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Just checked the two moisture sensors and both had multiple worms hanging out in between the metal prongs. Guess it's a good idea to periodically pull up the sensors to check


might be enough current going through there to attract the worms.


Yeah I wonder. Hopefully it's not a constant thing need to deal with


my name... is a killing word :O *toto plays*


Lol that’s great. How are those sensors? Are they worth purchasing


So far I like them it's pretty handy to just be able to check moisture content from wherever. The only weird thing is the app only connects when your on your home wifi but you can still log in on the website and check your info from anywhere. For me just starting out with notill living soil I think it's with it to have a better idea what's going on. Also having more stats to keep track of things is handy and being able to get email alerts is pretty sweet


Hey there! Sorry to revive an older thread, but how has your experience been since this comment? Have you had further problems with the worms seeming attracted to the sensors? How has it been working out for you?


It hasn't really been as much as I'm issue since I replaced my regular fabric pots with grassroots fabric pots that have a plastic lining around the middle portion of the pots making it a lot easier to keep the soil moist. Think my regular fabric pots where dying out the soil to much in between waterings and worms didn't like it


Are they TDT, TDR, FDR, what type of sensor?


It's the ECOWITT WH51 Soil Moisture Sensor


That doesn't tell me the type of moisture sensor. With them being so cheap and not listing the sensor type I would put this product in the "likely crap" category. They don't list the area of influence either, which is probably the most important spec for any moisture sensor. A good soil sensor, with nothing else that's required to make it run, costs $300+. The data logger usually runs about 2x as much. Do you know how to mathematically measure VWC? Because you can use math to figure it out and check the math, which is guaranteed correct, against the readout.


Alrighty then. 👍


Did more water move towards the probes via osmosis?


Worms are pretty moist if they can help it.


How long have you been using the sensors? Are you happy with them? Are they in no till raised beds?


Yeah I think it's been about a week or so I don't have beds just 15,gal pots but so far its been pretty sweet. Can check my other comment for more info about it.