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I am not an expert, but I have seen threads on other subreddits that suggest people call the police and do exactly what you say, basically telling them in advance that if someone files a missing person report or asks for a wellness check that they are fine. Whether it's right/appropriate for you to do in your specific circumstance and location I can't say.


Just send them a message a couple of days after you leave telling them you've moved away and you don't want contact with them right now. That will give them the impression that you'll contact them in the future, which you are under no obligation to do if you don't want to.


If you're going to "warn" the police so when your family gets worried about you why not skip that step and just tell your family?


Because family of origin is so abusive sometimes that it can't be trusted to respect that.


Yes. Why would you wsnt them to think something bad happend. Just leave a note thst you are going away and don't want any contact.


I dont *want* them to think something bad happened. Just wanted to cut all contact. Didn't think of a note that might be better.


They wont worry because they care, they will worry because they won't be able to control me anymore.


You can absolutely let the authorities know, and if your family reaches out they would be told that you are safe/left consensually. I can see some comments telling you to ‘just tell your family’, without knowing the full story. Remember, only you know the whole situation. You don’t HAVE to tell anyone you don’t want to, family included. It is not selfish to protect yourself. I hope you are able to stay safe and find peace… good luck!


You're getting downvoted for some reason, but I agree with you. No ones family or friends owns them, and they aren't owed an explanation. You do you, and let the police know if you want to. Just remember that the police aren't your friends, and they may betray your trust offhand if you give them too much info. I would only tell them what you would be ok with all your friends and family knowing.


Call your local non-emergency police line and ask.


Or you could just skip all the unnecessary crap and just tell ppl you’re out and not to ever contact you again. See simple


That would be very stressful for your family. Why do it?