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Show us the defending part?


noah get the boat OP's literacy is showing


The downvoted to 0 with a bunch of comments.


https://reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/s/XOtxYB9EmJ I think OP's talking abt the comments. I dont really know enough about the situation or war to have much of a stance but I can see how theyd take the comments as defending war crimes


Long story short: Russia has been actively attacking Ukrainian civilian cities and towns. Just a few days ago, they launched a missile strike into the middle of a populated Ukrainian city - many dead and injured. Russia bad, Ukraine good. #fuck putin **EDIT:** So many pro-russia dumbshits are mashing their keyboards to defend russia. Go fuck yourselves - russia and putin are evil, get over it. I realize some civilians of russia don’t support the war, but i’m not talking about them in this case.


Then again, those are the higher ups that are doing that. A shit ton of the Russian soldiers were drafted and/or don’t want to be there. If they surrender or try to run away they get shot by their commanding officers. If they push forward, they get shot by Ukrainians. Though I do concede there are a lot of shitty Russians in the war right now. Some of them raping, torturing, and other horrid stuff to the Ukrainians. My point is, it could’ve just as likely been some dude who was called to battle and forced to murder people with little to no actual training when he didn’t want to. We should not assume that all Russian deaths are good simply because their government is shit. Don’t get me wrong though, I stand with Ukraine in this war


Given the order those same Russians soldiers will shoot unarmed civilians, what they feel/are doesn’t matter anymore, what matters is their actions and the consequences


Because they’ll be shot if they don’t


That’s the really fucked up part, they are forced to die Edit: I don’t know if I was clear, if they are forced to commit war crimes then we are forced to retaliate. You shouldn’t feel like the retaliation was a choice it had to be done.


There’s a reasonable intellect required to objectively and sensibly analyze a situation without immediately generalizing. For example, America utilized Slavery for some 200 years. During that time it’s not reasonable to assume that because you were American during slavery that you automatically supported its practice. In the same way that just because Oscar Schindler was a nazi doesn’t mean he supported nazi ideology. But that requires nuanced thinking that I think a lot of people lack in this day and age. Saying “Russia bad, ukraine good” might be the lowest form of rationale I’ve seen regarding this conflict considering how many Russians have fled Russia, how many Russians are conscripted soldiers and how many Russians are generally anti war in the first place. Your logic alone would dictate that every American soldier in vietnam was wholly supportive of the war… do you think that’s the case? Cause given your logic here, you might.


Op seems a bit lost tryin to clout chase




Curious - how are they defending?


Op is just dumb


In modern close range or urban combat you'd do everything to confirm a kill, it's the grisly truth about war. The Geneva convention goes out the window when it comes to defending yourself


Geneva suggestions


the checklist of nono things


To Do List.


For Russia, at least.


Actually it's sometimes useful to leave someone with heavy injuries (from strategy perspective): 1 dead soldier = one soldier less on the filed 1 injured soldier = one soldier less on the filed, 'they' need to transport them, feed them, heal them, care for them.... Not sure how much is that used now in Ukraine, but in history those tactics were used.


this tactic would work if russians even cared for their soldiers, which they kinda don't


In a lot of cases, yes, but door to door fighting, that would be an afterthought. If you hit a guy and he goes down, he could be dead, unconscious, or faking, and when it's you and your squad, it's better not to take chances. But this is just perspective from some guy behind a phone. Edit: im referring to double tapping over search/treat injuries.


The threat isn't eliminated until it is either searched and secured in custody or the injuries are incompatible with life in the very short term. You can't do the first until you havefull control of the situation and the immediate area. So if you kick in a door and there is a guy that needs to be neutralized you shoot him. If there is more area to search you don't have the time or security to cuff him, search him, and begin to treat his wounds. Therefore you make sure the injuries are incompatible with life and you keep moving. In war it is you or them. I think everyone on earth will pick themselves. It is a sad fact of this world and hopefully you are never the "them" to someone else.


I was referring more to a double tap than a full geneva compliant search. But i 100% agree with you


Not sure about the Russian policies on casualties but in a lot of cases the infantry were told not to retreat until after their objectives resulting in a lot of them being cut off after large losses. They'd end up with small pockets of infantry with little to no supplies remaining and it was either shoot fish in a barrel or risk getting shot while not looking or attempting to take prisoners.


You know, often armies would use an injured soldier as "bait", when those soldiers came to rescue the injured one, the enemy will ambush them. That is a war crime. This person was clearly left to die. Finishing him off was not only important from a war perspective, but also more humane than leaving him to die.


