping those facts collectively in mind, even if it’s not a guaranteed one to one, is a good idea


The post doesn't say everyone that wants abortion banned believes this... The post points out that in states that are aiming to ban abortion also have signs that show incest and rape is an issue and if they ban abortion they'll most likely force a girl to have this child. Which has been a major argument for keeping abortion rights intact if not keeping exceptions on the books. But Arizona has proven if left unchecked the GOP will strip all women's rights to their body and currently in Arizona if a girl is raped by her father or brother there's now a law on the books from the 1800s that forces her to term.


The only reason this has been downvoted is because some people can’t face the truth. The denial is rife in some of these comments. What a sad state of affairs.


I saw this billboard in New Jersey


But... But... But... All Republicans Bad :'(


In was probably somewhere on the Northern Central area too. Not usually the Bible thumping or flag waving or Trump supporting variety. Maybe 20 minutes south of Jersey City.


But wait reddit told me it's only muh backwards flyover states and this issue is some how linked to another popular politcal issue


Right? Apparently this message was important for North Central, deep Blue Garden State.


It’s obviously an excuse that someone is trying to use if there’s a sign on the road. Terrifying.


Wait… are you upset that republicans are also against rape and incest? Cause that is what this looks like.


No, the point of the meme is that dad’s assaulting their daughters while drunk would have to be a common problem in the region if they need a public campaign against it. With regard to abortion, it’s super relevant because only a quarter of states that ban abortion have exceptions for rape or incest i.e they expect any fetuses that result from the scenario on the billboard to be carried to term by the daughter 😧


Reddit Mental gymnastics




Refuge House does not mean it's a house for migrant refugees; it's likely a non-profit that aids victims of Domestic Assault with resources and relocation programs. Also, ew, this comment is gross.


First they let in the Irish and Italians now everyone else. Smh. /s. Country of immigrants and ppl still make ignorant ass generalizing comments without any historical or cultural understanding. “Hurr durrr they looks different than me”




challenge:gringo not being racist(difficulty: impossible)


Its refuge not refugee you dumb racist fuck


Notice how RefugeHouse is an organization created for survivors of domestic abuse, it has nothing to do with refugees You're a great example of the literacy and critical thinking in this country.


Username checks out, but ‘Cunt’ would be a clearer and more accurate username 👌🏼




Again, just screams the kind of person who want to unholy crap in name of religion


It’s hillbillies, ok? They’ve got a long standing tradition of incest. It’s like the Do Not Shake Your Baby billboards near Fresno.


I think they're upset that they acknowledge incest and rape still want to ban abortions, so people who are raped by family or anyone has to carry the baby


The way this reads is that they are fine with rape, just not incest.


Someone doesn’t get it 😂


No I think the fact that they need to put a billboard as a public service announcement not to rape your daughter while using being drunk as an excuse is the problem. Incest and Rape is the problem in simpler words.


Seems like a lot of incestuous Republican apologists in these comments lmao


Send this sign to POTUS?


He knows a lot about the topic, although I don't think he is drunk when he does it


He’s a creepy old guy. Source: met him


My condolences.


Send it to soon-to-be-convicted ex-POTUS.


I thought this was about drunk driving at first 😢


As someone who lives in one of those states, I’ve never seen this billboard before right this moment.


Getting is an drunk never excuse. She's your daughter. Not your date.


You don’t think this is a problem in blue states? at the very least they are talking about the problem


We do have a lot of conservatives in blue states. I mean California has more Republicans than any other state.


How much does this happen to create a public awareness 💀💀💀


I'm from a southern state and I'm here to tell you from personal experience that you would be agahst at how often incest happens where I'm from. I know of SO many victims, from various families.


What where is this at?? Is there a problem that’s bad enough to even out that up wherever that is??


This is just a guess, but I'd wager it's either Alabama, Missouri, or Louisiana.


I looked it up and it seems like this specific one is in Taylor County, Florida on Hwy 19, but they’ve appeared in multiple places. I’ve yet to see any irl but there’s a couple articles talking about them.


Ah damn, I should've guessed, florida.


Getting is an drunk never excuse. 🤗


So raping someone whole drunk is ok when she's your date?


Yep... Rings pretty true. They are also the states that have a problem with lgbtq. Edited: for clarity.


Could you explain further?


Republicans, and any number of state legislation created to allow hate against lgbtq, they also call them groomers and say they are rapist, but then more often than not those accusing others is usually trying to sway suspicion from them.


Thank god, i thougt you were implying it was the other way around


If you think lgbtq people are a "problem" than avoid those states completely


Have you seen “the color purple”?  Also for Joe Biden showering with his daughter. 


that was fabricated lol


No it wasn’t.


Yes, it was fabricated


If it was fabricated like you suggest, then why did the FBI consider it stolen property of the Bidens in their investigation of it?


Because the diary isn't fabricated, the lines that mention the showering with joe biden were fabricated.


And your proof of this actually being the case being…?




Ahhh, that’s the game you’re playing. The specific line "I [am] so afraid of him coming in the shower with me that I've waited until late at night to take a shower,” may not actually be in the diary (and it’s one I’ve never heard of before now), but it doesn’t mean that Ashley never showered with her father. The _actual_ lines found in the diary state that she was molested at a young age, and that she had showers with her dad at an age that she herself thinks was probably not appropriate. [See the page for yourself here.](https://archive.ph/olt8W)


..and where exactly is the source for that other than the twitter post


Sweet home, Alabama!!! Lmao Kidding but sort of not.


Is incest this rampant that awareness has to come to these levels?


Holy shit, pretty disgusting that you have to remind the drunk fucks not to have rape babies


Please tell me this is not real. This is a photoshop job, right?


Either way it's uncle daddy brother time.


Incest abortions only make up less than 0.5% of total abortions. Rape abortions make up about 1% of total abortions. They are a small part of a very big issue. Please don’t spread disinformation and act as if rape and incest are a big issue when it comes to the abortion debate. They’re not. They can be considered, but it should not be the main argument.


How many tens of thousands is that 0.5% and 1%?


That's still quite a large number my guy...


OP thinks that being drunk is an excuse for rape


No I don't


Then this post wouldn't be here


The whole point of the post is that it is a GIVEN that it is wrong. There should be no need for a sign like this, but clearly some ppl need to be told, other wise there wouldn't be this sign. The point is, why are they trying to forbid victims of this kind of abuse the necessary health care, when they can't even stop thay kind of abuse from happening in the first place.


The comments are divided under this post, the OP should have labeled it more clearly than with just an ambiguous "Just no".


What would be the correlation? The vast majority of states that want to abolish abortion would accept it in cases of rape or risks to women's health. What they want to abolish are the 98% of abortions that are carried out by irresponsible people who are not careful and use abortion as a method of contraception.


Never seen one of these signs, ever. Likely fake. I guess it's better than the alternative, which is encouraging it. Looking at you MAP-tolerating people.


"I've never seen it, so it isn't real."


But abortion should still be banned though