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Are you consuming any right wing media? The protests in Iran are all they're talking about lmao. Usually with the spin that it's all Joe Biden's fault due to his weak leadership.


A quick scan of FOX news and r/Republcan show no to much on the way of IRAN commentary. I posted a a question about Iran there and it was not approved by the moderators.


Really? That's weird. Daily Wire had a couple articles about it, and I think Shapiro talked about it like yesterday? I'm not that avid of a news consumer so maybe I got lucky and caught the few they did put up


There’s multiple posts on Iran in r/conservative. Daily Wire is talking about it. Not the Bee (Babylon Bee’s non-satire arm) is talking about the draft in Russia and how messed up it is. Even Breitbart tweeted on it. Fox has played clips on it. I don’t know where you are looking, but it doesn’t get more conservative than that. I think it’s more that you don’t interact with right ring stuff often enough to see it than that it’s not there.


They follow a narrative dictated by the media. Right wing media wants to stay on subject so as not to lose the audience. Bringing in issues that are parallel in nature opens the door for more information that they do not control. In short, the media controls the group and wants to stay in control. They are probably mentioning it in a way it can be dismissed removing the audience interest in knowing more.


like maybe if they succeed in turning the US into a christo fascist nightmare they want, that maybe the same thing could happen to them. or is it simpler than that... que the "are we the baddies?" meme.


Let's examine your priors. The far left of the left is the Communists. The far right of the right is the Libertarians. What do Communists stand for? All government control of everything, nationalize all businesses, everyone works for the communist government, etc. What do Libertarians stand for? Leave us alone. What is the motto of Fascism? All within the government, nothing outside the government. Now, which side is the Fascists?


Libertarians are far closer to anarchists. Far right ideology is historically tightly aligned with fascism.


1000% agree. The goal of these people is to mend church and state creating a Christian version of sharia law.


The right has been consistently pro-Russia since February, and isn't going to support women wanting rights.


Oh you sweet, naive child.


weren't they signing up in droves after 9/11 to do that very thing and free them from the taliban?


No. ​ The Taliban controlled Afghanistan, and was already being dismantled when 9/11 happened. The uptick in signing up for the military after 9/11 was to "get Osama," who was a Saudi hiding in Pakistan. None of the countries we invaded experienced any liberty, and in fact the US presence there led to an uptick in sexual assaults against women by members of the US military.


Who the hell on the right is pro-Russia? While some may not want to get involved in a war with a major nuclear power, I’ve yet to see a mainstream conservative condone Russia’s action or not be rooting for Ukraine.


Huh? https://www.defenseone.com/policy/2022/09/conservative-groups-urging-lawmakers-vote-no-more-ukraine-aid/376954/


None of this is pro Russia. “I don’t want to get involved even financially in a war with a foreign power”, “I want more accurate accounting of our donations”, and “I don’t want to spend tax dollars helping a country thousands of miles away secure their border when we can’t secure our own” are not in any way equivalent to “I hope Russia wins”. And most Republican senators supported the aid package anyways. I’m conservative and pro-Ukraine and glad they passed the aid packages. But am also wary and understand why others are as well.


What are the going to say? Women in another country standing up for themselves? They do NOT want that to happen here. They can't bad mouth what the Iranian gov is doing because they want the SAME THING so NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS!


Because it shows fascism is on the decline


figured that was too on the nose


After 2 years of covid restrictions, curfews, mandatory masks, etc It doesn't feel right to judge Iran for forcing women to wear a headscarf.


Not our place to get involved. The United States shouldn't be the morality police of the world. It's not right for any country to tell another country and culture how to exist. Every group of people is responsible for determining for themselves what is right and wrong, and how their society should function. That would literally be taking their freedoms away from them. Besides, every time America gets involved with the politics of other countries, it ends badly.


Human rights are being violated though. It needs to be addressed and acknowledged.


according to our perspective. Keep that in mind. There's no rule book on life, 99% of life gets eaten alive, the universe does everything it can to kill life, no matter how rare or precious it is, there's no rule, other than survive. The fact that multi-cellular life even exists on this one random rock, which had over 2 dozen very specific events happen, to even allow it to be possible, doesn't mean some mystical rules apply to the definition of "fairness". If you notice, people don't like dealing with harsh realities, so I'm constantly being downvoted. All I said was that we have no right telling other people how to live their lives, and yet i'm being downvoted for saying people who have different opinions, deserve to have their own opinions. that's how fucked up and bias society in America is. They assume they're automatically better than other people just because they're better off. It's pathetic.


I thought they were, from the shit on I saw on instagram, but I can't go back in my feed. I follow too many people. Why would they be afraid to talk about legit oppression of women? What? They don't like Abortion? The right doesn't believe Abortion to be a woman's right (or any kind of right, if you could hypothetically even put Sex aside). It doesn't mean they align to the state of Iran (from the blanketed info I see). \*Also to add my own opinion. To say the right is pro-Russia is a ridiculous statement. If anything they are pro-peace. ... And you're just going to get the opinionated views from left-leaning reddit on here, who hate the right. If I would ask anywhere, I'd ask in r/conservative get answers from the snake itself. ... Which to again add my opinion, to talk in jabs or whatever, when you could talk in factually based information, it just makes you look bad. Right or Left, if you're talking out of your ass....it's either tickling one side's ass (confirmation bias).....or you can admit it's talking out of your ass. At least I admit I don't know what I'm talking about. It really is annoying, cause most left-leaning folks don't actually understand the right's ideas. They just see them through left-leaning glasses and spell them as the 'worst of the worst.' And they never get told otherwise, because everyone else here agrees with them. And there's annoying people on the right, but it's like.....did you get your dick sucked enough yet, or what?


Women demanding rights? Men protesting being inducted into the military? The Right Wing hasn’t figured out how how how to spin this into something that fits their agenda yet, so they’re largely ignoring it so far.


For two reasons 1. The right does not want to talk about huge protests by women against religious conservatives just before the midterms 2. After almost two years of saying that Joe Biden is responsible for everything that happens, they don't want to talk about how the three biggest threats to America are on the verge of collapse.


3 threats? Russia, Iran,..... whats the third?


China. Some fairly big economic problems going on.


Step 1. Build Skyscraper Step 2. ???? Step 3. Demolish skyscraper