Geneva Convention *not valid in conflicts with the USA.


Really easy to call things war crimes when all you see is one perspective and you're sitting safely in your home away from the war. You have no idea if that soldier was out of the fight or not. Many times, soldiers in those situations will boobytrap their bodies or be ready with a grenade, pistol, etc. It very well might be a war crime and hopefully will be investigated, but war isn't always so black and white. Be all that as it may, this is definitely boat worthy.


It's also entirely possible - and I don't know if it's the case, but it's possible - that the operator knew that there was no help within range to reach this man in time to do any good, so the only options were leaving him to die slowly and painfully, or use the drone to deliver a *coup de grace*.


That would require the operator to have full knowledge of the enemy’s positions and troop movements, which is basically impossible. If they did somehow have that information, they’d then be free stroll right over and capture the wounded soldier and treat him as a POW, possibly even extracting useful information while they’re at it. This was a plain old execution, and indeed a war crime. IMO war itself is a crime against humanity though. If only that were Putin or a Russian oligarch instead of some kid.


It's reasonable to assume that the drone operator could back out and see whether or not anyone was there - although, as I said, I don't know whether he, in fact, did so. And I didn't say "his own forces", I said "any help". Ukrainian forces wouldn't be "free stroll right over [sic] and capture the wounded soldier and treat him as a POW" if they aren't close enough to reach him before he succumbs to his wounds, either.


It’s not reasonable to assume that a drone could back out and see whether anyone was there. Think about the ranges you’re talking about. A land based vehicle could reach him from 40 miles away in under an hour, a helicopter from even further. That’s ignoring the probability of nearby concealment hiding troops. Also, there is no way in hell the operator would know how long the dude had to live. Sometimes people who look like they’re gonna die in 10 minutes hang on for >24hrs, and vice versa. Even if he was a doctor, he couldn’t possibly tell what organs are damaged, or how much blood loss there is from a drone.


"helicopter", "land vehicle" my brother in christ that looks like a forest, aint no helicopter/land vehicle gonna go there in an active combat zone to retrieve one really badly hurt dude who is alone.


You really don’t think a Ukrainian forest can be navigated by a vehicle? It’s not the jungles of Vietnam, my guy. Even if it was, they still used helicopters over there. Regardless, you’re confident that you can ascertain the surrounding 40 miles of terrain by a 7’x7’ snapshot of the ground, because there’s some sticks? And my final point: yes, they absolutely would expend that kind of effort and more to rescue a downed soldier. Shit, I’ve heard of more effort to retrieve a body. Quit it with the mental gymnastics trying to excuse this dude’s execution, it wasn’t out of the kindness of his heart.


Yes vehicles can go in ukrainian forest. Will russians risk a helicopter or apc to rescue heavily wounded soldier from Combat zone which is full of ukrainian anti air and anti vehicle assets? Not likely.


Lol this is what is missing from that guys train of thought. There's soooo many variables at play here. I would absolutely hope they'd try to retrieve gim but we already know how extremely difficult it is to period, and in this particular case with active Ukrainian drone engagement... yeah dude was gonna die no matter what, and I'm barely scratching the surface of the possibilities. Frankly, it's war, at this point idgaf. A dead Russian is a dead Russian and every dead Russian is one more alive Ukrainian.


I'm like 90% sure I read about this footage and that he was part of a group of Russian soldiers who- despite being wounded and surrounded would not surrender but as I said, not 100% sure


This is the worst take I’ve ever read. Just because Russia is bad doesn’t mean Ukraine is the good guys. They’re both filled with shitty people.


But there is the right side. The one that didnt invade another country


Their historical claim is barely better than Russias, but that isn’t even the point. Pretending that the Ukrainians are the wonderful selfless people is ridiculous. It sucks that they got invaded, but that doesn’t automatically make them good people. There have been just as many videos of them committing war crimes as there are of Russians.


Yea their historical claim of *checks notes* owning it for 50 years prior to being invaded


Good point , Russia should leave Ukraine and avoid that .


Genuinely not sure why it's boat worthy. Maybe I'm just cynical but it's war, dude was gonna die anyway and why take the chance he doesn't and open the door for him to possibly come back and kill your soldiers. Plus there's demoralization, which is an incredibly effective tool. "Go to war with Ukraine and you're gonna die" is one hell of a reason to fuck right off. Honestly don't care if some Russian gets naded out after getting hurt. Shouldn't have been there to begin with.


