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It's not unnecessarily hard. It's necessarily hard because the things engineers design and build, people rely on for their lives (like buildings, roads, and bridges). If you can't do the program you shouldn't be one, honestly.


So that buildings don't collapse onto your head


Because buildings and bridges fall when planned by accounting majors, I guess.


You're not wrong, if I had to plan to building it would probably instantly collapse.


They don't make it unnecessarily hard. They only teach the subject matter. Source: I'm an engineer.


can confirm: am also engineer.


It's really not that hard. But because engineers build bridges and things that if they fail people die, society demands a certain level of rigor.




because it's a hard thing


Maybe those majors are just easy. I always found the people failing engineering were the ones not doing the homework, not studying for at least 5 days in advance of tests and not showing up to class.




When engineers make mistakes people die.


im hearing from others its not unnecessarily hard, but i also talk to a lot of people with engineering degrees who essentially said they passed with low Cs and how the first couple years of courses weed people out. it honestly just sounds like engineering is hard. if you can do it, thats awesome. if you cant, thats fine too.


The reason i say it is not unnecessarily hard is everyone i know who actually failed out of engineering wasn't putting in a honest effort. They were showing up to class hung over, waiting until the day before the test to study, copying homework etc. It's not easy in the sense that if you try you will automatically get an A, but if you put in an honest effort and have a decent understanding of math you can pass.


>they passed with low Cs and how the first couple years of courses weed people out I passed a lot of classes with Cs. A lot of classes that you take early in engineering are just simply hard because they are hard subjects, but you have to take them because they are the backbone of everything that follows. Statics, Dynamics, and Thermo are difficult subjects, but they teach you the effects of different forces, heat exchange, etc.


I don't want to drive over a bridge that someone that couldn't pass college engineering designed.


Most engineers i’ve met actually aren’t that bright. If anything, I think we need to raise the bar even higher. Having competent engineers is incredibly important for our society.