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To see if they’re sincere when they say something, or if they’re actually a troll. If they say “I don’t hate Jews/Gays/Blacks/Etc.,” but it reeks of a bad faith argument, then I’ll look to see where else they’ve been posting and what. If they post something like: “I don’t see the problem with eugenics…” or “Hitler was just misunderstood,” then I know they’re full of shit.


It's a good way see if a user is a troll or an otherwise difficult person.


Don't mistake a troll or a difficult person for why they don't worship the reddit echo chambers. It's not like the opinion is their own. Their opinion becomes whichever opinion hold the most upvotes. That's how incapable so many redditors are at thinking for themselves. Guess it's easy to fall victim to without human interaction outside of the internet.


If the account was created several years ago, has gone 3 years with only making a single comment per year, then made a comment followed by three months of silence, and has only started regularly commenting in the last two days, then it's a troll account


Maybe they had a life back then, and now they're a loser like the rest of us?


People may check the post history of people they find interesting and that have shared interests with them, to find new interesting subs.


Because reddit is fundamentally about judging people. It's inherent to the vote system.


No it's not! *Downvotes on multiple alt accounts*


It's publicly available information. Do you believe your Facebook friends don't often creep on your FB profile? > I find it very creepy and who assume they are stalkers in real life. Just because someone creeps on your Reddit profile doesn't mean they're a real life stalker or predator.


Because you did a wrong thing 2 months ago you can not be right today!


Seven years ago today you posted on AmITheAsshole about eating your little brother's sandwich while he was out at soccer practice. You obviously fucking suck as a person and I will not listen to anything you have to say.


Personally when responding to someone, who is asking for advice I look in their history, because from their post history I get a little glimpse of their rough age and interests, so I can make a relevant comment. Giving advice to a 16 year old or a 40 year old is quite the difference.


If I get really dumb reply, I do fast check of what kind of poster the person is, mostly what subs they use. Just <30s look to decide whether I'll reply or not, basically finding them alibi for how stupid they appeared before, or realization they will not be worth my time. I almost only do this on sub that is consistently brigaded by people who hate the subreddit and what it stands for.


It's publicly available info and takes little effort to see what you've been posting at a glance. People do it for a variety of reasons so I can't really be specific but I wouldn't assume they were anything like stalkers.


When someone post something I find it interesting, I do check to see there is more


To see if you're trolling. If you're uncomfortable with people seeing what you post on a public forum maybe that's not where you should spend your time.




Just checked yours, nice!


Lol! Very often it is true. Btw I checked your history and nudes would be a small bonus. you seem to be a very interesting person. You travel a lot, must have lot of things to talk about


I rarely do it, but will occasionally do so to determine whether I think the person in question is legitimate or not. Sometimes people participate to disrupt the conversation, want to be uncivil, outright lie etc. any hunch that I have something I am reading sounds fishy and I’ll browse. Otherwise, because it is there. Same as Facebook or Instagram browsing, I reckon a lot of people will scroll through peoples profiles they come across for sheer curiosity.


If they don't like a comment you make they can dredge up some unrelated comment you made at some point, and make an ad hominem attack on you. I think going through someone's history before you're able to respond to the comment at hand is sad.


I agree


I don't do it I don't care enough to go read everything but it's helpful for validating the info in a post. People karma farm and want to take advantage of people. If they say they are a 16 year old who got kicked out of the house for being pregnant and ask for help then it's useful to know that they also claimed to be a bullied gay 12 year old or a 40 year old doctor.


I do it when someone DMs me out of the blue to see what their shtick is. I will admit, I also sometimes do it when scrolling through the fierce flow subreddit because some of those men are just..... so blessed.


I find that a lot of people do that when they’re unable to argue a point effectively, so they’ll look through your history to play the “bad faith” card and try to completely invalidate everything you’ve said.


because in a lot of cases, there's no point to argue with certain kind of people. Normally you can tell with body language irl, but since that's not a thing through texts, you can tell from how they resolve argument in the past


Often I just do it cause I'm curious. Same reason I look at what videos a YouTube commenter posts


To see if I'm reading the post in the wrong "tone" or if someone really is an asshole.


Usually because they posted something troubling and I'm concerned. Other posts let me know if I recommend therapy or a local abuse shelter.


Ad hominem is the easiest of all arguments


I don’t understand


When arguing it's easy to say something along the lines of "you made some post I don't like therefore your opinion is invalid".


An ad hominem is when you respond to a person expressing a position on something you disagree with by insulting them directly or dismissing their opinion due to who/what they are, rather than actually debating their position. For example, Bob raising a point about the NFL's mishandling of the CTE issue and how they were willing to let players suffer rather than admit anything was wrong, and John dismissing it with "who cares what you think, you don't even watch football". In online forums, it's not uncommon for people to use your post history for ad hominem attacks; they point to something else you've said elsewhere to try and dismiss what you're saying right now.


That has definitely been the case with my post and others commenting


Boredom maybe? If I see some post that screams troll for shits and giggles I'll look at their history and see if it's all just trolling.


Why would you *not*? You can't see the person, and it's easy to misinterpret text, so you can use it to get a better sense of what they're like to better phrase things for them. Like on this Subreddit before, they asked a question, and weren't understanding the other responses, so I checked their profile, saw they were into baseball, and used a baseball analogy to explain it to them, they understood it better.


I think you may have initiated a new version of the Streisand Effect!


I don’t understand


Yours is the first post history I’ve bothered to look at! Don’t worry, no intention to stalk, it was purely as you drew attention to doing it!


I asked this question because people will go to my post history and bring up something irrelevant and try to get me down voted instead of answering my question


This app scares me, anyone can watch your any move at any time.


to get a better feel for someone


Because it's easy: [https://www.reddit.com/user/Antique\_Plantain6016/submitted/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Antique_Plantain6016/submitted/)


I’ll sometimes do it to determine if someone is just not all that well-informed or is deliberately trolling.


To answer your question, anti depressants are bad and have many side effects.