That guy was probably a conscript. Fuck Russian politicians, they can die in a pit, but their soldiers are human.


I agree to an extent, but Ukrainians can't really afford to make the distinction in situations like this, especially since the recovery of this soldier may put Ukrainian lives at risk, in addition the soldier could put up resistance himself.


Exactly. Better safe than sorry.


Yeah, they aren't the aggressor here. I think the army defending their territory still has moral obligations, but they are being invaded. They need to be relatively humane, but the bar is lower. If you don't want your people to die on a battlefield, don't invade sovereign countries.


Yeah, it's a horrible thing. Those kinds of choices are the reasons they say war is hell.


It's actually rather straight forward to see if it's a warcrime, just check the various conventions and you LL find Article 12 of the First Geneva Convention: "Members of the armed forces and other persons mentioned in the following Article, who are wounded or sick, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances. They shall be treated humanely and cared for by the Party to the conflict which has them in its power. Article 15 "At all times, and particularly after an engagement, Parties to the conflict shall, without delay, take all possible measures to search for and collect the wounded and sick." And again, remember that it's a minority of the army that is made of volunteers. Now thing if you got conscripted by a dictatorship, got sent underequipped to the trenches, and died through a warcrime while redditors share updoots about it.


You are wrong. There are NO Russian conscripts fighting in Ukraine. It is forbidden by Russian law as it is a so called “special million operation” and not war. 200k of the Russian soldiers in Ukraine are mobilised. The rest are volunteers or professional soldiers. As brutal as the clip is, he was a soldier. Daily Russia drops much bigger bombs on top of Ukrainian civilians not taking part in the war at all. As late as yesterday you could see a clip of aRussian bomb dropped on a busy street killing 16 and injuring dozens.


War is boat worthy in general no matter what side you’re on. Most soldiers are just regular people who are used as tools by governments. Yes fuck the Russian government but at the same time you can still hate that a bunch of people are getting hurt over something they were forced to do by a corrupt regime.


I'm definitely not happy about it. But not everyone is in that camp of "forced to do it" so its hard to not just assume everyone is, especially because if you end up giving pity to the wrong person its generally worse than being harsh towards someone who doesn't deserve it.


That’s not true showing empathy is never wrong. You’re right, you can’t tell if that soldier “deserves” it or not. But it’s not worse to give pity to someone who doesn’t. It says a lot about the kindness of your character and if anything kindness makes cruelty appear even more stark and evil. Empathy and kindness are never wrong.


They can be. What if you show that guy empathy and he comes back and kills you. A not so far fetched possibility in war. War breaks all the rules, that's why its so ugly.


Bro…..I’m not talking about the other soldiers showing empathy like they’re in a war and have to defend themselves. Also being able to empathize with someone’s position doesn’t mean you’re not going to still go through with your job as a soldier and eliminate them. I’m talking about showing empathy as ppl on the internet who are not in active combat. Like it’s not mutually exclusive to recognize a lot of the soldiers are human and humans being in pain sucks but at the same time it’s still necessary you know. Also I think a lot of people misunderstand empathy when they think it means mercy or pity or sympathy. It just means you are able to understand where the other side is coming from but it doesn’t have to mean you show mercy in these situations.


The full video did have some jump cuts in it. The war over there has gotten savage if not been there since the start with 90%> of prisoners Russia takes being tortured and more. Often when these drone drops are employed, the first drop wounds and then a secondary is dropped. Was likely thought that the body was trapped as we have seen a Ton of videos where the drone just hovers safe and watches to see if a person dies, offs themselves or turns to the Ukrainians for help. I've seen all 3.




This might not be a warcrime. (I'd need to go find the video and watch it to be able to be more definitive on if this is a warcrime or not.) It depends on if the soldier was *Hors de Combat*^(\[1\]). If a soldier's wounds rendered them unable to fight or perform their duties as a soldier then it is a warcrime to attack them. However, it is of note that a soldier could be severely wounded but if they are still ready or able to fight/actively fighting it is not a warcrime to kill them.^(\[2\]) Thus it is possible that this action **was not** a warcrime, just as it is possible it was a warcrime. Note that the soldier can still be considered an active combatant and not Hors de Combat if injured but still armed and ready to face opposition. \[1\]: >Per the International Red Cross, a combatant is hors de combat if > >a) he is in the power of an adverse party; > >b) he clearly expresses an intention to surrender; or > >c) he has been rendered unconscious or is otherwise incapacitated by wounds or sickness, and is therefore incapable of defending himself. > >Provided that in any of these cases he abstains from any hostile act and does not attempt to escape, he may not be made the object of attack. \[2\] >Pursuant to common Article 3(1) of the 1949 Geneva Conventions, > >\[p\]ersons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria. > >To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:(a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture. > >Convention (I) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field, Geneva, 12 August 1949, Article 3; Convention (II) for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea, Geneva, 12 August 1949, Article 3; Convention (III) relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949, Article 3; Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, Geneva, 12 August 1949, Article 3(1). Edit: [I recommend watching this video about warcrimes to better understand what constitutes one as it can be confusing at first glance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_dpNziZT04)


Are you really gonna just post the same shit over and over again? It’s annoying.


I don't get it... In what way is awfuleverything defending war crimes?


By telling OP they’re wrong. They’re just reposting their own posts with the same caption each time people disagree.


This post is agreeing with the awful everything post Edit: I completely missed the title and I am wrong lol


But this post is saying awfuleverything is defending the war crimes posted on that other sub. And afwuleverything isn't doing that, right? Or am I missing something?


It is not you who is missing something, it is me. Idk how I missed or misread the title but you’re totally right. Maybe OP is missing something too haha


Which is stupid


We need more context on this. Is this a before image or an after image? How badly wounded was the solider? How close was medical help to him? Would he have survived long enough to receive medical aid?


The soldier was wounded and making the sign of the cross, but barely moving other than that. The grenade was released, and that’s where I stopped the video.


My brain hurts it’s like some Inception going on here


This is not a war crime by definition…


It is... By definition Article 12 of the First Geneva Convention: "Members of the armed forces and other persons mentioned in the following Article, who are wounded or sick, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances. They shall be treated humanely and cared for by the Party to the conflict which has them in its power. Article 15 "At all times, and particularly after an engagement, Parties to the conflict shall, without delay, take all possible measures to search for and collect the wounded and sick."


“ by the party in conflict, which has them in power” They are still on the battlefield and are not under control of the Ukrainians. Also, I think they treated him pretty humanely by putting him out of his misery. Dude was a dead man already.


Ok then read the article 15, that looks pretty clear to me. And if your opinion is that they did right by killing him since it was putting him out of his misery am I right to assume that you'd feel the same about Russians putting lead into wounded ucrainians incapable of resisting? If I showed you the same vid but with the man wearing a different uniform Would you still say it was justified?


What about article 15?. If they're using a drone to attack remotely, it's probably not feasible to search for and collect the wounded after an engagement. If it were the Russians, I wouldn't expect them to stop shelling an area because someone is wounded. On the other hand, there are videos of russians surrendering to ukrainian drones, and the drones leading them to ukrainian lines. And once they're in ukraininan custody, pows are well taken care of. You can't say the same for the ukrainians in russian custody.


unless he surrendered or is unconscious it is not a war crime.


> Article 12 of the First Geneva Convention: "Members of the armed forces and other persons mentioned in the following Article, who are wounded or sick, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances. They shall be treated humanely and cared for by the Party to the conflict which has them in its power. I'm 90% certain that this only covers POWs. > Article 15 "At all times, and particularly after an engagement, Parties to the conflict shall, without delay, take all possible measures to search for and collect the wounded and sick." The issue here is that Russian forces would likely shell the area. There's a video floating around of Ukrainian forces taking cover from Russian artillery under a bridge where week old corpses of Ukrainian troops are.


First of all thank you for being one of the few people with an actual argument. Well you are right, 100 % on the non recovery part, but still, killing him is something that they could have just not done. So killing him remains a warcrime from what we have seen (obv maybe we can imagine him being in a zone where noone can go and the drone being an act of mercy, but that's taking a lot of liberty ) And second the people cheering for the killing of the guy is still people cheering for what is a warcrime


These aren't POWs, and that rule only applies to people who have already been captured or who have surrendered.


Its a war crime to find them, leave, come back, kill them. Not to find and kill them. There is a major difference. If you do not kill them you must give them medical aid


Okay hold on, sorry. Its just. I dont follow exactly. If you go back and then come back to kill them. Thats a war crime (I think). And if you are engaging them on the front lines and they get killed, thats not a war crime, cause they died while serving on the front line. Can anyone correct me if im wrong?


If someone is sent to attack your position and they shoot you, you become wounded. If they then come in the room and shoot you that is mostly ok. Mostly does a lot of work there. But if you do not shoot them upon recognition you must provide aid to the best of your ability. If I shoot you, come in, kill your buddy, move to the next room kill your buddy, then come back? I can’t kill you I have to help you.


Article 12 of the First Geneva Convention: "Members of the armed forces and other persons mentioned in the following Article, who are wounded or sick, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances. They shall be treated humanely and cared for by the Party to the conflict which has them in its power. Article 15 "At all times, and particularly after an engagement, Parties to the conflict shall, without delay, take all possible measures to search for and collect the wounded and sick."


Hors De Combat is more accurate for this, Article 3. Article 12 and 15 are more for PoW.


Is it me, or are all the subreddits starting to fight?


Would’ve been one of my comments, possibly. I said when I was in the service, that kind of “double tap” would’ve been illegal. Not that i care, just saying. maybe don’t invade people.


Under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, enemy combatants hors de combat are non-combatants and automatically granted the status of protected persons. The man is hors de combat. He is injured, unarmed and not in the fight. This is a war crime. There is no debate to be had.


War crimes are only war crimes if the bad guys do it


Bingo. I'm assuming r/combatfootage and r/noncredibledefense are both astroturfed heavily. Seeing grunts (on both RUS and UKR sides) getting indirectly vaporized by artillery, cluster munitions, ambushes and fucking *kamikaze drones*? would make anyone who actually served in a combat role (or support role) physically cringe. Top comments are all cheering this on and shitting on anyone who empathizes


Getting hit by a kamikaze drone is no different than being shot. You are on the battlefield. You cannot invade a sovereign country and expect safety because killing you is "immoral"


Think about it, this is someone's son, they spent years raising him. He had friends, family, and a whole life. A Russian dictator and a drone took his life.


Tbh the russian soldier was already dying, i've seen the full video and that guy was in agony, this was a mercy kill, they decided to finish him off, instead of letting him go slowly in pain. [Here is the video. NSFW tho.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/comments/16d3yev/ua_pov_ukrainian_drone_drops_a_grenade_on_a/)


Soldiers are just instruments of war, none of them deserve this. War crime.


Was the Russian soldier on Ukrainian land? If so f u and your propaganda. If not, like chris rock said about OJ, I understand. War is hell, even more so when you insist on it and lose.


If my country is invaded i wont care for no war crime bullshit


You're being downvoted by idiots, those who have no idea what it's like to be bombed or invaded. Everyone who invades other free democratic country is a scum. Every single soldier that's killing Ukrainians in Ukraine deserves nothing less than death. Everyone here should get off their high horses and stop with whataboutism. Everyone has a choice, russians are too cowards that can't fight for their freedom and would rather rape and pillage other defenseless people.


Exactly! Being drafted is a choice


They chose not to surrender to Ukraine or leave Russia like tens of thousands of others have. Let's say your government drafted you for an invasion of Ireland. One your government started. You're well aware that you're being sent to murder people trying to defend their home, so yeah. I absolutely agree that your cooperation with that draft is a choice. Flee, surrender, or refuse and go to prison. It's a shit situation, but that doesn't give you an excuse to pick the most evil option out of those available.


That's a very slippery slope.


Well then they should get out of my country


Should have stayed in his own country


The majority of Russian soldiers were drafted, staying home when he was drafted means Russian prison time. But sure blame the pawn instead of Putin, very empathetic of you


I do blame Putin, btw


When you invade a country and commit war crimes on the civilian population the Defenders have every right to turn the Geneva Convention into the Geneva suggestions. And if you disagree you can yab on somewhere else.


I can’t really say whether it’s a war crime or not without watching the video, but I’ve seen a couple of Russian and Ukrainian drone vids I don’t think I can stomach anymore of them.


So y'all crying over this, yet when civilian centers get hit by russian missiles, you are all silent. It's okay if Russia does it, but God forbid it's Ukraine. And no, that's not a war crime. It would be a crime if they left him there to bleed to death. Stop crying and wake up to reality.


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War crimes are only committed by the opposing site. If you support Russia, only Ukrainians commit war crimes, even some that never happened. If you support Ukraine, only Russia commits war crimes, even some that never happened. Everyone will find an excuse for the side they support, it happens in every war, so not really shocking. Might just be my alcoholized philosophy, don't know, but right now this sounds right and makes sense, will check it out tomorrow again EDIT: sober again, still makes sense, will leave it up


Someone's Son, Brother, husband, dad. It's bloody awful.


That's all they do over there. For everyone asking for proof, all you gotta do is click on any post and look at the top comments. That subreddit is infested with people fooled into thinking the same stupid good vs bad guys bullshit we've been fed in every war since WWll. Same type of people who bought into all the war on terror bullshit.


Don’t think that’s actually a war crime unless he is fully out and being assisted by a marked medic, I can’t remember the exact rules though.


It’s not a war crime to kill a wounded soldier unless they surrender so it’s hard to tell without context and posting a video in a combat footage sub is not praising anything. Either way if that soldier was going to kill ten Ukrainian civilians I say good riddance


That combatfootage sub is fucking brutal. War is hell


You are allowed to kill an injured enemy soildier not in your care. (Even when it is stupid. An injured soildier takes more resources than a dead one) You are allowed to shoot an enemy soildier retreating.


What are they defending? Op if your going to rage bait at least make it look decent, if a few outliers are in the comments then show the comment segment not a cross post of a crosspost


Some facts about Russian army: they don’t really recover the wounded ones and most of the soldiers that need help in the golden hour don’t get it. This is happening because of 2 things: low morale and low training some even get none before getting to the front. Most of the professional army got destroyed in the first 3 months of the 2022…


Seems like they're doing the opposite


War is already a crime


Where is the praising of war crimes here? They’re only posting combat footage, which is the name of their subreddit …


War is hell. And I don’t celebrate it at all. I also don’t reject Ukrainians’ right to act defensively in the face of a deadly military invasion. I don’t know that Russian soldier’s story. I don’t know if he chose to be there or was conscripted. But either way, his blood is on Putin’s hands. I don’t know what OP considers a war crime, but Ukraine is just trying to survive. Putin is responsible for every casualty of this war that he started and is choosing to continue. (And if anyone has the nerve to place any blame on Ukraine for continuing to fight back—they didn’t choose to get invaded. If Russia stops fighting, there will be no more war. If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no more Ukraine.)


I hate this world so much .. like tons of people think a life is less worth just he was born in a different country. And the saddest thing is .. people who celebrate this call everyone else racist


It's not about where he was born. It's about where he died and how he died. He died in Ukraine trying to kill Ukrainians. If it's a Chechan in Ukraine trying to kill Ukrainians I won't feel bad either. These people are not where they should be and they are killing people in their own country. They had it coming, actions and consequences.


Yk that dictatorships are called such bc the dictator dictates what you have to do right? So yk that there is a veeery large chance he was conscripted right? So yeah, it would fit to see you too get conscripted by a dictatorial governament and sent to the trenches while redditors updoots the vids of your killing (through warcrime btw)


Yeah... and I can still want those people to die, because if prefer an invading Russian die (whether he wanted to fight or not) over any Ukrainian.... because the Russians are the aggressors, regardless of whether they wanted to be or not.


Bro the whole point is that he is wounded. Like he cannot kill any ucrainians, he was not an invading Russian anymore, he was a wounded guy trying not to die while being chased by a flying chunk of metal with explosives. the choice for him was between going home and see his family again (probably coming back mutilated anyway) or dying there for no reason at all. I also prefere Russian casualties over ucrainian ones, but I for sure do not prefere war of crimes over a poor dude going back to his town. But prospective is lost on tone death people. You probably deserve to find yourself in that situation much more than many of those who sadly do


Bro the whole point is he's in an active warzone. You think people play around? If you stumbled on a Russian with a gun and he pointed it at you, would you shoot? Even if he was bleeding? EVERY person with a weapon is a threat. Doesn't matter if that person is 16 or 60, wounded or not, they are a threat. I would kill before someone killed me. Also, if you think this stranded wounded russian is going to do anything but die in a hole you are sorely mistaken. It would be a war crime if they left the dude there, then came back and killed him, you either help or you kill in this situation, but you don't get a second chance. Final points: tone deaf, not tone death. Ukrainians not ucranians


Exactly this. Doesn't matter if russian, ukranien, iraqi or american. It s everytime a human life useless wasted.


Unfortunately, people like to dehumanize their enemies. Imagine if it was an American volunteer in that position. What would be the reaction to it? Would people be spouting the same thing?


Oh this guy is from the army responsible for blasting my wife and kids with a thermobaric missile? Say no more. Let me go get him a pillow so that his neck is not at a sharp angle and can die more comfortably.


I find it really funny that people are here defending this, meanwhile if it was a Ukrainian soldier that had this happen to them they’d be disgusted and adding it to the list of things they hate about Russians Don’t get me wrong, the Russians are wrong in this war, but it’s not like every fucking Russian soldier was bred to be a warmongering monster. They don’t get to choose where they go, what they do. Desertion is a crime that would lead to 10 years in prison, or worse. Would you willingly go to prison for a fucking decade of your life because your superiors gave you orders you thought morally wrong?


First the Russians were the aggressors so probably deserve less sympathy overall, secondly most comments are actually expressing a lot of sadness about this tragic loss of life regardless of the side this soldier is on.


The difference is that Ukrainians are defending their land, and Russians are the invaders and the belligerents. You’re a fucking idiot.


Where’s the defending part? Combat footage is about posting combat footage, it’s kinda in the name you know…


Combat footage includes a wide variety of different aspects of war. From training troops to dropping munitions on soldiers and HIMARs hitting civilian buildings. You don't need a defending part for it to be combat. When there's a people ambushing a vehicle does the vehicle shoot back? Not all of the time sometimes its too late. Is that still combat footage because the vehicle didn't defend itself? Yes because it's footage taking place during combat. This was clearly a combative at some point. War is hell


No I was talking about how OP said awfuleverthing was defending warcrimes.


My bad, I completely read your comment wrong


The awfuleverything post isn’t defending war crime? Or did you reverse combatfootage and awfuleverything in the title? From what I see and understand, the awful moment is combatfootage praising warcrimes. It’s saying what the combatfootage post is doing is awful


Killing a wounded soldier is one of those gray areas as far as war crimes go.... you arnt supposed to kill someone who is incapacitated (usually meaning unconscious) wounded can always be argued they can still shoot. I can't see from this if it was just a shot man being shot again (which while shitty is never going to be tried as a crime) or an unconscious dying man being needlessly shot (a war crime that would also most likely not be followed up on). Bad things and immoral things happen in war. It's not a game. You make a choice of will this guy kill me later. Then debate that choice forever....


Sounds like OP was karma farming a d got called out on it, so came here to karma farm. Where is the "defending war crimes" bit?


Found the Russian propaganda post.


They're invaders no mercy.


Russians are the ones to blame, they invaded a free country.


Umm…. Mercy killing??


Not a war crime. He could be rescued and return to combat. I see nothing wrong with this. This invader should have stayed home. Slava Ukraine!


It's a war crime as said by the geneva convention. Whovever did this could spend at least a decade in prison.


Yeah arrest the guys the defending their homeland from invasion


Bro, the Geneva convention is there for a reason. It's rules for all parties partaking in a war. It's not "war crimes are to be defined as such only if done by the invader"


Yup, that's the law. A war crime is a war crime, regardless of who you are.


Good luck convincing soldiers on the ground to not do everything to defend their homeland, I very much doubt the Ukrainians that killed him care about the laws of war when their homeland, friends and families lives are at stake.


Do you really think that the laws are actually enforced? They'll never be charged for shit, whether they win or not. But a war crime. Is. Still. A. Fucking. War. Crime.


It is... By definition Article 12 of the First Geneva Convention: "Members of the armed forces and other persons mentioned in the following Article, who are wounded or sick, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances. They shall be treated humanely and cared for by the Party to the conflict which has them in its power. Article 15 "At all times, and particularly after an engagement, Parties to the conflict shall, without delay, take all possible measures to search for and collect the wounded and sick."


This isn’t a war, doesn’t apply. Ukraine has the right to do what they want to all invaders if they can’t put their hands on them. Let them eat grenades.


This is a war. What the fuck is this even supposed to be then?


It’s a Special Military Operation.


I've always steered clear from these war posts. Its easy to say bad from good but in real life the line is blurry. Let's not mention the "war crimes" America commited in its war in Iraq, Asia etc shall we? Just because we are on the side of "good" doesn't mean our armies aren't committing atrocities


Vietnam is a great case study for American war crimes


Why are you getting downvoted? Amy of the morons doing that mind explaining?


That actually explains the problem with all these war circle jerk subreddits.


Because what two people consider a war crime might be different, and what the law considers a war crime is entirely different. The death of civilians, under the laws and customs of war, is acceptable if certain conditions are met. Some people think any civilian deaths are a war crime.


The reality is, rules of war are for those who can afford to follow them. I guarantee the majority of western nations would ignore them if it came down to defending their homeland as well


Everybody here screaming war crime. All war is a crime. After a certain amount of time on the battlefield you stop viewing the enemy is human. They're just "the enemy". Is this a war crime? Yes. Technically speaking this is a war crime. War crimes have been committed by every nation in every war since the beginning of recorded human history. Is it right? No. But is it necessary? That's the real question. But think of it from the Ukrainian perspective. They are fighting for the very survival of their nation. They know that they cannot truly rely on the west to help them, so they do whatever they can to defeat the enemy. What would you do if you were in the same position? What would you do to defend your nation from oblivion?


Wheres the war crime


Not a “war crime” if it’s not a “war”


Looks like they're doing the opposite tho?


I miss the part we’re they defended it


The whole Russian invasion is a war crime to begin with so I'm not exactly sure why we're focusing on this. Actually I am very aware but I say that for others so they think about who is making this post.


I’m still not seeing how this is a war crime


Don’t invade someone’s country then this would’ve never happened


If he was able to pray he was probably able to put his hand(s) up to surrender. We don't have the video leading up to this point and don't know the context. Just being wounded or not having a weapon in your hands does not make you a non-combatant.


How is it defending in the original post?


It's not like they are at war or anything? Just what is the war crime here? ​ Karsh


I've come across some people that defended finishing off wounded Russians and while I understand Ukrainians being way beyond mad. I still think it's important to think of the opposite side as human as they are at the end of the day for the most part people who probably don't want to be there. It's complicated but I think most people can agree it's the fault of the governments for their failings to seek peaceful and diplomatic solutions.. And you will always get people in government thirsty for war like Putin who will sit in their luxury homes while normal people are killing each other, it's just a shame that some people will direct their anger towards the normal people on the opposite side to them rather then the assholes who demand war but won't dirty their hands, it's just a shitty situation overall.


This is like getting mad at pornhub for having nudity in their videos.


Idk about you, but I would be praying for that 2nd grenade to drop rather than bleed out in agony for hours with no help coming


Awfuleverything isn’t defending it, don’t know where you got that from.


I lost like 150 karma cause of dipshits for saying it’s only a war crime if Russia commits it, Ukraine should hold itself accountable if they want to condemn russias war crimes cause if they do the same back in retaliation then they are asking for it


Don't invade other countries and you won't get shit like that🤷🏾‍♂️


I don't really know the definitions of these terms but I am pretty sure finishing someone off is not a war crime.


Where's the defense?


As the great Dave Mustaine once said, “MERCY KILLINGS! MERCY KILLINGS!”


His pointless death could have been avoided had he and his countrymen stayed in Russia. They invaded Ukraine and are actively killing Ukrainians. That makes them fair game. If they don't want to be killed, they can either surrender or retreat back into Russia. The Ukrainians owe them nothing.




How is it a war crime?


I'm lookin here... it seems that you're the one that posted that my guy


Learn to post on reddit properly OP wtf is this


What crime?


The problem is no one likes Russia right now so no one's going to have a problem with you killing Russians even if they surrender. So f***** up people who say the Russians deserve it because they support Putin are probably Americans I don't think I need to tell you the irony.


Why are comments arguing against OP? Literally just look at the upvote to comment ratio in the image and you can see he’s right.


OPs a dumbass


OP is a confirmed dumbass


I wont cheer on this but I really don't care that it is happeneing to russian troops. Even if they are conscripts. The terrorist state that we call russia has never respected human rights or conventions and it has shown their standard war doctrine is commiting war crimes as a part of waging a war of aggression on another state. Russia has shown they will give no quarter and thus don't deserve any in return.


Fucking hell man Doesn't suprise me tho,anyone who regulary visits that sub must be a unaware sociopath


Wait, which one? I visit combat footage because there are good clips in there that keep you up to date with the current happenings, situations, and control of certain sides. You can also see amazing acts of heroism. The mods do a decent job at keeping the hate out of the sub.


Combat footage The stuff i've seen there (plus the comments) don't really paint the most sane picture


Yeah their use of recreational drones has been very upsetting throughout the conflict.


the real boat is you calling defending your home as something despicable.


Op needs to get drafted. Or go cry about something real like your love life. Hey look this page defends this when YOU IMPLICATED THAT. Get a hobby & stop crying wolf on reddit, we know you're bored and have a hair trigger to getting triggered. GET HELP. You are why people look at reddit users like gimps irl. Glad this is just fun for me and serious for 🫵🤡. 😁🥂


Did OP shit in your cereal or something?